| career | drupal | java | mac | mysql | perl | scala | uml | unix  
' + '<tbody class="loglines">' + '</table>'; this.element.innerHTML = html; }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype.appendActionButtons = function(actions) { // actions = $H(actions); // if (!actions.any()) return; // var div = new Element("div", {className: 'action_buttons'}); // actions.inject(div, function(container, action) { // var button = new Element("input").setValue(action.key).observe("click", action.value); // button.type = "button"; // return container.insert(button); // }); // this.getMessageCell().insert(div); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype._toHTML = function(txt) { return JsUnitTest.escapeHTML(txt).replace(/\n/g,"<br/>"); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.MessageTemplate = function(string) { var parts = []; var str = JsUnitTest.scan((string || ''), /(?=[^\\])\?|(?:\\\?|[^\?])+/, function(part) { parts.push(part[0]); }); = parts; }; JsUnitTest.Unit.MessageTemplate.prototype.evaluate = function(params) { var results = []; for (var i=0; i <; i++) { var part =[i]; var result = (part == '?') ? JsUnitTest.inspect(params.shift()) : part.replace(/\\\?/, '?'); results.push(result); }; return results.join(''); }; // A generic function for performming AJAX requests // It takes one argument, which is an object that contains a set of options // All of which are outline in the comments, below // From John Resig's book Pro JavaScript Techniques // published by Apress, 2006-8 JsUnitTest.ajax = function( options ) { // Load the options object with defaults, if no // values were provided by the user options = { // The type of HTTP Request type: options.type || "POST", // The URL the request will be made to url: options.url || "", // How long to wait before considering the request to be a timeout timeout: options.timeout || 5000, // Functions to call when the request fails, succeeds, // or completes (either fail or succeed) onComplete: options.onComplete || function(){}, onError: options.onError || function(){}, onSuccess: options.onSuccess || function(){}, // The data type that'll be returned from the server // the default is simply to determine what data was returned from the // and act accordingly. data: || "" }; // Create the request object var xml = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : new XMLHttpRequest(); // Open the asynchronous POST request, options.url, true); // We're going to wait for a request for 5 seconds, before giving up var timeoutLength = 5000; // Keep track of when the request has been succesfully completed var requestDone = false; // Initalize a callback which will fire 5 seconds from now, cancelling // the request (if it has not already occurred). setTimeout(function(){ requestDone = true; }, timeoutLength); // Watch for when the state of the document gets updated xml.onreadystatechange = function(){ // Wait until the data is fully loaded, // and make sure that the request hasn't already timed out if ( xml.readyState == 4 && !requestDone ) { // Check to see if the request was successful if ( httpSuccess( xml ) ) { // Execute the success callback with the data returned from the server options.onSuccess( httpData( xml, options.type ) ); // Otherwise, an error occurred, so execute the error callback } else { options.onError(); } // Call the completion callback options.onComplete(); // Clean up after ourselves, to avoid memory leaks xml = null; } }; // Establish the connection to the server xml.send(null); // Determine the success of the HTTP response function httpSuccess(r) { try { // If no server status is provided, and we're actually // requesting a local file, then it was successful return !r.status && location.protocol == "file:" || // Any status in the 200 range is good ( r.status >= 200 && r.status < 300 ) || // Successful if the document has not been modified r.status == 304 || // Safari returns an empty status if the file has not been modified navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") >= 0 && typeof r.status == "undefined"; } catch(e){} // If checking the status failed, then assume that the request failed too return false; } // Extract the correct data from the HTTP response function httpData(r,type) { // Get the content-type header var ct = r.getResponseHeader("content-type"); // If no default type was provided, determine if some // form of XML was returned from the server var data = !type && ct && ct.indexOf("xml") >= 0; // Get the XML Document object if XML was returned from // the server, otherwise return the text contents returned by the server data = type == "xml" || data ? r.responseXML : r.responseText; // If the specified type is "script", execute the returned text // response as if it was JavaScript if ( type == "script" ) window, data ); // Return the response data (either an XML Document or a text string) return data; } }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Assertions = { buildMessage: function(message, template) { var args = JsUnitTest.arrayfromargs(arguments).slice(2); return (message ? message + '\n' : '') + new JsUnitTest.Unit.MessageTemplate(template).evaluate(args); }, flunk: function(message) { this.assertBlock(message || 'Flunked', function() { return false }); }, assertBlock: function(message, block) { try { ? this.pass() :; } catch(e) { this.error(e) } }, assert: function(expression, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assert', 'got <?>', expression); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return expression }); }, assertEqual: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertEqual', 'expected <?>, actual: ', expected, actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return expected == actual }); }, assertNotEqual: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNotEqual', 'expected <?>, actual: ', expected, actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return expected != actual }); }, assertEnumEqual: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertEnumEqual', 'expected <?>, actual: ', expected, actual); var expected_array = JsUnitTest.flattenArray(expected); var actual_array = JsUnitTest.flattenArray(actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { if (expected_array.length == actual_array.length) { for (var i=0; i < expected_array.length; i++) { if (expected_array[i] != actual_array[i]) return false; }; return true; } return false; }); }, assertEnumNotEqual: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertEnumNotEqual', '<?> was the same as ', expected, actual); var expected_array = JsUnitTest.flattenArray(expected); var actual_array = JsUnitTest.flattenArray(actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { if (expected_array.length == actual_array.length) { for (var i=0; i < expected_array.length; i++) { if (expected_array[i] != actual_array[i]) return true; }; return false; } return true; }); }, assertHashEqual: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertHashEqual', 'expected <?