Akka/Scala example source code file (ActorModelSpec.scala)
The ActorModelSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.actor.dispatch import language.postfixOps import java.rmi.RemoteException import java.util.concurrent.{ TimeUnit, CountDownLatch, ConcurrentHashMap } import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicLong, AtomicInteger } import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.Assertions._ import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner import com.typesafe.config.Config import akka.actor._ import akka.dispatch.sysmsg._ import akka.dispatch._ import akka.event.Logging.Error import akka.pattern.ask import akka.testkit._ import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps import akka.util.Switch import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future, Promise } import scala.annotation.tailrec object ActorModelSpec { sealed trait ActorModelMessage extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded final case class TryReply(expect: Any) extends ActorModelMessage final case class Reply(expect: Any) extends ActorModelMessage final case class Forward(to: ActorRef, msg: Any) extends ActorModelMessage final case class CountDown(latch: CountDownLatch) extends ActorModelMessage final case class Increment(counter: AtomicLong) extends ActorModelMessage final case class AwaitLatch(latch: CountDownLatch) extends ActorModelMessage final case class Meet(acknowledge: CountDownLatch, waitFor: CountDownLatch) extends ActorModelMessage final case class CountDownNStop(latch: CountDownLatch) extends ActorModelMessage final case class Wait(time: Long) extends ActorModelMessage final case class WaitAck(time: Long, latch: CountDownLatch) extends ActorModelMessage case object Interrupt extends ActorModelMessage final case class InterruptNicely(expect: Any) extends ActorModelMessage case object Restart extends ActorModelMessage case object DoubleStop extends ActorModelMessage final case class ThrowException(e: Throwable) extends ActorModelMessage val Ping = "Ping" val Pong = "Pong" class DispatcherActor extends Actor { private val busy = new Switch(false) def interceptor = context.dispatcher.asInstanceOf[MessageDispatcherInterceptor] def ack(): Unit = { if (!busy.switchOn(())) { throw new Exception("isolation violated") } else { interceptor.getStats(self).msgsProcessed.incrementAndGet() } } override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) { interceptor.getStats(self).restarts.incrementAndGet() } def receive = { case AwaitLatch(latch) ⇒ { ack(); latch.await(); busy.switchOff(()) } case Meet(sign, wait) ⇒ { ack(); sign.countDown(); wait.await(); busy.switchOff(()) } case Wait(time) ⇒ { ack(); Thread.sleep(time); busy.switchOff(()) } case WaitAck(time, l) ⇒ { ack(); Thread.sleep(time); l.countDown(); busy.switchOff(()) } case Reply(msg) ⇒ { ack(); sender() ! msg; busy.switchOff(()) } case TryReply(msg) ⇒ { ack(); sender().tell(msg, null); busy.switchOff(()) } case Forward(to, msg) ⇒ { ack(); to.forward(msg); busy.switchOff(()) } case CountDown(latch) ⇒ { ack(); latch.countDown(); busy.switchOff(()) } case Increment(count) ⇒ { ack(); count.incrementAndGet(); busy.switchOff(()) } case CountDownNStop(l) ⇒ { ack(); l.countDown(); context.stop(self); busy.switchOff(()) } case Restart ⇒ { ack(); busy.switchOff(()); throw new Exception("Restart requested") } case Interrupt ⇒ { ack(); sender() ! Status.Failure(new ActorInterruptedException(new InterruptedException("Ping!"))); busy.switchOff(()); throw new InterruptedException("Ping!") } case InterruptNicely(msg) ⇒ { ack(); sender() ! msg; busy.switchOff(()); Thread.currentThread().interrupt() } case ThrowException(e: Throwable) ⇒ { ack(); busy.switchOff(()); throw e } case DoubleStop ⇒ { ack(); context.stop(self); context.stop(self); busy.switchOff } } } class InterceptorStats { val suspensions = new AtomicLong(0) val resumes = new AtomicLong(0) val registers = new AtomicLong(0) val unregisters = new AtomicLong(0) val msgsReceived = new AtomicLong(0) val msgsProcessed = new AtomicLong(0) val restarts = new AtomicLong(0) override def toString = "InterceptorStats(susp=" + suspensions + ",res=" + resumes + ",reg=" + registers + ",unreg=" + unregisters + ",recv=" + msgsReceived + ",proc=" + msgsProcessed + ",restart=" + restarts } trait MessageDispatcherInterceptor extends MessageDispatcher { val stats = new ConcurrentHashMap[ActorRef, InterceptorStats] val stops = new AtomicLong(0) def getStats(actorRef: ActorRef) = { val is = new InterceptorStats stats.putIfAbsent(actorRef, is) match { case null ⇒ is case other ⇒ other } } protected[akka] abstract override def suspend(actor: ActorCell) { getStats(actor.self).suspensions.incrementAndGet() super.suspend(actor) } protected[akka] abstract override def resume(actor: ActorCell) { super.resume(actor) getStats(actor.self).resumes.incrementAndGet() } protected[akka] abstract override def register(actor: ActorCell) { assert(getStats(actor.self).registers.incrementAndGet() == 1) super.register(actor) } protected[akka] abstract override def unregister(actor: ActorCell) { assert(getStats(actor.self).unregisters.incrementAndGet() == 1) super.unregister(actor) } protected[akka] abstract override def dispatch(receiver: ActorCell, invocation: Envelope) { val stats = getStats(receiver.self) stats.msgsReceived.incrementAndGet() super.dispatch(receiver, invocation) } protected[akka] abstract override def shutdown() { stops.incrementAndGet() super.shutdown() } } def assertDispatcher(dispatcher: MessageDispatcherInterceptor)( stops: Long = dispatcher.stops.get())(implicit system: ActorSystem) { val deadline = System.currentTimeMillis + dispatcher.shutdownTimeout.toMillis * 5 try { await(deadline)(stops == dispatcher.stops.get) } catch { case e: Throwable ⇒ system.eventStream.publish(Error(e, dispatcher.toString, dispatcher.getClass, "actual: stops=" + dispatcher.stops.get + " required: stops=" + stops)) throw e } } def assertCountDown(latch: CountDownLatch, wait: Long, hint: String) { if (!latch.await(wait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) fail("Failed to count down within " + wait + " millis (count at " + latch.getCount + "). " + hint) } def assertNoCountDown(latch: CountDownLatch, wait: Long, hint: String) { if (latch.await(wait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) fail("Expected count down to fail after " + wait + " millis. " + hint) } def statsFor(actorRef: ActorRef, dispatcher: MessageDispatcher = null) = dispatcher.asInstanceOf[MessageDispatcherInterceptor].getStats(actorRef) def assertRefDefaultZero(actorRef: ActorRef, dispatcher: MessageDispatcher = null)( suspensions: Long = 0, resumes: Long = 0, registers: Long = 0, unregisters: Long = 0, msgsReceived: Long = 0, msgsProcessed: Long = 0, restarts: Long = 0)(implicit system: ActorSystem) { assertRef(actorRef, dispatcher)( suspensions, resumes, registers, unregisters, msgsReceived, msgsProcessed, restarts) } def assertRef(actorRef: ActorRef, dispatcher: MessageDispatcher = null)( suspensions: Long = statsFor(actorRef, dispatcher).suspensions.get(), resumes: Long = statsFor(actorRef, dispatcher).resumes.get(), registers: Long = statsFor(actorRef, dispatcher).registers.get(), unregisters: Long = statsFor(actorRef, dispatcher).unregisters.get(), msgsReceived: Long = statsFor(actorRef, dispatcher).msgsReceived.get(), msgsProcessed: Long = statsFor(actorRef, dispatcher).msgsProcessed.get(), restarts: Long = statsFor(actorRef, dispatcher).restarts.get())(implicit system: ActorSystem) { val stats = statsFor(actorRef, Option(dispatcher).getOrElse(actorRef.asInstanceOf[ActorRefWithCell].underlying.asInstanceOf[ActorCell].dispatcher)) val