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Akka/Scala example source code file (ActorPath.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ActorPath.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorpath, address, akka, annotation, boolean, childactorpath, collection, int, jstringbuilder, list, rootactorpath, serialversionuid, string

The ActorPath.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq
import java.lang.{ StringBuilder ⇒ JStringBuilder }

object ActorPath {
   * Parse string as actor path; throws if unable to do so.
  def fromString(s: String): ActorPath = s match {
    case ActorPathExtractor(addr, elems) ⇒ RootActorPath(addr) / elems
    case _                               ⇒ throw new MalformedURLException("cannot parse as ActorPath: " + s)

   * This Regular Expression is used to validate a path element (Actor Name).
   * Since Actors form a tree, it is addressable using an URL, therefore an Actor Name has to conform to:
  val ElementRegex = """(?:[-\w:@&=+,.!~*'_;]|%\p{XDigit}{2})(?:[-\w:@&=+,.!~*'$_;]|%\p{XDigit}{2})*""".r

  private[akka] final val emptyActorPath: immutable.Iterable[String] = List("")

 * Actor path is a unique path to an actor that shows the creation path
 * up through the actor tree to the root actor.
 * ActorPath defines a natural ordering (so that ActorRefs can be put into
 * collections with this requirement); this ordering is intended to be as fast
 * as possible, which owing to the bottom-up recursive nature of ActorPath
 * is sorted by path elements FROM RIGHT TO LEFT, where RootActorPath >
 * ChildActorPath in case the number of elements is different.
 * Two actor paths are compared equal when they have the same name and parent
 * elements, including the root address information. That does not necessarily
 * mean that they point to the same incarnation of the actor if the actor is
 * re-created with the same path. In other words, in contrast to how actor
 * references are compared the unique id of the actor is not taken into account
 * when comparing actor paths.
sealed trait ActorPath extends Comparable[ActorPath] with Serializable {
   * The Address under which this path can be reached; walks up the tree to
   * the RootActorPath.
  def address: Address

   * The name of the actor that this path refers to.
  def name: String

   * The path for the parent actor.
  def parent: ActorPath

   * Create a new child actor path.
  def /(child: String): ActorPath

   * Java API: Create a new child actor path.
  def child(child: String): ActorPath = /(child)

   * Recursively create a descendant’s path by appending all child names.
  def /(child: Iterable[String]): ActorPath = (this /: child)((path, elem) ⇒ if (elem.isEmpty) path else path / elem)

   * Java API: Recursively create a descendant’s path by appending all child names.
  def descendant(names: java.lang.Iterable[String]): ActorPath = /(immutableSeq(names))

   * Sequence of names for this path from root to this. Performance implication: has to allocate a list.
  def elements: immutable.Iterable[String]

   * Java API: Sequence of names for this path from root to this. Performance implication: has to allocate a list.
  def getElements: java.lang.Iterable[String] =

   * Walk up the tree to obtain and return the RootActorPath.
  def root: RootActorPath

   * String representation of the path elements, excluding the address
   * information. The elements are separated with "/" and starts with "/",
   * e.g. "/user/a/b".
  def toStringWithoutAddress: String = elements.mkString("/", "/", "")

   * Generate String representation, replacing the Address in the RootActor
   * Path with the given one unless this path’s address includes host and port
   * information.
  def toStringWithAddress(address: Address): String

   * Generate full String representation including the
   * uid for the actor cell instance as URI fragment.
   * This representation should be used as serialized
   * representation instead of `toString`.
  def toSerializationFormat: String

   * Generate full String representation including the uid for the actor cell
   * instance as URI fragment, replacing the Address in the RootActor Path
   * with the given one unless this path’s address includes host and port
   * information. This representation should be used as serialized
   * representation instead of `toStringWithAddress`.
  def toSerializationFormatWithAddress(address: Address): String

   * Unique identifier of the actor. Used for distinguishing
   * different incarnations of actors with same path (name elements).
  private[akka] def uid: Int

   * Creates a new ActorPath with same elements but with the specified `uid`.
  private[akka] def withUid(uid: Int): ActorPath


 * Root of the hierarchy of ActorPaths. There is exactly root per ActorSystem
 * and node (for remote-enabled or clustered systems).
final case class RootActorPath(address: Address, name: String = "/") extends ActorPath {

  override def parent: ActorPath = this

  override def root: RootActorPath = this

  override def /(child: String): ActorPath = {
    val (childName, uid) = ActorCell.splitNameAndUid(child)
    new ChildActorPath(this, childName, uid)

  override def elements: immutable.Iterable[String] = ActorPath.emptyActorPath

  override val toString: String = address + name

  override val toSerializationFormat: String = toString

  override def toStringWithAddress(addr: Address): String =
    if ( address + name
    else addr + name

  override def toSerializationFormatWithAddress(addr: Address): String = toStringWithAddress(addr)

  override def compareTo(other: ActorPath): Int = other match {
    case r: RootActorPath  ⇒ toString compareTo r.toString // FIXME make this cheaper by comparing address and name in isolation
    case c: ChildActorPath ⇒ 1

