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Scala example source code file (MapTest.scala)

This example Scala source code file (MapTest.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

bin, byte, equal, foldable, int, none, option, order, show, some, string, tip

The MapTest.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import scala.util.Random

object MapTest extends SpecLite {
  import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
  import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazProperties._
  import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazArbitrary._
  import std.anyVal._
  import std.list._
  import std.string._
  import std.option._
  import std.tuple._
  import syntax.std.option._

  import ==>>._

  def structurallySound[A: Order: Show, B: Equal: Show](m: A ==>> B) = {

  private def isSortedByKey[A: Order: Show, B: Equal: Show](m: A ==>> B) = {
    val al = m.toAscList
    al must_===(al.sortBy(_._1)(Order[A].toScalaOrdering))

  private def isBalanced[A, B](m: A ==>> B) = {
    def isWeightsValid(l: A ==>> B, r: A ==>> B): Boolean = {
      val sizeL = if (l.size == 0) 1 else l.size
      val sizeR = if (r.size == 0) 1 else r.size

      (sizeL <= sizeR * delta) && (sizeR <= sizeL * delta)

    def go(mab: A ==>> B): Boolean =
      mab match {
        case Tip() =>
        case Bin(_, _, l, r) =>
          if (isWeightsValid(l, r)) go(l) && go(r)
          else false

    go(m) must_=== true

  "findLeft/findRight" in {
    val a = ==>>.fromFoldable((1 to 5).map(n => n -> n).toList)
    Foldable[Int ==>> ?].findLeft(a)(_ % 2 == 0) must_=== Some(2)
    Foldable[Int ==>> ?].findRight(a)(_ % 2 == 0) must_=== Some(4)

  "findLeft" ! forAll{ (a: Int ==>> Int) =>
    val f = (_: Int) % 3 == 0
    Foldable[Int ==>> ?].findLeft(a)(f) must_=== Foldable[List].findLeft(a.values)(f)

  "findRight" ! forAll{ (a: Int ==>> Int) =>
    val f = (_: Int) % 3 == 0
    Foldable[Int ==>> ?].findRight(a)(f) must_=== Foldable[List].findRight(a.values)(f)

  "index" ! forAll { (a: Int ==>> Int, i: Byte) =>
    val F = Foldable[Int ==>> ?]
    F.index(a, i) must_=== a.toList.lift(i).map(_._2)
    F.index(a, -1) must_=== None
    F.index(a, 0) must_===
    F.index(a, a.size - 1) must_===
    F.index(a, a.size) must_=== None

  "equals/hashCode" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
    val b = ==>>.fromList(Random.shuffle(a.toList))
    a must_== b
    a.## must_=== b.##

  "minViewWithKey" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
    a.minViewWithKey match {
      case None =>
        a.size must_=== 0
      case Some(b) =>
        a.findMin must_=== Some(b._1)
        (b._2.size + 1) must_=== a.size
        (b._2 + b._1) must_=== a

  "maxViewWithKey" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
    a.maxViewWithKey match {
      case None =>
        a.size must_=== 0
      case Some(b) =>
        a.findMax must_=== Some(b._1)
        (b._2.size + 1) must_=== a.size
        (b._2 + b._1) must_=== a

  "findMin" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
    a.findMin must_=== {
      if(a.isEmpty) None
      else Some(a.toList.minBy(_._1))

  "findMax" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
    a.findMax must_=== {
      if(a.isEmpty) None
      else Some(a.toList.maxBy(_._1))

  "deleteMin" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
    val b = a.deleteMin
      b.isEmpty must_=== true
      (b.size + 1) must_=== a.size
      b must_=== a.delete(a.findMin.get._1)

  "deleteMax" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
    val b = a.deleteMax
      b.isEmpty must_=== true
      (b.size + 1) must_=== a.size
      b must_=== a.delete(a.findMax.get._1)

  "deleteAt" ! forAll { (a: Int ==>> Int, i: Byte) =>
    if(a.size != 0){
      val n = i.toInt.abs % a.size
      val b = a.deleteAt(n)
      (a.size - 1) must_=== b.size
      b.member(a.keys(n)) must_=== false
      (b + a.elemAt(n).get) must_=== a

