Akka/Scala example source code file (ReliableProxy.scala)
The ReliableProxy.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.contrib.pattern import akka.actor._ import akka.remote.RemoteScope import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Try import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit object ReliableProxy { /** * Scala API Props. Arguments are detailed in the [[akka.contrib.pattern.ReliableProxy]] * constructor. */ def props(targetPath: ActorPath, retryAfter: FiniteDuration, reconnectAfter: Option[FiniteDuration], maxReconnects: Option[Int]): Props = { Props(new ReliableProxy(targetPath, retryAfter, reconnectAfter, maxReconnects)) } /** * Java API Props. Arguments are detailed in the [[akka.contrib.pattern.ReliableProxy]] * constructor. */ def props(targetPath: ActorPath, retryAfter: FiniteDuration, reconnectAfter: FiniteDuration, maxReconnects: Int): Props = { props(targetPath, retryAfter, Option(reconnectAfter), if (maxReconnects > 0) Some(maxReconnects) else None) } /** * Props with no limit on reconnections. Arguments are detailed in the [[akka.contrib.pattern.ReliableProxy]] * constructor. */ def props(targetPath: ActorPath, retryAfter: FiniteDuration, reconnectAfter: FiniteDuration): Props = { props(targetPath, retryAfter, Option(reconnectAfter), None) } /** * Props with no reconnections. Arguments are detailed in the [[akka.contrib.pattern.ReliableProxy]] * constructor. */ def props(targetPath: ActorPath, retryAfter: FiniteDuration): Props = { props(targetPath, retryAfter, None, None) } class Receiver(target: ActorRef, initialSerial: Int) extends Actor with ReliableProxyDebugLogging { var lastSerial = initialSerial context.watch(target) def receive = { case Message(msg, snd, serial) ⇒ if (serial == lastSerial + 1) { target.tell(msg, snd) sender() ! Ack(serial) lastSerial = serial } else if (compare(serial, lastSerial) <= 0) { sender() ! Ack(serial) } else { logDebug("Received message from {} with wrong serial: {}", snd, msg) } case Terminated(`target`) ⇒ context stop self } } /** * Wrap-around aware comparison of integers: differences limited to 2**31-1 * in magnitude will work correctly. */ def compare(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { val c = a - b c match { case x if x < 0 ⇒ -1 case x if x == 0 ⇒ 0 case x if x > 0 ⇒ 1 } } def receiver(target: ActorRef, currentSerial: Int): Props = Props(classOf[Receiver], target, currentSerial) // Internal messages final case class Message(msg: Any, sender: ActorRef, serial: Int) private final case class Ack(serial: Int) private case object Tick private case object ReconnectTick /** * `TargetChanged` is sent to transition subscribers when the initial connection is made * the target and when the target `ActorRef` has changed (for example, the target system * crashed and has been restarted). */ final case class TargetChanged(ref: ActorRef) /** * `ProxyTerminated` is sent to transition subscribers during `postStop`. Any outstanding * unsent messages are contained the `Unsent` object. */ final case class ProxyTerminated(actor: ActorRef, outstanding: Unsent) final case class Unsent(queue: Vector[Message]) sealed trait State case object Idle extends State case object Active extends State case object Connecting extends State // Java API val idle = Idle val active = Active val reconnecting = Connecting } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] trait ReliableProxyDebugLogging extends ActorLogging { this: Actor ⇒ val debug: Boolean = Try(context.system.settings.config.getBoolean("akka.reliable-proxy.debug")) getOrElse false def enabled: Boolean = debug && log.isDebugEnabled def addSelf(template: String): String = s"$template [$self]" def logDebug(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any): Unit = if (enabled) log.debug(addSelf(template), arg1, arg2) def logDebug(template: String, arg1: Any): Unit = if (enabled) log.debug(addSelf(template), arg1) } import ReliableProxy._ /** * A ReliableProxy is a means to wrap a remote actor reference in order to * obtain certain improved delivery guarantees: * * - as long as the proxy is not terminated before it sends all of its queued * messages then no messages will be lost * - messages re-sent due to the first point will not be delivered out-of-order, * message ordering is preserved * * These guarantees are valid for the communication between the two end-points * of the reliable “tunnel”, which usually spans an unreliable network. * * Note that the ReliableProxy guarantees at-least-once, not