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This chapter lists the known assumptions regarding this phase of development.

  1. Generally speaking, we are not necessarily trying to create new functionality for the External User at this time. Rather, we are trying to further define the functionality originally outlined during Phase 1, and resolve questions that have arisen from that original outline before programming continues.
  2. This application is not being shipped to any outside users in Phase 2c.
    1. Therefore, within Phase 2c, it will continue to be deployed through the Java WebStart tool, and no time will be spent trying to "package" the application with a different deployment tool (such as InstallShield or similar).
    2. Therefore, this phase concludes when user acceptance testing has been completed.
  3. Job types
    1. Development during this sub-phase is only for Unplanned job types
  4. Only Consultant developers will be working on the Java code during this phase.
  5. The system will run on the following computer platforms:
    1. Windows 2000
    2. Windows XP
    3. Windows NT
    4. Mac - OS/X 10.2 and newer

Application Mode Assumptions

  1. The application shall work in two modes:
  2. External User Standalone
    1. This is a single user, non-networked system
    2. The database will reside on the user's workstation
  3. External User Network (Client-Server)
    1. This is a client instance of ACME
    2. The client may be running on a laptop or desktop
    3. The database may be on this user's workstation, or on another workstation or server

User Interface Assumptions

  1. General
    1. Java user interface standards will be followed unless otherwise specified
  2. Title bars
    1. Accurate and consistent titles will be displayed in all windows, frames, and dialogs
  3. Dialogs
    1. The user will be able to cancel all dialogs by hitting the [Esc] key
    2. Disposing a dialog will have the same effect as hitting [Cancel]
  4. Text fields
    1. Text fields will match the corresponding database fields.
    2. Text fields will not allow users to type invalid characters
      1. For instance, if a user tries to type alphabetic characters into a numeric field, the alpha characters will not be displayed
      2. This was marked as an issue
  5. Textareas
    1. Tab keys will not be allowed in text areas
      1. Tab keys will specifically move the user out of the textarea
  6. Tables
    1. Tables will not allow columns to be moved around.
    2. Tables will not allow columns sorting unless otherwise indicated.
  7. Input focus
    1. Focus on input widgets will follow the standard left to right, top to bottom flow unless otherwise specified.
  8. Default button
    1. A default button will be specified on screens, and will logically follow user focus.
      1. For example, on a wizard requiring multiple dialogs, the "Next" button on each dialog will be the default button.

Documentation, Help System, and Graphics Assumptions

  1. No Help system is going to be included in the application during Phase 2c
  2. There will be no reports (hardcopy) that users can print during Phase 2c
  3. No form of documentation is offered beyond Intranet (Wiki) documentation, similar to what was created during Phase 1
    1. This is primarily because no form of documentation has been agreed upon at this time
  4. The only graphics art work for this phase is:
    1. Work to add a "database" icon to the splash screen
    2. Graphics work for the Job/Open wizard
  5. Three person-days of documentation effort will be provided by Consultant. Documentation format is TBD.

Database Assumptions

  1. ACME ID's in the External ACME database are the same as the ACME_id on the AS/400
  2. ACME will develop software and processes to generate SQL statements to populate all necessary database tables
    1. The database data that is generated and shipped with the ACME client will be the same for all users
      1. For instance, Ralph's ACME client database will initially contain the exact same data as Margaret's client database
      2. Multiple database servers can be set up with different ACME databases
    2. Note that ACME cannot generate the binary "database" itself, but can generate the necesssary CREATE and INSERT statements necessary to populate the database
    3. Consultant will run the ACME scripts to create the necessary database tables
    4. While it is expected that ACME will create this software and processes, Consultant will assist ACME in understanding the required syntax
    5. There will be no screens created or other code written to accomodate the process of copying or moving a job from one database to another during Phase 2c.
  3. The ability to define database connections is encompassed in the screens that the user can see during application startup
    1. There are no other database menus or options in ACME at this time

Database Service Assumptions

  1. In the long run, the database is going to need to be installed as a service on both Windows and Mac systems. However, this requires an installer program to set up properly, and we are not going to be using an installer until Phase 2E.
  2. For Phase 2C, the "database service" must be started by having the user start a batch file to simulate having a database service.
    1. The user will be able to stop this service by typing "Ctrl-C" in the Command window on Windows PCs
    2. The user will be able to stop the service by killing the process on Mac computers
  3. Phase 2C is being estimated with the assumption that this is an acceptable solution (until we use an installer in Phase 2E)
  4. ACMETEST1 will be configured as a network database server, and users will be able to set up and use connections to it

Testing Assumptions

  1. Testing and acceptance of the functionality is the full responsibility of ACME.
  2. ACME testing will be required periodically during application development.
  3. ACME final testing and acceptance will be completed within two weeks of the final delivery date, assuming that ACME is not waiting for Consultant at this time.
  4. Consultant can assist in the creation of a test plan if desired, but that time will not be included in our bid.