  "==>> fromList" ! {
    fromList(List.empty[(Int, String)]) must_===(empty[Int, String])
    fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")))
    fromList(List(5 ->"a", 3 -> "b", 5 -> "c")) must_===(fromList(List(5 -> "c", 3 -> "b")))
    fromList(List(5 -> "c", 3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")) must_===(fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")))

  "Testing empty map" should {
    "be 0 for an empty map" in {
      empty.size must_== 0
    "be 1 for a singleton map" in {
      singleton(1, 'a').size must_== 1
    "be 3 for the list [(1,'a'), (2,'c'), (3,'b')])" in {
      fromList(List((1,'a'), (2,'c'), (3,'b'))).size must_== 3

  "Membership in map" should {
    "be true if element contained" in {
      fromList(List((5, 'a'), (3, 'b'))).member(5) must_== true
    "be false if not contained" in {
      fromList(List((5, 'a'), (3, 'b'))).member(1) must_== false

  "Non-membership" should {
    "be false for contained member" in {
      fromList(List((5, 'a'), (3, 'b'))).notMember(5) must_== false
    "be true for non-contained member" in {
      fromList(List((5, 'a'), (3, 'b'))).notMember(1) must_== true

  "elemAt" should {
    val d = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b"))
    "find successful result" in {
      d.elemAt(0) must_== (3, "b").some
      d.elemAt(1) must_== (5, "a").some

    "not find a match" in {
      d.elemAt(2) must_== None

    "elemAt" ! forAll { (a: Byte ==>> Int, b: Byte) =>
      a.elemAt(b) must_=== a.toList.lift(b)

  "==>> conversions" should {
    "toAscList" in {
      import std.tuple._
      implicit val listTupleShow = Show[List[(Int, String)]]

      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).toAscList must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")).toAscList)
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 7 -> "c", 3 -> "b")) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a", 7 -> "c")))

  "==>> lookups" should {
    val d = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b"))

    "value lookup" in {
      fromList(List(("John","Sales"), ("Bob","IT"))).lookup("John") must_===(Some("Sales"))
      fromList(List(("John","Sales"), ("Bob","IT"))).lookup("Sarah") must_===(None)

    "index lookup" in {
      d.lookupIndex(2).isDefined must_== false
      d.lookupIndex(3).get must_== 0
      d.lookupIndex(5).get must_== 1
      d.lookupIndex(6).isDefined must_== false

    "value lookupLT" in {
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupLT(3) must_=== None
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupLT(4) must_=== Some((3, "a"))

    "value lookupGT" in {
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupGT(5) must_=== None
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupGT(3) must_=== Some((5, "b"))

    "value lookupLE" in {
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupLE(2) must_=== None
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupLE(3) must_=== Some((3, "a"))
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupLE(4) must_=== Some((3, "a"))

    "value lookupGE" in {
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupGE(6) must_=== None
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupGE(5) must_=== Some((5, "b"))
      fromList(List((3,"a"), (5,"b"))).lookupGE(4) must_=== Some((5, "b"))

    "lookup" ! forAll { (a: Byte ==>> Int, n: Byte) =>
      a.lookup(n) must_=== a.toList.find(_._1 == n).map(_._2)

    "lookupAssoc" ! forAll { (a: Byte ==>> Int, n: Byte) =>
      a.lookupAssoc(n) must_=== a.lookup(n).map(n -> _)

    "lookupIndex" ! forAll { (a: Byte ==>> Int, n: Byte) =>
      val x = a.keys.indexOf(n)
      a.lookupIndex(n) must_=== (if(x < 0) None else Some(x))
      a.lookupIndex(n).foreach{ b =>
        a.elemAt(b).map(_._1) must_=== Some(n)

    "lookupLT" ! forAll { (a: Int ==>> Int) =>
      if (a.size == 0) {
        val r = Random.nextInt()
        a.lookupLT(r) must_=== None
      else {
        (0 until a.keys.size).foreach { i =>
          val (k, v) = a.elemAt(i).get

          a.lookupLT(k) must_=== a.elemAt(i-1)
          if (k != Int.MaxValue) {
            a.lookupLT(k+1) must_=== Some((k, v))

    "lookupGT" ! forAll { (a: Int ==>> Int) =>
      if (a.size == 0) {
        val r = Random.nextInt()
        a.lookupGT(r) must_=== None
      else {
        (0 until a.keys.size).foreach { i =>
          val (k, v) = a.elemAt(i).get

          a.lookupGT(k) must_=== a.elemAt(i+1)
          if (k != Int.MinValue) {
            a.lookupGT(k-1) must_=== Some((k, v))

