Akka/Scala example source code file (ByteStringSpec.scala)
The ByteStringSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.util import org.scalatest.WordSpec import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary import org.scalacheck.Gen import scala.collection.mutable.Builder import java.nio.{ ByteBuffer } import java.nio.ByteOrder, ByteOrder.{ BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN } import java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits import java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits class ByteStringSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with Checkers { def genSimpleByteString(min: Int, max: Int) = for { n ← Gen.choose(min, max) b ← Gen.containerOfN[Array, Byte](n, arbitrary[Byte]) from ← Gen.choose(0, b.length) until ← Gen.choose(from, b.length) } yield ByteString(b).slice(from, until) implicit val arbitraryByteString: Arbitrary[ByteString] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { s ⇒ for { chunks ← Gen.choose(0, s) bytes ← Gen.listOfN(chunks, genSimpleByteString(1, s / (chunks max 1))) } yield (ByteString.empty /: bytes)(_ ++ _) } } type ByteStringSlice = (ByteString, Int, Int) implicit val arbitraryByteStringSlice: Arbitrary[ByteStringSlice] = Arbitrary { for { xs ← arbitraryByteString.arbitrary from ← Gen.choose(0, xs.length - 1) until ← Gen.choose(from, xs.length) } yield (xs, from, until) } type ArraySlice[A] = (Array[A], Int, Int) def arbSlice[A](arbArray: Arbitrary[Array[A]]): Arbitrary[ArraySlice[A]] = Arbitrary { for { xs ← arbArray.arbitrary from ← Gen.choose(0, xs.length) until ← Gen.choose(from, xs.length) } yield (xs, from, until) } val arbitraryByteArray: Arbitrary[Array[Byte]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Byte](n, arbitrary[Byte]) } } implicit val arbitraryByteArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Byte]] = arbSlice(arbitraryByteArray) val arbitraryShortArray: Arbitrary[Array[Short]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Short](n, arbitrary[Short]) } } implicit val arbitraryShortArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Short]] = arbSlice(arbitraryShortArray) val arbitraryIntArray: Arbitrary[Array[Int]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Int](n, arbitrary[Int]) } } implicit val arbitraryIntArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Int]] = arbSlice(arbitraryIntArray) val arbitraryLongArray: Arbitrary[Array[Long]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Long](n, arbitrary[Long]) } } implicit val arbitraryLongArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Long]] = arbSlice(arbitraryLongArray) val arbitraryFloatArray: Arbitrary[Array[Float]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Float](n, arbitrary[Float]) } } implicit val arbitraryFloatArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Float]] = arbSlice(arbitraryFloatArray) val arbitraryDoubleArray: Arbitrary[Array[Double]] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { n ⇒ Gen.containerOfN[Array, Double](n, arbitrary[Double]) } } implicit val arbitraryDoubleArraySlice: Arbitrary[ArraySlice[Double]] = arbSlice(arbitraryDoubleArray) type ArrayNumBytes[A] = (Array[A], Int) implicit val arbitraryLongArrayNumBytes: Arbitrary[ArrayNumBytes[Long]] = Arbitrary { for { xs ← arbitraryLongArray.arbitrary from ← Gen.choose(0, xs.length) until ← Gen.choose(from, xs.length) bytes ← Gen.choose(0, 8) } yield (xs.slice(from, until), bytes) } def likeVector(bs: ByteString)(body: IndexedSeq[Byte] ⇒ Any): Boolean = { val vec = Vector(bs: _*) body(bs) == body(vec) } def likeVectors(bsA: ByteString, bsB: ByteString)(body: (IndexedSeq[Byte], IndexedSeq[Byte]) ⇒ Any): Boolean = { val vecA = Vector(bsA: _*) val vecB = Vector(bsB: _*) body(bsA, bsB) == body(vecA, vecB) } def likeVecIt(bs: ByteString)(body: BufferedIterator[Byte] ⇒ Any, strict: Boolean = true): Boolean = { val bsIterator = bs.iterator val vecIterator = Vector(bs: _*).iterator.buffered (body(bsIterator) == body(vecIterator)) && (!strict || (bsIterator.toSeq == vecIterator.toSeq)) } def likeVecIts(a: ByteString, b: ByteString)(body: (BufferedIterator[Byte], BufferedIterator[Byte]) ⇒ Any, strict: Boolean = true): Boolean = { val (bsAIt, bsBIt) = (a.iterator, b.iterator) val (vecAIt, vecBIt) = (Vector(a: _*).iterator.buffered, Vector(b: _*).iterator.buffered) (body(bsAIt, bsBIt) == body(vecAIt, vecBIt)) && (!strict || (bsAIt.toSeq -> bsBIt.toSeq) == (vecAIt.toSeq -> vecBIt.toSeq)) } def likeVecBld(body: Builder[Byte, _] ⇒ Unit): Boolean = { val bsBuilder = ByteString.newBuilder val vecBuilder = Vector.newBuilder[Byte] body(bsBuilder) body(vecBuilder) bsBuilder.result == vecBuilder.result } def testShortDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 2 val (bytes, from, until) = slice val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize) val reference = Array.ofDim[Short](n) bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asShortBuffer.get(reference, 0, n) val input = bytes.iterator val decoded = Array.ofDim[Short](n) for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getShort(byteOrder) input.getShorts(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder) for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getShort(byteOrder) (decoded.toSeq == reference.toSeq) && (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize)) } def testIntDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 4 val (bytes, from, until) = slice val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize) val reference = Array.ofDim[Int](n) bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asIntBuffer.get(reference, 0, n) val input = bytes.iterator val decoded = Array.ofDim[Int](n) for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getInt(byteOrder) input.getInts(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder) for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getInt(byteOrder) (decoded.toSeq == reference.toSeq) && (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize)) } def testLongDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 8 val (bytes, from, until) = slice val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize) val reference = Array.ofDim[Long](n) bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asLongBuffer.get(reference, 0, n) val input = bytes.iterator val decoded = Array.ofDim[Long](n) for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getLong(byteOrder) input.getLongs(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder) for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getLong(byteOrder) (decoded.toSeq == reference.toSeq) && (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize)) } def testFloatDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 4 val (bytes, from, until) = slice val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize) val reference = Array.ofDim[Float](n) bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asFloatBuffer.get(reference, 0, n) val input = bytes.iterator val decoded = Array.ofDim[Float](n) for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getFloat(byteOrder) input.getFloats(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder) for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getFloat(byteOrder) ((decoded.toSeq map floatToRawIntBits) == (reference.toSeq map floatToRawIntBits)) && (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize)) } def testDoubleDecoding(slice: ByteStringSlice, byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 8 val (bytes, from, until) = slice val (n, a, b) = (bytes.length / elemSize, from / elemSize, until / elemSize) val reference = Array.ofDim[Double](n) bytes.asByteBuffer.order(byteOrder).asDoubleBuffer.get(reference, 0, n) val input = bytes.iterator val decoded = Array.ofDim[Double](n) for (i ← 0 until a) decoded(i) = input.getDouble(byteOrder) input.getDoubles(decoded, a, b - a)(byteOrder) for (i ← b until n) decoded(i) = input.getDouble(byteOrder) ((decoded.toSeq map doubleToRawLongBits) == (reference.toSeq map doubleToRawLongBits)) && (input.toSeq == bytes.drop(n * elemSize)) } def testShortEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Short], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 2 val (data, from, to) = slice val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize) ByteBuffer.wrap(reference).order(byteOrder).asShortBuffer.put(data) val builder = ByteString.newBuilder for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putShort(data(i))(byteOrder) builder.putShorts(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder) for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putShort(data(i))(byteOrder) reference.toSeq == builder.result } def testIntEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Int], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 4 val (data, from, to) = slice val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize) ByteBuffer.wrap(reference).order(byteOrder).asIntBuffer.put(data) val builder = ByteString.newBuilder for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putInt(data(i))(byteOrder) builder.putInts(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder) for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putInt(data(i))(byteOrder) reference.toSeq == builder.result } def testLongEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Long], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 8 val (data, from, to) = slice val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize) ByteBuffer.wrap(reference).order(byteOrder).asLongBuffer.put(data) val builder = ByteString.newBuilder for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putLong(data(i))(byteOrder) builder.putLongs(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder) for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putLong(data(i))(byteOrder) reference.toSeq == builder.result } def testLongPartEncoding(anb: ArrayNumBytes[Long], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 8 val (data, nBytes) = anb val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize) ByteBuffer.wrap(reference).order(byteOrder).asLongBuffer.put(data) val builder = ByteString.newBuilder for (i ← 0 until data.length) builder.putLongPart(data(i), nBytes)(byteOrder) reference.zipWithIndex.collect({ // Since there is no partial put on LongBuffer, we need to collect only the interesting bytes case (r, i) if byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN && i % elemSize < nBytes ⇒ r case (r, i) if byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN && i % elemSize >= (elemSize - nBytes) ⇒ r }).toSeq == builder.result } def testFloatEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Float], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 4 val (data, from, to) = slice val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize) ByteBuffer.wrap(reference).order(byteOrder).asFloatBuffer.put(data) val builder = ByteString.newBuilder for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putFloat(data(i))(byteOrder) builder.putFloats(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder) for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putFloat(data(i))(byteOrder) reference.toSeq == builder.result } def testDoubleEncoding(slice: ArraySlice[Double], byteOrder: ByteOrder): Boolean = { val elemSize = 8 val (data, from, to) = slice val reference = Array.ofDim[Byte](data.length * elemSize) ByteBuffer.wrap(reference).order(byteOrder).asDoubleBuffer.put(data) val builder = ByteString.newBuilder for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putDouble(data(i))(byteOrder) builder.putDoubles(data, from, to - from)(byteOrder) for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putDouble(data(i))(byteOrder) reference.toSeq == builder.result } "A ByteString" must { "have correct size" when { "concatenating" in { check((a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ (a ++ b).size == a.size + b.size) } "dropping" in { check((a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ (a ++ b).drop(b.size).size == a.size) } } "be sequential" when { "taking" in { check((a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ (a ++ b).take(a.size) == a) } "dropping" in { check((a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ (a ++ b).drop(a.size) == b) } } "be equal to the original" when { "compacting" in { check { xs: ByteString ⇒ val ys = xs.compact; (xs == ys) && ys.isCompact } } "recombining" in { check { (xs: ByteString, from: Int, until: Int) ⇒ val (tmp, c) = xs.splitAt(until) val (a, b) = tmp.splitAt(from) (a ++ b ++ c) == xs } } } "behave as expected" when { "created from and decoding to String" in { check { s: String ⇒ ByteString(s, "UTF-8").decodeString("UTF-8") == s } } "compacting" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ val wasCompact = a.isCompact val b = a.compact ((!wasCompact) || (b eq a)) && (b == a) && b.isCompact && (b.compact eq b) } } "asByteBuffers" in { check { (a: ByteString) ⇒ if (a.isCompact) a.asByteBuffers.size == 1 && a.asByteBuffers.head == a.asByteBuffer else a.asByteBuffers.size > 0 } check { (a: ByteString) ⇒ a.asByteBuffers.foldLeft(ByteString.empty) { (bs, bb) ⇒ bs ++ ByteString(bb) } == a } check { (a: ByteString) ⇒ a.asByteBuffers.forall(_.isReadOnly) } check { (a: ByteString) ⇒ import scala.collection.JavaConverters.iterableAsScalaIterableConverter; a.asByteBuffers.zip(a.getByteBuffers().asScala).forall(x ⇒ x._1 == x._2) } } } "behave like a Vector" when { "concatenating" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ likeVectors(a, b) { _ ++ _ } } } "calling apply" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ slice match { case (xs, i1, i2) ⇒ likeVector(xs) { seq ⇒ (if ((i1 >= 0) && (i1 < seq.length)) seq(i1) else 0, if ((i2 >= 0) && (i2 < seq.length)) seq(i2) else 0) } } } } "calling head" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVector(a) { _.head } } } "calling tail" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVector(a) { _.tail } } } "calling last" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVector(a) { _.last } } } "calling init" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVector(a) { _.init } } } "calling length" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.length } } } "calling span" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a)({ _.span(_ != b) match { case (a, b) ⇒ (a, b) } }) } } "calling takeWhile" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a)({ _.takeWhile(_ != b) }) } } "calling dropWhile" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.dropWhile(_ != b) } } } "calling indexWhere" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.indexWhere(_ == b) } } } "calling