deadline = System.currentTimeMillis + 1000 try { await(deadline)(stats.suspensions.get() == suspensions) await(deadline)(stats.resumes.get() == resumes) await(deadline)(stats.registers.get() == registers) await(deadline)(stats.unregisters.get() == unregisters) await(deadline)(stats.msgsReceived.get() == msgsReceived) await(deadline)(stats.msgsProcessed.get() == msgsProcessed) await(deadline)(stats.restarts.get() == restarts) } catch { case e: Throwable ⇒ system.eventStream.publish(Error(e, Option(dispatcher).toString, (Option(dispatcher) getOrElse this).getClass, "actual: " + stats + ", required: InterceptorStats(susp=" + suspensions + ",res=" + resumes + ",reg=" + registers + ",unreg=" + unregisters + ",recv=" + msgsReceived + ",proc=" + msgsProcessed + ",restart=" + restarts)) throw e } } @tailrec def await(until: Long)(condition: ⇒ Boolean): Unit = if (System.currentTimeMillis() <= until) { var done = false try { done = condition if (!done) Thread.sleep(25) } catch { case e: InterruptedException ⇒ } if (!done) await(until)(condition) } else throw new AssertionError("await failed") } abstract class ActorModelSpec(config: String) extends AkkaSpec(config) with DefaultTimeout { import ActorModelSpec._ def newTestActor(dispatcher: String) = system.actorOf(Props[DispatcherActor].withDispatcher(dispatcher)) def awaitStarted(ref: ActorRef): Unit = { awaitCond(ref match { case r: RepointableRef ⇒ r.isStarted case _ ⇒ true }, 1 second, 10 millis) } protected def interceptedDispatcher(): MessageDispatcherInterceptor protected def dispatcherType: String "A " + dispatcherType must { "dynamically handle its own life cycle" in { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() assertDispatcher(dispatcher)(stops = 0) val a = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) assertDispatcher(dispatcher)(stops = 0) system.stop(a) assertDispatcher(dispatcher)(stops = 1) assertRef(a, dispatcher)( suspensions = 0, resumes = 0, registers = 1, unregisters = 1, msgsReceived = 0, msgsProcessed = 0, restarts = 0) val futures = for (i ← 1 to 10) yield Future { i } assertDispatcher(dispatcher)(stops = 2) val a2 = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) val futures2 = for (i ← 1 to 10) yield Future { i } assertDispatcher(dispatcher)(stops = 2) system.stop(a2) assertDispatcher(dispatcher)(stops = 3) } "process messages one at a time" in { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() val start, oneAtATime = new CountDownLatch(1) val a = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) awaitStarted(a) a ! CountDown(start) assertCountDown(start, 3.seconds.dilated.toMillis, "Should process first message within 3 seconds") assertRefDefaultZero(a)(registers = 1, msgsReceived = 1, msgsProcessed = 1) a ! Wait(1000) a ! CountDown(oneAtATime) // in case of serialization violation, restart would happen instead of count down assertCountDown(oneAtATime, (1.5 seconds).dilated.toMillis, "Processed message when allowed") assertRefDefaultZero(a)(registers = 1, msgsReceived = 3, msgsProcessed = 3) system.stop(a) assertRefDefaultZero(a)(registers = 1, unregisters = 1, msgsReceived = 3, msgsProcessed = 3) } "handle queueing from multiple threads" in { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() val counter = new CountDownLatch(200) val a = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) for (i ← 1 to 10) { spawn { for (i ← 1 to 20) { a ! WaitAck(1, counter) } } } assertCountDown(counter, 3.seconds.dilated.toMillis, "Should process 200 messages") assertRefDefaultZero(a)(registers = 1, msgsReceived = 200, msgsProcessed = 200) system.stop(a) } def spawn(f: ⇒ Unit) { (new Thread { override def run(): Unit = try f catch { case e: Throwable ⇒ system.eventStream.publish(Error(e, "spawn", this.getClass, "error