    "lookupLE" ! forAll { (a: Int ==>> Int) =>
      if (a.size == 0) {
        val r = Random.nextInt()
        a.lookupLE(r) must_=== None
      else {
        (0 until a.keys.size).foreach { i =>
          val (k, v) = a.elemAt(i).get

          a.lookupLE(k) must_=== Some((k, v))
          if (k != Int.MinValue) {
            a.lookupLE(k-1) must_=== a.elemAt(i-1)

    "lookupGE" ! forAll { (a: Int ==>> Int) =>
      if (a.size == 0) {
        val r = Random.nextInt()
        a.lookupGE(r) must_=== None
      else {
        (0 until a.keys.size).foreach { i =>
          val (k, v) = a.elemAt(i).get

          a.lookupGE(k) must_=== Some((k, v))
          if (k != Int.MaxValue) {
            a.lookupGE(k+1) must_=== a.elemAt(i+1)

  "split" should {
    "splitRoot" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
      a match {
        case Tip() =>
          a.splitRoot must_=== List.empty[Int ==>> Int]
        case Bin(k, x, l, r) =>
          val List(l2, kv, r2) = a.splitRoot
          l2 must_=== l
          r2 must_=== r
          kv must_=== singleton(k, x)
          l2.union(r2).union(kv) must_=== a

  "updateAt" should {
    "succeed" in {
      // TODO: This is a problem as the function 'updateAt' is not total - any thoughts?

      //-- > updateAt (\ _ _ -> Just "x") 0    (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == fromList [(3, "x"), (5, "a")]
      //-- > updateAt (\ _ _ -> Just "x") 1    (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == fromList [(3, "b"), (5, "x")]
      //-- > updateAt (\ _ _ -> Just "x") 2    (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")])    Error: index out of range
      //-- > updateAt (\ _ _ -> Just "x") (-1) (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")])    Error: index out of range
      //-- > updateAt (\_ _  -> Nothing)  0    (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == singleton 5 "a"
      //-- > updateAt (\_ _  -> Nothing)  1    (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == singleton 3 "b"
      //-- > updateAt (\_ _  -> Nothing)  2    (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")])    Error: index out of range
      //-- > updateAt (\_ _  -> Nothing)  (-1) (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")])    Error: index out of range
      val d = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b"))

      d.updateAt(0, (_, _) => "x".some) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "x", 5 -> "a")))
      d.updateAt(1, (_, _) => "x".some) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "x")))
      //d.updateAt(2, (_, _) => "x".some) must_===(empty[Int, String])

      d.updateAt(0, (_, _) => None) must_===(singleton(5, "a"))
      d.updateAt(1, (_, _) => None) must_===(singleton(3, "b"))

  "delete" should {
    "remove an element" in {
      fromList(List((5,"a"), (3,"b"))).delete(5) must_===(singleton(3, "b"))
    "not remove an element" in {
      fromList(List((5,"a"), (3,"b"))).delete(7) must_===(fromList(List((5,"a"), (3,"b"))))
    "not remove from an empty map" in {
      empty.delete(5) must_===(empty[Int, Int])
    "be sound" ! forAll {(m: Int ==>> Int, i: Int) =>
      val a = m delete i
      (a member i) must_=== false
      if(m member i)
        (m.size - 1) must_=== a.size
        m must_=== a

  "==>> insertion" should {
    "insert" in {
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).insert(5, "x") must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "x"))) // Replacement
      fromList(List((5,"a"), (3,"b"))).insert(7,"x") must_===(fromList(List((3,"b"), (5,"a"), (7,"x")))) // Addition of new key
      empty.insert(5, "x") must_===(singleton(5, "x"))

    "insert sound" ! forAll {(m: Int ==>> Int, a: Int, b: Int) =>
      val c = m insert (a, b)
      if(m member a)
        m.size must_=== c.size
        (m.size + 1) must_=== c.size
      c.lookup(a) must_=== Some(b)

    "insertWith" in {
      val r = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).insertWith(_ + _, 5, "xxx")
      r must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "xxxa")))

      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).insertWith(_ + _, 7, "xxx") must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a", 7 -> "xxx")))
      empty[Int, String].insertWith(_ + _, 5, "xxx") must_===(singleton(5, "xxx"))

