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Akka/Scala example source code file (SelectionHandler.scala)

This example Akka source code file (SelectionHandler.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorref, akka, channelregistry, channelwritable, concurrent, event, int, io, maxchannelsperselector, nonfatal, retry, routing, task, unit, utilities, workerforcommand

The SelectionHandler.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>


import java.util.{ Iterator ⇒ JIterator }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.nio.channels.{ SelectableChannel, SelectionKey, CancelledKeyException }
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey._
import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }
import akka.util.Helpers.Requiring
import akka.util.SerializedSuspendableExecutionContext
import akka.routing.RandomPool
import akka.event.Logging

abstract class SelectionHandlerSettings(config: Config) {
  import config._

  val MaxChannels: Int = getString("max-channels") match {
    case "unlimited" ⇒ -1
    case _           ⇒ getInt("max-channels") requiring (_ > 0, "max-channels must be > 0 or 'unlimited'")
  val SelectorAssociationRetries: Int = getInt("selector-association-retries") requiring (
    _ >= 0, "selector-association-retries must be >= 0")

  val SelectorDispatcher: String = getString("selector-dispatcher")
  val WorkerDispatcher: String = getString("worker-dispatcher")
  val TraceLogging: Boolean = getBoolean("trace-logging")

  def MaxChannelsPerSelector: Int

 * Interface behind which we hide our selector management logic from the connection actors
private[io] trait ChannelRegistry {
   * Registers the given channel with the selector, creates a ChannelRegistration instance for it
   * and dispatches it back to the channelActor calling this `register`
  def register(channel: SelectableChannel, initialOps: Int)(implicit channelActor: ActorRef)

 * Implementations of this interface are sent as actor messages back to a channel actor as
 * a result of it having called `register` on the `ChannelRegistry`.
 * Enables a channel actor to directly schedule interest setting tasks to the selector mgmt. dispatcher.
private[io] trait ChannelRegistration extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
  def enableInterest(op: Int)
  def disableInterest(op: Int)

private[io] object SelectionHandler {

  trait HasFailureMessage {
    def failureMessage: Any

  final case class WorkerForCommand(apiCommand: HasFailureMessage, commander: ActorRef, childProps: ChannelRegistry ⇒ Props)
    extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

  final case class Retry(command: WorkerForCommand, retriesLeft: Int) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded { require(retriesLeft >= 0) }

  case object ChannelConnectable
  case object ChannelAcceptable
  case object ChannelReadable
  case object ChannelWritable

  private[io] abstract class SelectorBasedManager(selectorSettings: SelectionHandlerSettings, nrOfSelectors: Int) extends Actor {

    override def supervisorStrategy = connectionSupervisorStrategy

    val selectorPool = context.actorOf(
      props = RandomPool(nrOfSelectors).props(Props(classOf[SelectionHandler], selectorSettings)).withDeploy(Deploy.local),
      name = "selectors")

    final def workerForCommandHandler(pf: PartialFunction[HasFailureMessage, ChannelRegistry ⇒ Props]): Receive = {
      case cmd: HasFailureMessage if pf.isDefinedAt(cmd) ⇒ selectorPool ! WorkerForCommand(cmd, sender(), pf(cmd))

   * Special supervisor strategy for parents of TCP connection and listener actors.
   * Stops the child on all errors and logs DeathPactExceptions only at debug level.
  private[io] final val connectionSupervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =
    new OneForOneStrategy()(SupervisorStrategy.stoppingStrategy.decider) {
      override def logFailure(context: ActorContext, child: ActorRef, cause: Throwable,
                              decision: SupervisorStrategy.Directive): Unit =
        if (cause.isInstanceOf[DeathPactException]) {
          try context.system.eventStream.publish {
            Logging.Debug(child.path.toString, getClass, "Closed after handler termination")
          } catch { case NonFatal(_) ⇒ }
        } else super.logFailure(context, child, cause, decision)

  private class ChannelRegistryImpl(executionContext: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter) extends ChannelRegistry {
    private[this] val selector = SelectorProvider.provider.openSelector
    private[this] val wakeUp = new AtomicBoolean(false)

    final val OP_READ_AND_WRITE = OP_READ | OP_WRITE // compile-time constant

    private[this] val select = new Task {
      def tryRun(): Unit = {
        if ( > 0) { // This assumes select return value == selectedKeys.size
          val keys = selector.selectedKeys
          val iterator = keys.iterator()
          while (iterator.hasNext) {
            val key =
            if (key.isValid) {
              try {
                // Cache because the performance implications of calling this on different platforms are not clear
                val readyOps = key.readyOps()
                key.interestOps(key.interestOps & ~readyOps) // prevent immediate reselection by always clearing
                val connection = key.attachment.asInstanceOf[ActorRef]
                readyOps match {
                  case OP_READ                   ⇒ connection ! ChannelReadable
                  case OP_WRITE                  ⇒ connection ! ChannelWritable
                  case OP_READ_AND_WRITE         ⇒ { connection ! ChannelWritable; connection ! ChannelReadable }
                  case x if (x & OP_ACCEPT) > 0  ⇒ connection ! ChannelAcceptable
                  case x if (x & OP_CONNECT) > 0 ⇒ connection ! ChannelConnectable
                  case x                         ⇒ log.warning("Invalid readyOps: [{}]", x)
              } catch {
                case _: CancelledKeyException ⇒
                // can be ignored because this exception is triggered when the key becomes invalid
                // because `channel.close()` in `TcpConnection.postStop` is called from another thread
          keys.clear() // we need to remove the selected keys from the set, otherwise they remain selected

