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What this is

This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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<!-- Sample configuration file for the example editor -->

<category name="directories">
<!-- General name of the editor-->
	<data code="editorName">editor_1
<!-- Web Server primary document directory-->
<!-- Please, change this parameter to your proper value-->
	<data code="serverRoot">c:/java/agarcia/webEditor/editors
<!-- Name of the Web Server in whitch you want to PUBLISH-->
<!-- note that this is not necesary your edition server -->
	<data code="serverName">localhost
<!-- Editor primary directory (Relative to the root directory) -->
	<data code="docRoot">myNews
<!-- Related images directory (Relative to the root directory) -->
	<data code="imgDir">myNews/images
<!-- Temporal Directory in whitch to store the uploaded images -->
	<data code="tmpDir">c:/tmp
<!-- Editor data directory (Relative to the root directory) -->
	<data code="dataDir">data
<!-- XSL templates directory (relative to the data directory) -->
	<data code="tplDir">templates
<!-- File with the list of the xml files taht forms the Home Page -->
	<data code="homePage">homePage.xml
<!-- Rich mode will enable the MSIE edition control -->
	<data code="editionMode">rich
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