    "insertWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, a: String, b: String) => k.toString + ":" + a + "|" + b
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).insertWithKey(f, 5, "xxx") must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "5:xxx|a")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).insertWithKey(f, 7, "xxx") must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a", 7 -> "xxx")))
      empty.insertWithKey(f, 5, "xxx") must_===(singleton(5, "xxx"))

    "insertWithKey sound" ! forAll {(m: Int ==>> Int, a: Int, b: Int) =>
      structurallySound(m insertWithKey ((_, _, b) => b, a, b))

  "==>> from a list" should {
    "equivalence to insert on empty ==>>" in {
      empty.insert(2,3).insert(3,4) must_===(fromList(List(2 -> 3, 3 -> 4)))

    "be order-insensitive" ! forAll {(am: Map[Int, Int]) =>
      val al = am.toList
      fromList(al.reverse) must_===(fromList(al))

    "create a valid map from empty list" in {
      fromList(List.empty[(Int, Int)]) must_===(empty[Int, Int])

  "==>> union operations" should {
    "be sound" ! forAll {(a: Int ==>> Int, b: Int ==>> Int) =>
      val c = a union b
      (a.keySet union b.keySet) must_=== c.keySet

    "union" in {
      fromList(List((5, "a"), (3, "b"))) union fromList(List((5, "A"), (7, "C"))) must_== fromList(List((3, "b"), (5, "a"), (7, "C")))

    "commute" ! forAll {(a: Int ==>> Int, b: Int ==>> Int) =>
      (a unionWith b)(_ + _) must_===((b unionWith a)(_ + _))

    "be idempotent" ! forAll {(a: Int ==>> Int, b: Int ==>> Int) =>
      val ab = a union b
      ab union a must_===(ab)
      ab union b must_===(ab)

    "unions" in {
        fromList(List((5, "a"), (3, "b"))),
        fromList(List((5, "A"), (7, "C"))),
        fromList(List((5, "A3"), (3, "B3")))
      )) must_== fromList(List((3, "b"), (5, "a"), (7, "C")))

      unions(List(fromList(List(5 -> "A3", 3 -> "B3")), fromList(List(5 -> "A", 7 -> "C")), fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")))) must_== fromList(List(3 -> "B3", 5 -> "A3", 7 -> "C"))

    "unionWith" in {
      val adder = (a: String, b: String) => Semigroup[String].append(a, b)
      val r = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).unionWith(fromList(List(5 -> "A", 7 -> "C")))(adder)

      r must_== fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "aA", 7 -> "C"))

    "unionWithKey" in {
      val f = (key: Int, left: String, right: String) => key.toString + ":" + left + "|" + right
      val r = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).unionWithKey(fromList(List(5 -> "A", 7 -> "C")))(f)

      r must_== fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "5:a|A", 7 -> "C"))

  "==>> difference operations" should {
    "difference" in {
      val r = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).difference(fromList(List(5 -> "A", 7 -> "C")))
      r must_== singleton[Int, String](3, "b")

    "be idempotent" ! forAll {(a: Int ==>> Int, b: Int ==>> Int) =>
      val ab = a \\ b
      (ab \\ b) must_===(ab)

    "be idempotent (in one case)" in {
      val a = Bin(-1768028150,1831400640,Bin(-2147483648,2147483647,Tip(),Tip()),
      val b = Bin(0,1979991171,Tip(),Tip())
      val ab = a \\ b
      (ab \\ b) must_===(ab)

    "produce right keyset" ! forAll {(a: Int ==>> Int, b: Int ==>> Int) =>
      (a \\ b).keySet must_== (a.keySet \\ b.keySet)

    "be an inverse" ! forAll {(a: Int ==>> Int) =>
      (a \\ a) must_===(==>>.empty[Int, Int])

    "syntax" in {
      val r = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")) \\ fromList(List(5 -> "A", 7 -> "C"))
      r must_== singleton[Int, String](3, "b")

    "differenceWith" in {
      val f = (al: String, ar: String) => if (al == "b") Some(al + ":" + ar) else None
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).differenceWith(fromList(List(5 -> "A", 3 -> "B", 7 -> "C")))(f) must_===(singleton(3, "b:B"))