>, actual: ', expected, actual); var expected_array = JsUnitTest.flattenArray(JsUnitTest.hashToSortedArray(expected)); var actual_array = JsUnitTest.flattenArray(JsUnitTest.hashToSortedArray(actual)); var block = function() { if (expected_array.length == actual_array.length) { for (var i=0; i < expected_array.length; i++) { if (expected_array[i] != actual_array[i]) return false; }; return true; } return false; }; this.assertBlock(message, block); }, assertHashNotEqual: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertHashNotEqual', '<?> was the same as ', expected, actual); var expected_array = JsUnitTest.flattenArray(JsUnitTest.hashToSortedArray(expected)); var actual_array = JsUnitTest.flattenArray(JsUnitTest.hashToSortedArray(actual)); // from now we recursively zip & compare nested arrays var block = function() { if (expected_array.length == actual_array.length) { for (var i=0; i < expected_array.length; i++) { if (expected_array[i] != actual_array[i]) return true; }; return false; } return true; }; this.assertBlock(message, block); }, assertIdentical: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertIdentical', 'expected <?>, actual: ', expected, actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return expected === actual }); }, assertNotIdentical: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNotIdentical', 'expected <?>, actual: ', expected, actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return expected !== actual }); }, assertNull: function(obj, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNull', 'got <?>', obj); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return obj === null }); }, assertNotNull: function(obj, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNotNull', 'got <?>', obj); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return obj !== null }); }, assertUndefined: function(obj, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertUndefined', 'got <?>', obj); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return typeof obj == "undefined" }); }, assertNotUndefined: function(obj, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNotUndefined', 'got <?>', obj); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return typeof obj != "undefined" }); }, assertNullOrUndefined: function(obj, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNullOrUndefined', 'got <?>', obj); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return obj == null }); }, assertNotNullOrUndefined: function(obj, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNotNullOrUndefined', 'got <?>', obj); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return obj != null }); }, assertMatch: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertMatch', 'regex <?> did not match ', expected, actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return new RegExp(expected).exec(actual) }); }, assertNoMatch: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNoMatch', 'regex <?> matched ', expected, actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return !(new RegExp(expected).exec(actual)) }); }, assertHasClass: function(element, klass, message) { element = JsUnitTest.$(element); message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertHasClass', '? doesn\'t have class <?>.', element, klass); this.assertBlock(message, function() { var elementClassName = element.className; return (elementClassName.length > 0 && (elementClassName == klass || new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + klass + "(\\s|$)").test(elementClassName))); // return !!element.className.match(new RegExp(klass)) }); }, assertNotHasClass: function(element, klass, message) { element = JsUnitTest.$(element); message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNotHasClass', '? does have class <?>.', element, klass); this.assertBlock(message, function() { var elementClassName = element.className; return !(elementClassName.length > 0 && (elementClassName == klass || new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + klass + "(\\s|$)").test(elementClassName))); }); }, assertHidden: function(element, message) { element = JsUnitTest.$(element); message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertHidden', '? isn\'t hidden.', element); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return ! || == 'none' }); }, assertInstanceOf: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertInstanceOf', '<?> was not an instance of the expected type', actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return actual instanceof expected }); }, assertNotInstanceOf: function(expected, actual, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNotInstanceOf', '<?> was an instance of the expected type', actual); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return !(actual instanceof expected) }); }, assertRespondsTo: function(method, obj, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertRespondsTo', 'object doesn\'t respond to <?>', method); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return (method in obj && typeof obj[method] == 'function') }); }, assertRaise: function(exceptionName, method, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertRaise', '<?> exception expected but none was raised', exceptionName); var block = function() { try { method(); return false; } catch(e) { if ( == exceptionName) return true; else throw e; } }; this.assertBlock(message, block); }, assertNothingRaised: function(method, message) { try { method(); this.assert(true, "Expected nothing to be thrown"); } catch(e) { message = this.buildMessage(message || 'assertNothingRaised', '<?> was thrown when nothing was expected.', e); this.flunk(message); } }, _isVisible: function(element) { element = JsUnitTest.$(element); if(!element.parentNode) return true; this.assertNotNull(element); if( && ( == 'none')) return false; return, element.parentNode); }, assertVisible: function(element, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message, '? was not visible.', element); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return this._isVisible(element) }); }, assertNotVisible: function(element, message) { message = this.buildMessage(message, '? was not hidden and didn\'t have a hidden parent either.', element); this.assertBlock(message, function() { return !this._isVisible(element) }); }, assertElementsMatch: function() { var pass = true, expressions = JsUnitTest.arrayfromargs(arguments); var elements = expressions.shift(); if (elements.length != expressions.length) { message = this.buildMessage('assertElementsMatch', 'size mismatch: ? elements, ? expressions (?).', elements.length, expressions.length, expressions); this.flunk(message); pass = false; } for (var i=0; i < expressions.length; i++) { var expression = expressions[i]; var element = JsUnitTest.$(elements[i]); if (JsUnitTest.selectorMatch(expression, element)) { pass = true; break; } message = this.buildMessage('assertElementsMatch', 'In index <?