exactly-once, delivery. * * Delivery from the remote end-point to the target actor is still subject to in-JVM * delivery semantics (i.e. not strictly guaranteed due to possible OutOfMemory * situations or other VM errors). * * You can create a reliable connection like this: * * In Scala: * {{{ * val proxy = context.actorOf(ReliableProxy.props(target, 100.millis, 120.seconds) * }}} * or in Java: * {{{ * final ActorRef proxy = getContext().actorOf(ReliableProxy.props( * target, Duration.create(100, "millis"), Duration.create(120, "seconds"))); * }}} * * '''''Please note:''''' the tunnel is uni-directional, and original sender * information is retained, hence replies by the wrapped target reference will * go back in the normal “unreliable” way unless also secured by a ReliableProxy * from the remote end. * * ==Message Types== * * This actor is an [[akka.actor.FSM]], hence it offers the service of * transition callbacks to those actors which subscribe using the * ``SubscribeTransitionCallBack`` and ``UnsubscribeTransitionCallBack`` * messages; see [[akka.actor.FSM]] for more documentation. The proxy will * transition into [[ReliableProxy.Active]] state when ACKs * are outstanding and return to the [[ReliableProxy.Idle]] * state when every message send so far has been confirmed by the peer end-point. * * The initial state of the proxy is [[ReliableProxy.Connecting]]. In this state the * proxy will repeatedly send [[akka.actor.Identify]] messages to `ActorSelection(targetPath)` * in order to obtain a new `ActorRef` for the target. When an [[akka.actor.ActorIdentity]] * for the target is received a new tunnel will be created, a [[ReliableProxy.TargetChanged]] * message containing the target `ActorRef` will be sent to the proxy's transition subscribers * and the proxy will transition into either the [[ReliableProxy.Idle]] or [[ReliableProxy.Active]] * state, depending if there are any outstanding messages that need to be delivered. If * `maxConnectAttempts` is defined this actor will stop itself after `Identify` is sent * `maxConnectAttempts` times. * * While in the `Idle` or `Active` states, if a communication failure causes the tunnel to * terminate via Remote Deathwatch the proxy will transition into the [[ReliableProxy.Connecting]] * state as described above. After reconnecting `TargetChanged` will be sent only if the target * `ActorRef` has changed. * * If this actor is stopped and it still has outstanding messages a * [[ReliableProxy.ProxyTerminated]] message will be sent to the * transition subscribers. It contains an `Unsent` object with the outstanding messages. * * If an [[ReliableProxy.Unsent]] message is sent to this actor * the messages contained within it will be relayed through the tunnel to the target. * * Any other message type sent to this actor will be delivered via a remote-deployed * child actor to the designated target. * * ==Failure Cases== * * All failures of either the local or the remote end-point are escalated to the * parent of this actor; there are no specific error cases which are predefined. * * ==Arguments== * See the constructor below for the arguments for this actor. However, prefer using * [[akka.contrib.pattern.ReliableProxy#props]] to this actor's constructor. * * @param targetPath is the ``ActorPath`` to the actor to which all messages will be forwarded. * ``targetPath`` can point to a local or remote actor, but the tunnel endpoint will be * deployed remotely on the node where the target actor lives. * @param retryAfter is the ACK timeout after which all outstanding messages * will be resent. There is no limit on the queue size or the number of retries. * @param reconnectAfter is an optional interval between connection attempts. * It is also used as the interval between receiving a `Terminated` for the tunnel and * attempting to reconnect to the target actor. The minimum recommended value for this is * the value of the configuration setting `akka.remote.retry-gate-closed-for`. Use `None` * to never reconnect after a disconnection. * @param maxConnectAttempts is an optional maximum number of attempts to connect to the * target actor. Use `None` for no limit. If `reconnectAfter` is `None` this value is ignored. */ class ReliableProxy(targetPath: ActorPath, retryAfter: FiniteDuration, reconnectAfter: Option[FiniteDuration], maxConnectAttempts: Option[Int]) extends Actor with LoggingFSM[State, Vector[Message]] with ReliableProxyDebugLogging { var tunnel: ActorRef = _ var currentSerial: Int = 0 var lastAckSerial: Int = _ var currentTarget: ActorRef = _ var attemptedReconnects: Int = _ val resendTimer = "resend" val reconnectTimer = "reconnect" val retryGateClosedFor = Try(context.system.settings.config.getDuration("akka.remote.retry-gate-closed-for", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)). map(_.longValue).getOrElse(5000L) val defaultConnectInterval = Try(context.system.settings.config.getDuration("akka.reliable-proxy.default-connect-interval", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)). map(_.longValue).getOrElse(retryGateClosedFor).millis val initialState = Connecting self ! ReconnectTick def createTunnel(target: ActorRef): Unit = { logDebug("Creating new tunnel for {}", target) tunnel = context.actorOf(receiver(target, lastAckSerial). withDeploy(Deploy(scope = RemoteScope(target.path.address))), "tunnel") context.watch(tunnel) currentTarget = target attemptedReconnects = 0 resetBackoff() } if (targetPath.address.host.isEmpty && self.path.address == targetPath.address) { logDebug("Unnecessary to use ReliableProxy for local target: {}", targetPath) } override def supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() { case _ ⇒ SupervisorStrategy.Escalate } override def postStop() { logDebug("Stopping proxy and sending {} messages to subscribers in Unsent", stateData.size) gossip(ProxyTerminated(self, Unsent(stateData))) super.postStop() } startWith(initialState, Vector.empty) when(Idle) { case Event(Terminated(_), _) ⇒ terminated() case Event(Ack(_), _) ⇒ stay() case Event(Unsent(msgs), _) ⇒ goto(Active) using resend(updateSerial(msgs)) case Event(msg, _) ⇒ goto(Active) using Vector(send(msg, sender())) } onTransition { case _ -> Active ⇒ scheduleTick() case Active -> Idle ⇒ cancelTimer(resendTimer) case _ -> Connecting ⇒ scheduleReconnectTick() } when(Active) { case Event(Terminated(_), _) ⇒ terminated() case Event(Ack(serial), queue) ⇒ val q = queue dropWhile (m ⇒ compare(m.serial, serial) <= 0) if (compare(serial, lastAckSerial) > 0) lastAckSerial = serial scheduleTick() if (q.isEmpty) goto(Idle) using Vector.empty else stay using q case Event(Tick, queue) ⇒ logResend(queue.size) queue foreach { tunnel ! _ } scheduleTick() stay() case Event(Unsent(msgs), queue) ⇒ stay using queue ++ resend(updateSerial(msgs)) case Event(msg, queue) ⇒ stay using (queue :+ send(msg, sender())) } when(Connecting) { case Event(Terminated(_), _) ⇒ stay() case Event(ActorIdentity(_, Some(actor)), queue) ⇒ val curr = currentTarget cancelTimer(reconnectTimer) createTunnel(actor) if (currentTarget != curr) gossip(TargetChanged(currentTarget)) if (queue.isEmpty) goto(Idle) else goto(Active) using resend(queue) case Event(ActorIdentity(_, None), _) ⇒ stay() case Event(ReconnectTick, _) ⇒ if (maxConnectAttempts exists (_ == attemptedReconnects)) { logDebug("Failed to reconnect after {}", attemptedReconnects) stop() } else { logDebug("{} ! {}", context.actorSelection(targetPath), Identify(targetPath)) context.actorSelection(targetPath) ! Identify(targetPath) scheduleReconnectTick() attemptedReconnects += 1 stay() } case Event(Unsent(msgs), queue) ⇒ stay using queue ++ updateSerial(msgs) case Event(msg, queue) ⇒ stay using (queue :+ Message(msg, sender(), nextSerial())) } def scheduleTick(): Unit = setTimer(resendTimer, Tick, retryAfter, repeat = false) def nextSerial(): Int = { currentSerial += 1 currentSerial } def send(msg: Any, snd: ActorRef): Message = { val m = Message(msg, snd, nextSerial()) tunnel ! m m } def updateSerial(q: Vector[Message]) = q map (_.copy(serial = nextSerial())) def resend(q: Vector[Message]): Vector[Message] = { logResend(q.size) q foreach { tunnel ! _ } q } def logResend(size: Int): Unit = logDebug("Resending {} messages through tunnel", size) def terminated(): State = { logDebug("Terminated: {}", targetPath) if (reconnectAfter.isDefined) goto(Connecting) else stop() } def scheduleReconnectTick(): Unit = { val delay = nextBackoff() logDebug("Will attempt to reconnect to {} in {}", targetPath, delay) setTimer(reconnectTimer, ReconnectTick, delay, repeat = false) } /** * Reset backoff interval. * * This and nextBackoff are meant to be implemented by subclasses. */ def resetBackoff() {} /** * Returns the next retry interval duration. By default each interval is the same, reconnectAfter. */ def nextBackoff(): FiniteDuration = reconnectAfter getOrElse defaultConnectInterval } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka ReliableProxy.scala source code file: |
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