    "differenceWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, al: String, ar: String) => if (al == "b") Some(k.toString + ":" + al + "|" + ar) else None
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).differenceWithKey(fromList(List(5 -> "A", 3 -> "B", 10 -> "C")))(f) must_===(singleton(3, "3:b|B"))

  "==>> intersection operations" should {
    "intersection" in {
      val r = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")) intersection fromList(List(5 -> "A", 7 -> "C"))
      r must_== singleton(5, "a")

    "intersect soundly" ! forAll {(a: Int ==>> Int, b: Int ==>> Int) =>
      structurallySound(a intersection b)

    "form an identity" ! forAll {(a: Int ==>> Int) =>
      a intersection a must_===(a)

    "commute" ! forAll {(a: Int ==>> Int, b: Int ==>> Int) =>
      (a intersectionWith b)(_ + _) must_===((b intersectionWith a)(_ + _))

    "commute (in one case)" in {
      val a = Bin(1951314151,1,Bin(-1,1271148582,Tip(),Tip()),
      val b = Bin(-12693552,-2147483648,
      (a intersectionWith b)(_ + _) must_===((b intersectionWith a)(_ + _))

    "intersectionWith" in {
      val f = (a: String, b: String) => a + b
      val r = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).intersectionWith(fromList(List(5 -> "A", 7 -> "C")))(f)
      r must_== singleton(5, "aA")

    "intersectionWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, al: String, ar: String) => k.toString + ":" + al + "|" + ar
      val r = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).intersectionWithKey(fromList(List(5 -> "A", 7 -> "C")))(f)
      r must_== singleton(5, "5:a|A")

  "==>> update" should {
    "adjust" in {
      val f = "new " + (_: String)

      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).adjust(5, f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "new a")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).adjust(7, f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")))
      empty[Int, String].adjust(7, f) must_===(empty[Int, String])

    "adjustWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, x: String) => k.toString + ":new " + x

      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).adjustWithKey(5, f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "5:new a")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).adjustWithKey(7, f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")))
      empty[Int, String].adjustWithKey(7, f) must_===(empty[Int, String])

    "update" in {
      val f = (x: String) => if (x == "a") Some("new a") else None

      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).update(5, f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "new a")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).update(7, f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).update(3, f) must_===(singleton(5, "a"))

    "updateWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, x: String) => if (x == "a") Some(k.toString + ":new a") else None

      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).updateWithKey(5, f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "5:new a")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).updateWithKey(7, f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).updateWithKey(3, f) must_===(singleton(5, "a"))

    "updateLookupWithKey" in {
      import std.tuple._
      val f = (k: Int, x: String) => if (x == "a") Some(k.toString + ":new a") else None

      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).updateLookupWithKey(5, f) must_===((Some("5:new a"), fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "5:new a"))))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).updateLookupWithKey(7, f) must_===((None, fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a"))))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).updateLookupWithKey(3, f) must_===((Some("b"), singleton(5, "a")))

    "alter" in {
      val f1 = (_: Option[String]) => none[String]
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).alter(7, f1) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).alter(5, f1) must_===(singleton(3, "b"))

      val f2 = (_: Option[String]) => "c".some
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).alter(7, f2) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a", 7 -> "c")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).alter(5, f2) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "c")))

  "==>> submap" should {
    "isSubmapOfBy -> true" in {
      val o = implicitly[Order[Int]]
      fromList(List('a' -> 1)).isSubmapOfBy(fromList(List('a' -> 1, 'b' -> 2)), o.equal) must_== true
      fromList(List('a' -> 1)).isSubmapOfBy(fromList(List('a' -> 1, 'b' -> 2)), o.lessThanOrEqual) must_== true
      fromList(List('a' -> 1, 'b' -> 2)).isSubmapOfBy(fromList(List('a' -> 1, 'b' -> 2)), o.equal) must_== true

    "isSubmapOfBy -> false" in {
      val o = implicitly[Order[Int]]
      fromList(List('a' -> 2)).isSubmapOfBy(fromList(List('a' -> 1, 'b' -> 2)), o.equal) must_== false
      fromList(List('a' -> 1)).isSubmapOfBy(fromList(List('a' -> 1, 'b' -> 2)), o.lessThan) must_== false
      fromList(List('a' -> 1, 'b' -> 2)).isSubmapOfBy(fromList(List('a' -> 1)), o.equal) must_== false

