Spring Framework example source code file (RequestContext.java)
This example Spring Framework source code file (RequestContext.java) is included in the DevDaily.com
"Java Source Code
Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.
The Spring Framework RequestContext.java source code
* Copyright 2002-2008 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.web.servlet.support;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.Config;
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;
import org.springframework.context.MessageSourceResolvable;
import org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException;
import org.springframework.ui.context.Theme;
import org.springframework.ui.context.ThemeSource;
import org.springframework.ui.context.support.ResourceBundleThemeSource;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;
import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
import org.springframework.web.bind.EscapedErrors;
import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.LocaleResolver;
import org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils;
import org.springframework.web.util.UrlPathHelper;
import org.springframework.web.util.WebUtils;
* Context holder for request-specific state, like current web application
* context, current locale, current theme, and potential binding errors.
* Provides easy access to localized messages and Errors instances.
* <p>Suitable for exposition to views, and usage within JSP's "useBean" tag,
* JSP scriptlets, JSTL EL, Velocity templates, etc. Necessary for views
* that do not have access to the servlet request, like Velocity templates.
* <p>Can be instantiated manually, or automatically exposed to views as
* model attribute via AbstractView's "requestContextAttribute" property.
* <p>Will also work outside of DispatcherServlet requests, accessing the root
* WebApplicationContext and using an appropriate fallback for the locale
* (the HttpServletRequest's primary locale).
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 03.03.2003
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView#setRequestContextAttribute
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.view.UrlBasedViewResolver#setRequestContextAttribute
* @see #getFallbackLocale()
public class RequestContext {
* Default theme name used if the RequestContext cannot find a ThemeResolver.
* Only applies to non-DispatcherServlet requests.
* <p>Same as AbstractThemeResolver's default, but not linked in here to
* avoid package interdependencies.
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.theme.AbstractThemeResolver#ORIGINAL_DEFAULT_THEME_NAME
public static final String DEFAULT_THEME_NAME = "theme";
* Request attribute to hold the current web application context for RequestContext usage.
* By default, the DispatcherServlet's context (or the root context as fallback) is exposed.
public static final String WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE = RequestContext.class.getName() + ".CONTEXT";
protected static final boolean jstlPresent = ClassUtils.isPresent(
"javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.Config", JspAwareRequestContext.class.getClassLoader());
private HttpServletRequest request;
private Map model;
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
private Locale locale;
private Theme theme;
private Boolean defaultHtmlEscape;
private UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper;
private Map errorsMap;
* Create a new RequestContext for the given request,
* using the request attributes for Errors retrieval.
* <p>This only works with InternalResourceViews, as Errors instances
* are part of the model and not normally exposed as request attributes.
* It will typically be used within JSPs or custom tags.
* <p>Will only work within a DispatcherServlet request. Pass in a
* ServletContext to be able to fallback to the root WebApplicationContext.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
* @see #RequestContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletContext)
public RequestContext(HttpServletRequest request) {
initContext(request, null, null);
* Create a new RequestContext for the given request,
* using the request attributes for Errors retrieval.
* <p>This only works with InternalResourceViews, as Errors instances
* are part of the model and not normally exposed as request attributes.
* It will typically be used within JSPs or custom tags.
* <p>If a ServletContext is specified, the RequestContext will also
* work with the root WebApplicationContext (outside a DispatcherServlet).
* @param request current HTTP request
* @param servletContext the servlet context of the web application
* (can be <code>null; necessary for fallback to root WebApplicationContext)
* @see org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
public RequestContext(HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext) {
initContext(request, servletContext, null);
* Create a new RequestContext for the given request,
* using the given model attributes for Errors retrieval.
* <p>This works with all View implementations.
* It will typically be used by View implementations.
* <p>Will only work within a DispatcherServlet request. Pass in a
* ServletContext to be able to fallback to the root WebApplicationContext.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @param model the model attributes for the current view
* (can be <code>null, using the request attributes for Errors retrieval)
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
* @see #RequestContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletContext, Map)
public RequestContext(HttpServletRequest request, Map model) {
initContext(request, null, model);
* Create a new RequestContext for the given request,
* using the given model attributes for Errors retrieval.