in spawned thread")) } }).start() } "not process messages for a suspended actor" in { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() val a = newTestActor(dispatcher.id).asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef] awaitStarted(a) val done = new CountDownLatch(1) a.suspend a ! CountDown(done) assertNoCountDown(done, 1000, "Should not process messages while suspended") assertRefDefaultZero(a)(registers = 1, msgsReceived = 1, suspensions = 1) a.resume(causedByFailure = null) assertCountDown(done, 3.seconds.dilated.toMillis, "Should resume processing of messages when resumed") assertRefDefaultZero(a)(registers = 1, msgsReceived = 1, msgsProcessed = 1, suspensions = 1, resumes = 1) system.stop(a) assertRefDefaultZero(a)(registers = 1, unregisters = 1, msgsReceived = 1, msgsProcessed = 1, suspensions = 1, resumes = 1) } "handle waves of actors" in { val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() val props = Props[DispatcherActor].withDispatcher(dispatcher.id) def flood(num: Int) { val cachedMessage = CountDownNStop(new CountDownLatch(num)) val stopLatch = new CountDownLatch(num) val keepAliveLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) val waitTime = (20 seconds).dilated.toMillis val boss = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case "run" ⇒ for (_ ← 1 to num) (context.watch(context.actorOf(props))) ! cachedMessage case Terminated(child) ⇒ stopLatch.countDown() } }).withDispatcher("boss")) try { // this future is meant to keep the dispatcher alive until the end of the test run even if // the boss doesn't create children fast enough to keep the dispatcher from becoming empty // and it needs to be on a separate thread to not deadlock the calling thread dispatcher new Thread(new Runnable { def run() = Future { keepAliveLatch.await(waitTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) }(dispatcher) }).start() boss ! "run" try { assertCountDown(cachedMessage.latch, waitTime, "Counting down from " + num) } catch { case e: Throwable ⇒ dispatcher match { case dispatcher: BalancingDispatcher ⇒ val team = dispatcher.team val mq = dispatcher.messageQueue System.err.println("Teammates left: " + team.size + " stopLatch: " + stopLatch.getCount + " inhab:" + dispatcher.inhabitants) team.toArray sorted new Ordering[AnyRef] { def compare(l: AnyRef, r: AnyRef) = (l, r) match { case (ll: ActorCell, rr: ActorCell) ⇒ ll.self.path compareTo rr.self.path } } foreach { case cell: ActorCell ⇒ System.err.println(" - " + cell.self.path + " " + cell.isTerminated + " " + cell.mailbox.status + " " + cell.mailbox.numberOfMessages + " " + cell.mailbox.systemDrain(SystemMessageList.LNil).size) } System.err.println("Mailbox: " + mq.numberOfMessages + " " + mq.hasMessages) Iterator.continually(mq.dequeue) takeWhile (_ ne null) foreach System.err.println case _ ⇒ } throw e } assertCountDown(stopLatch, waitTime, "Expected all children to stop") } finally { keepAliveLatch.countDown() system.stop(boss) } } for (run ← 1 to 3) { flood(50000) assertDispatcher(dispatcher)(stops = run) } } "continue to process messages when a thread gets interrupted and throws an exception" in { filterEvents( EventFilter[InterruptedException](), EventFilter[ActorInterruptedException](), EventFilter[akka.event.Logging.LoggerException]()) { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() val a = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) val f1 = a ? Reply("foo") val f2 = a ? Reply("bar") val f3 = a ? Interrupt Thread.interrupted() // CallingThreadDispatcher may necessitate this val f4 = a ? Reply("foo2") val f5 = a ? Interrupt Thread.interrupted() // CallingThreadDispatcher may necessitate this val f6 = a ? Reply("bar2") val c = system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(2.seconds) { import collection.JavaConverters._ Thread.getAllStackTraces().asScala foreach { case (thread, stack) ⇒ println(s"$thread:") stack foreach (s ⇒ println(s"\t$s")) } } assert(Await.result(f1, timeout.duration) === "foo") assert(Await.result(f2, timeout.duration) === "bar") assert(Await.result(f4, timeout.duration) === "foo2") assert(intercept[ActorInterruptedException](Await.result(f3, timeout.duration)).getCause.getMessage === "Ping!") assert(Await.result(f6, timeout.duration) === "bar2") assert(intercept[ActorInterruptedException](Await.result(f5, timeout.duration)).getCause.getMessage === "Ping!") c.cancel() Thread.sleep(300) // give the EventFilters a chance of catching all messages } } "continue to process messages without failure when a thread gets interrupted and doesn't throw an exception" in { filterEvents(EventFilter[InterruptedException]()) { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() val a = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) val f1 = a ? Reply("foo") val f2 = a ? Reply("bar") val f3 = a ? InterruptNicely("baz") val f4 = a ? Reply("foo2") val f5 = a ? InterruptNicely("baz2") val f6 = a ? Reply("bar2") assert(Await.result(f1, timeout.duration) === "foo") assert(Await.result(f2, timeout.duration) === "bar") assert(Await.result(f3, timeout.duration) === "baz") assert(Await.result(f4, timeout.duration) === "foo2") assert(Await.result(f5, timeout.duration) === "baz2") assert(Await.result(f6, timeout.duration) === "bar2") // clear the interrupted flag (only needed for the CallingThreadDispatcher) so the next test can continue normally Thread.interrupted() } } "continue to process messages when exception is thrown" in { filterEvents(EventFilter[IndexOutOfBoundsException](), EventFilter[RemoteException]()) { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() val a = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) val f1 = a ? Reply("foo") val f2 = a ? Reply("bar") val f3 = a ? ThrowException(new IndexOutOfBoundsException("IndexOutOfBoundsException")) val f4 = a ? Reply("foo2") val f5 = a ? ThrowException(new RemoteException("RemoteException")) val f6 = a ? Reply("bar2") assert(Await.result(f1, timeout.duration) === "foo") assert(Await.result(f2, timeout.duration) === "bar") assert(Await.result(f4, timeout.duration) === "foo2") assert(Await.result(f6, timeout.duration) === "bar2") assert(f3.value.isEmpty) assert(f5.value.isEmpty) } } "not double-deregister" in { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() for (i ← 1 to 1000) system.actorOf(Props.empty) val a = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) a ! DoubleStop awaitCond(statsFor(a, dispatcher).registers.get == 1) awaitCond(statsFor(a, dispatcher).unregisters.get == 1) } } } object DispatcherModelSpec { import ActorModelSpec._ val config = { """ boss { executor = thread-pool-executor type = PinnedDispatcher } """ + // use unique dispatcher id for each test, since MessageDispatcherInterceptor holds state (for (n ← 1 to 30) yield """ test-dispatcher-%s { type = "akka.actor.dispatch.DispatcherModelSpec$MessageDispatcherInterceptorConfigurator" }""".format(n)).mkString } class MessageDispatcherInterceptorConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) extends MessageDispatcherConfigurator(config, prerequisites) { import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps private val instance: MessageDispatcher = new Dispatcher(this, config.getString("id"), config.getInt("throughput"), config.getNanosDuration("throughput-deadline-time"), configureExecutor(), config.getMillisDuration("shutdown-timeout")) with MessageDispatcherInterceptor override def dispatcher(): MessageDispatcher = instance } } @org.junit.runner.RunWith(classOf[org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner]) class DispatcherModelSpec extends ActorModelSpec(DispatcherModelSpec.config) { import