Akka/Scala example source code file (microkernel.rst)
The microkernel.rst Akka example source code.. _microkernel-scala: Microkernel =================== The purpose of the Akka Microkernel is to offer a bundling mechanism so that you can distribute an Akka application as a single payload, without the need to run in a Java Application Server or manually having to create a launcher script. The Akka Microkernel is included in the Akka download found at `downloads`_. .. _downloads: http://akka.io/downloads To run an application with the microkernel you need to create a Bootable class that handles the startup and shutdown the application. An example is included below. Put your application jar in the ``deploy`` directory and additional dependencies in the ``lib`` directory to have them automatically loaded and placed on the classpath. To start the kernel use the scripts in the ``bin`` directory, passing the boot classes for your application. The start script adds ``config`` directory first in the classpath, followed by ``lib/*``. It runs java with main class ``akka.kernel.Main`` and the supplied Bootable class as argument. Example command (on a unix-based system): .. code-block:: none bin/akka sample.kernel.hello.HelloKernel Use ``Ctrl-C`` to interrupt and exit the microkernel. On a Windows machine you can also use the bin/akka.bat script. The code for the Hello Kernel example (see the ``HelloKernel`` class for an example of creating a Bootable): .. includecode:: ../../../akka-samples/akka-sample-hello-kernel/src/main/scala/sample/kernel/hello/HelloKernel.scala Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka microkernel.rst source code file: |
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