Akka/Scala example source code file (SchedulerSpec.scala)
The SchedulerSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.actor import language.postfixOps import java.io.Closeable import java.util.concurrent._ import atomic.{ AtomicReference, AtomicInteger } import scala.concurrent.{ future, Await, ExecutionContext } import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom import scala.util.Try import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory } import akka.pattern.ask import akka.testkit._ object SchedulerSpec { val testConfRevolver = ConfigFactory.parseString(""" akka.scheduler.implementation = akka.actor.LightArrayRevolverScheduler akka.scheduler.ticks-per-wheel = 32 akka.actor.serialize-messages = off """).withFallback(AkkaSpec.testConf) } trait SchedulerSpec extends BeforeAndAfterEach with DefaultTimeout with ImplicitSender { this: AkkaSpec ⇒ import system.dispatcher def collectCancellable(c: Cancellable): Cancellable "A Scheduler" must { "schedule more than once" taggedAs TimingTest in { case object Tick case object Tock val tickActor, tickActor2 = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { var ticks = 0 def receive = { case Tick ⇒ if (ticks < 3) { sender() ! Tock ticks += 1 } } })) // run every 50 milliseconds collectCancellable(system.scheduler.schedule(0 milliseconds, 50 milliseconds, tickActor, Tick)) // after max 1 second it should be executed at least the 3 times already expectMsg(Tock) expectMsg(Tock) expectMsg(Tock) expectNoMsg(500 millis) collectCancellable(system.scheduler.schedule(0 milliseconds, 50 milliseconds)(tickActor2 ! Tick)) // after max 1 second it should be executed at least the 3 times already expectMsg(Tock) expectMsg(Tock) expectMsg(Tock) expectNoMsg(500 millis) } "stop continuous scheduling if the receiving actor has been terminated" taggedAs TimingTest in { val actor = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case x ⇒ sender() ! x } })) // run immediately and then every 100 milliseconds collectCancellable(system.scheduler.schedule(0 milliseconds, 100 milliseconds, actor, "msg")) expectMsg("msg") // stop the actor and, hence, the continuous messaging from happening system stop actor expectNoMsg(500 millis) } "schedule once" taggedAs TimingTest in { case object Tick val countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(3) val tickActor = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case Tick ⇒ countDownLatch.countDown() } })) // run after 300 millisec collectCancellable(system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(300 milliseconds, tickActor, Tick)) collectCancellable(system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(300 milliseconds)(countDownLatch.countDown())) // should not be run immediately assert(countDownLatch.await(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) == false) countDownLatch.getCount should be(3) // after 1 second the wait should fail assert(countDownLatch.await(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS) == false) // should still be 1 left countDownLatch.getCount should be(1) } /** * ticket #372 */ "be cancellable" taggedAs TimingTest in { for (_ ← 1 to 10) system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1 second, testActor, "fail").cancel() expectNoMsg(2 seconds) } "be cancellable during initial delay" taggedAs TimingTest in { val ticks = new AtomicInteger val initialDelay = 200.milliseconds.dilated val delay = 10.milliseconds.dilated val timeout = collectCancellable(system.scheduler.schedule(initialDelay, delay) { ticks.incrementAndGet() }) Thread.sleep(10.milliseconds.dilated.toMillis) timeout.cancel() Thread.sleep((initialDelay + 100.milliseconds.dilated).toMillis) ticks.get should be(0) } "be cancellable after initial delay" taggedAs TimingTest in { val ticks = new AtomicInteger val initialDelay = 90.milliseconds.dilated val delay = 500.milliseconds.dilated val timeout = collectCancellable(system.scheduler.schedule(initialDelay, delay) { ticks.incrementAndGet() }) Thread.sleep((initialDelay + 200.milliseconds.dilated).toMillis) timeout.cancel() Thread.sleep((delay + 