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Akka/Scala example source code file (FSM.scala)

This example Akka source code file (FSM.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, any, apply2, class, collection, concurrent, d, duration, fsmstatefunctionbuilder, reason, routing, s, state, statefunction, time, unit

The FSM.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

import language.implicitConversions
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.collection.mutable
import akka.routing.{ Deafen, Listen, Listeners }
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

object FSM {

   * A partial function value which does not match anything and can be used to
   * “reset” `whenUnhandled` and `onTermination` handlers.
   * {{{
   * onTermination(FSM.NullFunction)
   * }}}
  object NullFunction extends PartialFunction[Any, Nothing] {
    def isDefinedAt(o: Any) = false
    def apply(o: Any) = sys.error("undefined")

   * Message type which is sent directly to the subscribed actor in
   * [[]] before sending any
   * [[]] messages.
  final case class CurrentState[S](fsmRef: ActorRef, state: S)

   * Message type which is used to communicate transitions between states to
   * all subscribed listeners (use [[]]).
  final case class Transition[S](fsmRef: ActorRef, from: S, to: S)

   * Send this to an [[]] to request first the [[FSM.CurrentState]]
   * and then a series of [[FSM.Transition]] updates. Cancel the subscription
   * using [[FSM.UnsubscribeTransitionCallBack]].
  final case class SubscribeTransitionCallBack(actorRef: ActorRef)

   * Unsubscribe from [[]] notifications which was
   * effected by sending the corresponding [[]].
  final case class UnsubscribeTransitionCallBack(actorRef: ActorRef)

   * Reason why this [[]] is shutting down.
  sealed trait Reason

   * Default reason if calling `stop()`.
  case object Normal extends Reason

   * Reason given when someone was calling `system.stop(fsm)` from outside;
   * also applies to `Stop` supervision directive.
  case object Shutdown extends Reason

   * Signifies that the [[]] is shutting itself down because of
   * an error, e.g. if the state to transition into does not exist. You can use
   * this to communicate a more precise cause to the [[]] block.
  final case class Failure(cause: Any) extends Reason

   * This case object is received in case of a state timeout.
  case object StateTimeout

  private final case class TimeoutMarker(generation: Long)

  // FIXME: what about the cancellable?
  private[akka] final case class Timer(name: String, msg: Any, repeat: Boolean, generation: Int)(context: ActorContext)
    extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
    private var ref: Option[Cancellable] = _
    private val scheduler = context.system.scheduler
    private implicit val executionContext = context.dispatcher

    def schedule(actor: ActorRef, timeout: FiniteDuration): Unit =
      ref = Some(
        if (repeat) scheduler.schedule(timeout, timeout, actor, this)
        else scheduler.scheduleOnce(timeout, actor, this))

    def cancel(): Unit =
      if (ref.isDefined) {
        ref = None

   * This extractor is just convenience for matching a (S, S) pair, including a
   * reminder what the new state is.
  object -> {
    def unapply[S](in: (S, S)) = Some(in)

   * Log Entry of the [[]], can be obtained by calling `getLog`.
  final case class LogEntry[S, D](stateName: S, stateData: D, event: Any)

   * This captures all of the managed state of the [[]]: the state
   * name, the state data, possibly custom timeout, stop reason and replies
   * accumulated while processing the last message.
  final case class State[S, D](stateName: S, stateData: D, timeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None, stopReason: Option[Reason] = None, replies: List[Any] = Nil) {

     * Modify state transition descriptor to include a state timeout for the
     * next state. This timeout overrides any default timeout set for the next
     * state.
     * Use Duration.Inf to deactivate an existing timeout.
    def forMax(timeout: Duration): State[S, D] = timeout match {
      case f: FiniteDuration ⇒ copy(timeout = Some(f))
      case _                 ⇒ copy(timeout = None)

     * Send reply to sender of the current message, if available.
     * @return this state transition descriptor
    def replying(replyValue: Any): State[S, D] = {
      copy(replies = replyValue :: replies)

