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Akka/Scala example source code file (ActorCell.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ActorCell.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorcontext, actorref, akka, boolean, collection, concurrent, dispatch, duration, envelope, int, props, string, systemmessage, time, unit

The ActorCell.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>


import akka.dispatch.Envelope
import akka.dispatch.sysmsg._
import akka.event.Logging.{ LogEvent, Debug, Error }
import akka.japi.Procedure
import{ ObjectOutputStream, NotSerializableException }
import scala.annotation.{ switch, tailrec }
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import akka.dispatch.MessageDispatcher

 * The actor context - the view of the actor cell from the actor.
 * Exposes contextual information for the actor and the current message.
 * There are several possibilities for creating actors (see [[]]
 * for details on `props`):
 * {{{
 * // Java or Scala
 * context.actorOf(props, "name")
 * context.actorOf(props)
 * // Scala
 * context.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
 * context.actorOf(Props(classOf[MyActor], arg1, arg2), "name")
 * // Java
 * getContext().actorOf(Props.create(MyActor.class));
 * getContext().actorOf(Props.create(MyActor.class, arg1, arg2), "name");
 * }}}
 * Where no name is given explicitly, one will be automatically generated.
trait ActorContext extends ActorRefFactory {

  def self: ActorRef

   * Retrieve the Props which were used to create this actor.
  def props: Props

   * Gets the current receive timeout.
   * When specified, the receive method should be able to handle a [[]] message.
  def receiveTimeout: Duration

   * Defines the inactivity timeout after which the sending of a [[]] message is triggered.
   * When specified, the receive function should be able to handle a [[]] message.
   * 1 millisecond is the minimum supported timeout.
   * Please note that the receive timeout might fire and enqueue the `ReceiveTimeout` message right after
   * another message was enqueued; hence it is '''not guaranteed''' that upon reception of the receive
   * timeout there must have been an idle period beforehand as configured via this method.
   * Once set, the receive timeout stays in effect (i.e. continues firing repeatedly after inactivity
   * periods). Pass in `Duration.Undefined` to switch off this feature.
  def setReceiveTimeout(timeout: Duration): Unit

   * Changes the Actor's behavior to become the new 'Receive' (PartialFunction[Any, Unit]) handler.
   * Replaces the current behavior on the top of the behavior stack.
  def become(behavior: Actor.Receive): Unit = become(behavior, discardOld = true)

   * Changes the Actor's behavior to become the new 'Receive' (PartialFunction[Any, Unit]) handler.
   * This method acts upon the behavior stack as follows:
   *  - if `discardOld = true` it will replace the top element (i.e. the current behavior)
   *  - if `discardOld = false` it will keep the current behavior and push the given one atop
   * The default of replacing the current behavior on the stack has been chosen to avoid memory
   * leaks in case client code is written without consulting this documentation first (i.e.
   * always pushing new behaviors and never issuing an `unbecome()`)
  def become(behavior: Actor.Receive, discardOld: Boolean): Unit

   * Reverts the Actor behavior to the previous one on the behavior stack.
  def unbecome(): Unit

   * Returns the sender 'ActorRef' of the current message.
  def sender(): ActorRef

   * Returns all supervised children; this method returns a view (i.e. a lazy
   * collection) onto the internal collection of children. Targeted lookups
   * should be using `child` instead for performance reasons:
   * {{{
   * val badLookup = context.children find ( == "kid")
   * // should better be expressed as:
   * val goodLookup = context.child("kid")
   * }}}
  def children: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef]

   * Get the child with the given name if it exists.
  def child(name: String): Option[ActorRef]

   * Returns the dispatcher (MessageDispatcher) that is used for this Actor.
   * Importing this member will place an implicit ExecutionContext in scope.
  implicit def dispatcher: ExecutionContextExecutor

   * The system that the actor belongs to.
   * Importing this member will place an implicit ActorSystem in scope.
  implicit def system: ActorSystem

   * Returns the supervising parent ActorRef.
  def parent: ActorRef

   * Registers this actor as a Monitor for the provided ActorRef.
   * This actor will receive a Terminated(subject) message when watched
   * actor is terminated.
   * @return the provided ActorRef
  def watch(subject: ActorRef): ActorRef

   * Unregisters this actor as Monitor for the provided ActorRef.
   * @return the provided ActorRef
  def unwatch(subject: ActorRef): ActorRef

   * ActorContexts shouldn't be Serializable
  final protected def writeObject(o: ObjectOutputStream): Unit =
    throw new NotSerializableException("ActorContext is not serializable!")

