Akka/Scala example source code file (Conductor.scala)
The Conductor.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.remote.testconductor import language.postfixOps import akka.actor.{ Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, LoggingFSM, Props, NoSerializationVerificationNeeded } import RemoteConnection.getAddrString import TestConductorProtocol._ import org.jboss.netty.channel.{ Channel, SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler, ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent, MessageEvent } import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import scala.concurrent.duration._ import akka.pattern.ask import scala.concurrent.Await import akka.event.{ LoggingAdapter, Logging } import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace import akka.event.LoggingReceive import java.net.InetSocketAddress import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.actor.{ OneForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy, Status, Address, PoisonPill } import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS import akka.util.{ Timeout } import scala.reflect.classTag import akka.ConfigurationException import akka.AkkaException import akka.remote.transport.ThrottlerTransportAdapter.Direction import akka.actor.Deploy /** * The conductor is the one orchestrating the test: it governs the * [[akka.remote.testconductor.Controller]]’s port to which all * [[akka.remote.testconductor.Player]]s connect, it issues commands to their * [[akka.remote.testconductor.NetworkFailureInjector]] and provides support * for barriers using the [[akka.remote.testconductor.BarrierCoordinator]]. * All of this is bundled inside the [[akka.remote.testconductor.TestConductorExt]] * extension. */ trait Conductor { this: TestConductorExt ⇒ import Controller._ private var _controller: ActorRef = _ private def controller: ActorRef = _controller match { case null ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("TestConductorServer was not started") case x ⇒ x } /** * Start the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Controller]], which in turn will * bind to a TCP port as specified in the `akka.testconductor.port` config * property, where 0 denotes automatic allocation. Since the latter is * actually preferred, a `Future[Int]` is returned which will be completed * with the port number actually chosen, so that this can then be communicated * to the players for their proper start-up. * * This method also invokes [[akka.remote.testconductor.Player]].startClient, * since it is expected that the conductor participates in barriers for * overall coordination. The returned Future will only be completed once the * client’s start-up finishes, which in fact waits for all other players to * connect. * * @param participants gives the number of participants which shall connect * before any of their startClient() operations complete. */ def startController(participants: Int, name: RoleName, controllerPort: InetSocketAddress): Future[InetSocketAddress] = { if (_controller ne null) throw new RuntimeException("TestConductorServer was already started") _controller = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Controller], participants, controllerPort), "controller") import Settings.BarrierTimeout import system.dispatcher controller ? GetSockAddr flatMap { case sockAddr: InetSocketAddress ⇒ startClient(name, sockAddr) map (_ ⇒ sockAddr) } } /** * Obtain the port to which the controller’s socket is actually bound. This * will deviate from the configuration in `akka.testconductor.port` in case * that was given as zero. */ def sockAddr: Future[InetSocketAddress] = { import Settings.QueryTimeout controller ? GetSockAddr mapTo classTag[InetSocketAddress] } /** * Make the remoting pipeline on the node throttle data sent to or received * from the given remote peer. Throttling works by delaying packet submission * within the netty pipeline until the packet would have been completely sent * according to the given rate, the previous packet completion and the current * packet length. In case of large packets they are split up if the calculated * send pause would exceed `akka.testconductor.packet-split-threshold` * (roughly). All of this uses the system’s scheduler, which is not * terribly precise and will execute tasks later than they are schedule (even * on average), but that is countered by using the actual execution time for * determining how much to send, leading to the correct output rate, but with * increased latency. * * ====Note==== * To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler * transport adapters by specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig. * * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be throttled * @param direction can be either `Direction.Send`, `Direction.Receive` or `Direction.Both` * @param rateMBit is the maximum data rate in MBit */ def throttle(node: RoleName, target: RoleName, direction: Direction, rateMBit: Double): Future[Done] = { import Settings.QueryTimeout requireTestConductorTranport() controller ? Throttle(node, target, direction, rateMBit.toFloat) mapTo classTag[Done] } /** * Switch the Netty pipeline of the remote support into blackhole mode for * sending and/or receiving: it will just drop all messages right before * submitting them to the Socket or right after receiving them from the * Socket. * * ====Note==== * To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler * transport adapters by specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig. * * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded * @param direction can be either `Direction.Send`, `Direction.Receive` or `Direction.Both` */ def blackhole(node: RoleName, target: RoleName, direction: Direction): Future[Done] = throttle(node, target, direction, 0f) private def requireTestConductorTranport(): Unit = if (!transport.defaultAddress.protocol.contains(".trttl.gremlin.")) throw new ConfigurationException("To use this feature you must activate the failure injector adapters " + "(trttl, gremlin) by specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig.") /** * Switch the Netty pipeline of the remote support into pass through mode for * sending and/or receiving. * * ====Note==== * To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler * transport adapters by specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig. * * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded * @param direction can be either `Direction.Send`, `Direction.Receive` or `Direction.Both` */ def passThrough(node: RoleName, target: RoleName, direction: Direction): Future[Done] = throttle(node, target, direction, -1f) /** * Tell the remote support to shutdown the connection to the given remote * peer. It works regardless of whether the recipient was initiator or * responder. * * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded */ def disconnect(node: RoleName, target: RoleName): Future[Done] = { import Settings.QueryTimeout controller ? Disconnect(node, target, false) mapTo classTag[Done] } /** * Tell the remote support to TCP_RESET the connection to the given remote * peer. It works regardless of whether the recipient was initiator or * responder. * * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded */ def abort(node: RoleName, target: RoleName): Future[Done] = { import Settings.QueryTimeout controller ? Disconnect(node, target, true) mapTo classTag[Done] } /** * Tell the remote node to shut itself down using System.exit with the given * exitValue. The node will also be removed, so that the remaining nodes may still * pass subsequent barriers. * * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected * @param exitValue is the return code which shall be given to System.exit */ def exit(node: RoleName, exitValue: Int): Future[Done] = { import Settings.QueryTimeout import system.dispatcher // the recover is needed to handle ClientDisconnectedException exception, // which is normal during shutdown controller ? Terminate(node, Right(exitValue)) mapTo classTag[Done] recover { case _: ClientDisconnectedException ⇒ Done } } /** * Tell the actor system at the remote node to shut itself down. The node will also be * removed, so that the remaining nodes may still pass subsequent barriers. * * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected */ def shutdown(node: RoleName): Future[Done] = shutdown(node, abort = false) /** * Tell the actor system at the remote node to shut itself down without * awaiting termination of remote-deployed children. The node will also be * removed, so that the remaining nodes may still pass subsequent barriers. * * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected */ def shutdown(node: RoleName, abort: Boolean): Future[Done] = { import Settings.QueryTimeout import system.dispatcher // the recover is needed to handle ClientDisconnectedException exception, // which is normal during shutdown controller ? Terminate(node, Left(abort)) mapTo classTag[Done] recover { case _: ClientDisconnectedException ⇒ Done } } /** * Obtain the list of remote host names currently registered. */ def getNodes: Future[Iterable[RoleName]] = { import Settings.QueryTimeout controller ? GetNodes mapTo classTag[Iterable[RoleName]] } /** * Remove a remote host from the list, so that the remaining nodes may still * pass subsequent barriers. This must be done before the client connection * breaks down in order to affect an “orderly” removal (i.e. without failing * present and future barriers). * * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be