indexOf" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.indexOf(b) } } } "calling foreach" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVector(a) { it ⇒ var acc = 0; it foreach { acc += _ }; acc } } } "calling foldLeft" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.foldLeft(0) { _ + _ } } } } "calling toArray" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVector(a) { _.toArray.toSeq } } } "calling slice" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ slice match { case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVector(xs)({ _.slice(from, until) }) } } } "calling take and drop" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ slice match { case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVector(xs)({ _.drop(from).take(until - from) }) } } } "calling copyToArray" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ slice match { case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVector(xs)({ it ⇒ val array = Array.ofDim[Byte](xs.length) it.slice(from, until).copyToArray(array, from, until) array.toSeq }) } } } } } "A ByteStringIterator" must { "behave like a buffered Vector Iterator" when { "concatenating" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: ByteString) ⇒ likeVecIts(a, b) { (a, b) ⇒ (a ++ b).toSeq } } } "calling head" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVecIt(a) { _.head } } } "calling next" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ a.isEmpty || likeVecIt(a) { _.next() } } } "calling hasNext" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.hasNext } } } "calling length" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.length } } } "calling duplicate" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a)({ _.duplicate match { case (a, b) ⇒ (a.toSeq, b.toSeq) } }, strict = false) } } // Have to used toList instead of toSeq here, iterator.span (new in // Scala-2.9) seems to be broken in combination with toSeq for the // scala.collection default Iterator (see Scala issue SI-5838). "calling span" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a)({ _.span(_ != b) match { case (a, b) ⇒ (a.toList, b.toList) } }, strict = false) } } "calling takeWhile" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a)({ _.takeWhile(_ != b).toSeq }, strict = false) } } "calling dropWhile" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.dropWhile(_ != b).toSeq } } } "calling indexWhere" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.indexWhere(_ == b) } } } "calling indexOf" in { check { (a: ByteString, b: Byte) ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.indexOf(b) } } } "calling toSeq" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.toSeq } } } "calling foreach" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { it ⇒ var acc = 0; it foreach { acc += _ }; acc } } } "calling foldLeft" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.foldLeft(0) { _ + _ } } } } "calling toArray" in { check { a: ByteString ⇒ likeVecIt(a) { _.toArray.toSeq } } } "calling slice" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ slice match { case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVecIt(xs)({ _.slice(from, until).toSeq }, strict = false) } } } "calling take and drop" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ slice match { case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVecIt(xs)({ _.drop(from).take(until - from).toSeq }, strict = false) } } } "calling copyToArray" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ slice match { case (xs, from, until) ⇒ likeVecIt(xs)({ it ⇒ val array = Array.ofDim[Byte](xs.length) it.slice(from, until).copyToArray(array, from, until) array.toSeq }, strict = false) } } } } "function as expected" when { "getting Bytes, using getByte and getBytes" in { // mixing getByte and getBytes here for more rigorous testing check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ val (bytes, from, to) = slice val input = bytes.iterator val output = Array.ofDim[Byte](bytes.length) for (i ← 0 until from) output(i) = input.getByte input.getBytes(output, from, to - from) for (i ← to until bytes.length) output(i) = input.getByte (output.toSeq == bytes) && (input.isEmpty) } } "getting Bytes, using the InputStream wrapper" in { // combining skip and both read methods here for more rigorous testing check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ val (bytes, from, to) = slice val a = (0 max from) min bytes.length val b = (a max to) min bytes.length val input = bytes.iterator val output = Array.ofDim[Byte](bytes.length) input.asInputStream.skip(a) val toRead = b - a var (nRead, eof) = (0, false) while ((nRead < toRead) && !eof) { val n = input.asInputStream.read(output, a + nRead, toRead - nRead) if (n == -1) eof = true else nRead += n } if (eof) throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected EOF") for (i ← b until bytes.length) output(i) = input.asInputStream.read().toByte (output.toSeq.drop(a) == bytes.drop(a)) && (input.asInputStream.read() == -1) && ((output.length < 1) || (input.asInputStream.read(output, 0, 1) == -1)) } } "calling copyToBuffer" in { check { bytes: ByteString ⇒ import java.nio.ByteBuffer val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes.size) bytes.copyToBuffer(buffer) buffer.flip() val array = Array.ofDim[Byte](bytes.size) buffer.get(array) bytes == array.toSeq } } } "decode data correctly" when { "decoding Short in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testShortDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "decoding Short in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testShortDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } "decoding Int in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testIntDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "decoding Int in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testIntDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } "decoding Long in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testLongDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "decoding Long in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testLongDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } "decoding Float in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testFloatDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "decoding Float in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testFloatDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } "decoding Double in big-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testDoubleDecoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "decoding Double in little-endian" in { check { slice: ByteStringSlice ⇒ testDoubleDecoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } } } "A ByteStringBuilder" must { "function like a VectorBuilder" when { "adding various contents using ++= and +=" in { check { (array1: Array[Byte], array2: Array[Byte], bs1: ByteString, bs2: ByteString, bs3: ByteString) ⇒ likeVecBld { builder ⇒ builder ++= array1 bs1 foreach { b ⇒ builder += b } builder ++= bs2 bs3 foreach { b ⇒ builder += b } builder ++= Vector(array2: _*) } } } } "function as expected" when { "putting Bytes, using putByte and putBytes" in { // mixing putByte and putBytes here for more rigorous testing check { slice: ArraySlice[Byte] ⇒ val (data, from, to) = slice val builder = ByteString.newBuilder for (i ← 0 until from) builder.putByte(data(i)) builder.putBytes(data, from, to - from) for (i ← to until data.length) builder.putByte(data(i)) data.toSeq == builder.result } } "putting Bytes, using the OutputStream wrapper" in { // mixing the write methods here for more rigorous testing check { slice: ArraySlice[Byte] ⇒ val (data, from, to) = slice val builder = ByteString.newBuilder for (i ← 0 until from) builder.asOutputStream.write(data(i).toInt) builder.asOutputStream.write(data, from, to - from) for (i ← to until data.length) builder.asOutputStream.write(data(i).toInt) data.toSeq == builder.result } } } "encode data correctly" when { "encoding Short in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Short] ⇒ testShortEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "encoding Short in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Short] ⇒ testShortEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } "encoding Int in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Int] ⇒ testIntEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "encoding Int in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Int] ⇒ testIntEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } "encoding Long in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Long] ⇒ testLongEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "encoding Long in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Long] ⇒ testLongEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } "encoding LongPart in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArrayNumBytes[Long] ⇒ testLongPartEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "encoding LongPart in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArrayNumBytes[Long] ⇒ testLongPartEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } "encoding Float in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Float] ⇒ testFloatEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "encoding Float in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Float] ⇒ testFloatEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } "encoding Double in big-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Double] ⇒ testDoubleEncoding(slice, BIG_ENDIAN) } } "encoding Double in little-endian" in { check { slice: ArraySlice[Double] ⇒ testDoubleEncoding(slice, LITTLE_ENDIAN) } } } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka ByteStringSpec.scala source code file: |
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