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Akka/Scala example source code file (Conductor.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Conductor.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorref, akka, concurrent, data, duration, event, future, nodeinfo, nostacktrace, printer, reflection, rolename, state, time, toclient

The Conductor.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.remote.testconductor

import language.postfixOps
import{ Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, LoggingFSM, Props, NoSerializationVerificationNeeded }
import RemoteConnection.getAddrString
import TestConductorProtocol._
import{ Channel, SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler, ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent, MessageEvent }
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.pattern.ask
import scala.concurrent.Await
import akka.event.{ LoggingAdapter, Logging }
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import akka.event.LoggingReceive
import scala.concurrent.Future
import{ OneForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy, Status, Address, PoisonPill }
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
import akka.util.{ Timeout }
import scala.reflect.classTag
import akka.ConfigurationException
import akka.AkkaException
import akka.remote.transport.ThrottlerTransportAdapter.Direction

 * The conductor is the one orchestrating the test: it governs the
 * [[akka.remote.testconductor.Controller]]’s port to which all
 * [[akka.remote.testconductor.Player]]s connect, it issues commands to their
 * [[akka.remote.testconductor.NetworkFailureInjector]] and provides support
 * for barriers using the [[akka.remote.testconductor.BarrierCoordinator]].
 * All of this is bundled inside the [[akka.remote.testconductor.TestConductorExt]]
 * extension.
trait Conductor { this: TestConductorExt ⇒

  import Controller._

  private var _controller: ActorRef = _
  private def controller: ActorRef = _controller match {
    case null ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("TestConductorServer was not started")
    case x    ⇒ x

   * Start the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Controller]], which in turn will
   * bind to a TCP port as specified in the `akka.testconductor.port` config
   * property, where 0 denotes automatic allocation. Since the latter is
   * actually preferred, a `Future[Int]` is returned which will be completed
   * with the port number actually chosen, so that this can then be communicated
   * to the players for their proper start-up.
   * This method also invokes [[akka.remote.testconductor.Player]].startClient,
   * since it is expected that the conductor participates in barriers for
   * overall coordination. The returned Future will only be completed once the
   * client’s start-up finishes, which in fact waits for all other players to
   * connect.
   * @param participants gives the number of participants which shall connect
   * before any of their startClient() operations complete.
  def startController(participants: Int, name: RoleName, controllerPort: InetSocketAddress): Future[InetSocketAddress] = {
    if (_controller ne null) throw new RuntimeException("TestConductorServer was already started")
    _controller = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Controller], participants, controllerPort), "controller")
    import Settings.BarrierTimeout
    import system.dispatcher
    controller ? GetSockAddr flatMap { case sockAddr: InetSocketAddress ⇒ startClient(name, sockAddr) map (_ ⇒ sockAddr) }

   * Obtain the port to which the controller’s socket is actually bound. This
   * will deviate from the configuration in `akka.testconductor.port` in case
   * that was given as zero.
  def sockAddr: Future[InetSocketAddress] = {
    import Settings.QueryTimeout
    controller ? GetSockAddr mapTo classTag[InetSocketAddress]

   * Make the remoting pipeline on the node throttle data sent to or received
   * from the given remote peer. Throttling works by delaying packet submission
   * within the netty pipeline until the packet would have been completely sent
   * according to the given rate, the previous packet completion and the current
   * packet length. In case of large packets they are split up if the calculated
   * send pause would exceed `akka.testconductor.packet-split-threshold`
   * (roughly). All of this uses the system’s scheduler, which is not
   * terribly precise and will execute tasks later than they are schedule (even
   * on average), but that is countered by using the actual execution time for
   * determining how much to send, leading to the correct output rate, but with
   * increased latency.
   * ====Note====
   * To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler
   * transport adapters by specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig.
   * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
   * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be throttled
   * @param direction can be either `Direction.Send`, `Direction.Receive` or `Direction.Both`
   * @param rateMBit is the maximum data rate in MBit
  def throttle(node: RoleName, target: RoleName, direction: Direction, rateMBit: Double): Future[Done] = {
    import Settings.QueryTimeout
    controller ? Throttle(node, target, direction, rateMBit.toFloat) mapTo classTag[Done]

   * Switch the Netty pipeline of the remote support into blackhole mode for
   * sending and/or receiving: it will just drop all messages right before
   * submitting them to the Socket or right after receiving them from the
   * Socket.
   * ====Note====
   * To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler
   * transport adapters by specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig.
   * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
   * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded
   * @param direction can be either `Direction.Send`, `Direction.Receive` or `Direction.Both`
  def blackhole(node: RoleName, target: RoleName, direction: Direction): Future[Done] =
    throttle(node, target, direction, 0f)

  private def requireTestConductorTranport(): Unit =
    if (!transport.defaultAddress.protocol.contains(".trttl.gremlin."))
      throw new ConfigurationException("To use this feature you must activate the failure injector adapters " +
        "(trttl, gremlin) by specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig.")