     * Modify state transition descriptor with new state data. The data will be
     * set when transitioning to the new state.
    def using(@deprecatedName('nextStateDate) nextStateData: D): State[S, D] = {
      copy(stateData = nextStateData)

    private[akka] def withStopReason(reason: Reason): State[S, D] = {
      copy(stopReason = Some(reason))
   * All messages sent to the [[]] will be wrapped inside an
   * `Event`, which allows pattern matching to extract both state and data.
  final case class Event[D](event: Any, stateData: D) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

   * Case class representing the state of the [[]] whithin the
   * `onTermination` block.
  final case class StopEvent[S, D](reason: Reason, currentState: S, stateData: D) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded


 * Finite State Machine actor trait. Use as follows:
 * <pre>
 *   object A {
 *     trait State
 *     case class One extends State
 *     case class Two extends State
 *     case class Data(i : Int)
 *   }
 *   class A extends Actor with FSM[A.State, A.Data] {
 *     import A._
 *     startWith(One, Data(42))
 *     when(One) {
 *         case Event(SomeMsg, Data(x)) => ...
 *         case Ev(SomeMsg) => ... // convenience when data not needed
 *     }
 *     when(Two, stateTimeout = 5 seconds) { ... }
 *     initialize()
 *   }
 * </pre>
 * Within the partial function the following values are returned for effecting
 * state transitions:
 *  - <code>stay</code> for staying in the same state
 *  - <code>stay using Data(...)</code> for staying in the same state, but with
 *    different data
 *  - <code>stay forMax 5.millis</code> for staying with a state timeout; can be
 *    combined with <code>using</code>
 *  - <code>goto(...)</code> for changing into a different state; also supports
 *    <code>using</code> and <code>forMax</code>
 *  - <code>stop</code> for terminating this FSM actor
 * Each of the above also supports the method <code>replying(AnyRef)</code> for
 * sending a reply before changing state.
 * While changing state, custom handlers may be invoked which are registered
 * using <code>onTransition</code>. This is meant to enable concentrating
 * different concerns in different places; you may choose to use
 * <code>when</code> for describing the properties of a state, including of
 * course initiating transitions, but you can describe the transitions using
 * <code>onTransition</code> to avoid having to duplicate that code among
 * multiple paths which lead to a transition:
 * <pre>
 * onTransition {
 *   case Active -> _ => cancelTimer("activeTimer")
 * }
 * </pre>
 * Multiple such blocks are supported and all of them will be called, not only
 * the first matching one.
 * Another feature is that other actors may subscribe for transition events by
 * sending a <code>SubscribeTransitionCallback</code> message to this actor.
 * Stopping a listener without unregistering will not remove the listener from the
 * subscription list; use <code>UnsubscribeTransitionCallback</code> before stopping
 * the listener.
 * State timeouts set an upper bound to the time which may pass before another
 * message is received in the current state. If no external message is
 * available, then upon expiry of the timeout a StateTimeout message is sent.
 * Note that this message will only be received in the state for which the
 * timeout was set and that any message received will cancel the timeout
 * (possibly to be started again by the next transition).
 * Another feature is the ability to install and cancel single-shot as well as
 * repeated timers which arrange for the sending of a user-specified message:
 * <pre>
 *   setTimer("tock", TockMsg, 1 second, true) // repeating
 *   setTimer("lifetime", TerminateMsg, 1 hour, false) // single-shot
 *   cancelTimer("tock")
 *   isTimerActive("tock")
 * </pre>
trait FSM[S, D] extends Actor with Listeners with ActorLogging {

  import FSM._

  type State = FSM.State[S, D]
  type Event = FSM.Event[D]
  type StopEvent = FSM.StopEvent[S, D]
  type StateFunction = scala.PartialFunction[Event, State]
  type Timeout = Option[FiniteDuration]
  type TransitionHandler = PartialFunction[(S, S), Unit]

