Akka/Scala example source code file (Children.scala)
The Children.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.actor.dungeon import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.collection.immutable import akka.actor._ import akka.actor.ActorPath.ElementRegex import akka.serialization.SerializationExtension import akka.util.{ Unsafe, Helpers } private[akka] trait Children { this: ActorCell ⇒ import ChildrenContainer._ @volatile private var _childrenRefsDoNotCallMeDirectly: ChildrenContainer = EmptyChildrenContainer def childrenRefs: ChildrenContainer = Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, AbstractActorCell.childrenOffset).asInstanceOf[ChildrenContainer] final def children: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef] = childrenRefs.children final def getChildren(): java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef] = scala.collection.JavaConverters.asJavaIterableConverter(children).asJava final def child(name: String): Option[ActorRef] = Option(getChild(name)) final def getChild(name: String): ActorRef = childrenRefs.getByName(name) match { case Some(s: ChildRestartStats) ⇒ s.child case _ ⇒ null } def actorOf(props: Props): ActorRef = makeChild(this, props, randomName(), async = false, systemService = false) def actorOf(props: Props, name: String): ActorRef = makeChild(this, props, checkName(name), async = false, systemService = false) private[akka] def attachChild(props: Props, systemService: Boolean): ActorRef = makeChild(this, props, randomName(), async = true, systemService = systemService) private[akka] def attachChild(props: Props, name: String, systemService: Boolean): ActorRef = makeChild(this, props, checkName(name), async = true, systemService = systemService) @volatile private var _nextNameDoNotCallMeDirectly = 0L final protected def randomName(): String = { @tailrec def inc(): Long = { val current = Unsafe.instance.getLongVolatile(this, AbstractActorCell.nextNameOffset) if (Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapLong(this, AbstractActorCell.nextNameOffset, current, current + 1)) current else inc() } Helpers.base64(inc()) } final def stop(actor: ActorRef): Unit = { if (childrenRefs.getByRef(actor).isDefined) { @tailrec def shallDie(ref: ActorRef): Boolean = { val c = childrenRefs swapChildrenRefs(c, c.shallDie(ref)) || shallDie(ref) } if (actor match { case r: RepointableRef ⇒ r.isStarted case _ ⇒ true }) shallDie(actor) } actor.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef].stop() } /* * low level CAS helpers */ @inline private final def swapChildrenRefs(oldChildren: ChildrenContainer, newChildren: ChildrenContainer): Boolean = Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, AbstractActorCell.childrenOffset, oldChildren, newChildren) @tailrec final def reserveChild(name: String): Boolean = { val c = childrenRefs swapChildrenRefs(c, c.reserve(name)) || reserveChild(name) } @tailrec final protected def unreserveChild(name: String): Boolean = { val c = childrenRefs swapChildrenRefs(c, c.unreserve(name)) || unreserveChild(name) } @tailrec final def initChild(ref: ActorRef): Option[ChildRestartStats] = { val cc = childrenRefs cc.getByName(ref.path.name) match { case old @ Some(_: ChildRestartStats) ⇒ old.asInstanceOf[Option[ChildRestartStats]] case Some(ChildNameReserved) ⇒ val crs = ChildRestartStats(ref) val name = ref.path.name if (swapChildrenRefs(cc, cc.add(name, crs))) Some(crs) else initChild(ref) case None ⇒ None } } @tailrec final protected def setChildrenTerminationReason(reason: ChildrenContainer.SuspendReason): Boolean = { childrenRefs match { case c: ChildrenContainer.TerminatingChildrenContainer ⇒ swapChildrenRefs(c, c.copy(reason = reason)) || setChildrenTerminationReason(reason) case _ ⇒ false } } final protected def setTerminated(): Unit = Unsafe.instance.putObjectVolatile(this, AbstractActorCell.childrenOffset, TerminatedChildrenContainer) /* * ActorCell-internal API */ protected def isNormal = childrenRefs.isNormal protected def isTerminating = childrenRefs.isTerminating protected def waitingForChildrenOrNull = childrenRefs match { case TerminatingChildrenContainer(_, _, w: WaitingForChildren) ⇒ w case _ ⇒ null } protected def suspendChildren(exceptFor: Set[ActorRef] = Set.empty): Unit = childrenRefs.stats foreach { case ChildRestartStats(child, _, _) if !