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Akka/Scala example source code file (Actor.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Actor.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorinitializationexception, actorref, akka, akkaexception, any, bean, beans, event, option, postrestartexception, serialversionuid, string, throwable, unit, utilities

The Actor.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>


import akka.AkkaException
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter

 * Marker trait to show which Messages are automatically handled by Akka
private[akka] trait AutoReceivedMessage extends Serializable

 * Marker trait to indicate that a message might be potentially harmful,
 * this is used to block messages coming in over remoting.
trait PossiblyHarmful

 * Marker trait to signal that this class should not be verified for serializability.
trait NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

abstract class PoisonPill extends AutoReceivedMessage with PossiblyHarmful

 * A message all Actors will understand, that when processed will terminate the Actor permanently.
case object PoisonPill extends PoisonPill {
   * Java API: get the singleton instance
  def getInstance = this

abstract class Kill extends AutoReceivedMessage with PossiblyHarmful
 * A message all Actors will understand, that when processed will make the Actor throw an ActorKilledException,
 * which will trigger supervision.
case object Kill extends Kill {
   * Java API: get the singleton instance
  def getInstance = this

 * A message all Actors will understand, that when processed will reply with
 * [[]] containing the `ActorRef`. The `messageId`
 * is returned in the `ActorIdentity` message as `correlationId`.
final case class Identify(messageId: Any) extends AutoReceivedMessage

 * Reply to [[]]. Contains
 * `Some(ref)` with the `ActorRef` of the actor replying to the request or
 * `None` if no actor matched the request.
 * The `correlationId` is taken from the `messageId` in
 * the `Identify` message.
final case class ActorIdentity(correlationId: Any, ref: Option[ActorRef]) {
   * Java API: `ActorRef` of the actor replying to the request or
   * null if no actor matched the request.
  def getRef: ActorRef = ref.orNull

 * When Death Watch is used, the watcher will receive a Terminated(watched)
 * message when watched is terminated.
 * Terminated message can't be forwarded to another actor, since that actor
 * might not be watching the subject. Instead, if you need to forward Terminated
 * to another actor you should send the information in your own message.
 * @param actor the watched actor that terminated
 * @param existenceConfirmed is false when the Terminated message was not sent
 *   directly from the watched actor, but derived from another source, such as
 *   when watching a non-local ActorRef, which might not have been resolved
 * @param addressTerminated the Terminated message was derived from
 *   that the remote node hosting the watched actor was detected as unreachable
final case class Terminated private[akka] (@BeanProperty actor: ActorRef)(
  @BeanProperty val existenceConfirmed: Boolean,
  @BeanProperty val addressTerminated: Boolean) extends AutoReceivedMessage with PossiblyHarmful

 * Used for remote death watch. Failure detector publish this to the
 * [[akka.event.AddressTerminatedTopic]] when a remote node is detected to be unreachable and/or decided to
 * be removed.
 * The watcher ([[]]) subscribes to the `AddressTerminatedTopic`
 * and translates this event to [[]], which is sent itself.
private[akka] final case class AddressTerminated(address: Address) extends AutoReceivedMessage with PossiblyHarmful

abstract class ReceiveTimeout extends PossiblyHarmful

 * When using ActorContext.setReceiveTimeout, the singleton instance of ReceiveTimeout will be sent
 * to the Actor when there hasn't been any message for that long.
case object ReceiveTimeout extends ReceiveTimeout {
   * Java API: get the singleton instance
  def getInstance = this

 * IllegalActorStateException is thrown when a core invariant in the Actor implementation has been violated.
 * For instance, if you try to create an Actor that doesn't extend Actor.
final case class IllegalActorStateException private[akka] (message: String) extends AkkaException(message)

 * ActorKilledException is thrown when an Actor receives the [[]] message
final case class ActorKilledException private[akka] (message: String) extends AkkaException(message) with NoStackTrace

 * An InvalidActorNameException is thrown when you try to convert something, usually a String, to an Actor name
 * which doesn't validate.
final case class InvalidActorNameException(message: String) extends AkkaException(message)