 * AbstractActorContext is the AbstractActor equivalent of ActorContext,
 * containing the Java API
trait AbstractActorContext extends ActorContext {

   * Returns an unmodifiable Java Collection containing the linked actors,
   * please note that the backing map is thread-safe but not immutable
  def getChildren(): java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]

   * Returns a reference to the named child or null if no child with
   * that name exists.
  def getChild(name: String): ActorRef

 * UntypedActorContext is the UntypedActor equivalent of ActorContext,
 * containing the Java API
trait UntypedActorContext extends ActorContext {

   * Returns an unmodifiable Java Collection containing the linked actors,
   * please note that the backing map is thread-safe but not immutable
  def getChildren(): java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]

   * Returns a reference to the named child or null if no child with
   * that name exists.
  def getChild(name: String): ActorRef

   * Changes the Actor's behavior to become the new 'Procedure' handler.
   * Replaces the current behavior on the top of the behavior stack.
  def become(behavior: Procedure[Any]): Unit

   * Changes the Actor's behavior to become the new 'Procedure' handler.
   * This method acts upon the behavior stack as follows:
   *  - if `discardOld = true` it will replace the top element (i.e. the current behavior)
   *  - if `discardOld = false` it will keep the current behavior and push the given one atop
   * The default of replacing the current behavior on the stack has been chosen to avoid memory
   * leaks in case client code is written without consulting this documentation first (i.e.
   * always pushing new behaviors and never issuing an `unbecome()`)
  def become(behavior: Procedure[Any], discardOld: Boolean): Unit


private[akka] trait Cell {
   * The “self” reference which this Cell is attached to.
  def self: ActorRef
   * The system within which this Cell lives.
  def system: ActorSystem
   * The system internals where this Cell lives.
  def systemImpl: ActorSystemImpl
   * Start the cell: enqueued message must not be processed before this has
   * been called. The usual action is to attach the mailbox to a dispatcher.
  def start(): this.type
   * Recursively suspend this actor and all its children. Is only allowed to throw Fatal Throwables.
  def suspend(): Unit
   * Recursively resume this actor and all its children. Is only allowed to throw Fatal Throwables.
  def resume(causedByFailure: Throwable): Unit
   * Restart this actor (will recursively restart or stop all children). Is only allowed to throw Fatal Throwables.
  def restart(cause: Throwable): Unit
   * Recursively terminate this actor and all its children. Is only allowed to throw Fatal Throwables.
  def stop(): Unit
   * Returns “true” if the actor is locally known to be terminated, “false” if
   * alive or uncertain.
  def isTerminated: Boolean
   * The supervisor of this actor.
  def parent: InternalActorRef
   * All children of this actor, including only reserved-names.
  def childrenRefs: ChildrenContainer
   * Get the stats for the named child, if that exists.
  def getChildByName(name: String): Option[ChildStats]

   * Method for looking up a single child beneath this actor.
   * It is racy if called from the outside.
  def getSingleChild(name: String): InternalActorRef

   * Enqueue a message to be sent to the actor; may or may not actually
   * schedule the actor to run, depending on which type of cell it is.
   * Is only allowed to throw Fatal Throwables.
  def sendMessage(msg: Envelope): Unit

   * Enqueue a message to be sent to the actor; may or may not actually
   * schedule the actor to run, depending on which type of cell it is.
   * Is only allowed to throw Fatal Throwables.
  final def sendMessage(message: Any, sender: ActorRef): Unit =
    sendMessage(Envelope(message, sender, system))

   * Enqueue a message to be sent to the actor; may or may not actually
   * schedule the actor to run, depending on which type of cell it is.
   * Is only allowed to throw Fatal Throwables.
  def sendSystemMessage(msg: SystemMessage): Unit
   * Returns true if the actor is local, i.e. if it is actually scheduled
   * on a Thread in the current JVM when run.
  def isLocal: Boolean
   * If the actor isLocal, returns whether "user messages" are currently queued,
   * “false” otherwise.
  def hasMessages: Boolean
   * If the actor isLocal, returns the number of "user messages" currently queued,
   * which may be a costly operation, 0 otherwise.
  def numberOfMessages: Int
   * The props for this actor cell.
  def props: Props