>: expected but got ?', index, expression, element); this.flunk(message); pass = false; }; this.assert(pass, "Expected all elements to match."); }, assertElementMatches: function(element, expression, message) { this.assertElementsMatch([element], expression); } }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Runner = function(testcases) { var argumentOptions = arguments[1] || {}; var options = this.options = {}; options.testLog = ('testLog' in argumentOptions) ? argumentOptions.testLog : 'testlog'; options.resultsURL = this.queryParams.resultsURL; options.testLog = JsUnitTest.$(options.testLog); this.tests = this.getTests(testcases); this.currentTest = 0; this.logger = new JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger(options.testLog); var self = this; JsUnitTest.Event.addEvent(window, "load", function() { setTimeout(function() { self.runTests(); }, 0.1); }); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Runner.prototype.queryParams = JsUnitTest.toQueryParams(); JsUnitTest.Unit.Runner.prototype.portNumber = function() { if ( > 0) { var matches =\:(\d{3,5})\//); if (matches) { return parseInt(matches[1]); } } return null; }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Runner.prototype.getTests = function(testcases) { var tests = [], options = this.options; if (this.queryParams.tests) tests = this.queryParams.tests.split(','); else if (options.tests) tests = options.tests; else if (options.test) tests = [option.test]; else { for (testname in testcases) { if (testname.match(/^test/)) tests.push(testname); } } var results = []; for (var i=0; i < tests.length; i++) { var test = tests[i]; if (testcases[test]) results.push( new JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase(test, testcases[test], testcases.setup, testcases.teardown) ); }; return results; }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Runner.prototype.getResult = function() { var results = { tests: this.tests.length, assertions: 0, failures: 0, errors: 0, warnings: 0 }; for (var i=0; i < this.tests.length; i++) { var test = this.tests[i]; results.assertions += test.assertions; results.failures += test.failures; results.errors += test.errors; results.warnings += test.warnings; }; return results; }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Runner.prototype.postResults = function() { if (this.options.resultsURL) { // new Ajax.Request(this.options.resultsURL, // { method: 'get', parameters: this.getResult(), asynchronous: false }); var results = this.getResult(); var url = this.options.resultsURL + "?"; url += "tests="+ this.tests.length + "&"; url += "assertions="+ results.assertions + "&"; url += "warnings=" + results.warnings + "&"; url += "failures=" + results.failures + "&"; url += "errors=" + results.errors; JsUnitTest.ajax({ url: url, type: 'GET' }) } }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Runner.prototype.runTests = function() { var test = this.tests[this.currentTest], actions; if (!test) return this.finish(); if (!test.isWaiting) this.logger.start(;; var self = this; if(test.isWaiting) { this.logger.message("Waiting for " + test.timeToWait + "ms"); // setTimeout(this.runTests.bind(this), test.timeToWait || 1000); setTimeout(function() { self.runTests(); }, test.timeToWait || 1000); return; } this.logger.finish(test.status(), test.summary()); if (actions = test.actions) this.logger.appendActionButtons(actions); this.currentTest++; // tail recursive, hopefully the browser will skip the stackframe this.runTests(); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Runner.prototype.finish = function() { this.postResults(); this.logger.summary(this.summary()); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Runner.prototype.summary = function() { return new JsUnitTest.Template('#{tests} tests, #{assertions} assertions, #{failures} failures, #{errors} errors, #{warnings} warnings').evaluate(this.getResult()); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase = function(name, test, setup, teardown) { = name; this.test = test || function() {}; this.setup = setup || function() {}; this.teardown = teardown || function() {}; this.messages = []; this.actions = {}; }; // import JsUnitTest.Unit.Assertions for (method in JsUnitTest.Unit.Assertions) { JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype[method] = JsUnitTest.Unit.Assertions[method]; } JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.isWaiting = false; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.timeToWait = 1000; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.assertions = 0; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.failures = 0; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.errors = 0; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.warnings = 0; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.isRunningFromRake = window.location.port; // JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.isRunningFromRake = window.location.port == 4711; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.wait = function(time, nextPart) { this.isWaiting = true; this.test = nextPart; this.timeToWait = time; }; = function(rethrow) { try { try { if (!this.isWaiting) this.setup(); this.isWaiting = false; this.test(); } finally { if(!this.isWaiting) { this.teardown(); } } } catch(e) { if (rethrow) throw e; this.error(e, this); } }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.summary = function() { var msg = '#{assertions} assertions, #{failures} failures, #{errors} errors, #{warnings} warnings\n'; return new JsUnitTest.Template(msg).evaluate(this) + this.messages.join("\n"); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.pass = function() { this.assertions++; }; = function(message) { this.failures++; var line = ""; try { throw new Error("stack"); } catch(e){ line = (/\.html:(\d+)/.exec(e.stack || '') || ['',''])[1]; } this.messages.push("Failure: " + message + (line ? " Line #" + line : "")); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.warning = function(message) { this.warnings++; var line = ""; try { throw new Error("stack"); } catch(e){ line = (/\.html:(\d+)/.exec(e.stack || '') || ['',''])[1]; } this.messages.push("Warning: " + message + (line ? " Line #" + line : "")); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.warn = JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.warning; = function(message) { this.messages.push("Info: " + message); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.error = function(error, test) { this.errors++; this.actions['retry with throw'] = function() { }; this.messages.push( + ": "+ error.message + "(" + JsUnitTest.inspect(error) + ")"); }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.status = function() { if (this.failures > 0) return 'failed'; if (this.errors > 0) return 'error'; if (this.warnings > 0) return 'warning'; return 'passed'; }; JsUnitTest.Unit.Testcase.prototype.benchmark = function(operation, iterations) { var startAt = new Date(); (iterations || 1).times(operation); var timeTaken = ((new Date())-startAt);[2] || 'Operation') + ' finished ' + iterations + ' iterations in ' + (timeTaken/1000)+'s' ); return timeTaken; }; Test = JsUnitTest