 * An ActorInitializationException is thrown when the the initialization logic for an Actor fails.
 * There is an extractor which works for ActorInitializationException and its subtypes:
 * {{{
 * ex match {
 *   case ActorInitializationException(actor, message, cause) => ...
 * }
 * }}}
class ActorInitializationException protected (actor: ActorRef, message: String, cause: Throwable)
  extends AkkaException(message, cause) {
  def getActor: ActorRef = actor
object ActorInitializationException {
  private[akka] def apply(actor: ActorRef, message: String, cause: Throwable = null): ActorInitializationException =
    new ActorInitializationException(actor, message, cause)
  private[akka] def apply(message: String): ActorInitializationException = new ActorInitializationException(null, message, null)
  def unapply(ex: ActorInitializationException): Option[(ActorRef, String, Throwable)] = Some((ex.getActor, ex.getMessage, ex.getCause))

 * A PreRestartException is thrown when the preRestart() method failed; this
 * exception is not propagated to the supervisor, as it originates from the
 * already failed instance, hence it is only visible as log entry on the event
 * stream.
 * @param actor is the actor whose preRestart() hook failed
 * @param cause is the exception thrown by that actor within preRestart()
 * @param originalCause is the exception which caused the restart in the first place
 * @param messageOption is the message which was optionally passed into preRestart()
final case class PreRestartException private[akka] (actor: ActorRef, cause: Throwable, originalCause: Throwable, messageOption: Option[Any])
  extends ActorInitializationException(actor,
    "exception in preRestart(" +
      (if (originalCause == null) "null" else originalCause.getClass) + ", " +
      (messageOption match { case Some(m: AnyRef) ⇒ m.getClass; case _ ⇒ "None" }) +
      ")", cause)

 * A PostRestartException is thrown when constructor or postRestart() method
 * fails during a restart attempt.
 * @param actor is the actor whose constructor or postRestart() hook failed
 * @param cause is the exception thrown by that actor within preRestart()
 * @param originalCause is the exception which caused the restart in the first place
final case class PostRestartException private[akka] (actor: ActorRef, cause: Throwable, originalCause: Throwable)
  extends ActorInitializationException(actor,
    "exception post restart (" + (if (originalCause == null) "null" else originalCause.getClass) + ")", cause)

 * This is an extractor for retrieving the original cause (i.e. the first
 * failure) from a [[]]. In the face of multiple
 * “nested” restarts it will walk the origCause-links until it arrives at a
 * non-PostRestartException type.
object OriginalRestartException {
  def unapply(ex: PostRestartException): Option[Throwable] = {
    @tailrec def rec(ex: PostRestartException): Option[Throwable] = ex match {
      case PostRestartException(_, _, e: PostRestartException) ⇒ rec(e)
      case PostRestartException(_, _, e)                       ⇒ Some(e)

 * InvalidMessageException is thrown when an invalid message is sent to an Actor;
 * Currently only `null` is an invalid message.
final case class InvalidMessageException private[akka] (message: String) extends AkkaException(message)

 * A DeathPactException is thrown by an Actor that receives a Terminated(someActor) message
 * that it doesn't handle itself, effectively crashing the Actor and escalating to the supervisor.
final case class DeathPactException private[akka] (dead: ActorRef)
  extends AkkaException("Monitored actor [" + dead + "] terminated")
  with NoStackTrace

 * When an InterruptedException is thrown inside an Actor, it is wrapped as an ActorInterruptedException as to
 * avoid cascading interrupts to other threads than the originally interrupted one.
class ActorInterruptedException private[akka] (cause: Throwable) extends AkkaException(cause.getMessage, cause)

 * This message is published to the EventStream whenever an Actor receives a message it doesn't understand
final case class UnhandledMessage(@BeanProperty message: Any, @BeanProperty sender: ActorRef, @BeanProperty recipient: ActorRef)

 * Classes for passing status back to the sender.
 * Used for internal ACKing protocol. But exposed as utility class for user-specific ACKing protocols as well.
object Status {
  sealed trait Status extends Serializable

   * This class/message type is preferably used to indicate success of some operation performed.
  final case class Success(status: Any) extends Status

   * This class/message type is preferably used to indicate failure of some operation performed.
   * As an example, it is used to signal failure with AskSupport is used (ask/?).
  final case class Failure(cause: Throwable) extends Status