* <p>This works with all View implementations.
* It will typically be used by View implementations.
* <p>If a ServletContext is specified, the RequestContext will also
* work with a root WebApplicationContext (outside a DispatcherServlet).
* @param request current HTTP request
* @param servletContext the servlet context of the web application
* (can be <code>null; necessary for fallback to root WebApplicationContext)
* @param model the model attributes for the current view
* (can be <code>null, using the request attributes for Errors retrieval)
* @see org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
public RequestContext(HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext, Map model) {
initContext(request, servletContext, model);
* Default constructor for subclasses.
protected RequestContext() {
* Initialize this context with the given request,
* using the given model attributes for Errors retrieval.
* <p>Delegates to getFallbackLocale and getFallbackTheme
* for determining the fallback locale and theme, respectively, if no LocaleResolver
* and/or ThemeResolver can be found in the request.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @param servletContext the servlet context of the web application
* (can be <code>null; necessary for fallback to root WebApplicationContext)
* @param model the model attributes for the current view
* (can be <code>null, using the request attributes for Errors retrieval)
* @see #getFallbackLocale
* @see #getFallbackTheme
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet#LOCALE_RESOLVER_ATTRIBUTE
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet#THEME_RESOLVER_ATTRIBUTE
protected void initContext(HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext, Map model) {
this.request = request;
this.model = model;
// Fetch WebApplicationContext, either from DispatcherServlet or the root context.
// ServletContext needs to be specified to be able to fall back to the root context!
this.webApplicationContext =
(WebApplicationContext) request.getAttribute(WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE);
if (this.webApplicationContext == null) {
this.webApplicationContext = RequestContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(request, servletContext);
// Determine locale to use for this RequestContext.
LocaleResolver localeResolver = RequestContextUtils.getLocaleResolver(request);
if (localeResolver != null) {
// Try LocaleResolver (we're within a DispatcherServlet request).
this.locale = localeResolver.resolveLocale(request);
else {
// No LocaleResolver available -> try fallback.
this.locale = getFallbackLocale();
// Determine default HTML escape setting from the "defaultHtmlEscape"
// context-param in web.xml, if any.
this.defaultHtmlEscape = WebUtils.getDefaultHtmlEscape(this.webApplicationContext.getServletContext());
this.urlPathHelper = new UrlPathHelper();
* Determine the fallback locale for this context.
* <p>The default implementation checks for a JSTL locale attribute
* in request, session or application scope; if not found,
* returns the <code>HttpServletRequest.getLocale().
* @return the fallback locale (never <code>null)
* @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getLocale()
protected Locale getFallbackLocale() {
if (jstlPresent) {
Locale locale = JstlLocaleResolver.getJstlLocale(getRequest(), getServletContext());
if (locale != null) {
return locale;
return getRequest().getLocale();
* Determine the fallback theme for this context.
* <p>The default implementation returns the default theme (with name "theme").
* @return the fallback theme (never <code>null)
protected Theme getFallbackTheme() {
ThemeSource themeSource = RequestContextUtils.getThemeSource(getRequest());
if (themeSource == null) {
themeSource = new ResourceBundleThemeSource();
Theme theme = themeSource.getTheme(DEFAULT_THEME_NAME);
if (theme == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No theme defined and no fallback theme found");
return theme;
* Return the underlying HttpServletRequest.
* Only intended for cooperating classes in this package.
protected final HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
return this.request;
* Return the underlying ServletContext.
* Only intended for cooperating classes in this package.
protected final ServletContext getServletContext() {
return this.webApplicationContext.getServletContext();
* Return the current WebApplicationContext.
public final WebApplicationContext getWebApplicationContext() {
return this.webApplicationContext;
* Return the current WebApplicationContext as MessageSource.
public final MessageSource getMessageSource() {
return this.webApplicationContext;
* Return the current locale.
public final Locale getLocale() {
return this.locale;
* Return the current theme (never <code>null).