Other ActiveMQ examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this ActiveMQ jsunittest.js source code file:

ActiveMQ example source code file (jsunittest.js)

This example ActiveMQ source code file (jsunittest.js) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - ActiveMQ tags/keywords

date, date, error, error, expected, jsunittest, jsunittest, line, rangeerror, regexp, string, string, waiting, xmlhttprequest

The ActiveMQ jsunittest.js source code

/*  Jsunittest, version 0.7.3
 *  (c) 2008 Dr Nic Williams
 *  Jsunittest is freely distributable under
 *  the terms of an MIT-style license.
 *  For details, see the web site:

var JsUnitTest = {
  Unit: {},
  inspect: function(object) {
    try {
      if (typeof object == "undefined") return 'undefined';
      if (object === null) return 'null';
      if (typeof object == "string") {
        var useDoubleQuotes = arguments[1];
        var escapedString = this.gsub(object, /[\x00-\x1f\\]/, function(match) {
          var character = String.specialChar[match[0]];
          return character ? character : '\\u00' + match[0].charCodeAt().toPaddedString(2, 16);
        if (useDoubleQuotes) return '"' + escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';
        return "'" + escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'";
      return String(object);
    } catch (e) {
      if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...';
      throw e;
  $: function(element) {
    if (arguments.length > 1) {
      for (var i = 0, elements = [], length = arguments.length; i < length; i++)
      return elements;
    if (typeof element == "string")
      element = document.getElementById(element);
    return element;
  gsub: function(source, pattern, replacement) {
    var result = '', match;
    replacement = arguments.callee.prepareReplacement(replacement);

