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Akka/Scala example source code file (ClusterJmx.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ClusterJmx.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, akka, boolean, cluster, clusternodembean, event, instancealreadyexistsexception, instancenotfoundexception, jvm, mbean, objectname, standardmbean, string, unit

The ClusterJmx.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.cluster

import akka.event.LoggingAdapter

 * Interface for the cluster JMX MBean.
trait ClusterNodeMBean {

   * Member status for this node.
  def getMemberStatus: String

   * Comma separated addresses of member nodes, sorted in the cluster ring order.
   * The address format is `akka.tcp://actor-system-name@hostname:port`
  def getMembers: String

   * Comma separated addresses of unreachable member nodes.
   * The address format is `akka.tcp://actor-system-name@hostname:port`
  def getUnreachable: String

   * JSON format of the status of all nodes in the cluster as follows:
   * {{{
   * {
   *   "self-address": "akka.tcp://system@host1:2552",
   *   "members": [
   *     {
   *       "address": "akka.tcp://system@host1:2552",
   *       "status": "Up"
   *     },
   *     {
   *       "address": "akka.tcp://system@host2:2552",
   *       "status": "Up"
   *     },
   *     {
   *       "address": "akka.tcp://system@host3:2552",
   *       "status": "Down"
   *     },
   *     {
   *       "address": "akka.tcp://system@host4:2552",
   *       "status": "Joining"
   *     }
   *   ],
   *   "unreachable": [
   *     {
   *       "node": "akka.tcp://system@host2:2552",
   *       "observed-by": [
   *         "akka.tcp://system@host1:2552",
   *         "akka.tcp://system@host3:2552"
   *       ]
   *     },
   *     {
   *       "node": "akka.tcp://system@host3:2552",
   *       "observed-by": [
   *         "akka.tcp://system@host1:2552",
   *         "akka.tcp://system@host2:2552"
   *       ]
   *     }
   *   ]
   * }
   * }}}
  def getClusterStatus: String

   * Get the address of the current leader.
   * The address format is `akka.tcp://actor-system-name@hostname:port`
  def getLeader: String

   * Does the cluster consist of only one member?
  def isSingleton: Boolean

   * Returns true if the node is not unreachable and not `Down`
   * and not `Removed`.
  def isAvailable: Boolean

   * Try to join this cluster node with the node specified by 'address'.
   * The address format is `akka.tcp://actor-system-name@hostname:port`.
   * A 'Join(thisNodeAddress)' command is sent to the node to join.
  def join(address: String)

   * Send command to issue state transition to LEAVING for the node specified by 'address'.
   * The address format is `akka.tcp://actor-system-name@hostname:port`
  def leave(address: String)

   * Send command to DOWN the node specified by 'address'.
   * The address format is `akka.tcp://actor-system-name@hostname:port`
  def down(address: String)

private[akka] class ClusterJmx(cluster: Cluster, log: LoggingAdapter) {

  private val mBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer
  private val clusterMBeanName = new ObjectName("akka:type=Cluster")
  private def clusterView = cluster.readView
  import cluster.InfoLogger._

   * Creates the cluster JMX MBean and registers it in the MBean server.
  def createMBean() = {
    val mbean = new StandardMBean(classOf[ClusterNodeMBean]) with ClusterNodeMBean {

      // JMX attributes (bean-style)

      def getClusterStatus: String = {
        val members = clusterView.members.toSeq.sorted(Member.ordering).map { m ⇒
              |      "address": "${m.address}",
              |      "status": "${m.status}"
              |    }""".stripMargin
        } mkString (",\n    ")

        val unreachable = clusterView.reachability.observersGroupedByUnreachable.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map {
          case (subject, observers) ⇒
              |      "node": "${subject.address}",
              |      "observed-by": [
              |        ${"\"", "\",\n        \"", "\"")}
              |      ]
              |    }""".stripMargin
        } mkString (",\n")

        |  "self-address": "${clusterView.selfAddress}",
        |  "members": [
        |    ${members}
        |  ],
        |  "unreachable": [
        |    ${unreachable}
        |  ]

      def getMembers: String =",")

      def getUnreachable: String =",")

      def getMemberStatus: String = clusterView.status.toString

      def getLeader: String = clusterView.leader.fold("")(_.toString)

      def isSingleton: Boolean = clusterView.isSingletonCluster

      def isAvailable: Boolean = clusterView.isAvailable

      // JMX commands

      def join(address: String) = cluster.join(AddressFromURIString(address))

      def leave(address: String) = cluster.leave(AddressFromURIString(address))

      def down(address: String) = cluster.down(AddressFromURIString(address))
    try {
      mBeanServer.registerMBean(mbean, clusterMBeanName)
      logInfo("Registered cluster JMX MBean [{}]", clusterMBeanName)
    } catch {
      case e: InstanceAlreadyExistsException ⇒ // ignore - we are running multiple cluster nodes in the same JVM (probably for testing)

   * Unregisters the cluster JMX MBean from MBean server.
  def unregisterMBean(): Unit = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: InstanceNotFoundException ⇒ // ignore - we are running multiple cluster nodes in the same JVM (probably for testing)


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ClusterJmx.scala source code file:

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