ActorModelSpec._ val dispatcherCount = new AtomicInteger() override def interceptedDispatcher(): MessageDispatcherInterceptor = { // use new id for each test, since the MessageDispatcherInterceptor holds state system.dispatchers.lookup("test-dispatcher-" + dispatcherCount.incrementAndGet()).asInstanceOf[MessageDispatcherInterceptor] } override def dispatcherType = "Dispatcher" "A " + dispatcherType must { "process messages in parallel" in { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() val aStart, aStop, bParallel = new CountDownLatch(1) val a, b = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) a ! Meet(aStart, aStop) assertCountDown(aStart, 3.seconds.dilated.toMillis, "Should process first message within 3 seconds") b ! CountDown(bParallel) assertCountDown(bParallel, 3.seconds.dilated.toMillis, "Should process other actors in parallel") aStop.countDown() system.stop(a) system.stop(b) while (!a.isTerminated && !b.isTerminated) {} //Busy wait for termination assertRefDefaultZero(a)(registers = 1, unregisters = 1, msgsReceived = 1, msgsProcessed = 1) assertRefDefaultZero(b)(registers = 1, unregisters = 1, msgsReceived = 1, msgsProcessed = 1) } } } object BalancingDispatcherModelSpec { import ActorModelSpec._ // TODO check why throughput=1 here? (came from old test) val config = { """ boss { executor = thread-pool-executor type = PinnedDispatcher } """ + // use unique dispatcher id for each test, since MessageDispatcherInterceptor holds state (for (n ← 1 to 30) yield """ test-balancing-dispatcher-%s { type = "akka.actor.dispatch.BalancingDispatcherModelSpec$BalancingMessageDispatcherInterceptorConfigurator" throughput=1 }""".format(n)).mkString } class BalancingMessageDispatcherInterceptorConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) extends BalancingDispatcherConfigurator(config, prerequisites) { import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps override protected def create(mailboxType: MailboxType): BalancingDispatcher = new BalancingDispatcher(this, config.getString("id"), config.getInt("throughput"), config.getNanosDuration("throughput-deadline-time"), mailboxType, configureExecutor(), config.getMillisDuration("shutdown-timeout"), config.getBoolean("attempt-teamwork")) with MessageDispatcherInterceptor } } @org.junit.runner.RunWith(classOf[org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner]) class BalancingDispatcherModelSpec extends ActorModelSpec(BalancingDispatcherModelSpec.config) { import ActorModelSpec._ val dispatcherCount = new AtomicInteger() override def interceptedDispatcher(): MessageDispatcherInterceptor = { // use new id for each test, since the MessageDispatcherInterceptor holds state system.dispatchers.lookup("test-balancing-dispatcher-" + dispatcherCount.incrementAndGet()).asInstanceOf[MessageDispatcherInterceptor] } override def dispatcherType = "Balancing Dispatcher" "A " + dispatcherType must { "process messages in parallel" in { implicit val dispatcher = interceptedDispatcher() val aStart, aStop, bParallel = new CountDownLatch(1) val a, b = newTestActor(dispatcher.id) a ! Meet(aStart, aStop) assertCountDown(aStart, 3.seconds.dilated.toMillis, "Should process first message within 3 seconds") b ! CountDown(bParallel) assertCountDown(bParallel, 3.seconds.dilated.toMillis, "Should process other actors in parallel") aStop.countDown() system.stop(a) system.stop(b) while (!a.isTerminated && !b.isTerminated) {} //Busy wait for termination assertRefDefaultZero(a)(registers = 1, unregisters = 1, msgsReceived = 1, msgsProcessed = 1) assertRefDefaultZero(b)(registers = 1, unregisters = 1, msgsReceived = 1, msgsProcessed = 1) } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka ActorModelSpec.scala source code file: |
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