(exceptFor contains child) ⇒ child.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef].suspend() case _ ⇒ } protected def resumeChildren(causedByFailure: Throwable, perp: ActorRef): Unit = childrenRefs.stats foreach { case ChildRestartStats(child: InternalActorRef, _, _) ⇒ child.resume(if (perp == child) causedByFailure else null) } def getChildByName(name: String): Option[ChildStats] = childrenRefs.getByName(name) protected def getChildByRef(ref: ActorRef): Option[ChildRestartStats] = childrenRefs.getByRef(ref) protected def getAllChildStats: immutable.Iterable[ChildRestartStats] = childrenRefs.stats override def getSingleChild(name: String): InternalActorRef = if (name.indexOf('#') == -1) { // optimization for the non-uid case getChildByName(name) match { case Some(crs: ChildRestartStats) ⇒ crs.child.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef] case _ ⇒ Nobody } } else { val (childName, uid) = ActorCell.splitNameAndUid(name) getChildByName(childName) match { case Some(crs: ChildRestartStats) if uid == ActorCell.undefinedUid || uid == crs.uid ⇒ crs.child.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef] case _ ⇒ Nobody } } protected def removeChildAndGetStateChange(child: ActorRef): Option[SuspendReason] = { @tailrec def removeChild(ref: ActorRef): ChildrenContainer = { val c = childrenRefs val n = c.remove(ref) if (swapChildrenRefs(c, n)) n else removeChild(ref) } childrenRefs match { // The match must be performed BEFORE the removeChild case TerminatingChildrenContainer(_, _, reason) ⇒ removeChild(child) match { case _: TerminatingChildrenContainer ⇒ None case _ ⇒ Some(reason) } case _ ⇒ removeChild(child) None } } /* * Private helpers */ private def checkName(name: String): String = { name match { case null ⇒ throw new InvalidActorNameException("actor name must not be null") case "" ⇒ throw new InvalidActorNameException("actor name must not be empty") case ElementRegex() ⇒ name case _ ⇒ throw new InvalidActorNameException(s"illegal actor name [$name], must conform to $ElementRegex") } } private def makeChild(cell: ActorCell, props: Props, name: String, async: Boolean, systemService: Boolean): ActorRef = { if (cell.system.settings.SerializeAllCreators && !systemService && props.deploy.scope != LocalScope) try { val ser = SerializationExtension(cell.system) props.args forall (arg ⇒ arg.isInstanceOf[NoSerializationVerificationNeeded] || ser.deserialize(ser.serialize(arg.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).get, arg.getClass).get != null) } catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"pre-creation serialization check failed at [${cell.self.path}/$name]", e) } /* * in case we are currently terminating, fail external attachChild requests * (internal calls cannot happen anyway because we are suspended) */ if (cell.childrenRefs.isTerminating) throw new IllegalStateException("cannot create children while terminating or terminated") else { reserveChild(name) // this name will either be unreserved or overwritten with a real child below val actor = try { val childPath = new ChildActorPath(cell.self.path, name, ActorCell.newUid()) cell.provider.actorOf(cell.systemImpl, props, cell.self, childPath, systemService = systemService, deploy = None, lookupDeploy = true, async = async) } catch { case e: InterruptedException ⇒ unreserveChild(name) Thread.interrupted() // clear interrupted flag before throwing according to java convention throw e case NonFatal(e) ⇒ unreserveChild(name) throw e } // mailbox==null during RoutedActorCell constructor, where suspends are queued otherwise if (mailbox ne null) for (_ ↠1 to mailbox.suspendCount) actor.suspend() initChild(actor) actor.start() actor } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka Children.scala source 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