Functions: Named Parameters (Scala 3 Video)
When you call a Scala function, you can specify the parameter names when passing in your values. For instance, given this function:
def truncate(string: String, length: Int): String =
you can call it like this:
val a = truncate("freedom", 4)
and you can also call it like this, specifying the parameter names:
val a = truncate(
string = "freedom",
length = 4
Developers don’t often use this feature, but it can be helpful in situations like this, where all the parameters have the same type:
engage(true, true, true, false)
If you’re not using an IDE, this can be easier to read:
speedIsSet = true,
directionIsSet = true,
picardSaidMakeItSo = true,
turnedOffParkingBrake = false