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Akka/Scala example source code file (ConcurrentActivationTest.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ConcurrentActivationTest.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, akka, collection, concurrent, createregistrars, deregisterconsumersandproducers, echoconsumer, int, list, promise, registerconsumersandproducers, set, string, test, testing, time

The ConcurrentActivationTest.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.camel

import language.postfixOps
import org.scalatest.WordSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import scala.concurrent.{ Promise, Await, Future }
import scala.collection.immutable
import akka.camel.TestSupport.NonSharedCamelSystem
import{ ActorRef, Props, Actor }
import akka.routing.BroadcastGroup
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.testkit._
import akka.util.Timeout
import org.apache.camel.model.RouteDefinition
import org.apache.camel.builder.Builder

 * A test to concurrently register and de-register consumer and producer endpoints
class ConcurrentActivationTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with NonSharedCamelSystem {

  "Activation" must {
    "support concurrent registrations and de-registrations" in {
      implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
      val number = 10
      val eventFilter = EventFilter.warning(pattern = "received dead letter from .*producerRegistrar.*")
      try {
        // A ConsumerBroadcast creates 'number' amount of ConsumerRegistrars, which will register 'number' amount of endpoints,
        // in total number*number endpoints, activating and deactivating every endpoint.
        // a promise to the list of registrars, which have a list of actorRefs each. A tuple of a list of activated refs and a list of deactivated refs
        val promiseRegistrarLists = Promise[(Future[List[List[ActorRef]]], Future[List[List[ActorRef]]])]()
        // future to all the futures of activation and deactivation
        val futureRegistrarLists = promiseRegistrarLists.future

        val ref = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ConsumerBroadcast], promiseRegistrarLists), name = "broadcaster")
        // create the registrars
        ref ! CreateRegistrars(number)
        // send a broadcast to all registrars, so that number * number messages are sent
        // every Register registers a consumer and a producer
        (1 to number).map(i ⇒ ref ! RegisterConsumersAndProducers("direct:concurrent-"))
        // de-register all consumers and producers
        ref ! DeRegisterConsumersAndProducers()

        val promiseAllRefs = Promise[(List[ActorRef], List[ActorRef])]()
        val allRefsFuture = promiseAllRefs.future
        // map over all futures, put all futures in one list of activated and deactivated actor refs. {
          case (futureActivations, futureDeactivations) ⇒
            futureActivations zip futureDeactivations map {
              case (activations, deactivations) ⇒
                promiseAllRefs.success((activations.flatten, deactivations.flatten))
        val (activations, deactivations) = Await.result(allRefsFuture, 10.seconds.dilated)
        // should be the size of the activated activated producers and consumers
        activations.size should be(2 * number * number)
        // should be the size of the activated activated producers and consumers
        deactivations.size should be(2 * number * number)
        def partitionNames(refs: immutable.Seq[ActorRef]) ="concurrent-test-echo-consumer"))
        def assertContainsSameElements(lists: (Seq[_], Seq[_])) {
          val (a, b) = lists
          a.intersect(b).size should be(a.size)
        val (activatedConsumerNames, activatedProducerNames) = partitionNames(activations)
        val (deactivatedConsumerNames, deactivatedProducerNames) = partitionNames(deactivations)
        assertContainsSameElements(activatedConsumerNames -> deactivatedConsumerNames)
        assertContainsSameElements(activatedProducerNames -> deactivatedProducerNames)
      } finally {

class ConsumerBroadcast(promise: Promise[(Future[List[List[ActorRef]]], Future[List[List[ActorRef]]])]) extends Actor {
  private var broadcaster: Option[ActorRef] = None
  private implicit val ec = context.dispatcher
  def receive = {
    case CreateRegistrars(number) ⇒
      var allActivationFutures = List[Future[List[ActorRef]]]()
      var allDeactivationFutures = List[Future[List[ActorRef]]]()

      val routeePaths = (1 to number).map { i ⇒
        val activationListPromise = Promise[List[ActorRef]]()
        val deactivationListPromise = Promise[List[ActorRef]]()
        val activationListFuture = activationListPromise.future
        val deactivationListFuture = deactivationListPromise.future

        allActivationFutures = allActivationFutures :+ activationListFuture
        allDeactivationFutures = allDeactivationFutures :+ deactivationListFuture
        val routee = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[Registrar], i, number, activationListPromise, deactivationListPromise), "registrar-" + i)
      promise.success(Future.sequence(allActivationFutures) -> Future.sequence(allDeactivationFutures))

      broadcaster = Some(context.actorOf(BroadcastGroup(routeePaths).props(), "registrarRouter"))
    case reg: Any ⇒

final case class CreateRegistrars(number: Int)
final case class RegisterConsumersAndProducers(endpointUri: String)
final case class DeRegisterConsumersAndProducers()
final case class Activations()
final case class DeActivations()

class Registrar(val start: Int, val number: Int, activationsPromise: Promise[List[ActorRef]],
                deActivationsPromise: Promise[List[ActorRef]]) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  private var actorRefs = Set[ActorRef]()
  private var activations = Set[Future[ActorRef]]()
  private var deActivations = Set[Future[ActorRef]]()
  private var index = 0
  private val camel = CamelExtension(context.system)
  private implicit val ec = context.dispatcher
  private implicit val timeout = Timeout(10.seconds.dilated(context.system))

  def receive = {
    case reg: RegisterConsumersAndProducers ⇒
      val i = index
      val endpoint = reg.endpointUri + start + "-" + i
      add(new EchoConsumer(endpoint), "concurrent-test-echo-consumer-" + start + "-" + i)
      add(new TestProducer(endpoint), "concurrent-test-producer-" + start + "-" + i)
      index = index + 1
      if (activations.size == number * 2) {
        Future.sequence(activations.toList) map activationsPromise.success
    case reg: DeRegisterConsumersAndProducers ⇒
      actorRefs.foreach { aref ⇒
        val result = camel.deactivationFutureFor(aref)
        result.onFailure {
          case e ⇒ log.error("deactivationFutureFor {} failed: {}", aref, e.getMessage)
        deActivations += result
        if (deActivations.size == number * 2) {
          Future.sequence(deActivations.toList) map deActivationsPromise.success

  def add(actor: ⇒ Actor, name: String) {
    val ref = context.actorOf(Props(actor), name)
    actorRefs = actorRefs + ref
    val result = camel.activationFutureFor(ref)
    result.onFailure {
      case e ⇒ log.error("activationFutureFor {} failed: {}", ref, e.getMessage)
    activations += result

class EchoConsumer(endpoint: String) extends Actor with Consumer {

  def endpointUri = endpoint

  def receive = {
    case msg: CamelMessage ⇒ sender() ! msg

   * Returns the route definition handler for creating a custom route to this consumer.
   * By default it returns an identity function, override this method to
   * return a custom route definition handler.
  override def onRouteDefinition = (rd: RouteDefinition) ⇒ rd.onException(classOf[Exception]).handled(true).transform(Builder.exceptionMessage).end

class TestProducer(uri: String) extends Actor with Producer {
  def endpointUri = uri

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ConcurrentActivationTest.scala source code file:

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