    "isSubmapOf" ! forAll { (a: Byte ==>> Byte, b: Byte ==>> Byte) =>
      if(a isSubmapOf b){
        (a.keySet isSubsetOf b.keySet) must_=== true
        a.difference(b) must_=== ==>>.empty
        a.toList.foreach{case (k, v) => b.lookup(k) must_=== Some(v)}

  "==>> filter" should {
    val m = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b"))

    "filter" in {
      m.filter(_ > "a") must_===(singleton(3, "b"))
      m.filter(_ > "x") must_===(empty[Int, String])
      m.filter(_ < "a") must_===(empty[Int, String])

    "be sound" ! forAll { (a: Byte ==>> Byte, n: Byte) =>
      val b = a.filter(_ > n)
      fromList(a.toList.filter(_._2 > n)) must_=== b

  "==>> partition" should {
    val m = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b"))

    "partition" in {
      m.partition(_ > "a") must_===((singleton(3, "b"), singleton(5, "a")))
      m.partition(_ < "x") must_===((fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")), empty[Int, String]))
      m.partition(_ > "x") must_===((empty[Int, String], fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a"))))

    "be sound" ! forAll { (m: Int ==>> Int, n: Int) =>
      val (ma, mb) = m.partition(n > _)
      (ma union mb) must_=== m

    "partitionWithKey" in {
      m.partitionWithKey((k, _) => k > 3) must_===((singleton(5, "a"), singleton(3, "b")))

      m.partitionWithKey((k, _) => k < 7) must_===((fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")), empty[Int, String]))
      m.partitionWithKey((k, _) => k > 7) must_===((empty[Int, String], fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a"))))

  "==>> map" should {
    import std.tuple._

    "map" in {
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).map(_ + "x") must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "bx", 5 -> "ax")))

    "mapWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, x: String) => k.toString + ":" + x
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).mapWithKey(f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "3:b", 5 -> "5:a")))

    "mapAccum" in {
      val f = (a: String, b: String) => (a + b, b + "X")
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).mapAccum("Everything: ")(f) must_===("Everything: ba", fromList(List(3 -> "bX", 5 -> "aX")))

    "mapAccumWithKey" in {
      val f = (a: String, k: Int, b: String) => (a + " " + k.toString + "-" + b, b + "X")
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).mapAccumWithKey("Everything:")(f) must_===("Everything: 3-b 5-a", fromList(List(3 -> "bX", 5 -> "aX")))

    "mapKeys" in {
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).mapKeys(_ + 1) must_===(fromList(List(4 -> "b", 6 -> "a")))
      fromList(List(1 -> "b", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "d", 4 -> "c")).mapKeys(_ => 1) must_===(singleton(1, "c"))
      fromList(List(1 -> "b", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "d", 4 -> "c")).mapKeys(_ => 3) must_===(singleton(3, "c"))

    "mapKeys sound" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
      val b = a.mapKeys(identity)
      b must_=== a
      val f = (_: Int) % 10
      val c = a.mapKeys(f)
      c must_=== fromList( => (f(x._1), x._2)))

    "mapWithKeys" in {
      fromList(List(1 -> "b", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "d", 4 -> "c")).mapKeysWith(_ => 1, _ + _) must_===(singleton(1, "cdab"))
      fromList(List(1 -> "b", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "d", 4 -> "c")).mapKeysWith(_ => 3, _ + _) must_===(singleton(3, "cdab"))

    "mapOption" in {
      val f = (x: String) => if (x == "a") Some("new a") else None
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).mapOption(f) must_===(singleton(5, "new a"))

    "mapOptionWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, _: String) => if (k < 5) Some("key : " + k.toString) else None
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).mapOptionWithKey(f) must_===(singleton(3, "key : 3"))

    "mapEither" in {
      val f = (a: String) => if (a < "c") \/.left(a) else \/.right(a)
      val lst = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b", 1 -> "x", 7 -> "z"))

      lst.mapEither(f) must_===((fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")), fromList(List(1 -> "x", 7 -> "z"))))
      lst.mapEither((a: String) => \/.right(a)) must_===((empty[Int, String], lst))

    "mapEitherWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, a: String) => if (k < 5) \/.left(k * 2) else \/.right(a + a)
      val lst = fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b", 1 -> "x", 7 -> "z"))

      lst.mapEitherWithKey(f) must_===(fromList(List(1 -> 2, 3 -> 6)), fromList(List(5 -> "aa", 7 -> "zz")))
      lst.mapEitherWithKey((_: Int, a: String) => \/.right(a)) must_===(empty[Int, String], lst)

