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Akka/Scala example source code file (ActorProducerTest.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ActorProducerTest.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

ack, actorproducer, akka, asynccallback, boolean, camel, camelmessage, concurrent, failure, finiteduration, test, testasynccallback, testing, testkit, timingtest, unit

The ActorProducerTest.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.camel.internal.component

import language.postfixOps
import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar
import org.mockito.Matchers.any
import org.mockito.Mockito._
import org.apache.camel.{ CamelContext, ProducerTemplate, AsyncCallback }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.lang.String
import akka.camel._
import internal.{ DefaultCamel, CamelExchangeAdapter }
import org.scalatest.{ Suite, WordSpecLike, BeforeAndAfterAll, BeforeAndAfterEach }
import akka.camel.TestSupport._
import java.util.concurrent.{ TimeoutException, CountDownLatch, TimeUnit }
import org.mockito.{ ArgumentMatcher, Matchers ⇒ MMatchers, Mockito }
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import{ Success, Failure }
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.testkit.{ TestLatch, TimingTest, TestKit, TestProbe }
import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Promise, Future }
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.testkit._

class ActorProducerTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test")) with WordSpecLike with Matchers with ActorProducerFixture {
  implicit val timeout = Timeout(10 seconds)

  "ActorProducer" when {

    "synchronous" when {

      "consumer actor doesnt exist" must {
        "set failure message on exchange" in {
          producer = given(actor = null)


      "in-only" must {
        def producer = given(outCapable = false)

        "pass the message to the consumer" taggedAs TimingTest in {
          within(1 second)(probe.expectMsg(message))

        "not expect response and not block" taggedAs TimingTest in {
          time(producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange)) should be < (200 millis)

      "manualAck" when {

        "response is Ack" must {
          "process the exchange" in {
            producer = given(outCapable = false, autoAck = false)
            import system.dispatcher
            val future = Future { producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange) }
            within(1 second) {
              info("message sent to consumer")
              probe.sender() ! Ack
            verify(exchange, never()).setResponse(any[CamelMessage])
            info("no response forwarded to exchange")
            Await.ready(future, timeout.duration)
        "the consumer does not respond wit Ack" must {
          "not block forever" in {
            producer = given(outCapable = false, autoAck = false)
            import system.dispatcher
            val future = Future {
            within(1 second) {
              info("message sent to consumer")
            verify(exchange, never()).setResponse(any[CamelMessage])
            info("no response forwarded to exchange")
            intercept[TimeoutException] {
              Await.ready(future, camel.settings.ReplyTimeout - (1 seconds))

      "out capable" when {
        "response is sent back by actor" must {

          "get a response" in {
            producer = given(actor = echoActor, outCapable = true)


            verify(exchange).setResponse(msg("received " + message))

        "response is not sent by actor" must {
          val latch = TestLatch(1)
          val callback = new AsyncCallback {
            def done(doneSync: Boolean) {
          def process() = {
            producer = given(outCapable = true, replyTimeout = 100 millis)
            val duration = time {
              producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, callback)
              // wait for the actor to complete the callback
              Await.ready(latch, 1.seconds.dilated)

          "timeout after replyTimeout" taggedAs TimingTest in {
            val duration = process()
            duration should (be >= (100 millis) and be < (300 millis))

          "never set the response on exchange" in {
            verify(exchange, Mockito.never()).setResponse(any[CamelMessage])

          "set failure message to timeout" in {


    "asynchronous" when {

      def verifyFailureIsSet(): Unit = {
        producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, asyncCallback)

      "out-capable" when {

        "consumer actor doesnt exist" must {
          "set failure message on exchange" in {
            producer = given(actor = null, outCapable = true)

        "response is ok" must {
          "get a response and async callback as soon as it gets the response (but not before)" in {
            producer = given(outCapable = true)

            val doneSync = producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, asyncCallback)

            asyncCallback.expectNoCallWithin(100 millis)
            info("no async callback before response")

            within(1 second) {
              probe.sender() ! "some message"
            doneSync should be(false)
            info("done async")

            asyncCallback.expectDoneAsyncWithin(1 second)
            info("async callback received")
            verify(exchange).setResponse(msg("some message"))
            info("response as expected")

        "response is Failure" must {
          "set an exception on exchange" in {
            val exception = new RuntimeException("some failure")
            val failure = Failure(exception)

            producer = given(outCapable = true)

            producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, asyncCallback)

            within(1 second) {
              probe.sender() ! failure


        "no response is sent within timeout" must {
          "set TimeoutException on exchange" in {
            producer = given(outCapable = true, replyTimeout = 10 millis)
            producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, asyncCallback)
            asyncCallback.awaitCalled(100 millis)
            verify(exchange).setFailure(MMatchers.argThat(new ArgumentMatcher[FailureResult] {
              def matches(failure: AnyRef) = {
                failure.asInstanceOf[FailureResult].cause should be(anInstanceOf[TimeoutException])



      "in-only" when {

        "consumer actor doesnt exist" must {
          "set failure message on exchange" in {
            producer = given(actor = null, outCapable = false)

        "autoAck" must {

          "get sync callback as soon as it sends a message" in {

            producer = given(outCapable = false, autoAck = true)
            val doneSync = producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, asyncCallback)

            doneSync should be(true)
            info("done sync")
            asyncCallback.expectDoneSyncWithin(1 second)
            info("async callback called")
            verify(exchange, never()).setResponse(any[CamelMessage])
            info("no response forwarded to exchange")