removed */ def removeNode(node: RoleName): Future[Done] = { import Settings.QueryTimeout controller ? Remove(node) mapTo classTag[Done] } } /** * This handler is installed at the end of the controller’s netty pipeline. Its only * purpose is to dispatch incoming messages to the right ServerFSM actor. There is * one shared instance of this class for all connections accepted by one Controller. * * INTERNAL API. */ private[akka] class ConductorHandler(_createTimeout: Timeout, controller: ActorRef, log: LoggingAdapter) extends SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler { implicit val createTimeout = _createTimeout val clients = new ConcurrentHashMap[Channel, ActorRef]() override def channelConnected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = { val channel = event.getChannel log.debug("connection from {}", getAddrString(channel)) val fsm: ActorRef = Await.result(controller ? Controller.CreateServerFSM(channel) mapTo classTag[ActorRef], Duration.Inf) clients.put(channel, fsm) } override def channelDisconnected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = { val channel = event.getChannel log.debug("disconnect from {}", getAddrString(channel)) val fsm = clients.get(channel) fsm ! Controller.ClientDisconnected clients.remove(channel) } override def messageReceived(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: MessageEvent) = { val channel = event.getChannel log.debug("message from {}: {}", getAddrString(channel), event.getMessage) event.getMessage match { case msg: NetworkOp ⇒ clients.get(channel) ! msg case msg ⇒ log.info("client {} sent garbage '{}', disconnecting", getAddrString(channel), msg) channel.close() } } } /** * INTERNAL API. */ private[akka] object ServerFSM { sealed trait State case object Initial extends State case object Ready extends State } /** * The server part of each client connection is represented by a ServerFSM. * The Initial state handles reception of the new client’s * [[akka.remote.testconductor.Hello]] message (which is needed for all subsequent * node name translations). * * In the Ready state, messages from the client are forwarded to the controller * and [[akka.remote.testconductor.Send]] requests are sent, but the latter is * treated specially: all client operations are to be confirmed by a * [[akka.remote.testconductor.Done]] message, and there can be only one such * request outstanding at a given time (i.e. a Send fails if the previous has * not yet been acknowledged). * * INTERNAL API. */ private[akka] class ServerFSM(val controller: ActorRef, val channel: Channel) extends Actor with LoggingFSM[ServerFSM.State, Option[ActorRef]] { import ServerFSM._ import akka.actor.FSM._ import Controller._ var roleName: RoleName = null startWith(Initial, None) whenUnhandled { case Event(ClientDisconnected, Some(s)) ⇒ s ! Status.Failure(new ClientDisconnectedException("client disconnected in state " + stateName + ": " + channel)) stop() case Event(ClientDisconnected, None) ⇒ stop() } onTermination { case _ ⇒ controller ! ClientDisconnected(roleName) channel.close() } when(Initial, stateTimeout = 10 seconds) { case Event(Hello(name, addr), _) ⇒ roleName = RoleName(name) controller ! NodeInfo(roleName, addr, self) goto(Ready) case Event(x: NetworkOp, _) ⇒ log.warning("client {} sent no Hello in first message (instead {}), disconnecting", getAddrString(channel), x) channel.close() stop() case Event(ToClient(msg), _) ⇒ log.warning("cannot send {} in state Initial", msg) stay case Event(StateTimeout, _) ⇒ log.info("closing channel to {} because of Hello timeout", getAddrString(channel)) channel.close() stop() } when(Ready) { case Event(d: Done, Some(s)) ⇒ s ! d stay using None case Event(op: ServerOp, _) ⇒ controller ! op stay case Event(msg: NetworkOp, _) ⇒ log.warning("client {} sent unsupported message {}", getAddrString(channel), msg) stop() case Event(ToClient(msg: UnconfirmedClientOp), _) ⇒ channel.write(msg) stay case Event(ToClient(msg), None) ⇒ channel.write(msg) stay using Some(sender()) case Event(ToClient(msg), _) ⇒ log.warning("cannot send {} while waiting for previous ACK", msg) stay } initialize() } /** * INTERNAL API. */ private[akka] object Controller { final case class ClientDisconnected(name: RoleName) class ClientDisconnectedException(msg: String) extends AkkaException(msg) with NoStackTrace case object GetNodes case object GetSockAddr final case class CreateServerFSM(channel: Channel) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded final case class NodeInfo(name: RoleName, addr: Address, fsm: ActorRef) } /** * This controls test execution by managing barriers (delegated to * [[akka.remote.testconductor.BarrierCoordinator]], its child) and allowing * network and other failures to be injected at the test nodes. * * INTERNAL