   * “import” so that these are visible without an import
  val Event: FSM.Event.type = FSM.Event
  val StopEvent: FSM.StopEvent.type = FSM.StopEvent

   * This extractor is just convenience for matching a (S, S) pair, including a
   * reminder what the new state is.
  val -> = FSM.->

   * This case object is received in case of a state timeout.
  val StateTimeout = FSM.StateTimeout

   * ****************************************
   *                 DSL
   * ****************************************

   * Insert a new StateFunction at the end of the processing chain for the
   * given state. If the stateTimeout parameter is set, entering this state
   * without a differing explicit timeout setting will trigger a StateTimeout
   * event; the same is true when using #stay.
   * @param stateName designator for the state
   * @param stateTimeout default state timeout for this state
   * @param stateFunction partial function describing response to input
  final def when(stateName: S, stateTimeout: FiniteDuration = null)(stateFunction: StateFunction): Unit =
    register(stateName, stateFunction, Option(stateTimeout))

   * Set initial state. Call this method from the constructor before the [[#initialize]] method.
   * If different state is needed after a restart this method, followed by [[#initialize]], can
   * be used in the actor life cycle hooks [[]] and [[]].
   * @param stateName initial state designator
   * @param stateData initial state data
   * @param timeout state timeout for the initial state, overriding the default timeout for that state
  final def startWith(stateName: S, stateData: D, timeout: Timeout = None): Unit =
    currentState = FSM.State(stateName, stateData, timeout)

   * Produce transition to other state. Return this from a state function in
   * order to effect the transition.
   * @param nextStateName state designator for the next state
   * @return state transition descriptor
  final def goto(nextStateName: S): State = FSM.State(nextStateName, currentState.stateData)

   * Produce "empty" transition descriptor. Return this from a state function
   * when no state change is to be effected.
   * @return descriptor for staying in current state
  final def stay(): State = goto(currentState.stateName) // cannot directly use currentState because of the timeout field

   * Produce change descriptor to stop this FSM actor with reason "Normal".
  final def stop(): State = stop(Normal)

   * Produce change descriptor to stop this FSM actor including specified reason.
  final def stop(reason: Reason): State = stop(reason, currentState.stateData)

   * Produce change descriptor to stop this FSM actor including specified reason.
  final def stop(reason: Reason, stateData: D): State = stay using stateData withStopReason (reason)

  final class TransformHelper(func: StateFunction) {
    def using(andThen: PartialFunction[State, State]): StateFunction =
      func andThen (andThen orElse { case x ⇒ x })

  final def transform(func: StateFunction): TransformHelper = new TransformHelper(func)

   * Schedule named timer to deliver message after given delay, possibly repeating.
   * Any existing timer with the same name will automatically be canceled before
   * adding the new timer.
   * @param name identifier to be used with cancelTimer()
   * @param msg message to be delivered
   * @param timeout delay of first message delivery and between subsequent messages
   * @param repeat send once if false, scheduleAtFixedRate if true
   * @return current state descriptor
  final def setTimer(name: String, msg: Any, timeout: FiniteDuration, repeat: Boolean = false): Unit = {
    if (debugEvent)
      log.debug("setting " + (if (repeat) "repeating " else "") + "timer '" + name + "'/" + timeout + ": " + msg)
    if (timers contains name) {
    val timer = Timer(name, msg, repeat,
    timer.schedule(self, timeout)
    timers(name) = timer

   * Cancel named timer, ensuring that the message is not subsequently delivered (no race).
   * @param name of the timer to cancel
  final def cancelTimer(name: String): Unit = {
    if (debugEvent)
      log.debug("canceling timer '" + name + "'")
    if (timers contains name) {
      timers -= name

   * Inquire whether the named timer is still active. Returns true unless the
   * timer does not exist, has previously been canceled or if it was a
   * single-shot timer whose message was already received.
  final def isTimerActive(name: String): Boolean = timers contains name

