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Akka/Scala example source code file (MailboxConfigSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (MailboxConfigSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, boundedmailbox, concurrent, dispatch, future, int, mailboxspec, mailboxtype, messagequeue, none, ping, test, testing, the, time, unboundedmailbox

The MailboxConfigSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.dispatch

import language.postfixOps

import java.util.concurrent.{ ConcurrentLinkedQueue, BlockingQueue }
import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterEach, BeforeAndAfterAll }
import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory }
import akka.testkit.{ EventFilter, AkkaSpec }
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Await, ExecutionContext }
import scala.concurrent.duration._

abstract class MailboxSpec extends AkkaSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll with BeforeAndAfterEach {
  def name: String

  def factory: MailboxType ⇒ MessageQueue

  def supportsBeingBounded = true

  def maxConsumers = 4

  private val exampleMessage = createMessageInvocation("test")

  name should {

    "create an unbounded mailbox" in {
      val config = UnboundedMailbox()
      val q = factory(config)
      ensureInitialMailboxState(config, q)

    "UnboundedMailbox.numberOfMessages should be consistent with queue size" in {

    "BoundedMailbox.numberOfMessages should be consistent with queue size" in {
      ensureSingleConsumerEnqueueDequeue(BoundedMailbox(1000, 10 milliseconds))

    "create a bounded mailbox with 10 capacity and with push timeout" in {
      val config = BoundedMailbox(10, 10 milliseconds)
      val q = factory(config)
      ensureInitialMailboxState(config, q)

      for (i ← 1 to config.capacity) q.enqueue(testActor, exampleMessage)

      q.numberOfMessages should be(config.capacity)
      q.hasMessages should be(true)

      system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[DeadLetter])
      q.enqueue(testActor, exampleMessage)
      expectMsg(DeadLetter(exampleMessage.message, system.deadLetters, testActor))
      system.eventStream.unsubscribe(testActor, classOf[DeadLetter])

      q.dequeue should be(exampleMessage)
      q.numberOfMessages should be(config.capacity - 1)
      q.hasMessages should be(true)

    "dequeue what was enqueued properly for unbounded mailboxes" in {

    "dequeue what was enqueued properly for bounded mailboxes" in {
      testEnqueueDequeue(BoundedMailbox(10000, -1 millisecond))

    "dequeue what was enqueued properly for bounded mailboxes with 0 pushTimeout" in {
      testEnqueueDequeue(BoundedMailbox(10, 0 millisecond), 20, 10, false)

    "dequeue what was enqueued properly for bounded mailboxes with pushTimeout" in {
      testEnqueueDequeue(BoundedMailbox(10000, 100 milliseconds))

  def spawn[T <: AnyRef](fun: ⇒ T): Future[T] = Future(fun)(

  def createMessageInvocation(msg: Any): Envelope = Envelope(msg, system.deadLetters, system)

  def ensureMailboxSize(q: MessageQueue, expected: Int): Unit = q.numberOfMessages match {
    case -1 | `expected` ⇒
      q.hasMessages should be(expected != 0)
    case other ⇒
      other should be(expected)
      q.hasMessages should be(expected != 0)

  def ensureSingleConsumerEnqueueDequeue(config: MailboxType) {
    val q = factory(config)
    ensureMailboxSize(q, 0)
    q.dequeue should be(null)
    for (i ← 1 to 100) {
      q.enqueue(testActor, exampleMessage)
      ensureMailboxSize(q, i)

    ensureMailboxSize(q, 100)

    for (i ← 99 to 0 by -1) {
      q.dequeue() should be(exampleMessage)
      ensureMailboxSize(q, i)

    q.dequeue should be(null)
    ensureMailboxSize(q, 0)

  def ensureInitialMailboxState(config: MailboxType, q: MessageQueue) {
    q should not be null
    q match {
      case aQueue: BlockingQueue[_] ⇒
        config match {
          case BoundedMailbox(capacity, _) ⇒ aQueue.remainingCapacity should be(capacity)
          case UnboundedMailbox()          ⇒ aQueue.remainingCapacity should be(Int.MaxValue)
      case _ ⇒
    q.numberOfMessages should be(0)
    q.hasMessages should be(false)

  def testEnqueueDequeue(config: MailboxType,
                         enqueueN: Int = 10000,
                         dequeueN: Int = 10000,
                         parallel: Boolean = true): Unit = within(10 seconds) {
    val q = factory(config)
    ensureInitialMailboxState(config, q)

