Akka/Scala example source code file (ClusterRouterConfig.scala)
The ClusterRouterConfig.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.cluster.routing import scala.collection.immutable import akka.routing.RouterConfig import akka.routing.Router import akka.actor.Props import akka.actor.ActorContext import akka.routing.Routee import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import akka.actor.Address import akka.actor.ActorCell import akka.actor.Deploy import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import akka.routing.ActorRefRoutee import akka.remote.RemoteScope import akka.actor.Actor import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy import akka.routing.Resizer import akka.routing.RouterConfig import akka.routing.Pool import akka.routing.Group import akka.remote.routing.RemoteRouterConfig import akka.routing.RouterActor import akka.cluster.Cluster import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent._ import akka.actor.ActorRef import akka.cluster.Member import scala.annotation.tailrec import akka.actor.RootActorPath import akka.cluster.MemberStatus import akka.routing.ActorSelectionRoutee import akka.actor.ActorInitializationException import akka.routing.RouterPoolActor import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.routing.RoutingLogic import akka.actor.RelativeActorPath import com.typesafe.config.Config import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq object ClusterRouterGroupSettings { def fromConfig(config: Config): ClusterRouterGroupSettings = ClusterRouterGroupSettings( totalInstances = config.getInt("nr-of-instances"), routeesPaths = immutableSeq(config.getStringList("routees.paths")), allowLocalRoutees = config.getBoolean("cluster.allow-local-routees"), useRole = ClusterRouterSettingsBase.useRoleOption(config.getString("cluster.use-role"))) } /** * `totalInstances` of cluster router must be > 0 */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class ClusterRouterGroupSettings( totalInstances: Int, routeesPaths: immutable.Seq[String], allowLocalRoutees: Boolean, useRole: Option[String]) extends ClusterRouterSettingsBase { /** * Java API */ def this(totalInstances: Int, routeesPaths: java.lang.Iterable[String], allowLocalRoutees: Boolean, useRole: String) = this(totalInstances, immutableSeq(routeesPaths), allowLocalRoutees, ClusterRouterSettingsBase.useRoleOption(useRole)) if (totalInstances <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("totalInstances of cluster router must be > 0") if ((routeesPaths eq null) || routeesPaths.isEmpty || routeesPaths.head == "") throw new IllegalArgumentException("routeesPaths must be defined") routeesPaths.foreach(p ⇒ p match { case RelativeActorPath(elements) ⇒ // good case _ ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"routeesPaths [$p] is not a valid relative actor path") }) } object ClusterRouterPoolSettings { def fromConfig(config: Config): ClusterRouterPoolSettings = ClusterRouterPoolSettings( totalInstances = config.getInt("nr-of-instances"), maxInstancesPerNode = config.getInt("cluster.max-nr-of-instances-per-node"), allowLocalRoutees = config.getBoolean("cluster.allow-local-routees"), useRole = ClusterRouterSettingsBase.useRoleOption(config.getString("cluster.use-role"))) } /** * `totalInstances` of cluster router must be > 0 * `maxInstancesPerNode` of cluster router must be > 0 * `maxInstancesPerNode` of cluster router must be 1 when routeesPath is defined */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class ClusterRouterPoolSettings( totalInstances: Int, maxInstancesPerNode: Int, allowLocalRoutees: Boolean, useRole: Option[String]) extends ClusterRouterSettingsBase { /** * Java API */ def this(totalInstances: Int, maxInstancesPerNode: Int, allowLocalRoutees: Boolean, useRole: String) = this(totalInstances, maxInstancesPerNode, allowLocalRoutees, ClusterRouterSettingsBase.useRoleOption(useRole)) if (maxInstancesPerNode <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxInstancesPerNode of cluster pool router must be > 0") } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] object ClusterRouterSettingsBase { def useRoleOption(role: String): Option[String] = role match { case null | "" ⇒ None case _ ⇒ Some(role) } } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] trait ClusterRouterSettingsBase { def totalInstances: Int def allowLocalRoutees: Boolean def useRole: Option[String] if (totalInstances <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("totalInstances of cluster router must be > 0") } /** * [[akka.routing.RouterConfig]] implementation for deployment on cluster nodes. * Delegates other duties to the local [[akka.routing.RouterConfig]], * which makes it possible to mix this with the built-in routers such as * [[akka.routing.RoundRobinGroup]] or custom