* Resolved lazily for more efficiency when theme support is not used.
public final Theme getTheme() {
if (this.theme == null) {
// Lazily determine theme to use for this RequestContext.
this.theme = RequestContextUtils.getTheme(this.request);
if (this.theme == null) {
// No ThemeResolver and ThemeSource available -> try fallback.
this.theme = getFallbackTheme();
return this.theme;
* (De)activate default HTML escaping for messages and errors, for the scope
* of this RequestContext. The default is the application-wide setting
* (the "defaultHtmlEscape" context-param in web.xml).
* @see org.springframework.web.util.WebUtils#isDefaultHtmlEscape
public void setDefaultHtmlEscape(boolean defaultHtmlEscape) {
this.defaultHtmlEscape = Boolean.valueOf(defaultHtmlEscape);
* Is default HTML escaping active?
* Falls back to <code>false in case of no explicit default given.
public boolean isDefaultHtmlEscape() {
return (this.defaultHtmlEscape != null && this.defaultHtmlEscape.booleanValue());
* Return the default HTML escape setting, differentiating
* between no default specified and an explicit value.
* @return whether default HTML escaping is enabled (null = no explicit default)
public Boolean getDefaultHtmlEscape() {
return this.defaultHtmlEscape;
* Set the UrlPathHelper to use for context path and request URI decoding.
* Can be used to pass a shared UrlPathHelper instance in.
* <p>A default UrlPathHelper is always available.
public void setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper) {
Assert.notNull(urlPathHelper, "UrlPathHelper must not be null");
this.urlPathHelper = urlPathHelper;
* Return the UrlPathHelper used for context path and request URI decoding.
* Can be used to configure the current UrlPathHelper.
* <p>A default UrlPathHelper is always available.
public UrlPathHelper getUrlPathHelper() {
return this.urlPathHelper;
* Return the context path of the original request,
* that is, the path that indicates the current web application.
* This is useful for building links to other resources within the application.
* <p>Delegates to the UrlPathHelper for decoding.
* @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getContextPath
* @see #getUrlPathHelper
public String getContextPath() {
return this.urlPathHelper.getOriginatingContextPath(this.request);
* Return the request URI of the original request, that is, the invoked URL
* without parameters. This is particularly useful as HTML form action target,
* possibly in combination with the original query string.
* <p>Note this implementation will correctly resolve to the URI of any
* originating root request in the presence of a forwarded request. However, this
* can only work when the Servlet 2.4 'forward' request attributes are present.
* For use in a Servlet 2.3 environment, you can rely on
* {@link org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceView}
* to add these prior to dispatching the request.</b>
* <p>Delegates to the UrlPathHelper for decoding.
* @see #getQueryString
* @see org.springframework.web.util.UrlPathHelper#getOriginatingRequestUri
* @see #getUrlPathHelper
public String getRequestUri() {
return this.urlPathHelper.getOriginatingRequestUri(this.request);
* Return the query string of the current request, that is, the part after
* the request path. This is particularly useful for building an HTML form
* action target in combination with the original request URI.
* <p>Note this implementation will correctly resolve to the query string of any
* originating root request in the presence of a forwarded request. However, this
* can only work when the Servlet 2.4 'forward' request attributes are present.
* For use in a Servlet 2.3 environment, you can rely on
* {@link org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceView}
* to add these prior to dispatching the request.</b>
* <p>Delegates to the UrlPathHelper for decoding.
* @see #getRequestUri
* @see org.springframework.web.util.UrlPathHelper#getOriginatingQueryString
* @see #getUrlPathHelper
public String getQueryString() {
return this.urlPathHelper.getOriginatingQueryString(this.request);
* Retrieve the message for the given code, using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param code code of the message
* @param defaultMessage String to return if the lookup fails
* @return the message
public String getMessage(String code, String defaultMessage) {
return getMessage(code, null, defaultMessage, isDefaultHtmlEscape());
* Retrieve the message for the given code, using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message, or <code>null if none
* @param defaultMessage String to return if the lookup fails
* @return the message
public String getMessage(String code, Object[] args, String defaultMessage) {
return getMessage(code, args, defaultMessage, isDefaultHtmlEscape());
* Retrieve the message for the given code, using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message as a List, or <code>null if none
* @param defaultMessage String to return if the lookup fails
* @return the message
public String getMessage(String code, List args, String defaultMessage) {
return getMessage(code, (args != null ? args.toArray() : null), defaultMessage, isDefaultHtmlEscape());
* Retrieve the message for the given code.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message, or <code>null if none
* @param defaultMessage String to return if the lookup fails
* @param htmlEscape HTML escape the message?