    while (source.length > 0) {
      if (match = source.match(pattern)) {
        result += source.slice(0, match.index);
        result += JsUnitTest.String.interpret(replacement(match));
        source  = source.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
      } else {
        result += source, source = '';
    return result;
  scan: function(source, pattern, iterator) {
    this.gsub(source, pattern, iterator);
    return String(source);
  escapeHTML: function(data) {
    return data.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>');
  arrayfromargs: function(args) {
  	var myarray = new Array();
  	var i;

  	for (i=0;i<args.length;i++)
  		myarray[i] = args[i];

  	return myarray;
  hashToSortedArray: function(hash) {
    var results = [];
    for (key in hash) {
      results.push([key, hash[key]]);
    return results.sort();
  flattenArray: function(array) {
    var results = arguments[1] || [];
    for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
      var object = array[i];
      if (object != null && typeof object == "object" &&
        'splice' in object && 'join' in object) {
          this.flattenArray(object, results);
      } else {
    return results;
  selectorMatch: function(expression, element) {
    var tokens = [];
    var patterns = {
      // combinators must be listed first
      // (and descendant needs to be last combinator)
      laterSibling: /^\s*~\s*/,
      child:        /^\s*>\s*/,
      adjacent:     /^\s*\+\s*/,
      descendant:   /^\s/,

      // selectors follow
      tagName:      /^\s*(\*|[\w\-]+)(\b|$)?/,
      id:           /^#([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/,
      className:    /^\.([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/,
      attrPresence: /^\[((?:[\w]+:)?[\w]+)\]/,
      attr:         /\[((?:[\w-]*:)?[\w-]+)\s*(?:([!^$*~|]?=)\s*((['"])([^\4]*?)\4|([^'"][^\]]*?)))?\]/

    var assertions = {
      tagName: function(element, matches) {
        return matches[1].toUpperCase() == element.tagName.toUpperCase();

      className: function(element, matches) {
        return Element.hasClassName(element, matches[1]);

      id: function(element, matches) {
        return === matches[1];

      attrPresence: function(element, matches) {
        return Element.hasAttribute(element, matches[1]);

      attr: function(element, matches) {
        var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(element, matches[1]);
        return nodeValue && operators[matches[2]](nodeValue, matches[5] || matches[6]);
    var e = this.expression, ps = patterns, as = assertions;
    var le, p, m;

    while (e && le !== e && (/\S/).test(e)) {
      le = e;
      for (var i in ps) {
        p = ps[i];
        if (m = e.match(p)) {
          // use the Selector.assertions methods unless the selector
          // is too complex.
          if (as[i]) {
            tokens.push([i, Object.clone(m)]);
            e = e.replace(m[0], '');

    var match = true, name, matches;
    for (var i = 0, token; token = tokens[i]; i++) {
      name = token[0], matches = token[1];
      if (!assertions[name](element, matches)) {
        match = false; break;

    return match;
  toQueryParams: function(query, separator) {
    var query = query ||;
    var match = query.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/);
    if (!match) return { };

    var hash = {};
    var parts = match[1].split(separator || '&');
    for (var i=0; i < parts.length; i++) {
      var pair = parts[i].split('=');
      if (pair[0]) {
        var key = decodeURIComponent(pair.shift());
        var value = pair.length > 1 ? pair.join('=') : pair[0];
        if (value != undefined) value = decodeURIComponent(value);

        if (key in hash) {
          var object = hash[key];
          var isArray = object != null && typeof object == "object" &&
            'splice' in object && 'join' in object
          if (!isArray) hash[key] = [hash[key]];
        else hash[key] = value;
    return hash;

  String: {
    interpret: function(value) {
      return value == null ? '' : String(value);

JsUnitTest.gsub.prepareReplacement = function(replacement) {
  if (typeof replacement == "function") return replacement;
  var template = new Template(replacement);
  return function(match) { return template.evaluate(match) };

JsUnitTest.Version = '0.7.3';

JsUnitTest.Template = function(template, pattern) {
  this.template = template; //template.toString();
  this.pattern = pattern || JsUnitTest.Template.Pattern;

JsUnitTest.Template.prototype.evaluate = function(object) {
  if (typeof object.toTemplateReplacements == "function")
    object = object.toTemplateReplacements();

  return JsUnitTest.gsub(this.template, this.pattern, function(match) {
    if (object == null) return '';

    var before = match[1] || '';
    if (before == '\\') return match[2];

    var ctx = object, expr = match[3];
    var pattern = /^([^.[]+|\[((?:.*?[^\\])?)\])(\.|\[|$)/;
    match = pattern.exec(expr);
    if (match == null) return before;

    while (match != null) {
      var comp = (match[1].indexOf('[]') === 0) ? match[2].gsub('\\\\]', ']') : match[1];
      ctx = ctx[comp];
      if (null == ctx || '' == match[3]) break;
      expr = expr.substring('[' == match[3] ? match[1].length : match[0].length);
      match = pattern.exec(expr);

    return before + JsUnitTest.String.interpret(ctx);

JsUnitTest.Template.Pattern = /(^|.|\r|\n)(#\{(.*?)\})/;
JsUnitTest.Event = {};
// written by Dean Edwards, 2005
// with input from Tino Zijdel, Matthias Miller, Diego Perini
// namespaced by Dr Nic Williams 2008

JsUnitTest.Event.addEvent = function(element, type, handler) {
	if (element.addEventListener) {
		element.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
	} else {
		// assign each event handler a unique ID
		if (!handler.$$guid) handler.$$guid = JsUnitTest.Event.addEvent.guid++;
		// create a hash table of event types for the element
		if (! = {};
		// create a hash table of event handlers for each element/event pair
		var handlers =[type];
		if (!handlers) {
			handlers =[type] = {};
			// store the existing event handler (if there is one)
			if (element["on" + type]) {
				handlers[0] = element["on" + type];
		// store the event handler in the hash table
		handlers[handler.$$guid] = handler;
		// assign a global event handler to do all the work
		element["on" + type] = this.handleEvent;
// a counter used to create unique IDs
JsUnitTest.Event.addEvent.guid = 1;

JsUnitTest.Event.removeEvent = function(element, type, handler) {
	if (element.removeEventListener) {
		element.removeEventListener(type, handler, false);
	} else {
		// delete the event handler from the hash table
		if ( &&[type]) {

JsUnitTest.Event.handleEvent = function(event) {
	var returnValue = true;
	// grab the event object (IE uses a global event object)
	event = event || JsUnitTest.Event.fixEvent(((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || window).event);
	// get a reference to the hash table of event handlers
	var handlers =[event.type];
	// execute each event handler
	for (var i in handlers) {
		this.$$handleEvent = handlers[i];
		if (this.$$handleEvent(event) === false) {
			returnValue = false;
	return returnValue;

JsUnitTest.Event.fixEvent = function(event) {
	// add W3C standard event methods
	event.preventDefault = this.fixEvent.preventDefault;
	event.stopPropagation = this.fixEvent.stopPropagation;
	return event;
JsUnitTest.Event.fixEvent.preventDefault = function() {
	this.returnValue = false;
JsUnitTest.Event.fixEvent.stopPropagation = function() {
	this.cancelBubble = true;

JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger = function(element) {
  this.element = JsUnitTest.$(element);
  if (this.element) this._createLogTable();

JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype.start = function(testName) {
  if (!this.element) return;
  var tbody = this.element.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];

  var tr = document.createElement('tr');
  var td;

  td = document.createElement('td');



JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype.setStatus = function(status) {
  var logline = this.getLastLogLine();
  logline.className = status;
  var statusCell = logline.getElementsByTagName('td')[1];

JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype.finish = function(status, summary) {
  if (!this.element) return;

JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype.message = function(message) {
  if (!this.element) return;
  var cell = this.getMessageCell();

  // cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this._toHTML(message)));
  cell.innerHTML = this._toHTML(message);

JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype.summary = function(summary) {
  if (!this.element) return;
  var div = this.element.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
  div.innerHTML = this._toHTML(summary);

JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype.getLastLogLine = function() {
  var tbody = this.element.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
  var loglines = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr');
  return loglines[loglines.length - 1];

JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype.getMessageCell = function() {
  var logline = this.getLastLogLine();
  return logline.getElementsByTagName('td')[2];

JsUnitTest.Unit.Logger.prototype._createLogTable = function() {
  var html = '<div class="logsummary">running...
' + '<table class="logtable">' + '<thead>
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