 * Everything in here is completely Akka PRIVATE. You will not find any
 * supported APIs in this place. This is not the API you were looking
 * for! (waves hand)
private[akka] object ActorCell {
  val contextStack = new ThreadLocal[List[ActorContext]] {
    override def initialValue: List[ActorContext] = Nil

  final val emptyCancellable: Cancellable = new Cancellable {
    def isCancelled: Boolean = false
    def cancel(): Boolean = false

  final val emptyBehaviorStack: List[Actor.Receive] = Nil

  final val emptyActorRefSet: Set[ActorRef] = immutable.HashSet.empty

  final val terminatedProps: Props = Props((throw new IllegalActorStateException("This Actor has been terminated")): Actor)

  final val undefinedUid = 0

  @tailrec final def newUid(): Int = {
    // Note that this uid is also used as hashCode in ActorRef, so be careful
    // to not break hashing if you change the way uid is generated
    val uid = ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextInt()
    if (uid == undefinedUid) newUid
    else uid

  final def splitNameAndUid(name: String): (String, Int) = {
    val i = name.indexOf('#')
    if (i < 0) (name, undefinedUid)
    else (name.substring(0, i), Integer.valueOf(name.substring(i + 1)))

  final val DefaultState = 0
  final val SuspendedState = 1
  final val SuspendedWaitForChildrenState = 2

//ACTORCELL IS 64bytes and should stay that way unless very good reason not to (machine sympathy, cache line fit)
//vars don't need volatile since it's protected with the mailbox status
//Make sure that they are not read/written outside of a message processing (systemInvoke/invoke)
 * Everything in here is completely Akka PRIVATE. You will not find any
 * supported APIs in this place. This is not the API you were looking
 * for! (waves hand)
private[akka] class ActorCell(
  val system: ActorSystemImpl,
  val self: InternalActorRef,
  final val props: Props, // Must be final so that it can be properly cleared in clearActorCellFields
  val dispatcher: MessageDispatcher,
  val parent: InternalActorRef)
  extends UntypedActorContext with AbstractActorContext with Cell
  with dungeon.ReceiveTimeout
  with dungeon.Children
  with dungeon.Dispatch
  with dungeon.DeathWatch
  with dungeon.FaultHandling {

  import ActorCell._

  final def isLocal = true

  final def systemImpl = system
  protected final def guardian = self
  protected final def lookupRoot = self
  final def provider = system.provider

  protected def uid: Int = self.path.uid
  private[this] var _actor: Actor = _
  def actor: Actor = _actor
  protected def actor_=(a: Actor): Unit = _actor = a
  var currentMessage: Envelope = _
  private var behaviorStack: List[Actor.Receive] = emptyBehaviorStack
  private[this] var sysmsgStash: LatestFirstSystemMessageList = SystemMessageList.LNil

  protected def stash(msg: SystemMessage): Unit = {
    sysmsgStash ::= msg

  private def unstashAll(): LatestFirstSystemMessageList = {
    val unstashed = sysmsgStash
    sysmsgStash = SystemMessageList.LNil

  //Memory consistency is handled by the Mailbox (reading mailbox status then processing messages, then writing mailbox status
  final def systemInvoke(message: SystemMessage): Unit = {
     * When recreate/suspend/resume are received while restarting (i.e. between
     * preRestart and postRestart, waiting for children to terminate), these
     * must not be executed immediately, but instead queued and released after
     * finishRecreate returns. This can only ever be triggered by
     * ChildTerminated, and ChildTerminated is not one of the queued message
     * types (hence the overwrite further down). Mailbox sets
     * before systemInvoke, so this will only be non-null during such a replay.

    def calculateState: Int =
      if (waitingForChildrenOrNull ne null) SuspendedWaitForChildrenState
      else if (mailbox.isSuspended) SuspendedState
      else DefaultState

