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Akka/Scala example source code file (DeathWatchSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (DeathWatchSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorref, akka, concurrent, deathwatchspec, dispatch, green, kill, nkotb, poisonpill, terminated, test, testing, testlatch, time, wrappedterminated

The DeathWatchSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>


import language.postfixOps
import akka.dispatch.sysmsg.{ DeathWatchNotification, Failed }
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.testkit._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await

class LocalDeathWatchSpec extends AkkaSpec with ImplicitSender with DefaultTimeout with DeathWatchSpec

object DeathWatchSpec {
  def props(target: ActorRef, testActor: ActorRef) = Props(new Actor {
    def receive = {
      case t: Terminated ⇒ testActor forward WrappedTerminated(t)
      case x             ⇒ testActor forward x

   * Forwarding `Terminated` to non-watching testActor is not possible,
   * and therefore the `Terminated` message is wrapped.
  final case class WrappedTerminated(t: Terminated)

  final case class W(ref: ActorRef)
  final case class U(ref: ActorRef)
  final case class FF(fail: Failed)

  final case class Latches(t1: TestLatch, t2: TestLatch) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

trait DeathWatchSpec { this: AkkaSpec with ImplicitSender with DefaultTimeout ⇒

  import DeathWatchSpec._

  lazy val supervisor = system.actorOf(Props(new Supervisor(SupervisorStrategy.defaultStrategy)), "watchers")

  def startWatching(target: ActorRef) = Await.result((supervisor ? props(target, testActor)).mapTo[ActorRef], 3 seconds)

  "The Death Watch" must {
    def expectTerminationOf(actorRef: ActorRef) = expectMsgPF(5 seconds, actorRef + ": Stopped or Already terminated when linking") {
      case WrappedTerminated(Terminated(`actorRef`)) ⇒ true

    "notify with one Terminated message when an Actor is stopped" in {
      val terminal = system.actorOf(Props.empty)
      startWatching(terminal) ! "hallo"

      terminal ! PoisonPill


    "notify with one Terminated message when an Actor is already dead" in {
      val terminal = system.actorOf(Props.empty)

      terminal ! PoisonPill


    "notify with all monitors with one Terminated message when an Actor is stopped" in {
      val terminal = system.actorOf(Props.empty)
      val monitor1, monitor2, monitor3 = startWatching(terminal)

      terminal ! PoisonPill



    "notify with _current_ monitors with one Terminated message when an Actor is stopped" in {
      val terminal = system.actorOf(Props.empty)
      val monitor1, monitor3 = startWatching(terminal)
      val monitor2 = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
        def receive = {
          case "ping"        ⇒ sender() ! "pong"
          case t: Terminated ⇒ testActor ! WrappedTerminated(t)

      monitor2 ! "ping"

      expectMsg("pong") //Needs to be here since watch and unwatch are asynchronous

      terminal ! PoisonPill



    "notify with a Terminated message once when an Actor is stopped but not when restarted" in {
      filterException[ActorKilledException] {
        val supervisor = system.actorOf(Props(new Supervisor(
          OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 2)(List(classOf[Exception])))))
        val terminalProps = Props(new Actor { def receive = { case x ⇒ sender() ! x } })
        val terminal = Await.result((supervisor ? terminalProps).mapTo[ActorRef], timeout.duration)

        val monitor = startWatching(terminal)

        terminal ! Kill
        terminal ! Kill
        Await.result(terminal ? "foo", timeout.duration) should be("foo")
        terminal ! Kill

        terminal.isTerminated should be(true)


    "fail a monitor which does not handle Terminated()" in {
      filterEvents(EventFilter[ActorKilledException](), EventFilter[DeathPactException]()) {
        val strategy = new OneForOneStrategy()(SupervisorStrategy.defaultStrategy.decider) {
          override def handleFailure(context: ActorContext, child: ActorRef, cause: Throwable, stats: ChildRestartStats, children: Iterable[ChildRestartStats]) = {
            testActor.tell(FF(Failed(child, cause, 0)), child)
            super.handleFailure(context, child, cause, stats, children)
        val supervisor = system.actorOf(Props(new Supervisor(strategy)).withDeploy(Deploy.local))

        val failed = Await.result((supervisor ? Props.empty).mapTo[ActorRef], timeout.duration)
        val brother = Await.result((supervisor ? Props(new Actor {

          def receive = Actor.emptyBehavior
        })).mapTo[ActorRef], timeout.duration)


        failed ! Kill
        val result = receiveWhile(3 seconds, messages = 3) {
          case FF(Failed(_, _: ActorKilledException, _)) if lastSender eq failed       ⇒ 1
          case FF(Failed(_, DeathPactException(`failed`), _)) if lastSender eq brother ⇒ 2
          case WrappedTerminated(Terminated(`brother`))                                ⇒ 3
        testActor.isTerminated should not be true
        result should be(Seq(1, 2, 3))

    "be able to watch a child with the same name after the old died" in {
      val parent = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
        def receive = {
          case "NKOTB" ⇒
            val currentKid = Actor { def receive = { case "NKOTB" ⇒ context stop self } }), "kid"))
            currentKid forward "NKOTB"
            context become {
              case Terminated(`currentKid`) ⇒
                testActor ! "GREEN"
                context unbecome

      parent ! "NKOTB"
      parent ! "NKOTB"

    "only notify when watching" in {
      val subject = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = Actor.emptyBehavior }))

        .sendSystemMessage(DeathWatchNotification(subject, existenceConfirmed = true, addressTerminated = false))

      // the testActor is not watching subject and will not receive a Terminated msg

    "discard Terminated when unwatched between sysmsg and processing" in {
      class Watcher extends Actor {
        def receive = {
          case W(ref) ⇒ context watch ref
          case U(ref) ⇒ context unwatch ref
          case Latches(t1: TestLatch, t2: TestLatch) ⇒
            Await.ready(t2, 3.seconds)

      val t1, t2 = TestLatch()
      val w = system.actorOf(Props(new Watcher).withDeploy(Deploy.local), "myDearWatcher")
      val p = TestProbe()
      w ! W(p.ref)
      w ! Latches(t1, t2)
      Await.ready(t1, 3.seconds)
      system stop p.ref
      w ! U(p.ref)
       * now the Watcher will
       * - process the DeathWatchNotification and enqueue Terminated
       * - process the unwatch command
       * - process the Terminated
       * If it receives the Terminated it will die, which in fact it should not
      w ! Identify(())
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity((), Some(w)))
      w ! Identify(())
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity((), Some(w)))


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka DeathWatchSpec.scala source code file:

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