   * Set state timeout explicitly. This method can safely be used from within a
   * state handler.
  final def setStateTimeout(state: S, timeout: Timeout): Unit = stateTimeouts(state) = timeout

   * INTERNAL API, used for testing.
  private[akka] final def isStateTimerActive = timeoutFuture.isDefined

   * Set handler which is called upon each state transition, i.e. not when
   * staying in the same state. This may use the pair extractor defined in the
   * FSM companion object like so:
   * <pre>
   * onTransition {
   *   case Old -> New => doSomething
   * }
   * </pre>
   * It is also possible to supply a 2-ary function object:
   * <pre>
   * onTransition(handler _)
   * private def handler(from: S, to: S) { ... }
   * </pre>
   * The underscore is unfortunately necessary to enable the nicer syntax shown
   * above (it uses the implicit conversion total2pf under the hood).
   * <b>Multiple handlers may be installed, and every one of them will be
   * called, not only the first one matching.</b>
  final def onTransition(transitionHandler: TransitionHandler): Unit = transitionEvent :+= transitionHandler

   * Convenience wrapper for using a total function instead of a partial
   * function literal. To be used with onTransition.
  implicit final def total2pf(transitionHandler: (S, S) ⇒ Unit): TransitionHandler =
    new TransitionHandler {
      def isDefinedAt(in: (S, S)) = true
      def apply(in: (S, S)) { transitionHandler(in._1, in._2) }

   * Set handler which is called upon termination of this FSM actor. Calling
   * this method again will overwrite the previous contents.
  final def onTermination(terminationHandler: PartialFunction[StopEvent, Unit]): Unit =
    terminateEvent = terminationHandler

   * Set handler which is called upon reception of unhandled messages. Calling
   * this method again will overwrite the previous contents.
   * The current state may be queried using ``stateName``.
  final def whenUnhandled(stateFunction: StateFunction): Unit =
    handleEvent = stateFunction orElse handleEventDefault

   * Verify existence of initial state and setup timers. This should be the
   * last call within the constructor, or [[]] and
   * [[]]
   * @see [[#startWith]]
  final def initialize(): Unit = makeTransition(currentState)

   * Return current state name (i.e. object of type S)
  final def stateName: S = currentState.stateName

   * Return current state data (i.e. object of type D)
  final def stateData: D = currentState.stateData

   * Return next state data (available in onTransition handlers)
  final def nextStateData = nextState match {
    case null ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("nextStateData is only available during onTransition")
    case x    ⇒ x.stateData

   * ****************************************************************
   * ****************************************************************

  private[akka] def debugEvent: Boolean = false

   * FSM State data and current timeout handling
  private var currentState: State = _
  private var timeoutFuture: Option[Cancellable] = None
  private var nextState: State = _
  private var generation: Long = 0L

   * Timer handling
  private val timers = mutable.Map[String, Timer]()
  private val timerGen = Iterator from 0

   * State definitions
  private val stateFunctions = mutable.Map[S, StateFunction]()
  private val stateTimeouts = mutable.Map[S, Timeout]()

  private def register(name: S, function: StateFunction, timeout: Timeout): Unit = {
    if (stateFunctions contains name) {
      stateFunctions(name) = stateFunctions(name) orElse function
      stateTimeouts(name) = timeout orElse stateTimeouts(name)
    } else {
      stateFunctions(name) = function
      stateTimeouts(name) = timeout

   * unhandled event handler
  private val handleEventDefault: StateFunction = {
    case Event(value, stateData) ⇒
      log.warning("unhandled event " + value + " in state " + stateName)
  private var handleEvent: StateFunction = handleEventDefault

   * termination handling
  private var terminateEvent: PartialFunction[StopEvent, Unit] = NullFunction

   * transition handling
  private var transitionEvent: List[TransitionHandler] = Nil
  private def handleTransition(prev: S, next: S) {
    val tuple = (prev, next)
    for (te ← transitionEvent) { if (te.isDefinedAt(tuple)) te(tuple) }