    @tailrec def sendAllToDeadLetters(messages: EarliestFirstSystemMessageList): Unit =
      if (messages.nonEmpty) {
        val tail = messages.tail
        val msg = messages.head
        provider.deadLetters ! msg

    def shouldStash(m: SystemMessage, state: Int): Boolean =
      (state: @switch) match {
        case DefaultState                  ⇒ false
        case SuspendedState                ⇒ m.isInstanceOf[StashWhenFailed]
        case SuspendedWaitForChildrenState ⇒ m.isInstanceOf[StashWhenWaitingForChildren]

    def invokeAll(messages: EarliestFirstSystemMessageList, currentState: Int): Unit = {
      val rest = messages.tail
      val message = messages.head
      try {
        message match {
          case message: SystemMessage if shouldStash(message, currentState) ⇒ stash(message)
          case f: Failed ⇒ handleFailure(f)
          case DeathWatchNotification(a, ec, at) ⇒ watchedActorTerminated(a, ec, at)
          case Create(failure) ⇒ create(failure)
          case Watch(watchee, watcher) ⇒ addWatcher(watchee, watcher)
          case Unwatch(watchee, watcher) ⇒ remWatcher(watchee, watcher)
          case Recreate(cause) ⇒ faultRecreate(cause)
          case Suspend() ⇒ faultSuspend()
          case Resume(inRespToFailure) ⇒ faultResume(inRespToFailure)
          case Terminate() ⇒ terminate()
          case Supervise(child, async) ⇒ supervise(child, async)
          case NoMessage ⇒ // only here to suppress warning
      } catch handleNonFatalOrInterruptedException { e ⇒
        handleInvokeFailure(Nil, e)
      val newState = calculateState
      // As each state accepts a strict subset of another state, it is enough to unstash if we "walk up" the state
      // chain
      val todo = if (newState < currentState) unstashAll() reverse_::: rest else rest

      if (isTerminated) sendAllToDeadLetters(todo)
      else if (todo.nonEmpty) invokeAll(todo, newState)

    invokeAll(new EarliestFirstSystemMessageList(message), calculateState)

  //Memory consistency is handled by the Mailbox (reading mailbox status then processing messages, then writing mailbox status
  final def invoke(messageHandle: Envelope): Unit = try {
    currentMessage = messageHandle
    cancelReceiveTimeout() // FIXME: leave this here???
    messageHandle.message match {
      case msg: AutoReceivedMessage ⇒ autoReceiveMessage(messageHandle)
      case msg                      ⇒ receiveMessage(msg)
    currentMessage = null // reset current message after successful invocation
  } catch handleNonFatalOrInterruptedException { e ⇒
    handleInvokeFailure(Nil, e)
  } finally {
    checkReceiveTimeout // Reschedule receive timeout

  def autoReceiveMessage(msg: Envelope): Unit = {
    if (system.settings.DebugAutoReceive)
      publish(Debug(self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "received AutoReceiveMessage " + msg))

    msg.message match {
      case t: Terminated              ⇒ receivedTerminated(t)
      case AddressTerminated(address) ⇒ addressTerminated(address)
      case Kill                       ⇒ throw new ActorKilledException("Kill")
      case PoisonPill                 ⇒ self.stop()
      case sel: ActorSelectionMessage ⇒ receiveSelection(sel)
      case Identify(messageId)        ⇒ sender() ! ActorIdentity(messageId, Some(self))

  private def receiveSelection(sel: ActorSelectionMessage): Unit =
    if (sel.elements.isEmpty)
      invoke(Envelope(sel.msg, sender(), system))
      ActorSelection.deliverSelection(self, sender(), sel)

  final def receiveMessage(msg: Any): Unit = actor.aroundReceive(behaviorStack.head, msg)


  final def sender(): ActorRef = currentMessage match {
    case null                      ⇒ system.deadLetters
    case msg if msg.sender ne null ⇒ msg.sender
    case _                         ⇒ system.deadLetters

  def become(behavior: Actor.Receive, discardOld: Boolean = true): Unit =
    behaviorStack = behavior :: (if (discardOld && behaviorStack.nonEmpty) behaviorStack.tail else behaviorStack)

  def become(behavior: Procedure[Any]): Unit = become(behavior, discardOld = true)

  def become(behavior: Procedure[Any], discardOld: Boolean): Unit =
    become({ case msg ⇒ behavior.apply(msg) }: Actor.Receive, discardOld)

  def unbecome(): Unit = {
    val original = behaviorStack
    behaviorStack =
      if (original.isEmpty || original.tail.isEmpty) actor.receive :: emptyBehaviorStack
      else original.tail


