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Akka/Scala example source code file (TransitionSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (TransitionSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, address, akka, cluster, joining, longrunningtest, memberstatus, rolename, rolewrapper, set, test, testing, testkit, transitionspec, unit, up

The TransitionSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.cluster

import language.implicitConversions

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import akka.remote.testkit.MultiNodeConfig
import akka.remote.testkit.MultiNodeSpec
import akka.testkit._
import akka.remote.testconductor.RoleName
import MemberStatus._
import InternalClusterAction._

object TransitionMultiJvmSpec extends MultiNodeConfig {
  val first = role("first")
  val second = role("second")
  val third = role("third")

  commonConfig(debugConfig(on = false).
      akka.cluster.periodic-tasks-initial-delay = 300 s # turn off all periodic tasks
      akka.cluster.publish-stats-interval = 0 s # always, when it happens

class TransitionMultiJvmNode1 extends TransitionSpec
class TransitionMultiJvmNode2 extends TransitionSpec
class TransitionMultiJvmNode3 extends TransitionSpec

abstract class TransitionSpec
  extends MultiNodeSpec(TransitionMultiJvmSpec)
  with MultiNodeClusterSpec
  with ImplicitSender {

  import TransitionMultiJvmSpec._


  // sorted in the order used by the cluster
  def leader(roles: RoleName*) = roles.sorted.head
  def nonLeader(roles: RoleName*) = roles.toSeq.sorted.tail

  def memberStatus(address: Address): MemberStatus = {
    val statusOption = (clusterView.members ++ clusterView.unreachableMembers).collectFirst {
      case m if m.address == address ⇒ m.status

  def memberAddresses: Set[Address] =

  def members: Set[RoleName] = memberAddresses.flatMap(roleName(_))

  def seenLatestGossip: Set[RoleName] = clusterView.seenBy flatMap roleName

  def awaitSeen(addresses: Address*): Unit = awaitAssert {
    (seenLatestGossip map address) should be(addresses.toSet)

  def awaitMembers(addresses: Address*): Unit = awaitAssert {
    memberAddresses should be(addresses.toSet)

  def awaitMemberStatus(address: Address, status: MemberStatus): Unit = awaitAssert {
    memberStatus(address) should be(status)

  def leaderActions(): Unit =
    cluster.clusterCore ! LeaderActionsTick

  def reapUnreachable(): Unit =
    cluster.clusterCore ! ReapUnreachableTick

  // DSL sugar for `role1 gossipTo role2`
  implicit def roleExtras(role: RoleName): RoleWrapper = new RoleWrapper(role)
  var gossipBarrierCounter = 0
  class RoleWrapper(fromRole: RoleName) {
    def gossipTo(toRole: RoleName): Unit = {
      gossipBarrierCounter += 1
      runOn(toRole) {
        val oldCount = clusterView.latestStats.gossipStats.receivedGossipCount
        enterBarrier("before-gossip-" + gossipBarrierCounter)
        awaitCond {
          clusterView.latestStats.gossipStats.receivedGossipCount != oldCount // received gossip
        // gossip chat will synchronize the views
        awaitCond((Set(fromRole, toRole) -- seenLatestGossip).isEmpty)
        enterBarrier("after-gossip-" + gossipBarrierCounter)
      runOn(fromRole) {
        enterBarrier("before-gossip-" + gossipBarrierCounter)
        // send gossip
        cluster.clusterCore ! InternalClusterAction.SendGossipTo(toRole)
        // gossip chat will synchronize the views
        awaitCond((Set(fromRole, toRole) -- seenLatestGossip).isEmpty)
        enterBarrier("after-gossip-" + gossipBarrierCounter)
      runOn(roles.filterNot(r ⇒ r == fromRole || r == toRole): _*) {
        enterBarrier("before-gossip-" + gossipBarrierCounter)
        enterBarrier("after-gossip-" + gossipBarrierCounter)

  "A Cluster" must {

    "start nodes as singleton clusters" taggedAs LongRunningTest in {

      runOn(first) {
        cluster join myself
        awaitMemberStatus(myself, Joining)
        awaitMemberStatus(myself, Up)


    "perform correct transitions when second joining first" taggedAs LongRunningTest in {

      runOn(second) {
      runOn(first, second) {
        // gossip chat from the join will synchronize the views
        awaitMembers(first, second)
        awaitMemberStatus(first, Up)
        awaitMemberStatus(second, Joining)
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(first, second)))

      runOn(first) {
        awaitMemberStatus(first, Up)
        awaitMemberStatus(second, Up)

      first gossipTo second
      runOn(first, second) {
        // gossip chat will synchronize the views
        awaitMemberStatus(second, Up)
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(first, second)))
        awaitMemberStatus(first, Up)


    "perform correct transitions when third joins second" taggedAs LongRunningTest in {

      runOn(third) {
      runOn(second, third) {
        // gossip chat from the join will synchronize the views
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(second, third)))

      second gossipTo first
      runOn(first, second) {
        // gossip chat will synchronize the views
        awaitMembers(first, second, third)
        awaitMemberStatus(third, Joining)
        awaitMemberStatus(second, Up)
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(first, second, third)))

      first gossipTo third
      runOn(first, second, third) {
        awaitMembers(first, second, third)
        awaitMemberStatus(first, Up)
        awaitMemberStatus(second, Up)
        awaitMemberStatus(third, Joining)
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(first, second, third)))


      val leader12 = leader(first, second)
      val (other1, other2) = { val tmp = roles.filterNot(_ == leader12); (tmp.head, tmp.tail.head) }
      runOn(leader12) {
        awaitMemberStatus(first, Up)
        awaitMemberStatus(second, Up)
        awaitMemberStatus(third, Up)

      // leader gossipTo first non-leader
      leader12 gossipTo other1
      runOn(other1) {
        awaitMemberStatus(third, Up)
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(leader12, myself)))

      // first non-leader gossipTo the other non-leader
      other1 gossipTo other2
      runOn(other1) {
        // send gossip
        cluster.clusterCore ! InternalClusterAction.SendGossipTo(other2)
      runOn(other2) {
        awaitMemberStatus(third, Up)
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(first, second, third)))

      // first non-leader gossipTo the leader
      other1 gossipTo leader12
      runOn(first, second, third) {
        awaitMemberStatus(first, Up)
        awaitMemberStatus(second, Up)
        awaitMemberStatus(third, Up)
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(first, second, third)))


    "perform correct transitions when second becomes unavailble" taggedAs LongRunningTest in {
      runOn(third) {
        awaitAssert( should contain(address(second)))
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(third)))


      third gossipTo first

      runOn(first, third) {
        awaitAssert( should contain(address(second)))

      runOn(first) {


      first gossipTo third

      runOn(first, third) {
        awaitAssert( should contain(address(second)))
        awaitMemberStatus(second, Down)
        awaitAssert(seenLatestGossip should be(Set(first, third)))



Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka TransitionSpec.scala source code file:

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