  "==>> traverse" should {
    "traverseWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, v: Char) => if (k%2 == 1) Some((v + 1).toChar) else None

      empty.traverseWithKey(f) must_=== Some(empty)
      fromList(List(1 -> 'a', 5 -> 'e')).traverseWithKey(f) must_=== Some(fromList(List(1 -> 'b', 5 -> 'f')))
      fromList(List(2 -> 'a')).traverseWithKey(f) must_=== None

    "traverseWithKey" ! forAll { (a: Int ==>> Char, b: Byte) =>
      val fSome = (k: Int, v: Char) => some((v + b).toChar)
      def fNone(key: Int) = (k: Int, v: Char) => if (k == key) None else some((v + b).toChar)

      val li = => (kv._1, fSome(kv._1, kv._2).get))
      a.traverseWithKey(fSome) must_=== Some(fromList(li))

      a.toList.foreach { kv =>
        a.traverseWithKey(fNone(kv._1)) must_=== None

  "==>> fold" should {
    "fold" in {
      val f = (a: Int, b: String) => a + b.length
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "bbb")).fold(0)((_, x, z) => f(z, x)) must_== 4

    "foldrWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, a: String, result: String) => result + "(" + k.toString + ":" + a + ")"
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).foldrWithKey("Map: ")(f) must_== "Map: (5:a)(3:b)"

    "foldMapWithKey" ! forAll { a: Byte ==>> Byte =>
      val f = (i: Byte, j: Byte) => i.toInt + j.toInt
      val res = a.toList.foldLeft(0: Int)((acc, kv) => acc + kv._1.toInt + kv._2.toInt)

      a.foldMapWithKey(f)(intInstance) must_=== res

  "==>> trim" should {
    "trim sound" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
      def checkValidity(a: Int ==>> Int, lo: Option[Int], hi: Option[Int], result: Int ==>> Int) = {
        val m = trim(lo, hi, a)
        m must_=== result

      a match {
        case Tip() =>
          val lo = Random.nextInt()
          val hi = lo + 1
          checkValidity(a, Some(lo), Some(hi), Tip())
          checkValidity(a, Some(lo), None    , Tip())
          checkValidity(a, None    , Some(hi), Tip())
          checkValidity(a, None    , None    , Tip())

        case Bin(_, _, _, _) =>
          def rec(m: Int ==>> Int): Unit = {
            m match {
              case Tip() =>
              case Bin(k, x, l, r) =>
                checkValidity(m, Some(k), None   , r)
                checkValidity(m, None   , Some(k), l)
                checkValidity(m, None   , None   , m)

                if (k == Int.MinValue) {
                  checkValidity(m, Some(k), Some(k+1), Tip())
                  checkValidity(m, None   , Some(k+1), m)

                else if (k == Int.MaxValue) {
                  checkValidity(m, Some(k-1), Some(k), Tip())
                  checkValidity(m, Some(k-1), None   , m)

                else {
                  checkValidity(m, Some(k-1), Some(k+1), m)
                  checkValidity(m, Some(k-1), None     , m)
                  checkValidity(m, None     , Some(k+1), m)


    "trimLookupLo sound" ! forAll { a: Int ==>> Int =>
      def checkValidity(a: Int ==>> Int, lk: Int, hk: Option[Int]) = {
        val (x, m) = trimLookupLo(lk, hk, a)

        val t1 = a.lookup(lk)
        val t2 = trim(Some(lk), hk, a)
        (x, m) must_=== (t1, t2)

      a match {
        case Tip() =>
          val lk = Random.nextInt()
          val hk = lk + 1
          checkValidity(a, lk, Some(hk))
          checkValidity(a, lk, None)

        case Bin(_, _, _, _) =>
          def rec(m: Int ==>> Int): Unit = {
            m match {
              case Tip() =>
              case Bin(k, x, l, r) =>
                checkValidity(m, k, None)

                if (k == Int.MinValue) {
                  checkValidity(m, k, Some(k+1))

                else if (k == Int.MaxValue) {
                  checkValidity(m, k-1, Some(k))
                  checkValidity(m, k-1, None)

                else {
                  checkValidity(m, k-1, Some(k+1))
                  checkValidity(m, k-1, None)


