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Akka/Scala example source code file (DistributedPubSubMediator.scala)

This example Akka source code file (DistributedPubSubMediator.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorref, akka, any, cluster, finiteduration, none, option, route, router, routing, serialversionuid, some, string, subscribe, unit

The DistributedPubSubMediator.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.contrib.pattern

import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import akka.cluster.Cluster
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent._
import akka.cluster.Member
import akka.cluster.MemberStatus
import akka.routing.RandomRoutingLogic
import akka.routing.RoutingLogic
import akka.routing.Routee
import akka.routing.ActorRefRoutee
import akka.routing.Router
import akka.routing.RouterEnvelope
import akka.routing.RoundRobinRoutingLogic
import akka.routing.ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic
import akka.routing.BroadcastRoutingLogic
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap

object DistributedPubSubMediator {

   * Scala API: Factory method for `DistributedPubSubMediator` [[]].
  def props(
    role: Option[String],
    routingLogic: RoutingLogic = RandomRoutingLogic(),
    gossipInterval: FiniteDuration = 1.second,
    removedTimeToLive: FiniteDuration = 2.minutes,
    maxDeltaElements: Int = 3000): Props =
    Props(classOf[DistributedPubSubMediator], role, routingLogic, gossipInterval, removedTimeToLive, maxDeltaElements)

   * Java API: Factory method for `DistributedPubSubMediator` [[]].
  def props(
    role: String,
    routingLogic: RoutingLogic,
    gossipInterval: FiniteDuration,
    removedTimeToLive: FiniteDuration,
    maxDeltaElements: Int): Props =
    props(Internal.roleOption(role), routingLogic, gossipInterval, removedTimeToLive, maxDeltaElements)

   * Java API: Factory method for `DistributedPubSubMediator` [[]]
   * with default values.
  def defaultProps(role: String): Props = props(Internal.roleOption(role))

  @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Put(ref: ActorRef)
  @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Remove(path: String)
  @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Subscribe(topic: String, group: Option[String], ref: ActorRef) {
    require(topic != null && topic != "", "topic must be defined")
     * Convenience constructor with `group` None
    def this(topic: String, ref: ActorRef) = this(topic, None, ref)

     * Java API: constructor with group: String
    def this(topic: String, group: String, ref: ActorRef) = this(topic, Some(group), ref)
  object Subscribe {
    def apply(topic: String, ref: ActorRef) = new Subscribe(topic, ref)
  @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Unsubscribe(topic: String, group: Option[String], ref: ActorRef) {
    require(topic != null && topic != "", "topic must be defined")
    def this(topic: String, ref: ActorRef) = this(topic, None, ref)
    def this(topic: String, group: String, ref: ActorRef) = this(topic, Some(group), ref)
  object Unsubscribe {
    def apply(topic: String, ref: ActorRef) = new Unsubscribe(topic, ref)
  @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class SubscribeAck(subscribe: Subscribe)
  @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class UnsubscribeAck(unsubscribe: Unsubscribe)
  @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Publish(topic: String, msg: Any, sendOneMessageToEachGroup: Boolean) extends DistributedPubSubMessage {
    def this(topic: String, msg: Any) = this(topic, msg, sendOneMessageToEachGroup = false)
  object Publish {
    def apply(topic: String, msg: Any) = new Publish(topic, msg)
  @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Send(path: String, msg: Any, localAffinity: Boolean) extends DistributedPubSubMessage {
     * Convenience constructor with `localAffinity` false
    def this(path: String, msg: Any) = this(path, msg, localAffinity = false)
  @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class SendToAll(path: String, msg: Any, allButSelf: Boolean = false) extends DistributedPubSubMessage {
    def this(path: String, msg: Any) = this(path, msg, allButSelf = false)

  // Only for testing purposes, to poll/await replication
  case object Count

  private[pattern] object Internal {
    case object Prune

    final case class Bucket(
      owner: Address,
      version: Long,
      content: TreeMap[String, ValueHolder])

    final case class ValueHolder(version: Long, ref: Option[ActorRef]) {
      @transient lazy val routee: Option[Routee] = ref map ActorRefRoutee

    final case class Status(versions: Map[Address, Long]) extends DistributedPubSubMessage
    final case class Delta(buckets: immutable.Iterable[Bucket]) extends DistributedPubSubMessage

    case object GossipTick

    final case class RegisterTopic(topicRef: ActorRef)
    final case class Subscribed(ack: SubscribeAck, subscriber: ActorRef)
    final case class Unsubscribed(ack: UnsubscribeAck, subscriber: ActorRef)
    final case class SendToOneSubscriber(msg: Any)

    final case class MediatorRouterEnvelope(msg: Any) extends RouterEnvelope {
      override def message = msg

    def roleOption(role: String): Option[String] = role match {
      case null | "" ⇒ None
      case _         ⇒ Some(role)

    def encName(s: String) = URLEncoder.encode(s, "utf-8")

    trait TopicLike extends Actor {
      import context.dispatcher
      val pruneInterval: FiniteDuration = emptyTimeToLive / 2
      val pruneTask = context.system.scheduler.schedule(pruneInterval, pruneInterval, self, Prune)
      var pruneDeadline: Option[Deadline] = None

      var subscribers = Set.empty[ActorRef]

      val emptyTimeToLive: FiniteDuration

      override def postStop(): Unit = {

      def defaultReceive: Receive = {
        case msg @ Subscribe(_, _, ref) ⇒
          context watch ref
          subscribers += ref
          pruneDeadline = None
          context.parent ! Subscribed(SubscribeAck(msg), sender())
        case msg @ Unsubscribe(_, _, ref) ⇒
          context unwatch ref
          context.parent ! Unsubscribed(UnsubscribeAck(msg), sender())
        case Terminated(ref) ⇒
        case Prune ⇒
          for (d ← pruneDeadline if d.isOverdue) context stop self
        case msg ⇒
          subscribers foreach { _ forward msg }

      def business: Receive

      def receive = business orElse defaultReceive

      def remove(ref: ActorRef): Unit = {
        if (subscribers.contains(ref))
          subscribers -= ref
        if (subscribers.isEmpty && context.children.isEmpty)
          pruneDeadline = Some( + emptyTimeToLive)

    class Topic(val emptyTimeToLive: FiniteDuration, routingLogic: RoutingLogic) extends TopicLike {
      def business = {
        case msg @ Subscribe(_, Some(group), _) ⇒
          val encGroup = encName(group)
          context.child(encGroup) match {
            case Some(g) ⇒ g forward msg
            case None ⇒
              val g = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[Group], emptyTimeToLive, routingLogic), name = encGroup)
              g forward msg
              context watch g
              context.parent ! RegisterTopic(g)
          pruneDeadline = None
        case msg @ Unsubscribe(_, Some(group), _) ⇒
          context.child(encName(group)) match {
            case Some(g) ⇒ g forward msg
            case None    ⇒ // no such group here
        case msg: Subscribed ⇒
          context.parent forward msg
        case msg: Unsubscribed ⇒
          context.parent forward msg

    class Group(val emptyTimeToLive: FiniteDuration, routingLogic: RoutingLogic) extends TopicLike {
      def business = {
        case SendToOneSubscriber(msg) ⇒
          if (subscribers.nonEmpty)
            Router(routingLogic, (subscribers map ActorRefRoutee).toVector).route(wrapIfNeeded(msg), sender())

     * Mediator uses [[Router]] to send messages to multiple destinations, Router in general
     * unwraps messages from [[RouterEnvelope]] and sends the contents to [[Routee]]s.
     * Using mediator services should not have an undesired effect of unwrapping messages
     * out of [[RouterEnvelope]]. For this reason user messages are wrapped in
     * [[MediatorRouterEnvelope]] which will be unwrapped by the [[Router]] leaving original
     * user message.
    def wrapIfNeeded: Any ⇒ Any = {
      case msg: RouterEnvelope ⇒ MediatorRouterEnvelope(msg)
      case msg: Any            ⇒ msg

 * Marker trait for remote messages with special serializer.
trait DistributedPubSubMessage extends Serializable

 * This actor manages a registry of actor references and replicates
 * the entries to peer actors among all cluster nodes or a group of nodes
 * tagged with a specific role.
 * The `DistributedPubSubMediator` is supposed to be started on all nodes,
 * or all nodes with specified role, in the cluster. The mediator can be
 * started with the [[DistributedPubSubExtension]] or as an ordinary actor.
 * Changes are only performed in the own part of the registry and those changes
 * are versioned. Deltas are disseminated in a scalable way to other nodes with
 * a gossip protocol. The registry is eventually consistent, i.e. changes are not
 * immediately visible at other nodes, but typically they will be fully replicated
 * to all other nodes after a few seconds.
 * You can send messages via the mediator on any node to registered actors on
 * any other node. There is three modes of message delivery.
 * 1. [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Send]] -
 * The message will be delivered to one recipient with a matching path, if any such
 * exists in the registry. If several entries match the path the message will be sent
 * via the supplied `routingLogic` (default random) to one destination. The sender of the
 * message can specify that local affinity is preferred, i.e. the message is sent to an actor
 * in the same local actor system as the used mediator actor, if any such exists, otherwise
 * route to any other matching entry. A typical usage of this mode is private chat to one
 * other user in an instant messaging application. It can also be used for distributing
 * tasks to registered workers, like a cluster aware router where the routees dynamically
 * can register themselves.
 * 2. [[DistributedPubSubMediator.SendToAll]] -
 * The message will be delivered to all recipients with a matching path. Actors with
 * the same path, without address information, can be registered on different nodes.
 * On each node there can only be one such actor, since the path is unique within one
 * local actor system. Typical usage of this mode is to broadcast messages to all replicas
 * with the same path, e.g. 3 actors on different nodes that all perform the same actions,
 * for redundancy.
 * 3. [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish]] -
 * Actors may be registered to a named topic instead of path. This enables many subscribers
 * on each node. The message will be delivered to all subscribers of the topic. For
 * efficiency the message is sent over the wire only once per node (that has a matching topic),
 * and then delivered to all subscribers of the local topic representation. This is the
 * true pub/sub mode. A typical usage of this mode is a chat room in an instant messaging
 * application.
 * 4. [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish]] with sendOneMessageToEachGroup -
 * Actors may be subscribed to a named topic with an optional property `group`.
 * If subscribing with a group name, each message published to a topic with the
 * `sendOneMessageToEachGroup` flag is delivered via the supplied `routingLogic`
 * (default random) to one actor within each subscribing group.
 * If all the subscribed actors have the same group name, then this works just like
 * [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Send]] and all messages are delivered to one subscribe.
 * If all the subscribed actors have different group names, then this works like normal
 * [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish]] and all messages are broadcast to all subscribers.
 * You register actors to the local mediator with [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Put]] or
 * [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe]]. `Put` is used together with `Send` and
 * `SendToAll` message delivery modes. The `ActorRef` in `Put` must belong to the same
 * local actor system as the mediator. `Subscribe` is used together with `Publish`.
 * Actors are automatically removed from the registry when they are terminated, or you
 * can explicitly remove entries with [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Remove]] or
 * [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Unsubscribe]].
 * Successful `Subscribe` and `Unsubscribe` is acknowledged with
 * [[DistributedPubSubMediator.SubscribeAck]] and [[DistributedPubSubMediator.UnsubscribeAck]]
 * replies.
class DistributedPubSubMediator(
  role: Option[String],
  routingLogic: RoutingLogic,
  gossipInterval: FiniteDuration,
  removedTimeToLive: FiniteDuration,
  maxDeltaElements: Int)
  extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  import DistributedPubSubMediator._
  import DistributedPubSubMediator.Internal._

    "'consistent-hashing' routing logic can't be used by the pub-sub mediator")

  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)
  import cluster.selfAddress

    s"This cluster member [${selfAddress}] doesn't have the role [$role]")

  val removedTimeToLiveMillis = removedTimeToLive.toMillis

  //Start periodic gossip to random nodes in cluster
  import context.dispatcher
  val gossipTask = context.system.scheduler.schedule(gossipInterval, gossipInterval, self, GossipTick)
  val pruneInterval: FiniteDuration = removedTimeToLive / 2
  val pruneTask = context.system.scheduler.schedule(pruneInterval, pruneInterval, self, Prune)

  var registry: Map[Address, Bucket] = Map.empty.withDefault(a ⇒ Bucket(a, 0L, TreeMap.empty))
  var nodes: Set[Address] = Set.empty

  // the version is a timestamp because it is also used when pruning removed entries
  val nextVersion = {
    var version = 0L
    () ⇒ {
      val current = System.currentTimeMillis
      version = if (current > version) current else version + 1

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    require(!cluster.isTerminated, "Cluster node must not be terminated")
    cluster.subscribe(self, classOf[MemberEvent])

  override def postStop(): Unit = {
    cluster unsubscribe self

  def matchingRole(m: Member): Boolean = role.forall(m.hasRole)

  def receive = {

    case Send(path, msg, localAffinity) ⇒
      val routees = registry(selfAddress).content.get(path) match {
        case Some(valueHolder) if localAffinity ⇒
          (for {
            routee ← valueHolder.routee
          } yield routee).toVector
        case _ ⇒
          (for {
            (_, bucket) ← registry
            valueHolder ← bucket.content.get(path)
            routee ← valueHolder.routee
          } yield routee).toVector

      if (routees.nonEmpty)
        Router(routingLogic, routees).route(wrapIfNeeded(msg), sender())

    case SendToAll(path, msg, skipSenderNode) ⇒
      publish(path, msg, skipSenderNode)

    case Publish(topic, msg, sendOneMessageToEachGroup) ⇒
      if (sendOneMessageToEachGroup)
        publishToEachGroup(mkKey(self.path / encName(topic)), msg)
        publish(mkKey(self.path / encName(topic)), msg)

    case Put(ref: ActorRef) ⇒
      if (ref.path.address.hasGlobalScope)
        log.warning("Registered actor must be local: [{}]", ref)
      else {
        put(mkKey(ref), Some(ref))

    case Remove(key) ⇒
      registry(selfAddress).content.get(key) match {
        case Some(ValueHolder(_, Some(ref))) ⇒
          put(key, None)
        case _ ⇒

    case msg @ Subscribe(topic, _, _) ⇒
      // each topic is managed by a child actor with the same name as the topic
      val encTopic = encName(topic)
      context.child(encTopic) match {
        case Some(t) ⇒ t forward msg
        case None ⇒
          val t = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[Topic], removedTimeToLive, routingLogic), name = encTopic)
          t forward msg

    case msg @ RegisterTopic(t) ⇒

    case msg @ Subscribed(ack, ref) ⇒
      ref ! ack

    case msg @ Unsubscribe(topic, _, _) ⇒
      context.child(encName(topic)) match {
        case Some(t) ⇒ t forward msg
        case None    ⇒ // no such topic here

    case msg @ Unsubscribed(ack, ref) ⇒
      ref ! ack

    case Status(otherVersions) ⇒
      // gossip chat starts with a Status message, containing the bucket versions of the other node
      val delta = collectDelta(otherVersions)
      if (delta.nonEmpty)
        sender() ! Delta(delta)
      if (otherHasNewerVersions(otherVersions))
        sender() ! Status(versions = myVersions) // it will reply with Delta

    case Delta(buckets) ⇒
      // reply from Status message in the gossip chat
      // the Delta contains potential updates (newer versions) from the other node
      // only accept deltas/buckets from known nodes, otherwise there is a risk of
      // adding back entries when nodes are removed
      if (nodes(sender().path.address)) {
        buckets foreach { b ⇒
          if (nodes(b.owner)) {
            val myBucket = registry(b.owner)
            if (b.version > myBucket.version) {
              registry += (b.owner -> myBucket.copy(version = b.version, content = myBucket.content ++ b.content))

    case GossipTick ⇒ gossip()

    case Prune      ⇒ prune()

    case Terminated(a) ⇒
      val key = mkKey(a)
      registry(selfAddress).content.get(key) match {
        case Some(ValueHolder(_, Some(`a`))) ⇒
          // remove
          put(key, None)
        case _ ⇒

    case state: CurrentClusterState ⇒
      nodes = state.members.collect {
        case m if m.status != MemberStatus.Joining && matchingRole(m) ⇒ m.address

    case MemberUp(m) ⇒
      if (matchingRole(m))
        nodes += m.address

    case MemberRemoved(m, _) ⇒
      if (m.address == selfAddress)
        context stop self
      else if (matchingRole(m)) {
        nodes -= m.address
        registry -= m.address

    case _: MemberEvent ⇒ // not of interest

    case Count ⇒
      val count = {
        case (owner, bucket) ⇒ bucket.content.count {
          case (_, valueHolder) ⇒ valueHolder.ref.isDefined
      sender() ! count

  def publish(path: String, msg: Any, allButSelf: Boolean = false): Unit = {
    for {
      (address, bucket) ← registry
      if !(allButSelf && address == selfAddress) // if we should skip sender() node and current address == self address => skip
      valueHolder ← bucket.content.get(path)
      ref ← valueHolder.ref
    } ref forward msg

  def publishToEachGroup(path: String, msg: Any): Unit = {
    val prefix = path + '/'
    val lastKey = path + '0' // '0' is the next char of '/'
    val groups = (for {
      (_, bucket) ← registry.toSeq
      key ← bucket.content.range(prefix, lastKey).keys
      valueHolder ← bucket.content.get(key)
      ref ← valueHolder.routee
    } yield (key, ref)).groupBy(_._1).values

    val wrappedMsg = SendToOneSubscriber(msg)
    groups foreach {
      group ⇒
        val routees =
        if (routees.nonEmpty)
          Router(routingLogic, routees).route(wrappedMsg, sender())