* @return the message
public String getMessage(String code, Object[] args, String defaultMessage, boolean htmlEscape) {
String msg = this.webApplicationContext.getMessage(code, args, defaultMessage, this.locale);
return (htmlEscape ? HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(msg) : msg);
* Retrieve the message for the given code, using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param code code of the message
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getMessage(String code) throws NoSuchMessageException {
return getMessage(code, null, isDefaultHtmlEscape());
* Retrieve the message for the given code, using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message, or <code>null if none
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getMessage(String code, Object[] args) throws NoSuchMessageException {
return getMessage(code, args, isDefaultHtmlEscape());
* Retrieve the message for the given code, using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message as a List, or <code>null if none
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getMessage(String code, List args) throws NoSuchMessageException {
return getMessage(code, (args != null ? args.toArray() : null), isDefaultHtmlEscape());
* Retrieve the message for the given code.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message, or <code>null if none
* @param htmlEscape HTML escape the message?
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getMessage(String code, Object[] args, boolean htmlEscape) throws NoSuchMessageException {
String msg = this.webApplicationContext.getMessage(code, args, this.locale);
return (htmlEscape ? HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(msg) : msg);
* Retrieve the given MessageSourceResolvable (e.g. an ObjectError instance),
* using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param resolvable the MessageSourceResolvable
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getMessage(MessageSourceResolvable resolvable) throws NoSuchMessageException {
return getMessage(resolvable, isDefaultHtmlEscape());
* Retrieve the given MessageSourceResolvable (e.g. an ObjectError instance).
* @param resolvable the MessageSourceResolvable
* @param htmlEscape HTML escape the message?
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getMessage(MessageSourceResolvable resolvable, boolean htmlEscape) throws NoSuchMessageException {
String msg = this.webApplicationContext.getMessage(resolvable, this.locale);
return (htmlEscape ? HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(msg) : msg);
* Retrieve the theme message for the given code.
* <p>Note that theme messages are never HTML-escaped, as they typically
* denote theme-specific resource paths and not client-visible messages.
* @param code code of the message
* @param defaultMessage String to return if the lookup fails
* @return the message
public String getThemeMessage(String code, String defaultMessage) {
return getTheme().getMessageSource().getMessage(code, null, defaultMessage, this.locale);
* Retrieve the theme message for the given code.
* <p>Note that theme messages are never HTML-escaped, as they typically
* denote theme-specific resource paths and not client-visible messages.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message, or <code>null if none
* @param defaultMessage String to return if the lookup fails
* @return the message
public String getThemeMessage(String code, Object[] args, String defaultMessage) {
return getTheme().getMessageSource().getMessage(code, args, defaultMessage, this.locale);
* Retrieve the theme message for the given code.
* <p>Note that theme messages are never HTML-escaped, as they typically
* denote theme-specific resource paths and not client-visible messages.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message as a List, or <code>null if none
* @param defaultMessage String to return if the lookup fails
* @return the message
public String getThemeMessage(String code, List args, String defaultMessage) {
return getTheme().getMessageSource().getMessage(
code, (args != null ? args.toArray() : null), defaultMessage, this.locale);
* Retrieve the theme message for the given code.
* <p>Note that theme messages are never HTML-escaped, as they typically
* denote theme-specific resource paths and not client-visible messages.
* @param code code of the message
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getThemeMessage(String code) throws NoSuchMessageException {
return getTheme().getMessageSource().getMessage(code, null, this.locale);
* Retrieve the theme message for the given code.
