Akka/Scala example source code file (TestkitDocSpec.scala)
The TestkitDocSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package docs.testkit import language.postfixOps import scala.util.Success import akka.testkit._ //#imports-test-probe import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.actor._ import akka.testkit.TestProbe //#imports-test-probe import scala.util.control.NonFatal object TestkitDocSpec { case object Say42 case object Unknown class MyActor extends Actor { def receive = { case Say42 => sender() ! 42 case "some work" => sender() ! "some result" } } class TestFsmActor extends Actor with FSM[Int, String] { startWith(1, "") when(1) { case Event("go", _) => goto(2) using "go" } when(2) { case Event("back", _) => goto(1) using "back" } } //#my-double-echo class MyDoubleEcho extends Actor { var dest1: ActorRef = _ var dest2: ActorRef = _ def receive = { case (d1: ActorRef, d2: ActorRef) => dest1 = d1 dest2 = d2 case x => dest1 ! x dest2 ! x } } //#my-double-echo import akka.testkit.TestProbe //#test-probe-forward-actors class Source(target: ActorRef) extends Actor { def receive = { case "start" => target ! "work" } } class Destination extends Actor { def receive = { case x => // Do something.. } } //#test-probe-forward-actors class LoggingActor extends Actor { //#logging-receive import akka.event.LoggingReceive def receive = LoggingReceive { case msg => // Do something ... } def otherState: Receive = LoggingReceive.withLabel("other") { case msg => // Do something else ... } //#logging-receive } } class TestkitDocSpec extends AkkaSpec with DefaultTimeout with ImplicitSender { import TestkitDocSpec._ "demonstrate usage of TestActorRef" in { //#test-actor-ref import akka.testkit.TestActorRef val actorRef = TestActorRef[MyActor] val actor = actorRef.underlyingActor //#test-actor-ref } "demonstrate usage of TestFSMRef" in { //#test-fsm-ref import akka.testkit.TestFSMRef import akka.actor.FSM import scala.concurrent.duration._ val fsm = TestFSMRef(new TestFsmActor) val mustBeTypedProperly: TestActorRef[TestFsmActor] = fsm assert(fsm.stateName == 1) assert(fsm.stateData == "") fsm ! "go" // being a TestActorRef, this runs also on the CallingThreadDispatcher assert(fsm.stateName == 2) assert(fsm.stateData == "go") fsm.setState(stateName = 1) assert(fsm.stateName == 1) assert(fsm.isTimerActive("test") == false) fsm.setTimer("test", 12, 10 millis, true) assert(fsm.isTimerActive("test") == true) fsm.cancelTimer("test") assert(fsm.isTimerActive("test") == false) //#test-fsm-ref } "demonstrate testing of behavior" in { //#test-behavior import akka.testkit.TestActorRef import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Await import akka.pattern.ask val actorRef = TestActorRef(new MyActor) // hypothetical message stimulating a '42' answer val future = actorRef ? Say42 val Success(result: Int) = future.value.get result should be(42) //#test-behavior } "demonstrate unhandled message" in { //#test-unhandled import akka.testkit.TestActorRef system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[UnhandledMessage]) val ref = TestActorRef[MyActor] ref.receive(Unknown) expectMsg(1 second, UnhandledMessage(Unknown, system.deadLetters, ref)) //#test-unhandled } "demonstrate expecting exceptions" in { //#test-expecting-exceptions import akka.testkit.TestActorRef val actorRef = TestActorRef(new Actor { def receive = { case "hello" => throw new IllegalArgumentException("boom") } }) intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { actorRef.receive("hello") } //#test-expecting-exceptions } "demonstrate within" in { type Worker = MyActor //#test-within import akka.actor.Props import scala.concurrent.duration._ val worker = system.actorOf(Props[Worker]) within(200 millis) { worker ! "some work" expectMsg("some result") expectNoMsg // will block for the rest of the 200ms Thread.sleep(300) // will NOT make this block fail } //#test-within } "demonstrate dilated duration" in { //#duration-dilation import scala.concurrent.duration._ import akka.testkit._ 10.milliseconds.dilated //#duration-dilation } "demonstrate usage of probe" in { //#test-probe val probe1 = TestProbe() val probe2 = TestProbe() val actor = system.actorOf(Props[MyDoubleEcho]) actor ! ((probe1.ref, probe2.ref)) actor ! "hello" probe1.expectMsg(500 millis, "hello") probe2.expectMsg(500 millis, "hello") //#test-probe //#test-special-probe final case class Update(id: Int, value: String) val probe = new TestProbe(system) { def expectUpdate(x: Int) = { expectMsgPF() { case Update(id, _) if id == x => true } sender() ! "ACK" } } //#test-special-probe } "demonstrate probe watch" in { import akka.testkit.TestProbe val target = system.actorOf(Props.empty) //#test-probe-watch val probe = TestProbe() probe watch target target ! PoisonPill probe.expectTerminated(target) //#test-probe-watch } "demonstrate probe reply" in { import akka.testkit.TestProbe import scala.concurrent.duration._ import akka.pattern.ask //#test-probe-reply val probe = TestProbe() val future = probe.ref ? "hello" probe.expectMsg(0 millis, "hello") // TestActor runs on CallingThreadDispatcher probe.reply("world") assert(future.isCompleted && future.value == Some(Success("world"))) //#test-probe-reply } "demonstrate probe forward" in { import akka.testkit.TestProbe import akka.actor.Props //#test-probe-forward val probe = TestProbe() val source = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Source], probe.ref)) val dest = system.actorOf(Props[Destination]) source ! "start" probe.expectMsg("work") probe.forward(dest) //#test-probe-forward } "demonstrate calling thread dispatcher" in { //#calling-thread-dispatcher import akka.testkit.CallingThreadDispatcher val ref = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor].withDispatcher(CallingThreadDispatcher.Id)) //#calling-thread-dispatcher } "demonstrate EventFilter" in { //#event-filter import akka.testkit.EventFilter import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory implicit val system = ActorSystem("testsystem", ConfigFactory.parseString(""" akka.loggers = ["akka.testkit.TestEventListener"] """)) try { val actor = system.actorOf(Props.empty) EventFilter[ActorKilledException](occurrences = 1) intercept { actor ! Kill } } finally { shutdown(system) } //#event-filter } "demonstrate TestKitBase" in { //#test-kit-base import akka.testkit.TestKitBase class MyTest extends TestKitBase { implicit lazy val system = ActorSystem() //#put-your-test-code-here val probe = TestProbe() probe.send(testActor, "hello") try expectMsg("hello") catch { case NonFatal(e) => system.shutdown(); throw e } //#put-your-test-code-here shutdown(system) } //#test-kit-base } "demonstrate within() nesting" in { intercept[AssertionError] { //#test-within-probe val probe = TestProbe() within(1 second) { probe.expectMsg("hello") } //#test-within-probe } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka TestkitDocSpec.scala source code file: |
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