   * Switch the Netty pipeline of the remote support into pass through mode for
   * sending and/or receiving.
   * ====Note====
   * To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler
   * transport adapters by specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig.
   * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
   * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded
   * @param direction can be either `Direction.Send`, `Direction.Receive` or `Direction.Both`
  def passThrough(node: RoleName, target: RoleName, direction: Direction): Future[Done] =
    throttle(node, target, direction, -1f)

   * Tell the remote support to shutdown the connection to the given remote
   * peer. It works regardless of whether the recipient was initiator or
   * responder.
   * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
   * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded
  def disconnect(node: RoleName, target: RoleName): Future[Done] = {
    import Settings.QueryTimeout
    controller ? Disconnect(node, target, false) mapTo classTag[Done]

   * Tell the remote support to TCP_RESET the connection to the given remote
   * peer. It works regardless of whether the recipient was initiator or
   * responder.
   * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
   * @param target is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded
  def abort(node: RoleName, target: RoleName): Future[Done] = {
    import Settings.QueryTimeout
    controller ? Disconnect(node, target, true) mapTo classTag[Done]

   * Tell the remote node to shut itself down using System.exit with the given
   * exitValue. The node will also be removed, so that the remaining nodes may still
   * pass subsequent barriers.
   * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
   * @param exitValue is the return code which shall be given to System.exit
  def exit(node: RoleName, exitValue: Int): Future[Done] = {
    import Settings.QueryTimeout
    import system.dispatcher
    // the recover is needed to handle ClientDisconnectedException exception,
    // which is normal during shutdown
    controller ? Terminate(node, Right(exitValue)) mapTo classTag[Done] recover { case _: ClientDisconnectedException ⇒ Done }

   * Tell the actor system at the remote node to shut itself down. The node will also be
   * removed, so that the remaining nodes may still pass subsequent barriers.
   * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
  def shutdown(node: RoleName): Future[Done] = shutdown(node, abort = false)

   * Tell the actor system at the remote node to shut itself down without
   * awaiting termination of remote-deployed children. The node will also be
   * removed, so that the remaining nodes may still pass subsequent barriers.
   * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
  def shutdown(node: RoleName, abort: Boolean): Future[Done] = {
    import Settings.QueryTimeout
    import system.dispatcher
    // the recover is needed to handle ClientDisconnectedException exception,
    // which is normal during shutdown
    controller ? Terminate(node, Left(abort)) mapTo classTag[Done] recover { case _: ClientDisconnectedException ⇒ Done }

   * Obtain the list of remote host names currently registered.
  def getNodes: Future[Iterable[RoleName]] = {
    import Settings.QueryTimeout
    controller ? GetNodes mapTo classTag[Iterable[RoleName]]

   * Remove a remote host from the list, so that the remaining nodes may still
   * pass subsequent barriers. This must be done before the client connection
   * breaks down in order to affect an “orderly” removal (i.e. without failing
   * present and future barriers).
   * @param node is the symbolic name of the node which is to be removed
  def removeNode(node: RoleName): Future[Done] = {
    import Settings.QueryTimeout
    controller ? Remove(node) mapTo classTag[Done]


 * This handler is installed at the end of the controller’s netty pipeline. Its only
 * purpose is to dispatch incoming messages to the right ServerFSM actor. There is
 * one shared instance of this class for all connections accepted by one Controller.
private[akka] class ConductorHandler(_createTimeout: Timeout, controller: ActorRef, log: LoggingAdapter) extends SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler {

  implicit val createTimeout = _createTimeout
  val clients = new ConcurrentHashMap[Channel, ActorRef]()

  override def channelConnected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = {
    val channel = event.getChannel
    log.debug("connection from {}", getAddrString(channel))
    val fsm: ActorRef = Await.result(controller ? Controller.CreateServerFSM(channel) mapTo classTag[ActorRef], Duration.Inf)
    clients.put(channel, fsm)

  override def channelDisconnected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = {
    val channel = event.getChannel
    log.debug("disconnect from {}", getAddrString(channel))
    val fsm = clients.get(channel)
    fsm ! Controller.ClientDisconnected

  override def messageReceived(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: MessageEvent) = {
    val channel = event.getChannel
    log.debug("message from {}: {}", getAddrString(channel), event.getMessage)
    event.getMessage match {
      case msg: NetworkOp ⇒
        clients.get(channel) ! msg
      case msg ⇒"client {} sent garbage '{}', disconnecting", getAddrString(channel), msg)


private[akka] object ServerFSM {
  sealed trait State
  case object Initial extends State
  case object Ready extends State

 * The server part of each client connection is represented by a ServerFSM.
 * The Initial state handles reception of the new client’s
 * [[akka.remote.testconductor.Hello]] message (which is needed for all subsequent
 * node name translations).
 * In the Ready state, messages from the client are forwarded to the controller
 * and [[akka.remote.testconductor.Send]] requests are sent, but the latter is
 * treated specially: all client operations are to be confirmed by a
 * [[akka.remote.testconductor.Done]] message, and there can be only one such
 * request outstanding at a given time (i.e. a Send fails if the previous has
 * not yet been acknowledged).
private[akka] class ServerFSM(val controller: ActorRef, val channel: Channel) extends Actor with LoggingFSM[ServerFSM.State, Option[ActorRef]] {
  import ServerFSM._
  import Controller._

  var roleName: RoleName = null

  startWith(Initial, None)

  whenUnhandled {
    case Event(ClientDisconnected, Some(s)) ⇒
      s ! Status.Failure(new ClientDisconnectedException("client disconnected in state " + stateName + ": " + channel))
    case Event(ClientDisconnected, None) ⇒ stop()

  onTermination {
    case _ ⇒
      controller ! ClientDisconnected(roleName)

  when(Initial, stateTimeout = 10 seconds) {
    case Event(Hello(name, addr), _) ⇒
      roleName = RoleName(name)
      controller ! NodeInfo(roleName, addr, self)
    case Event(x: NetworkOp, _) ⇒
      log.warning("client {} sent no Hello in first message (instead {}), disconnecting", getAddrString(channel), x)
    case Event(ToClient(msg), _) ⇒
      log.warning("cannot send {} in state Initial", msg)
    case Event(StateTimeout, _) ⇒"closing channel to {} because of Hello timeout", getAddrString(channel))

  when(Ready) {
    case Event(d: Done, Some(s)) ⇒
      s ! d
      stay using None
    case Event(op: ServerOp, _) ⇒
      controller ! op
    case Event(msg: NetworkOp, _) ⇒
      log.warning("client {} sent unsupported message {}", getAddrString(channel), msg)
    case Event(ToClient(msg: UnconfirmedClientOp), _) ⇒
    case Event(ToClient(msg), None) ⇒
      stay using Some(sender())
    case Event(ToClient(msg), _) ⇒
      log.warning("cannot send {} while waiting for previous ACK", msg)


private[akka] object Controller {
  final case class ClientDisconnected(name: RoleName)
  class ClientDisconnectedException(msg: String) extends AkkaException(msg) with NoStackTrace
  case object GetNodes
  case object GetSockAddr
  final case class CreateServerFSM(channel: Channel) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

  final case class NodeInfo(name: RoleName, addr: Address, fsm: ActorRef)

 * This controls test execution by managing barriers (delegated to
 * [[akka.remote.testconductor.BarrierCoordinator]], its child) and allowing
 * network and other failures to be injected at the test nodes.
private[akka] class Controller(private var initialParticipants: Int, controllerPort: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor {
  import Controller._
  import BarrierCoordinator._

  val settings = TestConductor().Settings
  val connection = RemoteConnection(Server, controllerPort, settings.ServerSocketWorkerPoolSize,
    new ConductorHandler(settings.QueryTimeout, self, Logging(context.system, "ConductorHandler")))

   * Supervision of the BarrierCoordinator means to catch all his bad emotions
   * and sometimes console him (BarrierEmpty, BarrierTimeout), sometimes tell
   * him to hate the world (WrongBarrier, DuplicateNode, ClientLost). The latter shall help
   * terminate broken tests as quickly as possible (i.e. without awaiting
   * BarrierTimeouts in the players).
  override def supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
    case BarrierTimeout(data)             ⇒ failBarrier(data)
    case FailedBarrier(data)              ⇒ failBarrier(data)
    case BarrierEmpty(data, msg)          ⇒ SupervisorStrategy.Resume
    case WrongBarrier(name, client, data) ⇒ { client ! ToClient(BarrierResult(name, false)); failBarrier(data) }
    case ClientLost(data, node)           ⇒ failBarrier(data)
    case DuplicateNode(data, node)        ⇒ failBarrier(data)

  def failBarrier(data: Data): SupervisorStrategy.Directive = {
    for (c ← data.arrived) c ! ToClient(BarrierResult(data.barrier, false))

  val barrier = context.actorOf(Props[BarrierCoordinator], "barriers")
  var nodes = Map[RoleName, NodeInfo]()