  //This method is in charge of setting up the contextStack and create a new instance of the Actor
  protected def newActor(): Actor = {
    contextStack.set(this :: contextStack.get)
    try {
      behaviorStack = emptyBehaviorStack
      val instance = props.newActor()

      if (instance eq null)
        throw ActorInitializationException(self, "Actor instance passed to actorOf can't be 'null'")

      // If no becomes were issued, the actors behavior is its receive method
      behaviorStack = if (behaviorStack.isEmpty) instance.receive :: behaviorStack else behaviorStack
    } finally {
      val stackAfter = contextStack.get
      if (stackAfter.nonEmpty)
        contextStack.set(if (stackAfter.head eq null) stackAfter.tail.tail else stackAfter.tail) // pop null marker plus our context

  protected def create(failure: Option[ActorInitializationException]): Unit = {
    def clearOutActorIfNonNull(): Unit = {
      if (actor != null) {
        actor = null // ensure that we know that we failed during creation

    failure foreach { throw _ }

    try {
      val created = newActor()
      actor = created
      if (system.settings.DebugLifecycle) publish(Debug(self.path.toString, clazz(created), "started (" + created + ")"))
    } catch {
      case e: InterruptedException ⇒
        throw ActorInitializationException(self, "interruption during creation", e)
      case NonFatal(e) ⇒
        e match {
          case i: InstantiationException ⇒ throw ActorInitializationException(self,
            """exception during creation, this problem is likely to occur because the class of the Actor you tried to create is either,
               a non-static inner class (in which case make it a static inner class or use Props(new ...) or Props( new Creator ... )
               or is missing an appropriate, reachable no-args constructor.
              """, i.getCause)
          case x ⇒ throw ActorInitializationException(self, "exception during creation", x)

  private def supervise(child: ActorRef, async: Boolean): Unit =
    if (!isTerminating) {
      // Supervise is the first thing we get from a new child, so store away the UID for later use in handleFailure()
      initChild(child) match {
        case Some(crs) ⇒
          handleSupervise(child, async)
          if (system.settings.DebugLifecycle) publish(Debug(self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "now supervising " + child))
        case None ⇒ publish(Error(self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "received Supervise from unregistered child " + child + ", this will not end well"))

  // future extension point
  protected def handleSupervise(child: ActorRef, async: Boolean): Unit = child match {
    case r: RepointableActorRef if async ⇒ r.point()
    case _                               ⇒

  @tailrec private final def lookupAndSetField(clazz: Class[_], instance: AnyRef, name: String, value: Any): Boolean = {
    @tailrec def clearFirst(fields: Array[java.lang.reflect.Field], idx: Int): Boolean =
      if (idx < fields.length) {
        val field = fields(idx)
        if (field.getName == name) {
          field.set(instance, value)
        } else clearFirst(fields, idx + 1)
      } else false

    clearFirst(clazz.getDeclaredFields, 0) || {
      clazz.getSuperclass match {
        case null ⇒ false // clazz == classOf[AnyRef]
        case sc   ⇒ lookupAndSetField(sc, instance, name, value)

  final protected def clearActorCellFields(cell: ActorCell): Unit = {
    if (!lookupAndSetField(classOf[ActorCell], cell, "props", ActorCell.terminatedProps))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("ActorCell has no props field")

  final protected def clearActorFields(actorInstance: Actor): Unit = {
    setActorFields(actorInstance, context = null, self = system.deadLetters)
    currentMessage = null
    behaviorStack = emptyBehaviorStack

  final protected def setActorFields(actorInstance: Actor, context: ActorContext, self: ActorRef): Unit =
    if (actorInstance ne null) {
      if (!lookupAndSetField(actorInstance.getClass, actorInstance, "context", context)
        || !lookupAndSetField(actorInstance.getClass, actorInstance, "self", self))
        throw new IllegalActorStateException(actorInstance.getClass + " is not an Actor since it have not mixed in the 'Actor' trait")

  // logging is not the main purpose, and if it fails there’s nothing we can do
  protected final def publish(e: LogEvent): Unit = try system.eventStream.publish(e) catch { case NonFatal(_) ⇒ }

  protected final def clazz(o: AnyRef): Class[_] = if (o eq null) this.getClass else o.getClass

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ActorCell.scala source code file:

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