Lucid dream: Meeting a tall, healthy Ram Dass, and The Lamb of God

As I became lucid in a dream this morning, I ran into Ram Dass. He was wearing a long-white outfit that I have seen in pictures of him, he was healthy again, with a big beard, and was much taller than I expected — significantly taller than me. (I later looked this up to find out he was 6’3”.)

He was standing next to a doorway and gathering people together for a seminar that he was giving, and asked if I wanted to attend. I said yes, and he said I was welcome if I could be like “The Lamb of God.”

I thought I knew what he meant by that, but just to be sure I asked him what he meant.

When he explained what he meant, I said, sure, and followed him through a doorway and down a hallway.

Eventually we came to a large open area, and it had rows of banquet tables covered in white clothes, and chairs behind the tables, all arranged to face the front.

As I looked around, I saw that the area was covered with a clear glass or plastic roof, like an outdoor tent, and I could see a lot of luxurious foliage around us. I knew that Ram Dass spent the last years of his life in Hawaii, so I assumed we were there.

There was seating room for around 50 people, and most of the other people were seated at these banquet tables by now, and as I walked in I recognized three people (R, D, and H). They were sitting in the back, but that felt too casual for me, I wanted to sit as far up front as possible.

So I kept walking to the front, and was going to sit in an open space in the front row, but then I realized that those people were all seated in the opposite direction, facing the audience. So I looked around, found a seat on the left side of the second row of cloth-covered banquet tables, and sat down.

A woman to my right had brown hair, light-brown skin, and was probably in her 20s, and she was kind enough to show me a handout that everyone had. She said that they were on Topic Number 10, but at that moment Ram Dass had gone back to discuss Number 9 some more, and she pointed to what he was currently talking about.

I thanked her and picked up my pamphlet, and thought about how wonderful it was to be here, and to be so conscious in this lucid dream, and I wasn’t tired at all.

But just then I felt that familiar part where I had to leave this scene, and I woke up in bed, gasping for breath. Not only am I capable of doing sleep paralysis and hypnopompic hallucinations, I also have central sleep apnea, and unfortunately this was a time for that.

I looked at the clock and it was 3:36 am. I don’t know why, but many of the great lucid dreams happen during the three o’clock hour.

(These are notes from a lucid dream on July 23, 2024.)