   * *******************************************
   *       Main actor receive() method
   * *******************************************
  override def receive: Receive = {
    case TimeoutMarker(gen) ⇒
      if (generation == gen) {
        processMsg(StateTimeout, "state timeout")
    case t @ Timer(name, msg, repeat, gen) ⇒
      if ((timers contains name) && (timers(name).generation == gen)) {
        if (timeoutFuture.isDefined) {
          timeoutFuture = None
        generation += 1
        if (!repeat) {
          timers -= name
        processMsg(msg, t)
    case SubscribeTransitionCallBack(actorRef) ⇒
      // TODO Use and receive Terminated(actor) to clean up list
      // send current state back as reference point
      actorRef ! CurrentState(self, currentState.stateName)
    case Listen(actorRef) ⇒
      // TODO Use and receive Terminated(actor) to clean up list
      // send current state back as reference point
      actorRef ! CurrentState(self, currentState.stateName)
    case UnsubscribeTransitionCallBack(actorRef) ⇒
    case Deafen(actorRef) ⇒
    case value ⇒ {
      if (timeoutFuture.isDefined) {
        timeoutFuture = None
      generation += 1
      processMsg(value, sender())

  private def processMsg(value: Any, source: AnyRef): Unit = {
    val event = Event(value, currentState.stateData)
    processEvent(event, source)

  private[akka] def processEvent(event: Event, source: AnyRef): Unit = {
    val stateFunc = stateFunctions(currentState.stateName)
    val nextState = if (stateFunc isDefinedAt event) {
    } else {
      // handleEventDefault ensures that this is always defined

  private[akka] def applyState(nextState: State): Unit = {
    nextState.stopReason match {
      case None ⇒ makeTransition(nextState)
      case _ ⇒
        nextState.replies.reverse foreach { r ⇒ sender() ! r }

  private[akka] def makeTransition(nextState: State): Unit = {
    if (!stateFunctions.contains(nextState.stateName)) {
      terminate(stay withStopReason Failure("Next state %s does not exist".format(nextState.stateName)))
    } else {
      nextState.replies.reverse foreach { r ⇒ sender() ! r }
      if (currentState.stateName != nextState.stateName) {
        this.nextState = nextState
        handleTransition(currentState.stateName, nextState.stateName)
        gossip(Transition(self, currentState.stateName, nextState.stateName))
        this.nextState = null
      currentState = nextState
      val timeout = if (currentState.timeout.isDefined) currentState.timeout else stateTimeouts(currentState.stateName)
      if (timeout.isDefined) {
        val t = timeout.get
        if (t.isFinite && t.length >= 0) {
          import context.dispatcher
          timeoutFuture = Some(context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(t, self, TimeoutMarker(generation)))

   * Call `onTermination` hook; if you want to retain this behavior when
   * overriding make sure to call `super.postStop()`.
   * Please note that this method is called by default from `preRestart()`,
   * so override that one if `onTermination` shall not be called during
   * restart.
  override def postStop(): Unit = {
     * setting this instance’s state to terminated does no harm during restart
     * since the new instance will initialize fresh using startWith()
    terminate(stay withStopReason Shutdown)

  private def terminate(nextState: State): Unit = {
    if (currentState.stopReason.isEmpty) {
      val reason = nextState.stopReason.get
      for (timer ← timers.values) timer.cancel()
      currentState = nextState

      val stopEvent = StopEvent(reason, currentState.stateName, currentState.stateData)
      if (terminateEvent.isDefinedAt(stopEvent))

   * By default [[FSM.Failure]] is logged at error level and other reason
   * types are not logged. It is possible to override this behavior.
  protected def logTermination(reason: Reason): Unit = reason match {
    case Failure(ex: Throwable) ⇒ log.error(ex, "terminating due to Failure")
    case Failure(msg: AnyRef)   ⇒ log.error(msg.toString)
    case _                      ⇒

