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Database Requirements

  1. We will simulate the process of shipping a database with customers by including a database with ACME that has multiple customers
  2. The first time the user downloads ACME they will have only a local database
    1. This initial database will be the same for all users
  3. For all subsequent downloads of the ACME application, the original database will remain in the state it was in prior to the download
    1. For instance, if a user created a job, that job will still remain in the database
    2. The exception to this requirement is when a database change occurs. During that time, it may be necessary to download an entirely new database, thereby destroying any changes a user had made before the download.
  4. During Phase 2c, to create the Client/Server environment, users will be able to
    1. Access a database server running on ACMETEST1
    2. Access databases on other user's PCs
      1. This statement assumes that the "enable multiuser mode" requirements are approved

Database Selection

  1. During startup, ACME will always start by trying to connect to the last database the user accessed
  2. However, users will be able to select a database to use as the ACME applications starts up
    1. For instance, the user may click on icon on the splash screen during application startup to display a "database selection" screen
  3. The name of the database the user is using will always be displayed in ACME's status bar