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Play back the current podcast

To play back your current podcast, move the playhead back to the "00:00" mark of the ruler, then press the Play button. After your recording plays, press the Play button again to stop the playhead.

How does it sound? Is the pause between the jingle and your talking too long, or too short? My pause ended up being too long, but that's no problem. Just click the purple Male Voice block and drag it to the left, moving it back in time a little. Then, move the playhead back to the "00:00" mark and press Play, or, better yet, just double-click the beat ruler at the "00:00" mark to start playing your podcast. This is a convenient shortcut that I like quite a bit.

Finally, keep adjusting the Male Voice recording to the left and right until the pause between the initial jingle and your voice recording sounds good to you.

After I finished moving my voice recording clip around it looked like Figure 8.

Figure 8: GarageBand after moving my voice recording where I want it.
Image 6-after-male-voice