100.milliseconds.dilated).toMillis) ticks.get should be(1) } "be canceled if cancel is performed before execution" in { val task = collectCancellable(system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(10 seconds)(())) task.cancel() should be(true) task.isCancelled should be(true) task.cancel() should be(false) task.isCancelled should be(true) } "not be canceled if cancel is performed after execution" in { val latch = TestLatch(1) val task = collectCancellable(system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(10 millis)(latch.countDown())) Await.ready(latch, remainingOrDefault) task.cancel() should be(false) task.isCancelled should be(false) task.cancel() should be(false) task.isCancelled should be(false) } /** * ticket #307 */ "pick up schedule after actor restart" taggedAs TimingTest in { object Ping object Crash val restartLatch = new TestLatch val pingLatch = new TestLatch(6) val supervisor = system.actorOf(Props(new Supervisor(AllForOneStrategy(3, 1 second)(List(classOf[Exception]))))) val props = Props(new Actor { def receive = { case Ping ⇒ pingLatch.countDown() case Crash ⇒ throw new Exception("CRASH") } override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) = restartLatch.open }) val actor = Await.result((supervisor ? props).mapTo[ActorRef], timeout.duration) collectCancellable(system.scheduler.schedule(500 milliseconds, 500 milliseconds, actor, Ping)) // appx 2 pings before crash EventFilter[Exception]("CRASH", occurrences = 1) intercept { collectCancellable(system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1000 milliseconds, actor, Crash)) } Await.ready(restartLatch, 2 seconds) // should be enough time for the ping countdown to recover and reach 6 pings Await.ready(pingLatch, 5 seconds) } "never fire prematurely" taggedAs TimingTest in { val ticks = new TestLatch(300) final case class Msg(ts: Long) val actor = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case Msg(ts) ⇒ val now = System.nanoTime // Make sure that no message has been dispatched before the scheduled time (10ms) has occurred if (now < ts) throw new RuntimeException("Interval is too small: " + (now - ts)) ticks.countDown() } })) (1 to 300).foreach { i ⇒ collectCancellable(system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(20 milliseconds, actor, Msg(System.nanoTime))) Thread.sleep(5) } Await.ready(ticks, 3 seconds) } "schedule with different initial delay and frequency" taggedAs TimingTest in { val ticks = new TestLatch(3) case object Msg val actor = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case Msg ⇒ ticks.countDown() } })) val startTime = System.nanoTime() collectCancellable(system.scheduler.schedule(1 second, 300 milliseconds, actor, Msg)) Await.ready(ticks, 3 seconds) // LARS is a bit more aggressive in scheduling recurring tasks at the right // frequency and may execute them a little earlier; the actual expected timing // is 1599ms on a fast machine or 1699ms on a loaded one (plus some room for jenkins) (System.nanoTime() - startTime).nanos.toMillis should be(1750L +- 250) } "adjust for scheduler inaccuracy" taggedAs TimingTest in { val startTime = System.nanoTime val n = 200 val latch = new TestLatch(n) system.scheduler.schedule(25.millis, 25.millis) { latch.countDown() } Await.ready(latch, 6.seconds) // Rate n * 1000.0 / (System.nanoTime - startTime).nanos.toMillis should be(40.0 +- 4) } "not be affected by long running task" taggedAs TimingTest in { val startTime = System.nanoTime val n = 22 val latch = new TestLatch(n) system.scheduler.schedule(225.millis, 225.millis) { Thread.sleep(80) latch.countDown() } Await.ready(latch, 6.seconds) // Rate n * 1000.0 / (System.nanoTime - startTime).nanos.toMillis should be(4.4 +- 0.3) } "handle timeouts equal to multiple of wheel period" taggedAs TimingTest in { val timeout = 3200 milliseconds val barrier = TestLatch() import system.dispatcher val job = system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(timeout)(barrier.countDown()) try { Await.ready(barrier, 5000 milliseconds) } finally { job.cancel() } } "survive being stressed without cancellation" taggedAs