* <p>Note that theme messages are never HTML-escaped, as they typically
* denote theme-specific resource paths and not client-visible messages.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message, or <code>null if none
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getThemeMessage(String code, Object[] args) throws NoSuchMessageException {
return getTheme().getMessageSource().getMessage(code, args, this.locale);
* Retrieve the theme message for the given code.
* <p>Note that theme messages are never HTML-escaped, as they typically
* denote theme-specific resource paths and not client-visible messages.
* @param code code of the message
* @param args arguments for the message as a List, or <code>null if none
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getThemeMessage(String code, List args) throws NoSuchMessageException {
return getTheme().getMessageSource().getMessage(
code, (args != null ? args.toArray() : null), this.locale);
* Retrieve the given MessageSourceResolvable in the current theme.
* <p>Note that theme messages are never HTML-escaped, as they typically
* denote theme-specific resource paths and not client-visible messages.
* @param resolvable the MessageSourceResolvable
* @return the message
* @throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException if not found
public String getThemeMessage(MessageSourceResolvable resolvable) throws NoSuchMessageException {
return getTheme().getMessageSource().getMessage(resolvable, this.locale);
* Retrieve the Errors instance for the given bind object,
* using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param name name of the bind object
* @return the Errors instance, or <code>null if not found
public Errors getErrors(String name) {
return getErrors(name, isDefaultHtmlEscape());
* Retrieve the Errors instance for the given bind object.
* @param name name of the bind object
* @param htmlEscape create an Errors instance with automatic HTML escaping?
* @return the Errors instance, or <code>null if not found
public Errors getErrors(String name, boolean htmlEscape) {
if (this.errorsMap == null) {
this.errorsMap = new HashMap();
Errors errors = (Errors) this.errorsMap.get(name);
boolean put = false;
if (errors == null) {
errors = (Errors) getModelObject(BindingResult.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX + name);
// Check old BindException prefix for backwards compatibility.
if (errors == null) {
errors = (Errors) getModelObject(BindException.ERROR_KEY_PREFIX + name);
if (errors instanceof BindException) {
errors = ((BindException) errors).getBindingResult();
if (errors == null) {
return null;
put = true;
if (htmlEscape && !(errors instanceof EscapedErrors)) {
errors = new EscapedErrors(errors);
put = true;
else if (!htmlEscape && errors instanceof EscapedErrors) {
errors = ((EscapedErrors) errors).getSource();
put = true;
if (put) {
this.errorsMap.put(name, errors);
return errors;
* Retrieve the model object for the given model name,
* either from the model or from the request attributes.
* @param modelName the name of the model object
* @return the model object
protected Object getModelObject(String modelName) {
if (this.model != null) {
return this.model.get(modelName);
else {
return this.request.getAttribute(modelName);
* Create a BindStatus for the given bind object,
* using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param path the bean and property path for which values and errors
* will be resolved (e.g. "person.age")
* @return the new BindStatus instance
* @throws IllegalStateException if no corresponding Errors object found
public BindStatus getBindStatus(String path) throws IllegalStateException {
return new BindStatus(this, path, isDefaultHtmlEscape());
* Create a BindStatus for the given bind object,
* using the "defaultHtmlEscape" setting.
* @param path the bean and property path for which values and errors
* will be resolved (e.g. "person.age")
* @param htmlEscape create a BindStatus with automatic HTML escaping?
* @return the new BindStatus instance
* @throws IllegalStateException if no corresponding Errors object found
public BindStatus getBindStatus(String path, boolean htmlEscape) throws IllegalStateException {
return new BindStatus(this, path, htmlEscape);
* Inner class that isolates the JSTL dependency.
* Just called to resolve the fallback locale if the JSTL API is present.
private static class JstlLocaleResolver {
public static Locale getJstlLocale(HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext) {
Object localeObject = Config.get(request, Config.FMT_LOCALE);
if (localeObject == null) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
localeObject = Config.get(session, Config.FMT_LOCALE);
if (localeObject == null) {
localeObject = Config.get(servletContext, Config.FMT_LOCALE);
return (localeObject instanceof Locale ? (Locale) localeObject : null);
Other Spring Framework examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Spring Framework RequestContext.java source code file: