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Akka/Scala example source code file (LocalActorRefProviderSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (LocalActorRefProviderSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, akka, an, concurrent, eventfilter, getchild, invalidactornameexception, localactorrefproviderspec, set, some, test, testing, time, timeout, url, utilities

The LocalActorRefProviderSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>


import language.postfixOps
import akka.testkit._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Failure

object LocalActorRefProviderSpec {
  val config = """
    akka {
      actor {
        default-dispatcher {
          executor = "thread-pool-executor"
          thread-pool-executor {
            core-pool-size-min = 16
            core-pool-size-max = 16

class LocalActorRefProviderSpec extends AkkaSpec(LocalActorRefProviderSpec.config) {
  "An LocalActorRefProvider" must {

    "find actor refs using actorFor" in {
      val a = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case _ ⇒ } }))
      val b = system.actorFor(a.path)
      a should be(b)

    "find child actor with URL encoded name using actorFor" in {
      val childName = "akka%3A%2F%2FClusterSystem%40127.0.0.1%3A2552"
      val a = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
        val child = context.actorOf(Props.empty, name = childName)
        def receive = {
          case "lookup" ⇒
            if (childName == sender() ! context.actorFor(childName)
            else sender() ! s"$childName is not ${}!"
      a.tell("lookup", testActor)
      val b = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      b.isTerminated should be(false) should be(childName)


  "A LocalActorRef's ActorCell" must {
    "not retain its original Props when terminated" in {
      val GetChild = "GetChild"
      val a = watch(system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
        val child = context.actorOf(Props.empty)
        def receive = { case `GetChild` ⇒ sender() ! child }
      a.tell(GetChild, testActor)
      val child = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      val childProps1 = child.asInstanceOf[LocalActorRef].underlying.props
      childProps1 should be(Props.empty)
      system stop a
      // the fields are cleared after the Terminated message has been sent,
      // so we need to check for a reasonable time after we receive it
        val childProps2 = child.asInstanceOf[LocalActorRef].underlying.props
        childProps2 should not be theSameInstanceAs(childProps1)
        childProps2 should be theSameInstanceAs ActorCell.terminatedProps
      }, 1 second)

  "An ActorRefFactory" must {
    implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
    "only create one instance of an actor with a specific address in a concurrent environment" in {
      val impl = system.asInstanceOf[ActorSystemImpl]
      val provider = impl.provider

      provider.isInstanceOf[LocalActorRefProvider] should be(true)

      for (i ← 0 until 100) {
        val address = "new-actor" + i
        implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
        val actors = for (j ← 1 to 4) yield Future(system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case _ ⇒ } }), address))
        val set = Set() ++ ⇒ Await.ready(a, timeout.duration).value match {
          case Some(Success(a: ActorRef)) ⇒ 1
          case Some(Failure(ex: InvalidActorNameException)) ⇒ 2
          case x ⇒ x
        set should be(Set(1, 2))

    "only create one instance of an actor from within the same message invocation" in {
      val supervisor = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
        def receive = {
          case "" ⇒
            val a, b = context.actorOf(Props.empty, "duplicate")
      EventFilter[InvalidActorNameException](occurrences = 1) intercept {
        supervisor ! ""

    "throw suitable exceptions for malformed actor names" in {
      intercept[InvalidActorNameException](system.actorOf(Props.empty, null)).getMessage.contains("null") should be(true)
      intercept[InvalidActorNameException](system.actorOf(Props.empty, "")).getMessage.contains("empty") should be(true)
      intercept[InvalidActorNameException](system.actorOf(Props.empty, "$hallo")).getMessage.contains("conform") should be(true)
      intercept[InvalidActorNameException](system.actorOf(Props.empty, "a%")).getMessage.contains("conform") should be(true)
      intercept[InvalidActorNameException](system.actorOf(Props.empty, "%3")).getMessage.contains("conform") should be(true)
      intercept[InvalidActorNameException](system.actorOf(Props.empty, "%1t")).getMessage.contains("conform") should be(true)
      intercept[InvalidActorNameException](system.actorOf(Props.empty, "a?")).getMessage.contains("conform") should be(true)
      intercept[InvalidActorNameException](system.actorOf(Props.empty, "üß")).getMessage.contains("conform") should be(true)


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka LocalActorRefProviderSpec.scala source code file:

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