 * Stackable trait for [[]] which adds a rolling event log and
 * debug logging capabilities (analogous to [[akka.event.LoggingReceive]]).
 * @since 1.2
trait LoggingFSM[S, D] extends FSM[S, D] { this: Actor ⇒

  import FSM._

  def logDepth: Int = 0

  private[akka] override val debugEvent = context.system.settings.FsmDebugEvent

  private val events = new Array[Event](logDepth)
  private val states = new Array[AnyRef](logDepth)
  private var pos = 0
  private var full = false

  private def advance() {
    val n = pos + 1
    if (n == logDepth) {
      full = true
      pos = 0
    } else {
      pos = n

  private[akka] abstract override def processEvent(event: Event, source: AnyRef): Unit = {
    if (debugEvent) {
      val srcstr = source match {
        case s: String            ⇒ s
        case Timer(name, _, _, _) ⇒ "timer " + name
        case a: ActorRef          ⇒ a.toString
        case _                    ⇒ "unknown"
      log.debug("processing " + event + " from " + srcstr)

    if (logDepth > 0) {
      states(pos) = stateName.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      events(pos) = event

    val oldState = stateName
    super.processEvent(event, source)
    val newState = stateName

    if (debugEvent && oldState != newState)
      log.debug("transition " + oldState + " -> " + newState)

   * Retrieve current rolling log in oldest-first order. The log is filled with
   * each incoming event before processing by the user supplied state handler.
   * The log entries are lost when this actor is restarted.
  protected def getLog: IndexedSeq[LogEntry[S, D]] = {
    val log = events zip states filter (_._1 ne null) map (x ⇒ LogEntry(x._2.asInstanceOf[S], x._1.stateData, x._1.event))
    if (full) {
      IndexedSeq() ++ log.drop(pos) ++ log.take(pos)
    } else {
      IndexedSeq() ++ log


 * Java API: compatible with lambda expressions
 * This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and is subject to change until it has received more real world testing.
object AbstractFSM {
   * A partial function value which does not match anything and can be used to
   * “reset” `whenUnhandled` and `onTermination` handlers.
   * {{{
   * onTermination(FSM.NullFunction())
   * }}}
  def NullFunction[S, D]: PartialFunction[S, D] = FSM.NullFunction

 * Java API: compatible with lambda expressions
 * Finite State Machine actor abstract base class.
 * This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and is subject to change until it has received more real world testing.
abstract class AbstractFSM[S, D] extends FSM[S, D] {
  import java.util.{ List ⇒ JList }
  import FSM._

   * Insert a new StateFunction at the end of the processing chain for the
   * given state.
   * @param stateName designator for the state
   * @param stateFunction partial function describing response to input
  final def when(stateName: S)(stateFunction: StateFunction): Unit =
    when(stateName, null: FiniteDuration)(stateFunction)

   * Insert a new StateFunction at the end of the processing chain for the
   * given state.
   * @param stateName designator for the state
   * @param stateFunctionBuilder partial function builder describing response to input
  final def when(stateName: S, stateFunctionBuilder: FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]): Unit =
    when(stateName, null, stateFunctionBuilder)

   * Insert a new StateFunction at the end of the processing chain for the
   * given state. If the stateTimeout parameter is set, entering this state
   * without a differing explicit timeout setting will trigger a StateTimeout
   * event; the same is true when using #stay.
   * @param stateName designator for the state
   * @param stateTimeout default state timeout for this state
   * @param stateFunctionBuilder partial function builder describing response to input
  final def when(stateName: S,
                 stateTimeout: FiniteDuration,
                 stateFunctionBuilder: FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]): Unit =
    when(stateName, stateTimeout)(

   * Set initial state. Call this method from the constructor before the [[#initialize]] method.
   * If different state is needed after a restart this method, followed by [[#initialize]], can
   * be used in the actor life cycle hooks [[]] and [[]].
   * @param stateName initial state designator
   * @param stateData initial state data
  final def startWith(stateName: S, stateData: D): Unit =
    startWith(stateName, stateData, null: FiniteDuration)

