Akka/Scala example source code file (EventStreamSpec.scala)
The EventStreamSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.event import language.postfixOps import scala.concurrent.duration._ import akka.actor._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import akka.event.Logging.InitializeLogger import akka.pattern.gracefulStop import akka.testkit.{ EventFilter, TestEvent, TestProbe, AkkaSpec } object EventStreamSpec { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(""" akka { actor.serialize-messages = off stdout-loglevel = WARNING loglevel = INFO loggers = ["akka.event.EventStreamSpec$MyLog", "%s"] } """.format(Logging.StandardOutLogger.getClass.getName)) val configUnhandled = ConfigFactory.parseString(""" akka { actor.serialize-messages = off stdout-loglevel = WARNING loglevel = WARNING actor.debug.unhandled = on } """) val configUnhandledWithDebug = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.actor.debug.event-stream = on") .withFallback(configUnhandled) final case class M(i: Int) final case class SetTarget(ref: ActorRef) class MyLog extends Actor { var dst: ActorRef = context.system.deadLetters def receive = { case Logging.InitializeLogger(bus) ⇒ bus.subscribe(context.self, classOf[SetTarget]) bus.subscribe(context.self, classOf[UnhandledMessage]) sender() ! Logging.LoggerInitialized case SetTarget(ref) ⇒ { dst = ref; dst ! "OK" } case e: Logging.LogEvent ⇒ dst ! e case u: UnhandledMessage ⇒ dst ! u } } // class hierarchy for subchannel test class A class B1 extends A class B2 extends A class C extends B1 trait T trait AT extends T trait ATT extends AT trait BT extends T trait BTT extends BT class CC class CCATBT extends CC with ATT with BTT } @org.junit.runner.RunWith(classOf[org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner]) class EventStreamSpec extends AkkaSpec(EventStreamSpec.config) { import EventStreamSpec._ val impl = system.asInstanceOf[ActorSystemImpl] "An EventStream" must { "manage subscriptions" in { //#event-bus-start-unsubscriber-scala val bus = new EventStream(system, true) bus.startUnsubscriber() //#event-bus-start-unsubscriber-scala bus.subscribe(testActor, classOf[M]) bus.publish(M(42)) within(1 second) { expectMsg(M(42)) bus.unsubscribe(testActor) bus.publish(M(13)) expectNoMsg } } "not allow null as subscriber" in { val bus = new EventStream(system, true) intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { bus.subscribe(null, classOf[M]) }.getMessage should be("subscriber is null") } "not allow null as unsubscriber" in { val bus = new EventStream(system, true) intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { bus.unsubscribe(null, classOf[M]) }.getMessage should be("subscriber is null") intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { bus.unsubscribe(null) }.getMessage should be("subscriber is null") } "be able to log unhandled messages" in { val sys = ActorSystem("EventStreamSpecUnhandled", configUnhandled) try { sys.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[AnyRef]) val m = UnhandledMessage(42, sys.deadLetters, sys.deadLetters) sys.eventStream.publish(m) expectMsgAllOf(m, Logging.Debug(sys.deadLetters.path.toString, sys.deadLetters.getClass, "unhandled message from " + sys.deadLetters + ": 42")) sys.eventStream.unsubscribe(testActor) } finally { shutdown(sys) } } "manage log levels" in { val bus = new EventStream(system, false) bus.startDefaultLoggers(impl) bus.publish(SetTarget(testActor)) expectMsg("OK") within(2 seconds) { import Logging._ verifyLevel(bus, InfoLevel) bus.setLogLevel(WarningLevel) verifyLevel(bus, WarningLevel) bus.setLogLevel(DebugLevel) verifyLevel(bus, DebugLevel) bus.setLogLevel(ErrorLevel) verifyLevel(bus, ErrorLevel) } } "manage sub-channels using classes" in { val a = new A val b1 = new B1 val b2 = new B2 val c = new C val bus = new EventStream(system, false) within(2 seconds) { bus.subscribe(testActor, classOf[B2]) should be(true) bus.publish(c) bus.publish(b2) expectMsg(b2) bus.subscribe(testActor, classOf[A]) should be(true) bus.publish(c) expectMsg(c) bus.publish(b1) expectMsg(b1) bus.unsubscribe(testActor, classOf[B1]) should