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Akka/Scala example source code file (FutureDocSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (FutureDocSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, akka, arithmeticexception, concurrent, future, getnext, hello, illegalstateexception, ohnoes, string, test, testing, time, timeout, world

The FutureDocSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package docs.future

import language.postfixOps

import akka.testkit._
import{ Actor, Props }
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.lang.IllegalStateException
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, ExecutionContext, Future, Promise }
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }

object FutureDocSpec {

  class MyActor extends Actor {
    def receive = {
      case x: String       => sender() ! x.toUpperCase
      case x: Int if x < 0 => sender() ! Status.Failure(new ArithmeticException("Negative values not supported"))
      case x: Int          => sender() ! x

  case object GetNext

  class OddActor extends Actor {
    var n = 1
    def receive = {
      case GetNext =>
        sender() ! n
        n += 2

class FutureDocSpec extends AkkaSpec {
  import FutureDocSpec._
  import system.dispatcher

  val println: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case _ => }

  "demonstrate usage custom ExecutionContext" in {
    val yourExecutorServiceGoesHere = java.util.concurrent.Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
    import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Promise }

    implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(yourExecutorServiceGoesHere)

    // Do stuff with your brand new shiny ExecutionContext
    val f = Promise.successful("foo")

    // Then shut your ExecutionContext down at some
    // appropriate place in your program/application

  "demonstrate usage of blocking from actor" in {
    val actor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val msg = "hello"
    import scala.concurrent.Await
    import akka.pattern.ask
    import akka.util.Timeout
    import scala.concurrent.duration._

    implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
    val future = actor ? msg // enabled by the “ask” import
    val result = Await.result(future, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[String]

    import akka.pattern.pipe
    future pipeTo actor

    result should be("HELLO")

  "demonstrate usage of mapTo" in {
    val actor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val msg = "hello"
    implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
    import scala.concurrent.Future
    import akka.pattern.ask

    val future: Future[String] = ask(actor, msg).mapTo[String]
    Await.result(future, timeout.duration) should be("HELLO")

  "demonstrate usage of simple future eval" in {
    import scala.concurrent.Await
    import scala.concurrent.Future
    import scala.concurrent.duration._

    val future = Future {
      "Hello" + "World"
    future foreach println
    Await.result(future, 3 seconds) should be("HelloWorld")

  "demonstrate usage of map" in {
    val f1 = Future {
      "Hello" + "World"
    val f2 = f1 map { x =>
    f2 foreach println
    val result = Await.result(f2, 3 seconds)
    result should be(10)
    f1.value should be(Some(Success("HelloWorld")))

  "demonstrate wrong usage of nested map" in {
    val f1 = Future {
      "Hello" + "World"
    val f2 = Future.successful(3)
    val f3 = f1 map { x =>
      f2 map { y =>
        x.length * y
    f3 foreach println
    Await.ready(f3, 3 seconds)

  "demonstrate usage of flatMap" in {
    val f1 = Future {
      "Hello" + "World"
    val f2 = Future.successful(3)
    val f3 = f1 flatMap { x =>
      f2 map { y =>
        x.length * y
    f3 foreach println
    val result = Await.result(f3, 3 seconds)
    result should be(30)

  "demonstrate usage of filter" in {
    val future1 = Future.successful(4)
    val future2 = future1.filter(_ % 2 == 0)

    future2 foreach println

    val failedFilter = future1.filter(_ % 2 == 1).recover {
      // When filter fails, it will have a java.util.NoSuchElementException
      case m: NoSuchElementException => 0

    failedFilter foreach println
    val result = Await.result(future2, 3 seconds)
    result should be(4)
    val result2 = Await.result(failedFilter, 3 seconds)
    result2 should be(0) //Can only be 0 when there was a MatchError

  "demonstrate usage of for comprehension" in {
    val f = for {
      a <- Future(10 / 2) // 10 / 2 = 5
      b <- Future(a + 1) //  5 + 1 = 6
      c <- Future(a - 1) //  5 - 1 = 4
      if c > 3 // Future.filter
    } yield b * c //  6 * 4 = 24

    // Note that the execution of futures a, b, and c
    // are not done in parallel.

    f foreach println
    val result = Await.result(f, 3 seconds)
    result should be(24)

  "demonstrate wrong way of composing" in {
    val actor1 = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val actor2 = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val actor3 = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val msg1 = 1
    val msg2 = 2
    implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
    import scala.concurrent.Await
    import akka.pattern.ask

    val f1 = ask(actor1, msg1)
    val f2 = ask(actor2, msg2)

    val a = Await.result(f1, 3 seconds).asInstanceOf[Int]
    val b = Await.result(f2, 3 seconds).asInstanceOf[Int]

    val f3 = ask(actor3, (a + b))

    val result = Await.result(f3, 3 seconds).asInstanceOf[Int]
    result should be(3)

  "demonstrate composing" in {
    val actor1 = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val actor2 = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val actor3 = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val msg1 = 1
    val msg2 = 2
    implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
    import scala.concurrent.Await
    import akka.pattern.ask

    val f1 = ask(actor1, msg1)
    val f2 = ask(actor2, msg2)

    val f3 = for {
      a <- f1.mapTo[Int]
      b <- f2.mapTo[Int]
      c <- ask(actor3, (a + b)).mapTo[Int]
    } yield c

    f3 foreach println
    val result = Await.result(f3, 3 seconds).asInstanceOf[Int]
    result should be(3)