  // map keeping unanswered queries for node addresses (enqueued upon GetAddress, serviced upon NodeInfo)
  var addrInterest = Map[RoleName, Set[ActorRef]]()
  val generation = Iterator from 1

  override def receive = LoggingReceive {
    case CreateServerFSM(channel) ⇒
      val (ip, port) = channel.getRemoteAddress match { case s: InetSocketAddress ⇒ (s.getAddress.getHostAddress, s.getPort) }
      val name = ip + ":" + port + "-server" +
      sender() ! context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ServerFSM], self, channel).withDeploy(Deploy.local), name)
    case c @ NodeInfo(name, addr, fsm) ⇒
      barrier forward c
      if (nodes contains name) {
        if (initialParticipants > 0) {
          for (NodeInfo(_, _, client) ← nodes.values) client ! ToClient(BarrierResult("initial startup", false))
          initialParticipants = 0
        fsm ! ToClient(BarrierResult("initial startup", false))
      } else {
        nodes += name -> c
        if (initialParticipants <= 0) fsm ! ToClient(Done)
        else if (nodes.size == initialParticipants) {
          for (NodeInfo(_, _, client) ← nodes.values) client ! ToClient(Done)
          initialParticipants = 0
        if (addrInterest contains name) {
          addrInterest(name) foreach (_ ! ToClient(AddressReply(name, addr)))
          addrInterest -= name
    case c @ ClientDisconnected(name) ⇒
      nodes -= name
      barrier forward c
    case op: ServerOp ⇒
      op match {
        case _: EnterBarrier ⇒ barrier forward op
        case _: FailBarrier  ⇒ barrier forward op
        case GetAddress(node) ⇒
          if (nodes contains node) sender() ! ToClient(AddressReply(node, nodes(node).addr))
          else addrInterest += node -> ((addrInterest get node getOrElse Set()) + sender())
        case _: Done ⇒ //FIXME what should happen?
    case op: CommandOp ⇒
      op match {
        case Throttle(node, target, direction, rateMBit) ⇒
          val t = nodes(target)
          nodes(node).fsm forward ToClient(ThrottleMsg(t.addr, direction, rateMBit))
        case Disconnect(node, target, abort) ⇒
          val t = nodes(target)
          nodes(node).fsm forward ToClient(DisconnectMsg(t.addr, abort))
        case Terminate(node, shutdownOrExit) ⇒
          barrier ! BarrierCoordinator.RemoveClient(node)
          nodes(node).fsm forward ToClient(TerminateMsg(shutdownOrExit))
          nodes -= node
        case Remove(node) ⇒
          barrier ! BarrierCoordinator.RemoveClient(node)
    case GetNodes    ⇒ sender() ! nodes.keys
    case GetSockAddr ⇒ sender() ! connection.getLocalAddress

  override def postStop() {

private[akka] object BarrierCoordinator {
  sealed trait State
  case object Idle extends State
  case object Waiting extends State

  final case class RemoveClient(name: RoleName)

  final case class Data(clients: Set[Controller.NodeInfo], barrier: String, arrived: List[ActorRef], deadline: Deadline)

  trait Printer { this: Product with Throwable with NoStackTrace ⇒
    override def toString = productPrefix + productIterator.mkString("(", ", ", ")")

  final case class BarrierTimeout(data: Data)
    extends RuntimeException("timeout while waiting for barrier '" + data.barrier + "'") with NoStackTrace with Printer
  final case class FailedBarrier(data: Data)
    extends RuntimeException("failing barrier '" + data.barrier + "'") with NoStackTrace with Printer
  final case class DuplicateNode(data: Data, node: Controller.NodeInfo)
    extends RuntimeException(node.toString) with NoStackTrace with Printer
  final case class WrongBarrier(barrier: String, client: ActorRef, data: Data)
    extends RuntimeException(data.clients.find(_.fsm == client).map( +
      " tried to enter '" + barrier + "' while we were waiting for '" + data.barrier + "'") with NoStackTrace with Printer
  final case class BarrierEmpty(data: Data, msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) with NoStackTrace with Printer
  final case class ClientLost(data: Data, client: RoleName)
    extends RuntimeException("unannounced disconnect of " + client) with NoStackTrace with Printer

