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Clear Job Lock

This use case describes the process of clearing a lock on a job. This can potentially occur when a job is open by a user, and then something happens to that user's computer, such as the computer losing power.


  1. The Administrator can clear a lock on any job
  2. In single-user mode, a user can clear a lock on any job
  3. In multi-user mode, other users can clear locks on their jobs
  4. In multi-user mode, other users with Edit access to the "Clear Job Locks" functional area can clear locks on other user's jobs


  1. Administrator
  2. External User


  1. The user is logged into the system
  2. A user has come to the administrator telling them that they cannot edit a job because there is a false lock on the job

Basic Path - Administrator Clears a Job Lock

Many changes in this area

  1. The Administrator searches for the job, then selects a "Clear Job Locks" option
  2. The system displays a list of locks on this job, including:
    1. The username
    2. Job level informational locks
    3. Locks on job modules
    4. Timestamps for each lock
  3. The administrator selects the locks they want to clear
  4. After an "Are You Sure?" prompt, the system clears the locks

Alternate Path #1 - Non-Administrator Clears a Job Lock

All new

  1. A user searches for a job, then selects a "Clear Job Locks" option
  2. The system displays a list of locks on this job, including:
    1. The username
    2. Job level informational locks
    3. Locks on job modules
    4. Timestamps for each lock
  3. If the locks on the job are not by this user, and the user does not have Edit permission for the "Clear Job Locks" functional area, they cannot select any of the locks. The use case stops here.
    1. Note the problem for the Unknown User user
  4. Else, if if there are one or more locks on this job, or the job is locked by the Unknown User user account they can select the desired locks, then select a Clear Locks option
  5. After an "Are You Sure?" prompt, the system clears the locks


  1. The locks on a job and job modules for the current user have been removed

"Used" Use Cases

  1. List/Search Jobs

Other Requirements


  1. How to handle this in single-user mode?
    1. The Unknown User can unlock any job