   * Set initial state. Call this method from the constructor before the [[#initialize]] method.
   * If different state is needed after a restart this method, followed by [[#initialize]], can
   * be used in the actor life cycle hooks [[]] and [[]].
   * @param stateName initial state designator
   * @param stateData initial state data
   * @param timeout state timeout for the initial state, overriding the default timeout for that state
  final def startWith(stateName: S, stateData: D, timeout: FiniteDuration): Unit =
    startWith(stateName, stateData, Option(timeout))

   * Add a handler which is called upon each state transition, i.e. not when
   * staying in the same state.
   * <b>Multiple handlers may be installed, and every one of them will be
   * called, not only the first one matching.</b>
  final def onTransition(transitionHandlerBuilder: FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder[S]): Unit =

   * Add a handler which is called upon each state transition, i.e. not when
   * staying in the same state.
   * <b>Multiple handlers may be installed, and every one of them will be
   * called, not only the first one matching.</b>
  final def onTransition(transitionHandler: UnitApply2[S, S]): Unit =

   * Set handler which is called upon reception of unhandled messages. Calling
   * this method again will overwrite the previous contents.
   * The current state may be queried using ``stateName``.
  final def whenUnhandled(stateFunctionBuilder: FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]): Unit =

   * Set handler which is called upon termination of this FSM actor. Calling
   * this method again will overwrite the previous contents.
  final def onTermination(stopBuilder: FSMStopBuilder[S, D]): Unit =
    onTermination([PartialFunction[StopEvent, Unit]])

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on an event and data type and a predicate.
   * @param eventType  the event type to match on
   * @param dataType  the data type to match on
   * @param predicate  a predicate to evaluate on the matched types
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchEvent[ET, DT <: D](eventType: Class[ET], dataType: Class[DT], predicate: TypedPredicate2[ET, DT], apply: Apply2[ET, DT, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().event(eventType, dataType, apply)

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on an event and data type.
   * @param eventType  the event type to match on
   * @param dataType  the data type to match on
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchEvent[ET, DT <: D](eventType: Class[ET], dataType: Class[DT], apply: Apply2[ET, DT, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().event(eventType, dataType, apply)

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches if the event type and predicate matches.
   * @param eventType  the event type to match on
   * @param predicate  a predicate that will be evaluated on the data and the event
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchEvent[ET](eventType: Class[ET], predicate: TypedPredicate2[ET, D], apply: Apply2[ET, D, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().event(eventType, predicate, apply);

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches if the event type matches.
   * @param eventType  the event type to match on
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchEvent[ET](eventType: Class[ET], apply: Apply2[ET, D, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().event(eventType, apply);

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches if the predicate matches.
   * @param predicate  a predicate that will be evaluated on the data and the event
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchEvent(predicate: TypedPredicate2[AnyRef, D], apply: Apply2[AnyRef, D, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().event(predicate, apply);

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on the data type and if any of the event types
   * in the list match or any of the event instances in the list compares equal.
   * @param eventMatches  a list of types or instances to match against
   * @param dataType  the data type to match on
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchEvent[DT <: D](eventMatches: JList[AnyRef], dataType: Class[DT], apply: Apply2[AnyRef, DT, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().event(eventMatches, dataType, apply);

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches if any of the event types in the list match or any
   * of the event instances in the list compares equal.
   * @param eventMatches  a list of types or instances to match against
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchEvent(eventMatches: JList[AnyRef], apply: Apply2[AnyRef, D, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().event(eventMatches, apply);

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on the data type and if the event compares equal.
   * @param event  an event to compare equal against
   * @param dataType  the data type to match on
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchEventEquals[E, DT <: D](event: E, dataType: Class[DT], apply: Apply2[E, DT, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().eventEquals(event, dataType, apply);