  private[akka] def uid: Int = ActorCell.undefinedUid

  override private[akka] def withUid(uid: Int): ActorPath =
    if (uid == ActorCell.undefinedUid) this
    else throw new IllegalStateException(s"RootActorPath must have undefinedUid, [$uid != ${ActorCell.undefinedUid}")


final class ChildActorPath private[akka] (val parent: ActorPath, val name: String, override private[akka] val uid: Int) extends ActorPath {
  if (name.indexOf('/') != -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("/ is a path separator and is not legal in ActorPath names: [%s]" format name)
  if (name.indexOf('#') != -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("# is a fragment separator and is not legal in ActorPath names: [%s]" format name)

  def this(parent: ActorPath, name: String) = this(parent, name, ActorCell.undefinedUid)

  override def address: Address = root.address

  override def /(child: String): ActorPath = {
    val (childName, uid) = ActorCell.splitNameAndUid(child)
    new ChildActorPath(this, childName, uid)

  override def elements: immutable.Iterable[String] = {
    def rec(p: ActorPath, acc: List[String]): immutable.Iterable[String] = p match {
      case r: RootActorPath ⇒ acc
      case _                ⇒ rec(p.parent, :: acc)
    rec(this, Nil)

  override def root: RootActorPath = {
    def rec(p: ActorPath): RootActorPath = p match {
      case r: RootActorPath ⇒ r
      case _                ⇒ rec(p.parent)

  override private[akka] def withUid(uid: Int): ActorPath =
    if (uid == this.uid) this
    else new ChildActorPath(parent, name, uid)

  override def toString: String = {
    val length = toStringLength
    buildToString(new JStringBuilder(length), length, 0, _.toString).toString

  override def toSerializationFormat: String = {
    val length = toStringLength
    val sb = buildToString(new JStringBuilder(length + 12), length, 0, _.toString)

  private def toStringLength: Int = toStringOffset + name.length

  private val toStringOffset: Int = parent match {
    case r: RootActorPath  ⇒ r.address.toString.length +
    case c: ChildActorPath ⇒ c.toStringLength + 1

  override def toStringWithAddress(addr: Address): String = {
    val diff = addressStringLengthDiff(addr)
    val length = toStringLength + diff
    buildToString(new JStringBuilder(length), length, diff, _.toStringWithAddress(addr)).toString

  override def toSerializationFormatWithAddress(addr: Address): String = {
    val diff = addressStringLengthDiff(addr)
    val length = toStringLength + diff
    val sb = buildToString(new JStringBuilder(length + 12), length, diff, _.toStringWithAddress(addr))

  private def addressStringLengthDiff(addr: Address): Int = {
    val r = root
    if ( 0
    else (addr.toString.length - r.address.toString.length)

   * Optimized toString construction. Used by `toString`, `toSerializationFormat`,
   * and friends `WithAddress`
   * @param sb builder that will be modified (and same instance is returned)
   * @param length pre-calculated length of the to be constructed String, not
   *   necessarily same as sb.capacity because more things may be appended to the
   *   sb afterwards
   * @param diff difference in offset for each child element, due to different address
   * @param rootString function to construct the root element string
  private def buildToString(sb: JStringBuilder, length: Int, diff: Int, rootString: RootActorPath ⇒ String): JStringBuilder = {
    def rec(p: ActorPath): JStringBuilder = p match {
      case r: RootActorPath ⇒
        val rootStr = rootString(r)
        sb.replace(0, rootStr.length, rootStr)
      case c: ChildActorPath ⇒
        val start = c.toStringOffset + diff
        val end = start +
        sb.replace(start, end,
        if (c ne this)
          sb.replace(end, end + 1, "/")


  private def appendUidFragment(sb: JStringBuilder): JStringBuilder = {
    if (uid == ActorCell.undefinedUid) sb
    else sb.append("#").append(uid)

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = {
    def rec(left: ActorPath, right: ActorPath): Boolean =
      if (left eq right) true
      else if (left.isInstanceOf[RootActorPath]) left equals right
      else if (right.isInstanceOf[RootActorPath]) right equals left
      else == && rec(left.parent, right.parent)

    other match {
      case p: ActorPath ⇒ rec(this, p)
      case _            ⇒ false

  // TODO RK investigate Phil’s hash from scala.collection.mutable.HashTable.improve
  override def hashCode: Int = {
    import akka.routing.MurmurHash._

    def rec(p: ActorPath, h: Int, c: Int, k: Int): Int = p match {
      case r: RootActorPath ⇒ extendHash(h, r.##, c, k)
      case _                ⇒ rec(p.parent, extendHash(h, stringHash(name), c, k), nextMagicA(c), nextMagicB(k))

    finalizeHash(rec(this, startHash(42), startMagicA, startMagicB))

  override def compareTo(other: ActorPath): Int = {
    def rec(left: ActorPath, right: ActorPath): Int =
      if (left eq right) 0
      else if (left.isInstanceOf[RootActorPath]) left compareTo right
      else if (right.isInstanceOf[RootActorPath]) -(right compareTo left)
      else {
        val x = compareTo
        if (x == 0) rec(left.parent, right.parent)
        else x

    rec(this, other)

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ActorPath.scala source code file:

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