        "manualAck" when {

          "response is Ack" must {
            "get async callback" in {
              producer = given(outCapable = false, autoAck = false)

              val doneSync = producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, asyncCallback)

              doneSync should be(false)
              within(1 second) {
                info("message sent to consumer")
                probe.sender() ! Ack
                info("async callback called")
              verify(exchange, never()).setResponse(any[CamelMessage])
              info("no response forwarded to exchange")

          "expecting Ack or Failure message and some other message is sent as a response" must {
            "fail" in {
              producer = given(outCapable = false, autoAck = false)

              producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, asyncCallback)

              within(1 second) {
                info("message sent to consumer")
                probe.sender() ! "some neither Ack nor Failure response"
                info("async callback called")
              verify(exchange, never()).setResponse(any[CamelMessage])
              info("no response forwarded to exchange")
              info("failure set")


          "no Ack is sent within timeout" must {
            "set failure on exchange" in {
              producer = given(outCapable = false, replyTimeout = 10 millis, autoAck = false)

              producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, asyncCallback)
              asyncCallback.awaitCalled(100 millis)


          "response is Failure" must {
            "set an exception on exchange" in {
              producer = given(outCapable = false, autoAck = false)

              val doneSync = producer.processExchangeAdapter(exchange, asyncCallback)

              doneSync should be(false)
              within(1 second) {
                info("message sent to consumer")
                probe.sender() ! Failure(new Exception)
              verify(exchange, never()).setResponse(any[CamelMessage])
              info("no response forwarded to exchange")
              info("failure set")

private[camel] trait ActorProducerFixture extends MockitoSugar with BeforeAndAfterAll with BeforeAndAfterEach { self: TestKit with Matchers with Suite ⇒
  var camel: Camel = _
  var exchange: CamelExchangeAdapter = _
  var callback: AsyncCallback = _

  var producer: ActorProducer = _
  var message: CamelMessage = _
  var probe: TestProbe = _
  var asyncCallback: TestAsyncCallback = _
  var actorEndpointPath: ActorEndpointPath = _
  var actorComponent: ActorComponent = _

  override protected def beforeEach() {
    asyncCallback = createAsyncCallback

    probe = TestProbe()

    val sys = mock[ExtendedActorSystem]
    val config = ConfigFactory.defaultReference()
    when(sys.dispatcher) thenReturn system.dispatcher
    when(sys.dynamicAccess) thenReturn system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].dynamicAccess
    when(sys.settings) thenReturn (new Settings(this.getClass.getClassLoader, config, "mocksystem"))
    when( thenReturn ("mocksystem")

    def camelWithMocks = new DefaultCamel(sys) {
      override val log = mock[LoggingAdapter]
      override lazy val template = mock[ProducerTemplate]
      override lazy val context = mock[DefaultCamelContext]
      override val settings = new CamelSettings(ConfigFactory.parseString(
          akka {
            camel {
              jmx = off
              streamingCache = on
              consumer {
                 auto-ack = on
                 reply-timeout = 2s
                 activation-timeout = 10s
        """).withFallback(config), sys.dynamicAccess)
    camel = camelWithMocks

    exchange = mock[CamelExchangeAdapter]
    callback = mock[AsyncCallback]
    actorEndpointPath = mock[ActorEndpointPath]
    actorComponent = mock[ActorComponent]
    producer = new ActorProducer(configure(), camel)
    message = CamelMessage(null, null)

  override protected def afterAll() {

  def msg(s: String) = CamelMessage(s, Map.empty)

  def given(actor: ActorRef = probe.ref, outCapable: Boolean = true, autoAck: Boolean = true, replyTimeout: FiniteDuration = 20 seconds) = {
    prepareMocks(actor, outCapable = outCapable)
    new ActorProducer(configure(isAutoAck = autoAck, _replyTimeout = replyTimeout), camel)

  def createAsyncCallback = new TestAsyncCallback

  class TestAsyncCallback extends AsyncCallback {
    def expectNoCallWithin(duration: Duration): Unit =
      if (callbackReceived.await(duration.length, duration.unit)) fail("NOT expected callback, but received one!")
    def awaitCalled(timeout: Duration = 1 second) { valueWithin(1 second) }

    val callbackReceived = new CountDownLatch(1)
    val callbackValue = new AtomicBoolean()

    def done(doneSync: Boolean) {
      callbackValue set doneSync

    private[this] def valueWithin(implicit timeout: FiniteDuration) =
      if (!callbackReceived.await(timeout.length, timeout.unit)) fail("Callback not received!")
      else callbackValue.get

    def expectDoneSyncWithin(implicit timeout: FiniteDuration): Unit = if (!valueWithin(timeout)) fail("Expected to be done Synchronously")
    def expectDoneAsyncWithin(implicit timeout: FiniteDuration): Unit = if (valueWithin(timeout)) fail("Expected to be done Asynchronously")


  def configure(endpointUri: String = "test-uri", isAutoAck: Boolean = true, _replyTimeout: FiniteDuration = 20 seconds) = {
    val endpoint = new ActorEndpoint(endpointUri, actorComponent, actorEndpointPath, camel)
    endpoint.autoAck = isAutoAck
    endpoint.replyTimeout = _replyTimeout

  def prepareMocks(actor: ActorRef, message: CamelMessage = message, outCapable: Boolean) {
    when(actorEndpointPath.findActorIn(any[ActorSystem])) thenReturn Option(actor)
    when(exchange.toRequestMessage(any[Map[String, Any]])) thenReturn message
    when(exchange.isOutCapable) thenReturn outCapable

  def echoActor = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
    def receive = { case msg ⇒ sender() ! "received " + msg }
  }), name = "echoActor")


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ActorProducerTest.scala source code file:

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