 * Scala API: Mix in ActorLogging into your Actor to easily obtain a reference to a logger,
 * which is available under the name "log".
 * {{{
 * class MyActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
 *   def receive = {
 *     case "pigdog" =>"We've got yet another pigdog on our hands")
 *   }
 * }
 * }}}
trait ActorLogging { this: Actor ⇒
  private var _log: LoggingAdapter = _

  def log: LoggingAdapter = {
    // only used in Actor, i.e. thread safe
    if (_log eq null)
      _log = akka.event.Logging(context.system, this)


 * Scala API: Mix in DiagnosticActorLogging into your Actor to easily obtain a reference to a logger with MDC support,
 * which is available under the name "log".
 * In the example bellow "the one who knocks" will be available under the key "iam" for using it in the logback pattern.
 * {{{
 * class MyActor extends Actor with DiagnosticActorLogging {
 *   override def mdc(currentMessage: Any): MDC = {
 *     Map("iam", "the one who knocks")
 *   }
 *   def receive = {
 *     case "pigdog" =>"We've got yet another pigdog on our hands")
 *   }
 * }
 * }}}
trait DiagnosticActorLogging extends Actor {
  import akka.event.Logging._
  val log = akka.event.Logging(this)
  def mdc(currentMessage: Any): MDC = emptyMDC

  override protected[akka] def aroundReceive(receive: Actor.Receive, msg: Any): Unit = try {
    super.aroundReceive(receive, msg)
  } finally {

object Actor {
   * Type alias representing a Receive-expression for Akka Actors.
  type Receive = PartialFunction[Any, Unit]


   * emptyBehavior is a Receive-expression that matches no messages at all, ever.
  object emptyBehavior extends Receive {
    def isDefinedAt(x: Any) = false
    def apply(x: Any) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Empty behavior apply()")

   * Default placeholder (null) used for "!" to indicate that there is no sender of the message,
   * that will be translated to the receiving system's deadLetters.
  final val noSender: ActorRef = null

 * Actor base trait that should be extended by or mixed to create an Actor with the semantics of the 'Actor Model':
 * <a href=""></a>
 * An actor has a well-defined (non-cyclic) life-cycle.
 *  - ''RUNNING'' (created and started actor) - can receive messages
 *  - ''SHUTDOWN'' (when 'stop' is invoked) - can't do anything
 * The Actor's own [[]] is available as `self`, the current
 * message’s sender as `sender()` and the [[]] as
 * `context`. The only abstract method is `receive` which shall return the
 * initial behavior of the actor as a partial function (behavior can be changed
 * using `context.become` and `context.unbecome`).
 * This is the Scala API (hence the Scala code below), for the Java API see [[]].
 * {{{
 * class ExampleActor extends Actor {
 *   override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) {
 *     case _: ArithmeticException      => Resume
 *     case _: NullPointerException     => Restart
 *     case _: IllegalArgumentException => Stop
 *     case _: Exception                => Escalate
 *   }
 *   def receive = {
 *                                      // directly calculated reply
 *     case Request(r)               => sender() ! calculate(r)
 *                                      // just to demonstrate how to stop yourself
 *     case Shutdown                 => context.stop(self)
 *                                      // error kernel with child replying directly to 'sender()'
 *     case Dangerous(r)             => context.actorOf(Props[ReplyToOriginWorker]).tell(PerformWork(r), sender())
 *                                      // error kernel with reply going through us
 *     case OtherJob(r)              => context.actorOf(Props[ReplyToMeWorker]) ! JobRequest(r, sender())
 *     case JobReply(result, orig_s) => orig_s ! result
 *   }
 * }
 * }}}
 * The last line demonstrates the essence of the error kernel design: spawn
 * one-off actors which terminate after doing their job, pass on `sender()` to
 * allow direct reply if that is what makes sense, or round-trip the sender
 * as shown with the fictitious JobRequest/JobReply message pair.
 * If you don’t like writing `context` you can always `import context._` to get
 * direct access to `actorOf`, `stop` etc. This is not default in order to keep
 * the name-space clean.
trait Actor {

  import Actor._

  // to make type Receive known in subclasses without import
  type Receive = Actor.Receive