be(true) bus.publish(c) bus.publish(b2) bus.publish(a) expectMsg(b2) expectMsg(a) expectNoMsg } } "manage sub-channels using classes and traits (update on subscribe)" in { val es = new EventStream(system, false) val tm1 = new CC val tm2 = new CCATBT val a1, a2, a3, a4 = TestProbe() es.subscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a3.ref, classOf[CC]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a4.ref, classOf[CCATBT]) should be(true) es.publish(tm1) es.publish(tm2) a1.expectMsgType[AT] should be(tm2) a2.expectMsgType[BT] should be(tm2) a3.expectMsgType[CC] should be(tm1) a3.expectMsgType[CC] should be(tm2) a4.expectMsgType[CCATBT] should be(tm2) es.unsubscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a3.ref, classOf[CC]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a4.ref, classOf[CCATBT]) should be(true) } "manage sub-channels using classes and traits (update on unsubscribe)" in { val es = new EventStream(system, false) val tm1 = new CC val tm2 = new CCATBT val a1, a2, a3, a4 = TestProbe() es.subscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a3.ref, classOf[CC]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a4.ref, classOf[CCATBT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a3.ref, classOf[CC]) should be(true) es.publish(tm1) es.publish(tm2) a1.expectMsgType[AT] should be(tm2) a2.expectMsgType[BT] should be(tm2) a3.expectNoMsg(1 second) a4.expectMsgType[CCATBT] should be(tm2) es.unsubscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a4.ref, classOf[CCATBT]) should be(true) } "manage sub-channels using classes and traits (update on unsubscribe all)" in { val es = new EventStream(system, false) val tm1 = new CC val tm2 = new CCATBT val a1, a2, a3, a4 = TestProbe() es.subscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a3.ref, classOf[CC]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a4.ref, classOf[CCATBT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a3.ref) es.publish(tm1) es.publish(tm2) a1.expectMsgType[AT] should be(tm2) a2.expectMsgType[BT] should be(tm2) a3.expectNoMsg(1 second) a4.expectMsgType[CCATBT] should be(tm2) es.unsubscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a4.ref, classOf[CCATBT]) should be(true) } "manage sub-channels using classes and traits (update on publish)" in { val es = new EventStream(system, false) val tm1 = new CC val tm2 = new CCATBT val a1, a2 = TestProbe() es.subscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) es.publish(tm1) es.publish(tm2) a1.expectMsgType[AT] should be(tm2) a2.expectMsgType[BT] should be(tm2) es.unsubscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) } "manage sub-channels using classes and traits (unsubscribe classes used with trait)" in { val es = new EventStream(system, false) val tm1 = new CC val tm2 = new CCATBT val a1, a2, a3 = TestProbe() es.subscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[CC]) should be(true) es.subscribe(a3.ref, classOf[CC]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[CC]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a3.ref, classOf[CCATBT]) should be(true) es.publish(tm1) es.publish(tm2) a1.expectMsgType[AT] should be(tm2) a2.expectMsgType[BT] should be(tm2) a3.expectMsgType[CC] should be(tm1) es.unsubscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a3.ref, classOf[CC]) should be(true) } "manage sub-channels using classes and traits (subscribe after publish)" in { val es = new EventStream(system, false) val tm1 = new CCATBT val a1, a2 = TestProbe() es.subscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.publish(tm1) a1.expectMsgType[AT] should be(tm1) a2.expectNoMsg(1 second) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BTT]) should be(true) es.publish(tm1) a1.expectMsgType[AT] should be(tm1) a2.expectMsgType[BTT] should be(tm1) es.unsubscribe(a1.ref, classOf[AT]) should be(true) es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[BTT]) should be(true) } "unsubscribe an actor on its termination" in { val sys = ActorSystem("EventStreamSpecUnsubscribeOnTerminated", configUnhandledWithDebug) try { val es = sys.eventStream val a1, a2 = TestProbe() val tm = new A val target = sys.