    EventFilter.warning(pattern = ".*received dead letter from Actor.*MailboxSpec/deadLetters.*",
      occurrences = (enqueueN - dequeueN)) intercept {

        def createProducer(fromNum: Int, toNum: Int): Future[Vector[Envelope]] = spawn {
          val messages = Vector() ++ (for (i ← fromNum to toNum) yield createMessageInvocation(i))
          for (i ← messages) q.enqueue(testActor, i)

        val producers = {
          val step = 500
          val ps = for (i ← (1 to enqueueN by step).toList) yield createProducer(i, Math.min(enqueueN, i + step - 1))

          if (parallel == false)
            ps foreach { Await.ready(_, remainingOrDefault) }


        def createConsumer: Future[Vector[Envelope]] = spawn {
          var r = Vector[Envelope]()

          while (producers.exists(_.isCompleted == false) || q.hasMessages)
            Option(q.dequeue) foreach { message ⇒ r = r :+ message }


        val consumers = List.fill(maxConsumers)(createConsumer)

        val ps =, remainingOrDefault))
        val cs =, remainingOrDefault)) should be(enqueueN) //Must have produced 1000 messages should be(dequeueN) //Must have consumed all produced messages
        //No message is allowed to be consumed by more than one consumer
        cs.flatten.distinct.size should be(dequeueN)
        //All consumed messages should have been produced
        (cs.flatten diff ps.flatten).size should be(0)
        //The ones that were produced and not consumed
        (ps.flatten diff cs.flatten).size should be(enqueueN - dequeueN)

class DefaultMailboxSpec extends MailboxSpec {
  lazy val name = "The default mailbox implementation"
  def factory = {
    case u: UnboundedMailbox ⇒ u.create(None, None)
    case b: BoundedMailbox   ⇒ b.create(None, None)

class PriorityMailboxSpec extends MailboxSpec {
  val comparator = PriorityGenerator(_.##)
  lazy val name = "The priority mailbox implementation"
  def factory = {
    case UnboundedMailbox()                    ⇒ new UnboundedPriorityMailbox(comparator).create(None, None)
    case BoundedMailbox(capacity, pushTimeOut) ⇒ new BoundedPriorityMailbox(comparator, capacity, pushTimeOut).create(None, None)

class ControlAwareMailboxSpec extends MailboxSpec {
  lazy val name = "The control aware mailbox implementation"
  def factory = {
    case UnboundedMailbox()                    ⇒ new UnboundedControlAwareMailbox().create(None, None)
    case BoundedMailbox(capacity, pushTimeOut) ⇒ new BoundedControlAwareMailbox(capacity, pushTimeOut).create(None, None)

object CustomMailboxSpec {
  val config = """
    my-dispatcher {
       mailbox-type = "akka.dispatch.CustomMailboxSpec$MyMailboxType"

  class MyMailboxType(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) extends MailboxType {
    override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]) = owner match {
      case Some(o) ⇒ new MyMailbox(o)
      case None    ⇒ throw new Exception("no mailbox owner given")

  class MyMailbox(owner: ActorRef) extends UnboundedQueueBasedMessageQueue {
    final val queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Envelope]()

class CustomMailboxSpec extends AkkaSpec(CustomMailboxSpec.config) {
  "Dispatcher configuration" must {
    "support custom mailboxType" in {
      val actor = system.actorOf(Props.empty.withDispatcher("my-dispatcher"))
      awaitCond(actor match {
        case r: RepointableRef ⇒ r.isStarted
        case _                 ⇒ true
      }, 1 second, 10 millis)
      val queue = actor.asInstanceOf[ActorRefWithCell].underlying.asInstanceOf[ActorCell].mailbox.messageQueue
      queue.getClass should be(classOf[CustomMailboxSpec.MyMailbox])

class SingleConsumerOnlyMailboxSpec extends MailboxSpec {
  lazy val name = "The single-consumer-only mailbox implementation"
  override def maxConsumers = 1
  def factory = {
    case u: UnboundedMailbox ⇒ SingleConsumerOnlyUnboundedMailbox().create(None, None)
    case b: BoundedMailbox   ⇒ pending; null

object SingleConsumerOnlyMailboxVerificationSpec {
  case object Ping
  val mailboxConf = ConfigFactory.parseString(""" = off
      test-dispatcher {
      mailbox-type = "akka.dispatch.SingleConsumerOnlyUnboundedMailbox"
      throughput = 1

class SingleConsumerOnlyMailboxVerificationSpec extends AkkaSpec(SingleConsumerOnlyMailboxVerificationSpec.mailboxConf) {
  import SingleConsumerOnlyMailboxVerificationSpec.Ping
  "A SingleConsumerOnlyMailbox" should {
    "support pathological ping-ponging" in within(30.seconds) {
      val total = 2000000
      val runner = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
        val a, b =
          context.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
            var n = total / 2
            def receive = {
              case Ping ⇒
                n -= 1
                sender() ! Ping
                if (n == 0)
                  context stop self
        def receive = {
          case Ping                  ⇒ a.tell(Ping, b)
          case Terminated(`a` | `b`) ⇒ if (context.children.isEmpty) context stop self
      runner ! Ping

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka MailboxConfigSpec.scala source code file:

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