  "==>> list operations" should {
    "values" in {
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).values must_===(List("b", "a"))

    "keys" in {
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).keys must_===(List(3, 5))

    "keySet" in {
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).keySet must_===(ISet.fromList(List(3, 5)))
      empty[Int, String].keySet must_===(ISet.empty[Int])

    "fromList" in {
      fromList(List.empty[(Int, String)]) must_===(empty[Int, String])
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b", 5 -> "c")) must_===(fromList(List(5 -> "c", 3 -> "b")))
      fromList(List(5 -> "c", 3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")) must_===(fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")))

    "fromListWith" in {
      fromListWith(List(5 -> "a", 5 -> "b", 3 -> "b", 3 -> "a", 5 -> "a"))(_ + _) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "ab", 5 -> "aba")))
      fromListWith(List.empty[(Int, String)])(_ + _) must_===(empty[Int, String])

    "fromListWithKey" in {
      val f = (k: Int, a1: String, a2: String) => k.toString + a1 + a2

      fromListWithKey(List(5 -> "a", 5 -> "b", 3 -> "b", 3 -> "a", 5 -> "a"))(f) must_===(fromList(List(3 -> "3ab", 5 -> "5a5ba")))
      fromListWithKey(List.empty[(Int, String)])(f) must_===(empty[Int, String])

    "toList" in {
      import std.tuple._
      fromList(List(5 -> "a", 3 -> "b")).toList must_===(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a"))
      empty[Int, String].toList must_===(List.empty[(Int, String)])

  "==>> fromSet" should {
    "fromSet" in {
      fromSet(ISet.fromList(List[Int](3, 5))){ i: Int => List.fill(i)('a').mkString } must_=== fromList(List(5 -> "aaaaa", 3 -> "aaa"))
      fromSet(ISet.fromList(List[Int]())){ i: Int => i } must_=== empty

    "fromSet" ! forAll { (a: ISet[Int]) =>
      val li = => (i, i))
      fromSet(a)(i => i) must_=== fromList(li)

    "consistent keySet" ! forAll { a: Byte ==>> Byte =>
      fromSet(a.keySet)(_ => ()) must_=== => ())

  /*"==>> validity" should {
    "valid" in {
      fromList(List(3 -> "b", 5 -> "a")).isValid must_== true
      //-- > valid (fromAscList [(3,"b"), (5,"a")]) == True
      //-- > valid (fromAscList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == False

  checkAll(order.laws[Int ==>> Int])
  checkAll(monoid.laws[Int ==>> Int])

    implicit def equMapConj[A: Equal, B: Equal]: Equal[(A ==>> B) @@ Tags.Conjunction] =

    implicit def arbMapConj[A, B](implicit a: Arbitrary[A ==>> B]
                                ): Arbitrary[(A ==>> B) @@ Tags.Conjunction] =

    checkAll("conjunction", semigroup.laws[(Int ==>> Int) @@ Tags.Conjunction])

  "align" ! forAll { (a: Int ==>> String, b: Int ==>> Long) =>
    import \&/._
    val F = Align[Int ==>> ?]
    val x = F.align(a, b)
    val keysA = a.keySet
    val keysB = b.keySet

    x must_=== F.alignWith[String, Long, String \&/ Long](identity)(a, b)
    x.keySet must_=== (keysA union keysB)

    x.filter(_.isThis).keySet must_=== (keysA difference keysB)
    x.filter(_.isThat).keySet must_=== (keysB difference keysA)
    x.filter(_.isBoth).keySet must_=== (keysA intersection keysB)

    x.filter(_.isThis) must_=== a.filterWithKey((k, _) => ! keysB.member(k)).map(This(_))
    x.filter(_.isThat) must_=== b.filterWithKey((k, _) => ! keysA.member(k)).map(That(_))
    x.filter(_.isBoth) must_=== a.filterWithKey((k, _) => keysB.member(k)).mapWithKey((k, v) => Both(v, b.lookup(k).get))

  type IntMap[A] = Int ==>> A

  object instances {
    def bind[A: Order] = Bind[A ==>> ?]
    def traverse[A] = Traverse[A ==>> ?]

    // checking absence of ambiguity
    def functor[A: Order] = Functor[A ==>> ?]

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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