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The source code/* $Id: images.java,v 1.4 2001/03/10 18:09:25 agarcia3 Exp $ webEditor. The new way in content management Copyright (C) 2001 Alfredo Garcia This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ package webEditor.core; import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import org.apache.regexp.RE; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser; import org.apache.xml.serialize.*; import webEditor.util.*; /** * Manage the graphic content of the news * * @author <a href="mailto:agarcia@mundofree.com">Alfredo Garcia */ public class images { /** * Configuration values */ private configuration initValues; /** * Editor root */ private String wEd_root; /** * Path for the image documents in the web server */ private String imgDir; /** * URL of the image documents */ private String imgURL; /** * Path for the temporal documents */ private String tmpDir; public images (configuration initParam) { this.initValues = initParam; String categoryName = "directories"; this.wEd_root = initParam.readValue ("webEditor_Root","wEd_root"); this.imgURL = "/" + initParam.readValue (categoryName,"imgDir"); this.imgDir = initParam.readValue (categoryName,"serverRoot") + this.imgURL; this.tmpDir = initParam.readValue (categoryName,"tmpDir"); } /** * Moves the upload file to the destination directory * @param docID ID of the associated XML document * @return String Complete path for the image */ public String writeImage(String docID) { String imgPath = null; String uploadImg = null; try { FileAccess fileHandler = new FileAccess (); String filePath = this.imgDir + "/" + docID; // Check if the directory structure exists... fileHandler.createDocDir (docID, this.imgDir + "/"); // We are going to store the image with the same directory structure // of the document RE r = new RE("([:alnum:]*).xml$"); imgPath = r.subst (docID,""); uploadImg = this.initValues.readValue ("HTTP Parameters", "art_image"); if ( uploadImg == null ) { // Nothing downloaded... return (null); } File uploadedFile = new File (this.tmpDir, uploadImg); File destinationFile = new File (this.imgDir + "/" + imgPath, uploadImg); uploadedFile.renameTo (destinationFile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return (this.imgURL + "/" + imgPath + uploadImg); } /** * Modifies the docID tag * @param imageDoc DOM tree with the content of the image * @param docID New document ID * @return Document New DOM tree */ public Document changeDocID (Document imageDoc, String docID) { Node sourceIDNode = (Node) imageDoc.getElementsByTagName("docID").item(0); Node newIDNode = sourceIDNode.cloneNode(true); newIDNode.getFirstChild().setNodeValue (docID); Node parent = sourceIDNode.getParentNode (); parent.replaceChild (newIDNode, sourceIDNode); return (imageDoc); } /** * Reads the document information about image position * @param imageDoc DOM tree with the content of the image * @return String Image position */ public String getImagePosition (Document imageDoc) { String position = null; Node imagePosition = imageDoc.getElementsByTagName("art_image_position").item(0).getFirstChild(); if (imagePosition == null) { return ("none"); } else { position = imagePosition.getNodeValue(); } return (position); } /** * Writes the full URL for the image file * @param imageDoc DOM tree with the content of the image * @param imgRL New image URL * @return Document New DOM tree */ public Document changeImageURL (Document imageDoc, String imgURL) { Node sourceIDNode = (Node) imageDoc.getElementsByTagName("art_image").item(0); Node newIDNode = sourceIDNode.cloneNode(true); newIDNode.getFirstChild().setNodeValue (imgURL); Node parent = sourceIDNode.getParentNode (); parent.replaceChild (newIDNode, sourceIDNode); return (imageDoc); } /** * Reads the document information about image file URL * @param imageDoc DOM tree with the content of the image * @return String Image URL */ public String getImageURL (Document imageDoc) { String url = null; Node imageURL = imageDoc.getElementsByTagName("art_image").item(0).getFirstChild(); if (imageURL == null) { return (null); } else { url = imageURL.getNodeValue(); } return (url); } } |
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