Akka/Scala example source code file (AggregatorSpec.scala)
The AggregatorSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.contrib.pattern import akka.testkit.{ ImplicitSender, TestKit } import org.scalatest.FunSuiteLike import org.scalatest.Matchers import scala.annotation.tailrec //#demo-code import scala.collection._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.math.BigDecimal.int2bigDecimal import akka.actor._ /** * Sample and test code for the aggregator patter. * This is based on Jamie Allen's tutorial at * http://jaxenter.com/tutorial-asynchronous-programming-with-akka-actors-46220.html */ sealed trait AccountType case object Checking extends AccountType case object Savings extends AccountType case object MoneyMarket extends AccountType final case class GetCustomerAccountBalances(id: Long, accountTypes: Set[AccountType]) final case class GetAccountBalances(id: Long) final case class AccountBalances(accountType: AccountType, balance: Option[List[(Long, BigDecimal)]]) final case class CheckingAccountBalances(balances: Option[List[(Long, BigDecimal)]]) final case class SavingsAccountBalances(balances: Option[List[(Long, BigDecimal)]]) final case class MoneyMarketAccountBalances(balances: Option[List[(Long, BigDecimal)]]) case object TimedOut case object CantUnderstand class SavingsAccountProxy extends Actor { def receive = { case GetAccountBalances(id: Long) ⇒ sender() ! SavingsAccountBalances(Some(List((1, 150000), (2, 29000)))) } } class CheckingAccountProxy extends Actor { def receive = { case GetAccountBalances(id: Long) ⇒ sender() ! CheckingAccountBalances(Some(List((3, 15000)))) } } class MoneyMarketAccountProxy extends Actor { def receive = { case GetAccountBalances(id: Long) ⇒ sender() ! MoneyMarketAccountBalances(None) } } class AccountBalanceRetriever extends Actor with Aggregator { import context._ //#initial-expect expectOnce { case GetCustomerAccountBalances(id, types) ⇒ new AccountAggregator(sender(), id, types) case _ ⇒ sender() ! CantUnderstand context.stop(self) } //#initial-expect class AccountAggregator(originalSender: ActorRef, id: Long, types: Set[AccountType]) { val results = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(AccountType, Option[List[(Long, BigDecimal)]])] if (types.size > 0) types foreach { case Checking ⇒ fetchCheckingAccountsBalance() case Savings ⇒ fetchSavingsAccountsBalance() case MoneyMarket ⇒ fetchMoneyMarketAccountsBalance() } else collectBalances() // Empty type list yields empty response context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1.second, self, TimedOut) //#expect-timeout expect { case TimedOut ⇒ collectBalances(force = true) } //#expect-timeout //#expect-balance def fetchCheckingAccountsBalance() { context.actorOf(Props[CheckingAccountProxy]) ! GetAccountBalances(id) expectOnce { case CheckingAccountBalances(balances) ⇒ results += (Checking -> balances) collectBalances() } } //#expect-balance def fetchSavingsAccountsBalance() { context.actorOf(Props[SavingsAccountProxy]) ! GetAccountBalances(id) expectOnce { case SavingsAccountBalances(balances) ⇒ results += (Savings -> balances) collectBalances() } } def fetchMoneyMarketAccountsBalance() { context.actorOf(Props[MoneyMarketAccountProxy]) ! GetAccountBalances(id) expectOnce { case MoneyMarketAccountBalances(balances) ⇒ results += (MoneyMarket -> balances) collectBalances() } } def collectBalances(force: Boolean = false) { if (results.size == types.size || force) { originalSender ! results.toList // Make sure it becomes immutable context.stop(self) } } } } //#demo-code //#chain-sample final case class InitialRequest(name: String) final case class Request(name: String) final case class Response(name: String, value: String) final case class EvaluationResults(name: String, eval: List[Int]) final case class FinalResponse(qualifiedValues: List[String]) /** * An actor sample demonstrating use of unexpect and chaining. * This is just an example and not a complete test case. */ class ChainingSample extends Actor with Aggregator { expectOnce { case InitialRequest(name) ⇒ new MultipleResponseHandler(sender(), name) } class MultipleResponseHandler(originalSender: ActorRef, propName: String) { import context.dispatcher import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer val values = ArrayBuffer.empty[String] context.actorSelection("/user/request_proxies") ! Request(propName) context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(50.milliseconds, self, TimedOut) //#unexpect-sample val handle = expect { case Response(name, value) ⇒ values += value if (values.size > 3) processList() case TimedOut ⇒ processList() } def processList() { unexpect(handle) if (values.size > 0) { context.actorSelection("/user/evaluator") ! values.toList expectOnce { case EvaluationResults(name, eval) ⇒ processFinal(eval) } } else processFinal(List.empty[Int]) } //#unexpect-sample