      override def run(): Unit =
        if (selector.isOpen)
          finally executionContext.execute(this) // re-schedule select behind all currently queued tasks

    executionContext.execute(select) // start selection "loop"

    def register(channel: SelectableChannel, initialOps: Int)(implicit channelActor: ActorRef): Unit =
      execute {
        new Task {
          def tryRun(): Unit = {
            val key = channel.register(selector, initialOps, channelActor)
            channelActor ! new ChannelRegistration {
              def enableInterest(ops: Int): Unit = enableInterestOps(key, ops)
              def disableInterest(ops: Int): Unit = disableInterestOps(key, ops)

    def shutdown(): Unit =
      execute {
        new Task {
          def tryRun(): Unit = {
            // thorough 'close' of the Selector
            @tailrec def closeNextChannel(it: JIterator[SelectionKey]): Unit = if (it.hasNext) {
              try catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ log.debug("Error closing channel: {}", e) }
            try closeNextChannel(selector.keys.iterator)
            finally selector.close()

    // always set the interest keys on the selector thread,
    // benchmarks show that not doing so results in lock contention
    private def enableInterestOps(key: SelectionKey, ops: Int): Unit =
      execute {
        new Task {
          def tryRun(): Unit = {
            val currentOps = key.interestOps
            val newOps = currentOps | ops
            if (newOps != currentOps) key.interestOps(newOps)

    private def disableInterestOps(key: SelectionKey, ops: Int): Unit =
      execute {
        new Task {
          def tryRun(): Unit = {
            val currentOps = key.interestOps
            val newOps = currentOps & ~ops
            if (newOps != currentOps) key.interestOps(newOps)

    private def execute(task: Task): Unit = {
      if (wakeUp.compareAndSet(false, true)) // if possible avoid syscall and trade off with LOCK CMPXCHG

    // FIXME: Add possibility to signal failure of task to someone
    private abstract class Task extends Runnable {
      def tryRun()
      def run() {
        try tryRun()
        catch {
          case _: CancelledKeyException ⇒ // ok, can be triggered while setting interest ops
          case NonFatal(e)              ⇒ log.error(e, "Error during selector management task: [{}]", e)

private[io] class SelectionHandler(settings: SelectionHandlerSettings) extends Actor with ActorLogging
  with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
  import SelectionHandler._
  import settings._

  private[this] var sequenceNumber = 0
  private[this] var childCount = 0
  private[this] val registry = {
    val dispatcher = context.system.dispatchers.lookup(SelectorDispatcher)
    new ChannelRegistryImpl(SerializedSuspendableExecutionContext(dispatcher.throughput)(dispatcher), log)

  def receive: Receive = {
    case cmd: WorkerForCommand   ⇒ spawnChildWithCapacityProtection(cmd, SelectorAssociationRetries)

    case Retry(cmd, retriesLeft) ⇒ spawnChildWithCapacityProtection(cmd, retriesLeft)

    // since our ActorRef is never exposed to the user and we are only assigning watches to our
    // children all incoming `Terminated` events must be for a child of ours
    case _: Terminated           ⇒ childCount -= 1

  override def postStop(): Unit = registry.shutdown()

  // we can never recover from failures of a connection or listener child
  // and log the failure at debug level
  override def supervisorStrategy = {
    def stoppingDecider: SupervisorStrategy.Decider = {
      case _: Exception ⇒ SupervisorStrategy.Stop
    new OneForOneStrategy()(stoppingDecider) {
      override def logFailure(context: ActorContext, child: ActorRef, cause: Throwable,
                              decision: SupervisorStrategy.Directive): Unit =
        try {
          val logMessage = cause match {
            case e: ActorInitializationException if e.getCause ne null ⇒ e.getCause.getMessage
            case e ⇒ e.getMessage
            Logging.Debug(child.path.toString, classOf[SelectionHandler], logMessage))
        } catch { case NonFatal(_) ⇒ }

  def spawnChildWithCapacityProtection(cmd: WorkerForCommand, retriesLeft: Int): Unit = {
    if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Executing [{}]", cmd)
    if (MaxChannelsPerSelector == -1 || childCount < MaxChannelsPerSelector) {
      val newName = sequenceNumber.toString
      sequenceNumber += 1
      val child = context.actorOf(props = cmd.childProps(registry).withDispatcher(WorkerDispatcher).withDeploy(Deploy.local), name = newName)
      childCount += 1
      if (MaxChannelsPerSelector > 0) // we don't need to watch if we aren't limited
    } else {
      if (retriesLeft >= 1) {
        log.debug("Rejecting [{}] with [{}] retries left, retrying...", cmd, retriesLeft)
        context.parent forward Retry(cmd, retriesLeft - 1)
      } else {
        log.warning("Rejecting [{}] with no retries left, aborting...", cmd)
        cmd.commander ! cmd.apiCommand.failureMessage // I can't do it, Captain!

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka SelectionHandler.scala source code file:

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