routers. */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class ClusterRouterGroup(local: Group, settings: ClusterRouterGroupSettings) extends Group with ClusterRouterConfigBase { override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = if (settings.allowLocalRoutees) settings.routeesPaths else Nil /** * INTERNAL API */ override private[akka] def createRouterActor(): RouterActor = new ClusterRouterGroupActor(settings) override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = other match { case ClusterRouterGroup(_: ClusterRouterGroup, _) ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException( "ClusterRouterGroup is not allowed to wrap a ClusterRouterGroup") case ClusterRouterGroup(local, _) ⇒ copy(local = this.local.withFallback(local).asInstanceOf[Group]) case _ ⇒ copy(local = this.local.withFallback(other).asInstanceOf[Group]) } } /** * [[akka.routing.RouterConfig]] implementation for deployment on cluster nodes. * Delegates other duties to the local [[akka.routing.RouterConfig]], * which makes it possible to mix this with the built-in routers such as * [[akka.routing.RoundRobinGroup]] or custom routers. */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class ClusterRouterPool(local: Pool, settings: ClusterRouterPoolSettings) extends Pool with ClusterRouterConfigBase { require(local.resizer.isEmpty, "Resizer can't be used together with cluster router") @transient private val childNameCounter = new AtomicInteger /** * INTERNAL API */ override private[akka] def newRoutee(routeeProps: Props, context: ActorContext): Routee = { val name = "c" + childNameCounter.incrementAndGet val ref = context.asInstanceOf[ActorCell].attachChild( local.enrichWithPoolDispatcher(routeeProps, context), name, systemService = false) ActorRefRoutee(ref) } /** * Initial number of routee instances */ override def nrOfInstances: Int = if (settings.allowLocalRoutees) settings.maxInstancesPerNode else 0 override def resizer: Option[Resizer] = local.resizer /** * INTERNAL API */ override private[akka] def createRouterActor(): RouterActor = new ClusterRouterPoolActor(local.supervisorStrategy, settings) override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = local.supervisorStrategy override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = other match { case ClusterRouterPool(_: ClusterRouterPool, _) ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException( "ClusterRouterPool is not allowed to wrap a ClusterRouterPool") case ClusterRouterPool(otherLocal, _) ⇒ copy(local = this.local.withFallback(otherLocal).asInstanceOf[Pool]) case _ ⇒ copy(local = this.local.withFallback(other).asInstanceOf[Pool]) } } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] trait ClusterRouterConfigBase extends RouterConfig { def local: RouterConfig def settings: ClusterRouterSettingsBase override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = local.createRouter(system) override def routerDispatcher: String = local.routerDispatcher override def stopRouterWhenAllRouteesRemoved: Boolean = false override def routingLogicController(routingLogic: RoutingLogic): Option[Props] = local.routingLogicController(routingLogic) // Intercept ClusterDomainEvent and route them to the ClusterRouterActor override def isManagementMessage(msg: Any): Boolean = (msg.isInstanceOf[ClusterDomainEvent]) || msg.isInstanceOf[CurrentClusterState] || super.isManagementMessage(msg) } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] class ClusterRouterPoolActor( supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy, val settings: ClusterRouterPoolSettings) extends RouterPoolActor(supervisorStrategy) with ClusterRouterActor { override def receive = clusterReceive orElse super.receive /** * Adds routees based on totalInstances and maxInstancesPerNode settings */ override def addRoutees(): Unit = { @tailrec def doAddRoutees(): Unit = selectDeploymentTarget match { case None ⇒ // done case Some(target) ⇒ val routeeProps = cell.routeeProps val deploy = Deploy(config = ConfigFactory.empty(), routerConfig = routeeProps.routerConfig, scope = RemoteScope(target)) val routee = pool.newRoutee(routeeProps.withDeploy(deploy), context) // must register each one, since registered routees are used in selectDeploymentTarget cell.addRoutee(routee) // recursion until all created doAddRoutees() } doAddRoutees() } def selectDeploymentTarget: Option[Address] = { val currentRoutees = cell.router.routees val currentNodes = availableNodes if (currentNodes.isEmpty || currentRoutees.size >= settings.totalInstances) { None } else { // find the node with least routees val numberOfRouteesPerNode: Map[Address, Int] = currentRoutees.foldLeft(currentNodes.map(_ -> 0).toMap.withDefaultValue(0)) { (acc, x) ⇒ val address = fullAddress(x) acc + (address -> (acc(address) + 1)) } val (address, count) = numberOfRouteesPerNode.minBy(_._2) if (count < settings.maxInstancesPerNode) Some(address) else None } } } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] class ClusterRouterGroupActor(val settings: ClusterRouterGroupSettings) extends RouterActor with ClusterRouterActor { val group = cell.routerConfig match { case x: Group ⇒ x case other ⇒ throw ActorInitializationException("ClusterRouterGroupActor can only be used with group, not " + other.getClass) } override def receive = clusterReceive orElse super.receive var usedRouteePaths: Map[Address, Set[String]] = if (settings.allowLocalRoutees) Map(cluster.selfAddress -> settings.routeesPaths.toSet) else Map.empty /** * Adds routees based on totalInstances and maxInstancesPerNode settings */ override def addRoutees(): Unit = { @tailrec def doAddRoutees(): Unit = selectDeploymentTarget match { case None ⇒ // done case Some((address, path)) ⇒ val routee = group.routeeFor(address + path, context) usedRouteePaths = usedRouteePaths.updated(address, usedRouteePaths.getOrElse(address, Set.empty) + path) // must register each one, since registered routees are used in selectDeploymentTarget cell.addRoutee(routee) // recursion until all created doAddRoutees() } doAddRoutees() } def selectDeploymentTarget: Option[(Address, String)] = { val currentRoutees = cell.router.routees val currentNodes = availableNodes if (currentNodes.isEmpty || currentRoutees.size >= settings.totalInstances) { None } else { // find the node with least routees val unusedNodes = currentNodes filterNot usedRouteePaths.contains if (unusedNodes.nonEmpty) { Some((unusedNodes.head, settings.routeesPaths.head)) } else { val (address, used) = usedRouteePaths.minBy { case (address, used) ⇒ used.size } // pick next of the unused paths settings.routeesPaths.collectFirst { case p if !used.contains(p) ⇒ (address, p) } } } } override def removeMember(member: Member): Unit = { usedRouteePaths -= member.address super.removeMember(member) } } /** * INTERNAL API * The router actor, subscribes to cluster events and * adjusts the routees. */ private[akka] trait ClusterRouterActor { this: RouterActor ⇒ def settings: ClusterRouterSettingsBase if (!cell.routerConfig.isInstanceOf[Pool] && !cell.routerConfig.isInstanceOf[Group]) throw ActorInitializationException("Cluster router actor can only be used with Pool or Group, not with " + cell.routerConfig.getClass) def cluster: Cluster = Cluster(context.system) // re-subscribe when restart override def preStart(): Unit = cluster.subscribe(self, classOf[MemberEvent], classOf[ReachabilityEvent]) override def postStop(): Unit = cluster.unsubscribe(self) var nodes: immutable.SortedSet[Address] = { import Member.addressOrdering cluster.readView.members.collect { case m if isAvailable(m) ⇒ m.address } } def isAvailable(m: Member): Boolean = m.status == MemberStatus.Up && satisfiesRole(m.roles) && (settings.allowLocalRoutees || m.address != cluster.selfAddress) private def satisfiesRole(memberRoles: Set[String]): Boolean = settings.useRole match { case None ⇒ true case Some(r) ⇒ memberRoles.contains(r) } def availableNodes: immutable.SortedSet[Address] = { import Member.addressOrdering val currentNodes = nodes if (currentNodes.isEmpty && settings.allowLocalRoutees && satisfiesRole(cluster.selfRoles)) //use my own node, cluster information not updated yet immutable.SortedSet(cluster.selfAddress) else currentNodes } /** * Fills in self address for local ActorRef */ def fullAddress(routee: Routee): Address = { val a = routee match { case ActorRefRoutee(ref) ⇒ ref.path.address case ActorSelectionRoutee(sel) ⇒ sel.anchor.path.address } a match { case Address(_, _, None, None) ⇒ cluster.selfAddress case a ⇒ a } } /** * Adds routees based on settings */ def addRoutees(): Unit def addMember(member: Member): Unit = { nodes += member.address addRoutees() } def removeMember(member: Member): Unit = { val address = member.address nodes -= address // unregister routees that live on that node val affectedRoutees = cell.router.routees.filter(fullAddress(_) == address) cell.removeRoutees(affectedRoutees, stopChild = true) // addRoutees will not create more than createRoutees and maxInstancesPerNode // this is useful when totalInstances < upNodes.size addRoutees() } def clusterReceive: Receive = { case s: CurrentClusterState ⇒ import Member.addressOrdering nodes = s.members.collect { case m if isAvailable(m) ⇒ m.address } addRoutees() case m: MemberEvent if isAvailable(m.member) ⇒ addMember(m.member) case other: MemberEvent ⇒ // other events means that it is no longer interesting, such as // MemberExited, MemberRemoved removeMember(other.member) case UnreachableMember(m) ⇒ removeMember(m) case ReachableMember(m) ⇒ if (isAvailable(m)) addMember(m) } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka ClusterRouterConfig.scala source code file: |
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