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case in ⇒ a1.ref forward in } }), "to-be-killed") es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[Any]) es.subscribe(target, classOf[A]) should be(true) es.subscribe(target, classOf[A]) should be(false) target ! PoisonPill fishForDebugMessage(a2, s"unsubscribing $target from all channels") fishForDebugMessage(a2, s"unwatching $target") es.publish(tm) a1.expectNoMsg(1 second) a2.expectMsg(tm) } finally { shutdown(sys) } } "unsubscribe the actor, when it subscribes already in terminated state" in { val sys = ActorSystem("EventStreamSpecUnsubscribeTerminated", configUnhandledWithDebug) try { val es = sys.eventStream val a1, a2 = TestProbe() val target = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case in ⇒ a1.ref forward in } }), "to-be-killed") watch(target) target ! PoisonPill expectTerminated(target) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[Any]) // target1 is Terminated; When subscribing, it will be unsubscribed by the Unsubscriber right away es.subscribe(target, classOf[A]) should be(true) fishForDebugMessage(a2, s"unsubscribing $target from all channels") es.subscribe(target, classOf[A]) should be(true) fishForDebugMessage(a2, s"unsubscribing $target from all channels") } finally { shutdown(sys) } } "not allow initializing a TerminatedUnsubscriber twice" in { val sys = ActorSystem("MustNotAllowDoubleInitOfTerminatedUnsubscriber", config) // initializes an TerminatedUnsubscriber during start try { val es = sys.eventStream val p = TestProbe() val refWillBeUsedAsUnsubscriber = es.initUnsubscriber(p.ref) refWillBeUsedAsUnsubscriber should equal(false) } finally { shutdown(sys) } } "unwatch an actor from unsubscriber when that actor unsubscribes from the stream" in { val sys = ActorSystem("MustUnregisterDuringUnsubscribe", configUnhandledWithDebug) try { val es = sys.eventStream val a1, a2 = TestProbe() es.subscribe(a1.ref, classOf[Logging.Debug]) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[A]) fishForDebugMessage(a1, s"watching ${a2.ref}") es.unsubscribe(a2.ref) fishForDebugMessage(a1, s"unwatching ${a2.ref}") } finally { shutdown(sys) } } "unwatch an actor from unsubscriber when that actor unsubscribes from channels it subscribed" in { val sys = ActorSystem("MustUnregisterWhenNoMoreChannelSubscriptions", configUnhandledWithDebug) try { val es = sys.eventStream val a1, a2 = TestProbe() es.subscribe(a1.ref, classOf[Logging.Debug]) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[A]) es.subscribe(a2.ref, classOf[T]) fishForDebugMessage(a1, s"watching ${a2.ref}", 1 second) fishForDebugMessage(a1, s"watching ${a2.ref}", 1 second) // the unsubscriber "starts to watch" each time, as watching is idempotent es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[A]) should equal(true) fishForDebugMessage(a1, s"unsubscribing ${a2.ref} from channel class akka.event.EventStreamSpec$$A") a1.expectNoMsg(1 second) es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[T]) should equal(true) fishForDebugMessage(a1, s"unsubscribing ${a2.ref} from channel interface akka.event.EventStreamSpec$$T") fishForDebugMessage(a1, s"unwatching ${a2.ref}, since has no subscriptions") a1.expectNoMsg(1 second) es.unsubscribe(a2.ref, classOf[T]) should equal(false) } finally { shutdown(sys) } } } private def verifyLevel(bus: LoggingBus, level: Logging.LogLevel) { import Logging._ val allmsg = Seq(Debug("", null, "debug"), Info("", null, "info"), Warning("", null, "warning"), Error("", null, "error")) val msg = allmsg filter (_.level <= level) allmsg foreach bus.publish msg foreach (expectMsg(_)) } private def fishForDebugMessage(a: TestProbe, messagePrefix: String, max: Duration = 3 seconds) { a.fishForMessage(max, hint = "expected debug message prefix: " + messagePrefix) { case Logging.Debug(_, _, msg: String) if msg startsWith messagePrefix ⇒ true case other ⇒ false } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka EventStreamSpec.scala source code file: |
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