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Akka/Scala example source code file (AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorref, actorrefroutee, adaptiveloadbalancingrouterspec, address, akka, allocatememory, cluster, concurrent, int, longrunningtest, map, none, route, router, routing

The AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.cluster.routing

import language.postfixOps
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import akka.cluster.Cluster
import akka.cluster.MultiNodeClusterSpec
import akka.cluster.NodeMetrics
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.remote.testkit.{ MultiNodeSpec, MultiNodeConfig }
import akka.routing.GetRoutees
import akka.routing.FromConfig
import akka.testkit.{ LongRunningTest, DefaultTimeout, ImplicitSender }
import akka.routing.ActorRefRoutee
import akka.routing.Routees

object AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterMultiJvmSpec extends MultiNodeConfig {

  class Echo extends Actor {
    def receive = {
      case _ ⇒ sender() ! Reply(Cluster(context.system).selfAddress)

  class Memory extends Actor with ActorLogging {
    var usedMemory: Array[Array[Int]] = _
    def receive = {
      case AllocateMemory ⇒
        val heap = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage
        // getMax can be undefined (-1)
        val max = math.max(heap.getMax, heap.getCommitted)
        val used = heap.getUsed
        log.debug("used heap before: [{}] bytes, of max [{}]", used, heap.getMax)
        // allocate 70% of free space
        val allocateBytes = (0.7 * (max - used)).toInt
        val numberOfArrays = allocateBytes / 1024
        usedMemory = Array.ofDim(numberOfArrays, 248) // each 248 element Int array will use ~ 1 kB
        log.debug("used heap after: [{}] bytes", ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage.getUsed)
        sender() ! "done"

  case object AllocateMemory
  final case class Reply(address: Address)

  val first = role("first")
  val second = role("second")
  val third = role("third")

  commonConfig(debugConfig(on = false).withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString("""
      akka.cluster.metrics.collect-interval = 1s
      akka.cluster.metrics.gossip-interval = 1s
      akka.cluster.metrics.moving-average-half-life = 2s {
        /router3 = {
          router = adaptive-pool
          metrics-selector = cpu
          nr-of-instances = 9
        /router4 = {
          router = adaptive-pool
          metrics-selector = "akka.cluster.routing.TestCustomMetricsSelector"
          nr-of-instances = 10
          cluster {
            enabled = on
            max-nr-of-instances-per-node = 2


class TestCustomMetricsSelector(config: Config) extends MetricsSelector {
  override def weights(nodeMetrics: Set[NodeMetrics]): Map[Address, Int] = Map.empty

class AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterMultiJvmNode1 extends AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterSpec
class AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterMultiJvmNode2 extends AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterSpec
class AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterMultiJvmNode3 extends AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterSpec

abstract class AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterSpec extends MultiNodeSpec(AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterMultiJvmSpec)
  with MultiNodeClusterSpec
  with ImplicitSender with DefaultTimeout {
  import AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterMultiJvmSpec._

  def currentRoutees(router: ActorRef) =
    Await.result(router ? GetRoutees, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[Routees].routees

  def receiveReplies(expectedReplies: Int): Map[Address, Int] = {
    val zero = Map.empty[Address, Int] ++ -> 0)
    (receiveWhile(5 seconds, messages = expectedReplies) {
      case Reply(address) ⇒ address
    }).foldLeft(zero) {
      case (replyMap, address) ⇒ replyMap + (address -> (replyMap(address) + 1))

   * Fills in self address for local ActorRef
  def fullAddress(actorRef: ActorRef): Address = actorRef.path.address match {
    case Address(_, _, None, None) ⇒ cluster.selfAddress
    case a                         ⇒ a

  def startRouter(name: String): ActorRef = {
    val router = system.actorOf(ClusterRouterPool(
      local = AdaptiveLoadBalancingPool(HeapMetricsSelector),
      settings = ClusterRouterPoolSettings(totalInstances = 10, maxInstancesPerNode = 1, allowLocalRoutees = true, useRole = None)).
    // it may take some time until router receives cluster member events
    awaitAssert { currentRoutees(router).size should be(roles.size) }
    val routees = currentRoutees(router) { case ActorRefRoutee(ref) ⇒ fullAddress(ref) }.toSet should be(

  "A cluster with a AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouter" must {
    "start cluster nodes" taggedAs LongRunningTest in {
      awaitClusterUp(roles: _*)

    "use all nodes in the cluster when not overloaded" taggedAs LongRunningTest in {
      runOn(first) {
        val router1 = startRouter("router1")

        // collect some metrics before we start
        Thread.sleep(cluster.settings.MetricsInterval.toMillis * 10)

        val iterationCount = 100
        1 to iterationCount foreach { _ ⇒
          router1 ! "hit"
          // wait a while between each message, since metrics is collected periodically

        val replies = receiveReplies(iterationCount)

        replies(first) should be > (0)
        replies(second) should be > (0)
        replies(third) should be > (0)
        replies.values.sum should be(iterationCount)



    "prefer node with more free heap capacity" taggedAs LongRunningTest in {

      runOn(second) {
        within(20.seconds) {
          system.actorOf(Props[Memory], "memory") ! AllocateMemory

      runOn(first) {
        val router2 = startRouter("router2")

        // collect some metrics before we start
        Thread.sleep(cluster.settings.MetricsInterval.toMillis * 10)

        val iterationCount = 3000
        1 to iterationCount foreach { _ ⇒
          router2 ! "hit"

        val replies = receiveReplies(iterationCount)

        replies(third) should be > (replies(second))
        replies.values.sum should be(iterationCount)



    "create routees from configuration" taggedAs LongRunningTest in {
      runOn(first) {
        val router3 = system.actorOf(FromConfig.props(Props[Memory]), "router3")
        // it may take some time until router receives cluster member events
        awaitAssert { currentRoutees(router3).size should be(9) }
        val routees = currentRoutees(router3) { case ActorRefRoutee(ref) ⇒ fullAddress(ref) }.toSet should be(Set(address(first)))

    "create routees from cluster.enabled configuration" taggedAs LongRunningTest in {
      runOn(first) {
        val router4 = system.actorOf(FromConfig.props(Props[Memory]), "router4")
        // it may take some time until router receives cluster member events
        awaitAssert { currentRoutees(router4).size should be(6) }
        val routees = currentRoutees(router4) { case ActorRefRoutee(ref) ⇒ fullAddress(ref) }.toSet should be(Set(
          address(first), address(second), address(third)))

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka AdaptiveLoadBalancingRouterSpec.scala source code file:

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