Akka/Scala example source code file (LoggingReceive.scala)
The LoggingReceive.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.event import language.existentials import akka.actor.Actor.Receive import akka.actor.ActorContext import akka.actor.ActorCell import akka.event.Logging.Debug object LoggingReceive { /** * Wrap a Receive partial function in a logging enclosure, which sends a * debug message to the event bus each time before a message is matched. * This includes messages which are not handled. * * <pre><code> * def receive = LoggingReceive { * case x => ... * } * </code></pre> * * This method does NOT modify the given Receive unless * `akka.actor.debug.receive` is set in configuration. */ def apply(r: Receive)(implicit context: ActorContext): Receive = withLabel(null)(r) /** * Java API: compatible with lambda expressions * This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and is subject to change until it has received more real world testing. */ def create(r: Receive, context: ActorContext): Receive = apply(r)(context) /** * Create a decorated logger which will append `" in state " + label` to each message it logs. */ def withLabel(label: String)(r: Receive)(implicit context: ActorContext): Receive = r match { case _: LoggingReceive ⇒ r case _ ⇒ if (context.system.settings.AddLoggingReceive) new LoggingReceive(None, r, Option(label)) else r } } /** * This decorator adds invocation logging to a Receive function. * @param source the log source, if not defined the actor of the context will be used */ class LoggingReceive(source: Option[AnyRef], r: Receive, label: Option[String])(implicit context: ActorContext) extends Receive { def this(source: Option[AnyRef], r: Receive)(implicit context: ActorContext) = this(source, r, None) def isDefinedAt(o: Any): Boolean = { val handled = r.isDefinedAt(o) if (context.system.eventStream.logLevel >= Logging.DebugLevel) { val (str, clazz) = LogSource.fromAnyRef(source getOrElse context.asInstanceOf[ActorCell].actor) context.system.eventStream.publish(Debug(str, clazz, "received " + (if (handled) "handled" else "unhandled") + " message " + o + (label match { case Some(l) ⇒ " in state " + l case _ ⇒ "" }))) } handled } def apply(o: Any): Unit = r(o) } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka LoggingReceive.scala source code file: |
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