Akka/Scala example source code file (ConsumerIntegrationTest.scala)
The ConsumerIntegrationTest.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.camel import internal.ActorActivationException import language.postfixOps import language.existentials import akka.actor._ import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.scalatest.WordSpec import akka.camel.TestSupport._ import org.apache.camel.model.{ ProcessorDefinition, RouteDefinition } import org.apache.camel.builder.Builder import org.apache.camel.{ FailedToCreateRouteException, CamelExecutionException } import java.util.concurrent.{ ExecutionException, TimeUnit, TimeoutException } import akka.actor.Status.Failure import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Await } import akka.testkit._ import akka.util.Timeout class ConsumerIntegrationTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with NonSharedCamelSystem { "ConsumerIntegrationTest" must { val defaultTimeoutDuration = 10 seconds implicit val defaultTimeout = Timeout(defaultTimeoutDuration) implicit def ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher "Consumer must throw FailedToCreateRouteException, while awaiting activation, if endpoint is invalid" in { filterEvents(EventFilter[FailedToCreateRouteException](pattern = "failed to activate.*", occurrences = 1)) { val actorRef = system.actorOf(Props(new TestActor(uri = "some invalid uri")), "invalidActor") intercept[FailedToCreateRouteException] { Await.result(camel.activationFutureFor(actorRef), defaultTimeoutDuration) } } } "Consumer must support in-out messaging" in { start(new Consumer { def endpointUri = "direct:a1" def receive = { case m: CamelMessage ⇒ sender() ! "received " + m.bodyAs[String] } }, name = "direct-a1") camel.sendTo("direct:a1", msg = "some message") should be("received some message") } "Consumer must time-out if consumer is slow" taggedAs TimingTest in { val SHORT_TIMEOUT = 10 millis val LONG_WAIT = 1 second val ref = start(new Consumer { override def replyTimeout = SHORT_TIMEOUT def endpointUri = "direct:a3" def receive = { case _ ⇒ { Thread.sleep(LONG_WAIT.toMillis); sender() ! "done" } } }, name = "ignore-this-deadletter-timeout-consumer-reply") intercept[CamelExecutionException] { camel.sendTo("direct:a3", msg = "some msg 3") }.getCause.getClass should be(classOf[TimeoutException]) stop(ref) } "Consumer must process messages even after actor restart" in { val restarted = TestLatch() val consumer = start(new Consumer { def endpointUri = "direct:a2" def receive = { case "throw" ⇒ throw new TestException("") case m: CamelMessage ⇒ sender() ! "received " + m.bodyAs[String] } override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) { restarted.countDown() } }, "direct-a2") filterEvents(EventFilter[TestException](occurrences = 1)) { consumer ! "throw" Await.ready(restarted, defaultTimeoutDuration) camel.sendTo("direct:a2", msg = "xyz") should be("received xyz") } stop(consumer) } "Consumer must unregister itself when stopped" in { val consumer = start(new TestActor(), name = "test-actor-unregister") Await.result(camel.activationFutureFor(consumer), defaultTimeoutDuration) camel.routeCount should be > (0) system.stop(consumer) Await.result(camel.deactivationFutureFor(consumer), defaultTimeoutDuration) camel.routeCount should be(0) } "Consumer must register on uri passed in through constructor" in { val consumer = start(new TestActor("direct://test"), name = "direct-test") Await.result(camel.activationFutureFor(consumer), defaultTimeoutDuration) camel.routeCount should be > (0) camel.routes.get(0).getEndpoint.getEndpointUri should be("direct://test") system.stop(consumer) Await.result(camel.deactivationFutureFor(consumer), defaultTimeoutDuration) camel.routeCount should be(0) stop(consumer) } "Error passing consumer supports error handling through route modification" in { val ref = start(new ErrorThrowingConsumer("direct:error-handler-test") { override def onRouteDefinition = (rd: RouteDefinition) ⇒ { rd.onException(classOf[TestException]).handled(true).transform(Builder.exceptionMessage).end } }, name = "direct-error-handler-test") filterEvents(EventFilter[TestException](occurrences = 1)) { camel.sendTo("direct:error-handler-test", msg = "hello") should be("error: hello") } stop(ref) } "Error passing consumer supports redelivery through route modification" in { val ref = start(new FailingOnceConsumer("direct:failing-once-concumer") { override def onRouteDefinition = (rd: RouteDefinition) ⇒ { rd.onException(classOf[TestException]).maximumRedeliveries(1).end } }, name = "direct-failing-once-consumer") filterEvents(EventFilter[TestException](occurrences = 1)) { camel.sendTo("direct:failing-once-concumer", msg = "hello") should be("accepted: hello") } stop(ref) } "Consumer supports manual Ack" in { val ref = start(new ManualAckConsumer() { def endpointUri = "direct:manual-ack" def receive = { case _ ⇒ sender() ! Ack } }, name = "direct-manual-ack-1") camel.template.asyncSendBody("direct:manual-ack", "some message").get(defaultTimeoutDuration.toSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS) should be(null) //should not timeout stop(ref) } "Consumer handles manual Ack failure" in { val someException = new Exception("e1") val ref = start(new ManualAckConsumer() { def endpointUri = "direct:manual-ack" def receive = { case _ ⇒ sender() ! Failure(someException) } }, name = "direct-manual-ack-2") intercept[ExecutionException] { camel.template.asyncSendBody("direct:manual-ack", "some message").get(defaultTimeoutDuration.toSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }.getCause.getCause should be(someException) stop(ref) } "Consumer should time-out, if manual Ack not received within replyTimeout and should give a human readable error message" in { val ref = start(new ManualAckConsumer() { override def replyTimeout = 10 millis def endpointUri = "direct:manual-ack" def receive = { case _ ⇒ } }, name = "direct-manual-ack-3") intercept[ExecutionException] { camel.template.asyncSendBody("direct:manual-ack", "some message").get(defaultTimeoutDuration.toSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }.getCause.getCause.getMessage should include("Failed to get Ack") stop(ref) } "respond to onRouteDefinition" in { val ref = start(new ErrorRespondingConsumer("direct:error-responding-consumer-1"), "error-responding-consumer") filterEvents(EventFilter[TestException](occurrences = 1)) { val response = camel.sendTo("direct:error-responding-consumer-1", "some body") response should be("some body has an error") } stop(ref) } } } class ErrorThrowingConsumer(override val endpointUri: String) extends Consumer { def receive = { case msg: CamelMessage ⇒ throw new TestException("error: %s" format msg.body) } override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) { super.preRestart(reason, message) sender() ! Failure(reason) } } class ErrorRespondingConsumer(override val endpointUri: String) extends Consumer { def receive = { case msg: CamelMessage ⇒ throw new TestException("Error!") } override def onRouteDefinition = (rd: RouteDefinition) ⇒ { // Catch TestException and handle it by returning a modified version of the in message rd.onException(classOf[TestException]).handled(true).transform(Builder.body.append(" has an error")).end } final override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) { super.preRestart(reason, message) sender() ! Failure(reason) } } class FailingOnceConsumer(override val endpointUri: String) extends Consumer { def receive = { case msg: CamelMessage ⇒ if (msg.headerAs[Boolean]("CamelRedelivered").getOrElse(false)) sender() ! ("accepted: %s" format msg.body) else throw new TestException("rejected: %s" format msg.body) } final override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) { super.preRestart(reason, message) sender() ! Failure(reason) } } class TestActor(uri: String = "file://target/abcde") extends Consumer { def endpointUri = uri def receive = { case _ ⇒ /* do nothing */ } } trait ManualAckConsumer extends Consumer { override def autoAck = false } class TestException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka ConsumerIntegrationTest.scala source code file: |
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