def processFinal(eval: List[Int]) { // Select only the entries coming back from eval originalSender ! FinalResponse(eval map values) context.stop(self) } } } //#chain-sample class AggregatorSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test")) with ImplicitSender with FunSuiteLike with Matchers { test("Test request 1 account type") { system.actorOf(Props[AccountBalanceRetriever]) ! GetCustomerAccountBalances(1, Set(Savings)) receiveOne(10.seconds) match { case result: List[_] ⇒ result should have size 1 case result ⇒ assert(false, s"Expect List, got ${result.getClass}") } } test("Test request 3 account types") { system.actorOf(Props[AccountBalanceRetriever]) ! GetCustomerAccountBalances(1, Set(Checking, Savings, MoneyMarket)) receiveOne(10.seconds) match { case result: List[_] ⇒ result should have size 3 case result ⇒ assert(false, s"Expect List, got ${result.getClass}") } } } final case class TestEntry(id: Int) class WorkListSpec extends FunSuiteLike { val workList = WorkList.empty[TestEntry] var entry2: TestEntry = null var entry4: TestEntry = null test("Processing empty WorkList") { // ProcessAndRemove something in the middle val processed = workList process { case TestEntry(9) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false } assert(!processed) } test("Insert temp entries") { assert(workList.head === workList.tail) val entry0 = TestEntry(0) workList.add(entry0, permanent = false) assert(workList.head.next != null) assert(workList.tail === workList.head.next) assert(workList.tail.ref.get === entry0) val entry1 = TestEntry(1) workList.add(entry1, permanent = false) assert(workList.head.next != workList.tail) assert(workList.head.next.ref.get === entry0) assert(workList.tail.ref.get === entry1) entry2 = TestEntry(2) workList.add(entry2, permanent = false) assert(workList.tail.ref.get === entry2) val entry3 = TestEntry(3) workList.add(entry3, permanent = false) assert(workList.tail.ref.get === entry3) } test("Process temp entries") { // ProcessAndRemove something in the middle assert(workList process { case TestEntry(2) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false }) // ProcessAndRemove the head assert(workList process { case TestEntry(0) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false }) // ProcessAndRemove the tail assert(workList process { case TestEntry(3) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false }) } test("Re-insert permanent entry") { entry4 = TestEntry(4) workList.add(entry4, permanent = true) assert(workList.tail.ref.get === entry4) } test("Process permanent entry") { assert(workList process { case TestEntry(4) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false }) } test("Remove permanent entry") { val removed = workList remove entry4 assert(removed) } test("Remove temp entry already processed") { val removed = workList remove entry2 assert(!removed) } test("Process non-matching entries") { val processed = workList process { case TestEntry(2) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false } assert(!processed) val processed2 = workList process { case TestEntry(5) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false } assert(!processed2) } test("Append two lists") { workList.removeAll() 0 to 4 foreach { id ⇒ workList.add(TestEntry(id), permanent = false) } val l2 = new WorkList[TestEntry] 5 to 9 foreach { id ⇒ l2.add(TestEntry(id), permanent = true) } workList addAll l2 @tailrec def checkEntries(id: Int, entry: WorkList.Entry[TestEntry]): Int = { if (entry == null) id else { assert(entry.ref.get.id === id) checkEntries(id + 1, entry.next) } } assert(checkEntries(0, workList.head.next) === 10) } test("Clear list") { workList.removeAll() assert(workList.head.next === null) assert(workList.tail === workList.head) } val workList2 = WorkList.empty[PartialFunction[Any, Unit]] val fn1: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case s: String ⇒ val result1 = workList2 remove fn1 assert(result1 === true, "First remove must return true") val result2 = workList2 remove fn1 assert(result2 === false, "Second remove must return false") } val fn2: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case s: String ⇒ workList2.add(fn1, permanent = true) } test("Reentrant insert") { workList2.add(fn2, permanent = false) assert(workList2.head.next != null) assert(workList2.tail == workList2.head.next) // Processing inserted fn1, reentrant adding fn2 workList2 process { fn ⇒ var processed = true fn.applyOrElse("Foo", (_: Any) ⇒ processed = false) processed } } test("Reentrant delete") { // Processing inserted fn2, should delete itself workList2 process { fn ⇒ var processed = true fn.applyOrElse("Foo", (_: Any) ⇒ processed = false) processed } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka AggregatorSpec.scala source code file: |
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