TimingTest in { val r = ThreadLocalRandom.current() val N = 100000 for (_ ← 1 to N) { val next = r.nextInt(3000) val now = System.nanoTime system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(next.millis) { val stop = System.nanoTime testActor ! (stop - now - next * 1000000L) } } val latencies = within(10.seconds) { for (i ← 1 to N) yield try expectMsgType[Long] catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new Exception(s"failed expecting the $i-th latency", e) } } val histogram = latencies groupBy (_ / 100000000L) for (k ← histogram.keys.toSeq.sorted) { system.log.info(f"${k * 100}%3d: ${histogram(k).size}") } } } } class LightArrayRevolverSchedulerSpec extends AkkaSpec(SchedulerSpec.testConfRevolver) with SchedulerSpec { def collectCancellable(c: Cancellable): Cancellable = c def tickDuration = system.scheduler.asInstanceOf[LightArrayRevolverScheduler].TickDuration "A LightArrayRevolverScheduler" must { "reject tasks scheduled too far into the future" in { val maxDelay = tickDuration * Int.MaxValue import system.dispatcher system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(maxDelay - tickDuration, testActor, "OK") intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(maxDelay, testActor, "Too far") } } "reject periodic tasks scheduled too far into the future" in { val maxDelay = tickDuration * Int.MaxValue import system.dispatcher system.scheduler.schedule(maxDelay - tickDuration, 1.second, testActor, "OK") intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { system.scheduler.schedule(maxDelay, 1.second, testActor, "Too far") } } "reject periodic tasks scheduled with too long interval" in { val maxDelay = tickDuration * Int.MaxValue import system.dispatcher system.scheduler.schedule(100.millis, maxDelay - tickDuration, testActor, "OK") expectMsg("OK") intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { system.scheduler.schedule(100.millis, maxDelay, testActor, "Too long") } expectNoMsg(1.second) } "survive being stressed with cancellation" taggedAs TimingTest in { import system.dispatcher val r = ThreadLocalRandom.current val N = 1000000 val tasks = for (_ ← 1 to N) yield { val next = r.nextInt(3000) val now = System.nanoTime system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(next.millis) { val stop = System.nanoTime testActor ! (stop - now - next * 1000000L) } } // get somewhat into the middle of things Thread.sleep(500) val cancellations = for (t ← tasks) yield { t.cancel() if (t.isCancelled) 1 else 0 } val cancelled = cancellations.sum println(cancelled) val latencies = within(10.seconds) { for (i ← 1 to (N - cancelled)) yield try expectMsgType[Long] catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new Exception(s"failed expecting the $i-th latency", e) } } val histogram = latencies groupBy (_ / 100000000L) for (k ← histogram.keys.toSeq.sorted) { system.log.info(f"${k * 100}%3d: ${histogram(k).size}") } expectNoMsg(1.second) } "survive vicious enqueueing" in { withScheduler(config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.scheduler.ticks-per-wheel=2")) { (sched, driver) ⇒ import driver._ import system.dispatcher val counter = new AtomicInteger val terminated = future { var rounds = 0 while (Try(sched.scheduleOnce(Duration.Zero)(())(localEC)).isSuccess) { Thread.sleep(1) driver.wakeUp(step) rounds += 1 } rounds } def delay = if (ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextBoolean) step * 2 else step val N = 1000000 (1 to N) foreach (_ ⇒ sched.scheduleOnce(delay)(counter.incrementAndGet())) sched.close() Await.result(terminated, 3.seconds.dilated) should be > 10 awaitCond(counter.get == N) } } "execute multiple jobs at once when expiring multiple buckets" in { withScheduler() { (sched, driver) ⇒ implicit def ec = localEC import driver._ val start = step / 2 (0 to 3) foreach (i ⇒ sched.scheduleOnce(start + step * i, testActor, "hello")) expectNoMsg(step) wakeUp(step) expectWait(step) wakeUp(step * 4 + step / 2) expectWait(step / 2) (0 to 3) foreach (_ ⇒ expectMsg(Duration.Zero, "hello")) } } "properly defer jobs even when the timer thread oversleeps" in { withScheduler() { (sched, driver) ⇒ implicit def ec = localEC import driver._ sched.scheduleOnce(step * 3, probe.ref, "hello") wakeUp(step * 5) expectWait(step) wakeUp(step * 2) expectWait(step) wakeUp(step) probe.expectMsg("hello") expectWait(step) } } "correctly wrap around wheel rounds" in { withScheduler(config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.scheduler.ticks-per-wheel=2")) { (sched, driver) ⇒ implicit def ec = localEC import driver._ val start = step / 2 (0 to 3) foreach (i ⇒ sched.scheduleOnce(start + step * i, probe.ref, "hello")) probe.expectNoMsg(step) wakeUp(step) expectWait(step) // the following are no for-comp to see which iteration fails wakeUp(step) probe.expectMsg("hello") expectWait(step) wakeUp(step) probe.expectMsg("hello") expectWait(step) wakeUp(step) probe.expectMsg("hello") expectWait(step) wakeUp(step) probe.expectMsg("hello") expectWait(step) wakeUp(step) expectWait(step) } } "correctly execute jobs when clock wraps around" in { withScheduler(Long.MaxValue - 200000000L) { (sched, driver) ⇒ implicit def ec = localEC import driver._ val start = step / 2 (0 to 3) foreach (i ⇒ sched.scheduleOnce(start + step * i, testActor, "hello")) expectNoMsg(step) wakeUp(step) expectWait(step) // the following are no for-comp to see which iteration fails wakeUp(step) expectMsg("hello") expectWait(step) wakeUp(step) expectMsg("hello") expectWait(step) wakeUp(step) expectMsg("hello") expectWait(step) wakeUp(step) expectMsg("hello") expectWait(step) wakeUp(step) expectWait(step) } } "reliably reject jobs when shutting down" in { withScheduler() { (sched, driver) ⇒ import system.dispatcher val counter = new AtomicInteger future { Thread.sleep(5); driver.close(); sched.close() } val headroom = 200 var overrun = headroom val cap = 1000000 val (success, failure) = Iterator .continually(Try(sched.scheduleOnce(100.millis)(counter.incrementAndGet()))) .take(cap) .takeWhile(_.isSuccess || { overrun -= 1; overrun >= 0 }) .partition(_.isSuccess) val s = success.size s should be < cap awaitCond(s == counter.get, message = s"$s was not ${counter.get}") failure.size should be(headroom) } } } trait Driver { def wakeUp(d: FiniteDuration): Unit def expectWait(): FiniteDuration def expectWait(d: FiniteDuration) { expectWait() should be(d) } def probe: TestProbe def step: FiniteDuration def close(): Unit } val localEC = new ExecutionContext { def execute(runnable: Runnable) { runnable.run() } def reportFailure(t: Throwable) { t.printStackTrace() } } def withScheduler(start: Long = 0L, config: Config = ConfigFactory.empty)(thunk: (Scheduler with Closeable, Driver) ⇒ Unit): Unit = { import akka.actor.{ LightArrayRevolverScheduler ⇒ LARS } val lbq = new AtomicReference[LinkedBlockingQueue[Long]](new LinkedBlockingQueue[Long]) val prb = TestProbe() val tf = system.asInstanceOf[ActorSystemImpl].threadFactory val sched = new { @volatile var time = start } with LARS(config.withFallback(system.settings.config), log, tf) { override protected def clock(): Long = { // println(s"clock=$time") time } override protected def getShutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration = (10 seconds).dilated override protected def waitNanos(ns: Long): Unit = { // println(s"waiting $ns") prb.ref ! ns try time += (lbq.get match { case q: LinkedBlockingQueue[Long] ⇒ q.take() case _ ⇒ 0L }) catch { case _: InterruptedException ⇒ Thread.currentThread.interrupt() } } } val driver = new Driver { def wakeUp(d: FiniteDuration) = lbq.get match { case q: LinkedBlockingQueue[Long] ⇒ q.offer(d.toNanos) case _ ⇒ } def expectWait(): FiniteDuration = probe.expectMsgType[Long].nanos def probe = prb def step = sched.TickDuration def close() = lbq.getAndSet(null) match { case q: LinkedBlockingQueue[Long] ⇒ q.offer(0L) case _ ⇒ } } driver.expectWait() try thunk(sched, driver) catch { case NonFatal(ex) ⇒ try { driver.close() sched.close() } catch { case _: Exception ⇒ } throw ex } driver.close() sched.close() } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka SchedulerSpec.scala source code file: |
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