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches if the event compares equal.
   * @param event  an event to compare equal against
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchEventEquals[E](event: E, apply: Apply2[E, D, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().eventEquals(event, apply);

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on any type of event.
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchAnyEvent(apply: Apply2[AnyRef, D, State]): FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStateFunctionBuilder[S, D]().anyEvent(apply)

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on a from state and a to state.
   * @param fromState  the from state to match on
   * @param toState  the to state to match on
   * @param apply  an action to apply when the states match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchState(fromState: S, toState: S, apply: UnitApplyVoid): FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder[S] =
    new FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder[S]().state(fromState, toState, apply)

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on a from state and a to state.
   * @param fromState  the from state to match on
   * @param toState  the to state to match on
   * @param apply  an action to apply when the states match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchState(fromState: S, toState: S, apply: UnitApply2[S, S]): FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder[S] =
    new FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder[S]().state(fromState, toState, apply)

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on an [[FSM.Reason]].
   * @param reason  the reason for the termination
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchStop(reason: Reason, apply: UnitApply2[S, D]): FSMStopBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStopBuilder[S, D]().stop(reason, apply)

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on a reason type.
   * @param reasonType  the reason type to match on
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the reason, event and state data if there is a match
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchStop[RT <: Reason](reasonType: Class[RT], apply: UnitApply3[RT, S, D]): FSMStopBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStopBuilder[S, D]().stop(reasonType, apply)

   * Create an [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * A case statement that matches on a reason type and a predicate.
   * @param reasonType  the reason type to match on
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the reason, event and state data if there is a match
   * @param predicate  a predicate that will be evaluated on the reason if the type matches
   * @return the builder with the case statement added
  final def matchStop[RT <: Reason](reasonType: Class[RT], predicate: TypedPredicate[RT], apply: UnitApply3[RT, S, D]): FSMStopBuilder[S, D] =
    new FSMStopBuilder[S, D]().stop(reasonType, predicate, apply)

   * Create a [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * @param dataType  a type to match the argument against
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the argument if the type matches
   * @return a builder with the case statement added
  final def matchData[DT <: D](dataType: Class[DT], apply: UnitApply[DT]): UnitPFBuilder[D] =
    UnitMatch.`match`(dataType, apply)

   * Create a [[]] with the first case statement set.
   * @param dataType  a type to match the argument against
   * @param predicate  a predicate that will be evaluated on the argument if the type matches
   * @param apply  an action to apply to the argument if the type and predicate matches
   * @return a builder with the case statement added
  final def matchData[DT <: D](dataType: Class[DT], predicate: TypedPredicate[DT], apply: UnitApply[DT]): UnitPFBuilder[D] =
    UnitMatch.`match`(dataType, predicate, apply)

   * Produce transition to other state. Return this from a state function in
   * order to effect the transition.
   * @param nextStateName state designator for the next state
   * @return state transition descriptor
  final def goTo(nextStateName: S): State = goto(nextStateName)

   * Schedule named timer to deliver message after given delay, possibly repeating.
   * Any existing timer with the same name will automatically be canceled before
   * adding the new timer.
   * @param name identifier to be used with cancelTimer()
   * @param msg message to be delivered
   * @param timeout delay of first message delivery and between subsequent messages
   * @return current state descriptor
  final def setTimer(name: String, msg: Any, timeout: FiniteDuration): Unit =
    setTimer(name, msg, timeout, false);

   * Default reason if calling `stop()`.
  val Normal: FSM.Reason = FSM.Normal

   * Reason given when someone was calling `system.stop(fsm)` from outside;
   * also applies to `Stop` supervision directive.
  val Shutdown: FSM.Reason = FSM.Shutdown

 * Java API: compatible with lambda expressions
 * Finite State Machine actor abstract base class.
 * This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and is subject to change until it has received more real world testing.
abstract class AbstractLoggingFSM[S, D] extends AbstractFSM[S, D] with LoggingFSM[S, D]

Other Akka source code examples

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