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Akka/Scala example source code file (Deployer.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Deployer.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, concurrent, config, deploy, duration, localscope, norouter, noscopegiven, option, route, routerconfig, routing, scope, serialversionuid, string, time

The Deployer.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>


import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import com.typesafe.config._
import akka.routing._
import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq
import java.util.concurrent.{ TimeUnit }
import akka.util.WildcardTree
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.annotation.tailrec

object Deploy {
  final val NoDispatcherGiven = ""
  final val NoMailboxGiven = ""
  val local = Deploy(scope = LocalScope)

 * This class represents deployment configuration for a given actor path. It is
 * marked final in order to guarantee stable merge semantics (i.e. what
 * overrides what in case multiple configuration sources are available) and is
 * fully extensible via its Scope argument, and by the fact that an arbitrary
 * Config section can be passed along with it (which will be merged when merging
 * two Deploys).
 * The path field is used only when inserting the Deploy into a deployer and
 * not needed when just doing deploy-as-you-go:
 * {{{
 * val remoteProps = someProps.withDeploy(Deploy(scope = RemoteScope("someOtherNodeName")))
 * }}}
final case class Deploy(
  path: String = "",
  config: Config = ConfigFactory.empty,
  routerConfig: RouterConfig = NoRouter,
  scope: Scope = NoScopeGiven,
  dispatcher: String = Deploy.NoDispatcherGiven,
  mailbox: String = Deploy.NoMailboxGiven) {

   * Java API to create a Deploy with the given RouterConfig
  def this(routing: RouterConfig) = this("", ConfigFactory.empty, routing)

   * Java API to create a Deploy with the given RouterConfig with Scope
  def this(routing: RouterConfig, scope: Scope) = this("", ConfigFactory.empty, routing, scope)

   * Java API to create a Deploy with the given Scope
  def this(scope: Scope) = this("", ConfigFactory.empty, NoRouter, scope)

   * Do a merge between this and the other Deploy, where values from “this” take
   * precedence. The “path” of the other Deploy is not taken into account. All
   * other members are merged using ``<X>.withFallback(other.<X>)``.
  def withFallback(other: Deploy): Deploy = {
      if (dispatcher == Deploy.NoDispatcherGiven) other.dispatcher else dispatcher,
      if (mailbox == Deploy.NoMailboxGiven) other.mailbox else mailbox)

 * The scope of a [[]] serves two purposes: as a marker for
 * pattern matching the “scope” (i.e. local/remote/cluster) as well as for
 * extending the information carried by the final Deploy class. Scopes can be
 * used in conjunction with a custom [[]], making
 * Akka actors fully extensible.
trait Scope {
   * When merging [[]] instances using ``withFallback()`` on
   * the left one, this is propagated to “merging” scopes in the same way.
   * The setup is biased towards preferring the callee over the argument, i.e.
   * ``a.withFallback(b)`` is called expecting that ``a`` should in general take
   * precedence.
  def withFallback(other: Scope): Scope

abstract class LocalScope extends Scope

 * The Local Scope is the default one, which is assumed on all deployments
 * which do not set a different scope. It is also the only scope handled by
 * the LocalActorRefProvider.
case object LocalScope extends LocalScope {
   * Java API: get the singleton instance
  def getInstance = this

  def withFallback(other: Scope): Scope = this

 * This is the default value and as such allows overrides.
abstract class NoScopeGiven extends Scope
case object NoScopeGiven extends NoScopeGiven {
  def withFallback(other: Scope): Scope = other

   * Java API: get the singleton instance
  def getInstance = this

 * Deployer maps actor paths to actor deployments.
private[akka] class Deployer(val settings: ActorSystem.Settings, val dynamicAccess: DynamicAccess) {

  import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

  private val resizerEnabled: Config = ConfigFactory.parseString("resizer.enabled=on")
  private val deployments = new AtomicReference(WildcardTree[Deploy]())
  private val config = settings.config.getConfig("")
  protected val default = config.getConfig("default")
  val routerTypeMapping: Map[String, String] =
    settings.config.getConfig("").root.unwrapped.asScala.collect {
      case (key, value: String) ⇒ (key -> value)

  config.root.asScala flatMap {
    case ("default", _)             ⇒ None
    case (key, value: ConfigObject) ⇒ parseConfig(key, value.toConfig)
    case _                          ⇒ None
  } foreach deploy

  def lookup(path: ActorPath): Option[Deploy] = lookup(path.elements.drop(1).iterator)

  def lookup(path: Iterable[String]): Option[Deploy] = lookup(path.iterator)

  def lookup(path: Iterator[String]): Option[Deploy] = deployments.get().find(path).data

  def deploy(d: Deploy): Unit = {
    @tailrec def add(path: Array[String], d: Deploy, w: WildcardTree[Deploy] = deployments.get): Unit = {
      import ActorPath.ElementRegex
      for (i ← 0 until path.length) path(i) match {
        case "" ⇒
          throw new InvalidActorNameException(s"actor name in deployment [${d.path}] must not be empty")
        case ElementRegex() ⇒ // ok
        case name ⇒
          throw new InvalidActorNameException(
            s"illegal actor name [$name] in deployment [${d.path}], must conform to $ElementRegex")

      if (!deployments.compareAndSet(w, w.insert(path.iterator, d))) add(path, d)

    add(d.path.split("/").drop(1), d)

  def parseConfig(key: String, config: Config): Option[Deploy] = {
    val deployment = config.withFallback(default)
    val router = createRouterConfig(deployment.getString("router"), key, config, deployment)
    val dispatcher = deployment.getString("dispatcher")
    val mailbox = deployment.getString("mailbox")
    Some(Deploy(key, deployment, router, NoScopeGiven, dispatcher, mailbox))

   * Factory method for creating `RouterConfig`
   * @param routerType the configured name of the router, or FQCN
   * @param key the full configuration key of the deployment section
   * @param config the user defined config of the deployment, without defaults
   * @param deployment the deployment config, with defaults
  protected def createRouterConfig(routerType: String, key: String, config: Config, deployment: Config): RouterConfig =
    if (routerType == "from-code") NoRouter
    else {
      // need this for backwards compatibility, resizer enabled when including (parts of) resizer section in the deployment
      val deployment2 =
        if (config.hasPath("resizer") && !deployment.getBoolean("resizer.enabled"))
        else deployment

      val fqn = routerTypeMapping.getOrElse(routerType, routerType)

      def throwCannotInstantiateRouter(args: Seq[(Class[_], AnyRef)], cause: Throwable) =
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          s"Cannot instantiate router [$fqn], defined in [$key], " +
            s"make sure it extends [${classOf[RouterConfig]}] and has constructor with " +
            s"[${args(0)._1.getName}] and optional [${args(1)._1.getName}] parameter", cause)

      // first try with Config param, and then with Config and DynamicAccess parameters
      val args1 = List(classOf[Config] -> deployment2)
      val args2 = List(classOf[Config] -> deployment2, classOf[DynamicAccess] -> dynamicAccess)
      dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[RouterConfig](fqn, args1).recover({
        case e @ (_: IllegalArgumentException | _: ConfigException) ⇒ throw e
        case e: NoSuchMethodException ⇒
          dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[RouterConfig](fqn, args2).recover({
            case e @ (_: IllegalArgumentException | _: ConfigException) ⇒ throw e
            case e2 ⇒ throwCannotInstantiateRouter(args2, e)
        case e ⇒ throwCannotInstantiateRouter(args2, e)


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka Deployer.scala source code file:

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