  def put(key: String, valueOption: Option[ActorRef]): Unit = {
    val bucket = registry(selfAddress)
    val v = nextVersion()
    registry += (selfAddress -> bucket.copy(version = v,
      content = bucket.content + (key -> ValueHolder(v, valueOption))))

  def registerTopic(ref: ActorRef): Unit = {
    put(mkKey(ref), Some(ref))

  def mkKey(ref: ActorRef): String = mkKey(ref.path)

  def mkKey(path: ActorPath): String = path.toStringWithoutAddress

  def myVersions: Map[Address, Long] = { case (owner, bucket) ⇒ (owner -> bucket.version) }

  def collectDelta(otherVersions: Map[Address, Long]): immutable.Iterable[Bucket] = {
    // missing entries are represented by version 0
    val filledOtherVersions = { case (k, _) ⇒ k -> 0L } ++ otherVersions
    var count = 0
    filledOtherVersions.collect {
      case (owner, v) if registry(owner).version > v && count < maxDeltaElements ⇒
        val bucket = registry(owner)
        val deltaContent = bucket.content.filter {
          case (_, value) ⇒ value.version > v
        count += deltaContent.size
        if (count <= maxDeltaElements)
          bucket.copy(content = deltaContent)
        else {
          // exceeded the maxDeltaElements, pick the elements with lowest versions
          val sortedContent = deltaContent.toVector.sortBy(_._2.version)
          val chunk = sortedContent.take(maxDeltaElements - (count - sortedContent.size))
          bucket.copy(content = TreeMap.empty[String, ValueHolder] ++ chunk, version = chunk.last._2.version)

  def otherHasNewerVersions(otherVersions: Map[Address, Long]): Boolean =
    otherVersions.exists {
      case (owner, v) ⇒ v > registry(owner).version

   * Gossip to peer nodes.
  def gossip(): Unit = selectRandomNode((nodes - selfAddress).toVector) foreach gossipTo

  def gossipTo(address: Address): Unit = {
    context.actorSelection(self.path.toStringWithAddress(address)) ! Status(versions = myVersions)

  def selectRandomNode(addresses: immutable.IndexedSeq[Address]): Option[Address] =
    if (addresses.isEmpty) None else Some(addresses(ThreadLocalRandom.current nextInt addresses.size))

  def prune(): Unit = {
    registry foreach {
      case (owner, bucket) ⇒
        val oldRemoved = bucket.content.collect {
          case (key, ValueHolder(version, None)) if (bucket.version - version > removedTimeToLiveMillis) ⇒ key
        if (oldRemoved.nonEmpty)
          registry += owner -> bucket.copy(content = bucket.content -- oldRemoved)

 * Extension that starts a [[DistributedPubSubMediator]] actor
 * with settings defined in config section ``.
object DistributedPubSubExtension extends ExtensionId[DistributedPubSubExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider {
  override def get(system: ActorSystem): DistributedPubSubExtension = super.get(system)

  override def lookup = DistributedPubSubExtension

  override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): DistributedPubSubExtension =
    new DistributedPubSubExtension(system)

class DistributedPubSubExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {

  private val config = system.settings.config.getConfig("")
  private val role: Option[String] = config.getString("role") match {
    case "" ⇒ None
    case r  ⇒ Some(r)

   * Returns true if this member is not tagged with the role configured for the
   * mediator.
  def isTerminated: Boolean = Cluster(system).isTerminated || !role.forall(Cluster(system).selfRoles.contains)

   * The [[DistributedPubSubMediator]]
  val mediator: ActorRef = {
    if (isTerminated)
    else {
      val routingLogic = config.getString("routing-logic") match {
        case "random"             ⇒ RandomRoutingLogic()
        case "round-robin"        ⇒ RoundRobinRoutingLogic()
        case "consistent-hashing" ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"'consistent-hashing' routing logic can't be used by the pub-sub mediator")
        case "broadcast"          ⇒ BroadcastRoutingLogic()
        case other                ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown 'routing-logic': [$other]")
      val gossipInterval = config.getDuration("gossip-interval", MILLISECONDS).millis
      val removedTimeToLive = config.getDuration("removed-time-to-live", MILLISECONDS).millis
      val maxDeltaElements = config.getInt("max-delta-elements")
      val name = config.getString("name")
      system.actorOf(DistributedPubSubMediator.props(role, routingLogic, gossipInterval, removedTimeToLive, maxDeltaElements),

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka DistributedPubSubMediator.scala source code file:

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