   * Stores the context for this actor, including self, and sender.
   * It is implicit to support operations such as `forward`.
   * WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and
   * publish it to other threads!
   * [[]] is the Scala API. `getContext` returns a
   * [[]], which is the Java API of the actor
   * context.
  implicit val context: ActorContext = {
    val contextStack = ActorCell.contextStack.get
    if ((contextStack.isEmpty) || (contextStack.head eq null))
      throw ActorInitializationException(
        s"You cannot create an instance of [${getClass.getName}] explicitly using the constructor (new). " +
          "You have to use one of the 'actorOf' factory methods to create a new actor. See the documentation.")
    val c = contextStack.head
    ActorCell.contextStack.set(null :: contextStack)

   * The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.
   * <p/>
   * Can be used to send messages to itself:
   * <pre>
   * self ! message
   * </pre>
  implicit final val self = context.self //MUST BE A VAL, TRUST ME

   * The reference sender Actor of the last received message.
   * Is defined if the message was sent from another Actor,
   * else `deadLetters` in [[]].
   * WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and
   * publish it to other threads!
  final def sender(): ActorRef = context.sender()

   * This defines the initial actor behavior, it must return a partial function
   * with the actor logic.
  def receive: Actor.Receive

   * Can be overridden to intercept calls to this actor's current behavior.
   * @param receive current behavior.
   * @param msg current message.
  protected[akka] def aroundReceive(receive: Actor.Receive, msg: Any): Unit = receive.applyOrElse(msg, unhandled)

   * Can be overridden to intercept calls to `preStart`. Calls `preStart` by default.
  protected[akka] def aroundPreStart(): Unit = preStart()

   * Can be overridden to intercept calls to `postStop`. Calls `postStop` by default.
  protected[akka] def aroundPostStop(): Unit = postStop()

   * Can be overridden to intercept calls to `preRestart`. Calls `preRestart` by default.
  protected[akka] def aroundPreRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = preRestart(reason, message)

   * Can be overridden to intercept calls to `postRestart`. Calls `postRestart` by default.
  protected[akka] def aroundPostRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit = postRestart(reason)

   * User overridable definition the strategy to use for supervising
   * child actors.
  def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = SupervisorStrategy.defaultStrategy

   * User overridable callback.
   * <p/>
   * Is called when an Actor is started.
   * Actors are automatically started asynchronously when created.
   * Empty default implementation.
  @throws(classOf[Exception]) // when changing this you MUST also change UntypedActorDocTest
  def preStart(): Unit = ()


   * User overridable callback.
   * <p/>
   * Is called asynchronously after 'actor.stop()' is invoked.
   * Empty default implementation.
  @throws(classOf[Exception]) // when changing this you MUST also change UntypedActorDocTest
  def postStop(): Unit = ()


   * User overridable callback: '''By default it disposes of all children and then calls `postStop()`.'''
   * @param reason the Throwable that caused the restart to happen
   * @param message optionally the current message the actor processed when failing, if applicable
   * <p/>
   * Is called on a crashed Actor right BEFORE it is restarted to allow clean
   * up of resources before Actor is terminated.
  @throws(classOf[Exception]) // when changing this you MUST also change UntypedActorDocTest
  def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
    context.children foreach { child ⇒


   * User overridable callback: By default it calls `preStart()`.
   * @param reason the Throwable that caused the restart to happen
   * <p/>
   * Is called right AFTER restart on the newly created Actor to allow reinitialization after an Actor crash.
  @throws(classOf[Exception]) // when changing this you MUST also change UntypedActorDocTest
  def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit = {

   * User overridable callback.
   * <p/>
   * Is called when a message isn't handled by the current behavior of the actor
   * by default it fails with either a [[]] (in
   * case of an unhandled [[]] message) or publishes an [[]]
   * to the actor's system's [[akka.event.EventStream]]
  def unhandled(message: Any): Unit = {
    message match {
      case Terminated(dead) ⇒ throw new DeathPactException(dead)
      case _                ⇒ context.system.eventStream.publish(UnhandledMessage(message, sender(), self))

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka Actor.scala source code file:

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