  "demonstrate usage of sequence with actors" in {
    implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
    val oddActor = system.actorOf(Props[OddActor])
    // oddActor returns odd numbers sequentially from 1 as a List[Future[Int]]
    val listOfFutures = List.fill(100)(akka.pattern.ask(oddActor, GetNext).mapTo[Int])

    // now we have a Future[List[Int]]
    val futureList = Future.sequence(listOfFutures)

    // Find the sum of the odd numbers
    val oddSum =
    oddSum foreach println
    Await.result(oddSum, 3 seconds).asInstanceOf[Int] should be(10000)

  "demonstrate usage of sequence" in {
    val futureList = Future.sequence((1 to 100) => Future(x * 2 - 1)))
    val oddSum =
    oddSum foreach println
    Await.result(oddSum, 3 seconds).asInstanceOf[Int] should be(10000)

  "demonstrate usage of traverse" in {
    val futureList = Future.traverse((1 to 100).toList)(x => Future(x * 2 - 1))
    val oddSum =
    oddSum foreach println
    Await.result(oddSum, 3 seconds).asInstanceOf[Int] should be(10000)

  "demonstrate usage of fold" in {
    // Create a sequence of Futures
    val futures = for (i <- 1 to 1000) yield Future(i * 2)
    val futureSum = Future.fold(futures)(0)(_ + _)
    futureSum foreach println
    Await.result(futureSum, 3 seconds) should be(1001000)

  "demonstrate usage of reduce" in {
    // Create a sequence of Futures
    val futures = for (i <- 1 to 1000) yield Future(i * 2)
    val futureSum = Future.reduce(futures)(_ + _)
    futureSum foreach println
    Await.result(futureSum, 3 seconds) should be(1001000)

  "demonstrate usage of recover" in {
    implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
    val actor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val msg1 = -1
    val future = akka.pattern.ask(actor, msg1) recover {
      case e: ArithmeticException => 0
    future foreach println
    Await.result(future, 3 seconds) should be(0)

  "demonstrate usage of recoverWith" in {
    implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
    val actor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
    val msg1 = -1
    val future = akka.pattern.ask(actor, msg1) recoverWith {
      case e: ArithmeticException => Future.successful(0)
      case foo: IllegalArgumentException =>
        Future.failed[Int](new IllegalStateException("All br0ken!"))
    future foreach println
    Await.result(future, 3 seconds) should be(0)

  "demonstrate usage of zip" in {
    val future1 = Future { "foo" }
    val future2 = Future { "bar" }
    val future3 = future1 zip future2 map { case (a, b) => a + " " + b }
    future3 foreach println
    Await.result(future3, 3 seconds) should be("foo bar")

  "demonstrate usage of andThen" in {
    def loadPage(s: String) = s
    val url = "foo bar"
    def log(cause: Throwable) = ()
    def watchSomeTV(): Unit = ()
    val result = Future { loadPage(url) } andThen {
      case Failure(exception) => log(exception)
    } andThen {
      case _ => watchSomeTV()
    result foreach println
    Await.result(result, 3 seconds) should be("foo bar")

  "demonstrate usage of fallbackTo" in {
    val future1 = Future { "foo" }
    val future2 = Future { "bar" }
    val future3 = Future { "pigdog" }
    val future4 = future1 fallbackTo future2 fallbackTo future3
    future4 foreach println
    Await.result(future4, 3 seconds) should be("foo")

  "demonstrate usage of onSuccess & onFailure & onComplete" in {
      val future = Future { "foo" }
      future onSuccess {
        case "bar"     => println("Got my bar alright!")
        case x: String => println("Got some random string: " + x)
      Await.result(future, 3 seconds) should be("foo")
      val future = Future.failed[String](new IllegalStateException("OHNOES"))
      future onFailure {
        case ise: IllegalStateException if ise.getMessage == "OHNOES" =>
        //OHNOES! We are in deep trouble, do something!
        case e: Exception =>
        //Do something else
      val future = Future { "foo" }
      def doSomethingOnSuccess(r: String) = ()
      def doSomethingOnFailure(t: Throwable) = ()
      future onComplete {
        case Success(result)  => doSomethingOnSuccess(result)
        case Failure(failure) => doSomethingOnFailure(failure)
      Await.result(future, 3 seconds) should be("foo")

  "demonstrate usage of Future.successful & Future.failed & Future.promise" in {
    val future = Future.successful("Yay!")
    val otherFuture = Future.failed[String](new IllegalArgumentException("Bang!"))
    val promise = Promise[String]()
    val theFuture = promise.future
    Await.result(future, 3 seconds) should be("Yay!")
    intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Await.result(otherFuture, 3 seconds) }
    Await.result(theFuture, 3 seconds) should be("hello")

  "demonstrate usage of pattern.after" in {
    // TODO after is unfortunately shadowed by ScalaTest, fix as part of #3759
    // import akka.pattern.after

    val delayed = akka.pattern.after(200 millis, using = system.scheduler)(Future.failed(
      new IllegalStateException("OHNOES")))
    val future = Future { Thread.sleep(1000); "foo" }
    val result = Future firstCompletedOf Seq(future, delayed)
    intercept[IllegalStateException] { Await.result(result, 2 second) }

  "demonstrate context.dispatcher" in {
    class A extends Actor {
      import context.dispatcher
      val f = Future("hello")
      def receive = {
        case _ =>


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka FutureDocSpec.scala source code file:

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