API. */ private[akka] class Controller(private var initialParticipants: Int, controllerPort: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor { import Controller._ import BarrierCoordinator._ val settings = TestConductor().Settings val connection = RemoteConnection(Server, controllerPort, settings.ServerSocketWorkerPoolSize, new ConductorHandler(settings.QueryTimeout, self, Logging(context.system, "ConductorHandler"))) /* * Supervision of the BarrierCoordinator means to catch all his bad emotions * and sometimes console him (BarrierEmpty, BarrierTimeout), sometimes tell * him to hate the world (WrongBarrier, DuplicateNode, ClientLost). The latter shall help * terminate broken tests as quickly as possible (i.e. without awaiting * BarrierTimeouts in the players). */ override def supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() { case BarrierTimeout(data) ⇒ failBarrier(data) case FailedBarrier(data) ⇒ failBarrier(data) case BarrierEmpty(data, msg) ⇒ SupervisorStrategy.Resume case WrongBarrier(name, client, data) ⇒ { client ! ToClient(BarrierResult(name, false)); failBarrier(data) } case ClientLost(data, node) ⇒ failBarrier(data) case DuplicateNode(data, node) ⇒ failBarrier(data) } def failBarrier(data: Data): SupervisorStrategy.Directive = { for (c ← data.arrived) c ! ToClient(BarrierResult(data.barrier, false)) SupervisorStrategy.Restart } val barrier = context.actorOf(Props[BarrierCoordinator], "barriers") var nodes = Map[RoleName, NodeInfo]() // map keeping unanswered queries for node addresses (enqueued upon GetAddress, serviced upon NodeInfo) var addrInterest = Map[RoleName, Set[ActorRef]]() val generation = Iterator from 1 override def receive = LoggingReceive { case CreateServerFSM(channel) ⇒ val (ip, port) = channel.getRemoteAddress match { case s: InetSocketAddress ⇒ (s.getAddress.getHostAddress, s.getPort) } val name = ip + ":" + port + "-server" + generation.next sender() ! context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ServerFSM], self, channel).withDeploy(Deploy.local), name) case c @ NodeInfo(name, addr, fsm) ⇒ barrier forward c if (nodes contains name) { if (initialParticipants > 0) { for (NodeInfo(_, _, client) ← nodes.values) client ! ToClient(BarrierResult("initial startup", false)) initialParticipants = 0 } fsm ! ToClient(BarrierResult("initial startup", false)) } else { nodes += name -> c if (initialParticipants <= 0) fsm ! ToClient(Done) else if (nodes.size == initialParticipants) { for (NodeInfo(_, _, client) ← nodes.values) client ! ToClient(Done) initialParticipants = 0 } if (addrInterest contains name) { addrInterest(name) foreach (_ ! ToClient(AddressReply(name, addr))) addrInterest -= name } } case c @ ClientDisconnected(name) ⇒ nodes -= name barrier forward c case op: ServerOp ⇒ op match { case _: EnterBarrier ⇒ barrier forward op case _: FailBarrier ⇒ barrier forward op case GetAddress(node) ⇒ if (nodes contains node) sender() ! ToClient(AddressReply(node, nodes(node).addr)) else addrInterest += node -> ((addrInterest get node getOrElse Set()) + sender()) case _: Done ⇒ //FIXME what should happen? } case op: CommandOp ⇒ op match { case Throttle(node, target, direction, rateMBit) ⇒ val t = nodes(target) nodes(node).fsm forward ToClient(ThrottleMsg(t.addr, direction, rateMBit)) case Disconnect(node, target, abort) ⇒ val t = nodes(target) nodes(node).fsm forward ToClient(DisconnectMsg(t.addr, abort)) case Terminate(node, shutdownOrExit) ⇒ barrier ! BarrierCoordinator.RemoveClient(node) nodes(node).fsm forward ToClient(TerminateMsg(shutdownOrExit)) nodes -= node case Remove(node) ⇒ barrier ! BarrierCoordinator.RemoveClient(node) } case GetNodes ⇒ sender() ! nodes.keys case GetSockAddr ⇒ sender() ! connection.getLocalAddress } override def postStop() { RemoteConnection.shutdown(connection) } } /** * INTERNAL API. */ private[akka] object BarrierCoordinator { sealed trait State case object Idle extends State case object Waiting extends State final case class RemoveClient(name: RoleName) final case class Data(clients: Set[Controller.NodeInfo], barrier: String, arrived: List[ActorRef], deadline: Deadline) trait Printer { this: Product with Throwable with NoStackTrace ⇒ override def toString = productPrefix + productIterator.mkString("(", ", ", ")") } final case class BarrierTimeout(data: Data) extends RuntimeException("timeout while waiting for barrier '" + data.barrier + "'") with NoStackTrace with Printer final case class FailedBarrier(data: Data) extends RuntimeException("failing barrier '" + data.barrier + "'") with NoStackTrace with Printer final case class DuplicateNode(data: Data, node: Controller.NodeInfo) extends RuntimeException(node.toString) with NoStackTrace with Printer final case class WrongBarrier(barrier: String, client: ActorRef, data: Data) extends RuntimeException(data.clients.find(_.fsm == client).map(_.name.toString).getOrElse(client.toString) + " tried to enter '" + barrier + "' while we were waiting for '" + data.barrier + "'") with NoStackTrace with Printer final case class BarrierEmpty(data: Data, msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) with NoStackTrace with Printer final case class ClientLost(data: Data, client: RoleName) extends RuntimeException("unannounced disconnect of " + client) with NoStackTrace with Printer } /** * This barrier coordinator gets informed of players connecting (NodeInfo), * players being deliberately removed (RemoveClient) or failing (ClientDisconnected) * by the controller. It also receives EnterBarrier requests, where upon the first * one received the name of the current barrier is set and all other known clients * are expected to join the barrier, whereupon all of the will be sent the successful * EnterBarrier return message. In case of planned removals, this may just happen * earlier, in case of failures the current barrier (and all subsequent ones) will * be failed by sending BarrierFailed responses. * * INTERNAL API. */ private[akka] class BarrierCoordinator extends Actor with LoggingFSM[BarrierCoordinator.State, BarrierCoordinator.Data] { import BarrierCoordinator._ import akka.actor.FSM._ import Controller._ import akka.util.{ Timeout ⇒ auTimeout } // this shall be set to true if all subsequent barriers shall fail var failed = false override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {} override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) { failed = true } // TODO what happens with the other waiting players in case of a test failure? startWith(Idle, Data(Set(), "", Nil, null)) whenUnhandled { case Event(n: NodeInfo, d @ Data(clients, _, _, _)) ⇒ if (clients.find(_.name == n.name).isDefined) throw new DuplicateNode(d, n) stay using d.copy(clients = clients + n) case Event(ClientDisconnected(name), d @ Data(clients, _, arrived, _)) ⇒ if (arrived.isEmpty) stay using d.copy(clients = clients.filterNot(_.name == name)) else { (clients find (_.name == name)) match { case None ⇒ stay case Some(c) ⇒ throw ClientLost(d.copy(clients = clients - c, arrived = arrived filterNot (_ == c.fsm)), name) } } } when(Idle) { case Event(EnterBarrier(name, timeout), d @ Data(clients, _, _, _)) ⇒ if (failed) stay replying ToClient(BarrierResult(name, false)) else if (clients.map(_.fsm) == Set(sender())) stay replying ToClient(BarrierResult(name, true)) else if (clients.find(_.fsm == sender()).isEmpty) stay replying ToClient(BarrierResult(name, false)) else { goto(Waiting) using d.copy(barrier = name, arrived = sender() :: Nil, deadline = getDeadline(timeout)) } case Event(RemoveClient(name), d @ Data(clients, _, _, _)) ⇒ if (clients.isEmpty) throw BarrierEmpty(d, "cannot remove " + name + ": no client to remove") stay using d.copy(clients = clients filterNot (_.name == name)) } onTransition { case Idle -> Waiting ⇒ setTimer("Timeout", StateTimeout, nextStateData.deadline.timeLeft, false) case Waiting -> Idle ⇒ cancelTimer("Timeout") } when(Waiting) { case Event(EnterBarrier(name, timeout), d @ Data(clients, barrier, arrived, deadline)) ⇒ if (name != barrier) throw WrongBarrier(name, sender(), d) val together = if (clients.exists(_.fsm == sender())) sender() :: arrived else arrived val enterDeadline = getDeadline(timeout) // we only allow the deadlines to get shorter if (enterDeadline.timeLeft < deadline.timeLeft) { setTimer("Timeout", StateTimeout, enterDeadline.timeLeft, false) handleBarrier(d.copy(arrived = together, deadline = enterDeadline)) } else handleBarrier(d.copy(arrived = together)) case Event(RemoveClient(name), d @ Data(clients, barrier, arrived, _)) ⇒ clients find (_.name == name) match { case None ⇒ stay case Some(client) ⇒ handleBarrier(d.copy(clients = clients - client, arrived = arrived filterNot (_ == client.fsm))) } case Event(FailBarrier(name), d @ Data(_, barrier, _, _)) ⇒ if (name != barrier) throw WrongBarrier(name, sender(), d) throw FailedBarrier(d) case Event(StateTimeout, d) ⇒ throw BarrierTimeout(d) } initialize() def handleBarrier(data: Data): State = { log.debug("handleBarrier({})", data) if (data.arrived.isEmpty) { goto(Idle) using data.copy(barrier = "") } else if ((data.clients.map(_.fsm) -- data.arrived).isEmpty) { data.arrived foreach (_ ! ToClient(BarrierResult(data.barrier, true))) goto(Idle) using data.copy(barrier = "", arrived = Nil) } else { stay using data } } def getDeadline(timeout: Option[FiniteDuration]): Deadline = { Deadline.now + timeout.getOrElse(TestConductor().Settings.BarrierTimeout.duration) } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka Conductor.scala source code file: |
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