 * This barrier coordinator gets informed of players connecting (NodeInfo),
 * players being deliberately removed (RemoveClient) or failing (ClientDisconnected)
 * by the controller. It also receives EnterBarrier requests, where upon the first
 * one received the name of the current barrier is set and all other known clients
 * are expected to join the barrier, whereupon all of the will be sent the successful
 * EnterBarrier return message. In case of planned removals, this may just happen
 * earlier, in case of failures the current barrier (and all subsequent ones) will
 * be failed by sending BarrierFailed responses.
private[akka] class BarrierCoordinator extends Actor with LoggingFSM[BarrierCoordinator.State, BarrierCoordinator.Data] {
  import BarrierCoordinator._
  import Controller._
  import akka.util.{ Timeout ⇒ auTimeout }

  // this shall be set to true if all subsequent barriers shall fail
  var failed = false

  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {}
  override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) { failed = true }

  // TODO what happens with the other waiting players in case of a test failure?

  startWith(Idle, Data(Set(), "", Nil, null))

  whenUnhandled {
    case Event(n: NodeInfo, d @ Data(clients, _, _, _)) ⇒
      if (clients.find( == throw new DuplicateNode(d, n)
      stay using d.copy(clients = clients + n)
    case Event(ClientDisconnected(name), d @ Data(clients, _, arrived, _)) ⇒
      if (arrived.isEmpty)
        stay using d.copy(clients = clients.filterNot( == name))
      else {
        (clients find ( == name)) match {
          case None    ⇒ stay
          case Some(c) ⇒ throw ClientLost(d.copy(clients = clients - c, arrived = arrived filterNot (_ == c.fsm)), name)

  when(Idle) {
    case Event(EnterBarrier(name, timeout), d @ Data(clients, _, _, _)) ⇒
      if (failed)
        stay replying ToClient(BarrierResult(name, false))
      else if ( == Set(sender()))
        stay replying ToClient(BarrierResult(name, true))
      else if (clients.find(_.fsm == sender()).isEmpty)
        stay replying ToClient(BarrierResult(name, false))
      else {
        goto(Waiting) using d.copy(barrier = name, arrived = sender() :: Nil,
          deadline = getDeadline(timeout))
    case Event(RemoveClient(name), d @ Data(clients, _, _, _)) ⇒
      if (clients.isEmpty) throw BarrierEmpty(d, "cannot remove " + name + ": no client to remove")
      stay using d.copy(clients = clients filterNot ( == name))

  onTransition {
    case Idle -> Waiting ⇒ setTimer("Timeout", StateTimeout, nextStateData.deadline.timeLeft, false)
    case Waiting -> Idle ⇒ cancelTimer("Timeout")

  when(Waiting) {
    case Event(EnterBarrier(name, timeout), d @ Data(clients, barrier, arrived, deadline)) ⇒
      if (name != barrier) throw WrongBarrier(name, sender(), d)
      val together = if (clients.exists(_.fsm == sender())) sender() :: arrived else arrived
      val enterDeadline = getDeadline(timeout)
      // we only allow the deadlines to get shorter
      if (enterDeadline.timeLeft < deadline.timeLeft) {
        setTimer("Timeout", StateTimeout, enterDeadline.timeLeft, false)
        handleBarrier(d.copy(arrived = together, deadline = enterDeadline))
      } else
        handleBarrier(d.copy(arrived = together))
    case Event(RemoveClient(name), d @ Data(clients, barrier, arrived, _)) ⇒
      clients find ( == name) match {
        case None ⇒ stay
        case Some(client) ⇒
          handleBarrier(d.copy(clients = clients - client, arrived = arrived filterNot (_ == client.fsm)))
    case Event(FailBarrier(name), d @ Data(_, barrier, _, _)) ⇒
      if (name != barrier) throw WrongBarrier(name, sender(), d)
      throw FailedBarrier(d)
    case Event(StateTimeout, d) ⇒
      throw BarrierTimeout(d)


  def handleBarrier(data: Data): State = {
    log.debug("handleBarrier({})", data)
    if (data.arrived.isEmpty) {
      goto(Idle) using data.copy(barrier = "")
    } else if (( -- data.arrived).isEmpty) {
      data.arrived foreach (_ ! ToClient(BarrierResult(data.barrier, true)))
      goto(Idle) using data.copy(barrier = "", arrived = Nil)
    } else {
      stay using data

  def getDeadline(timeout: Option[FiniteDuration]): Deadline = { + timeout.getOrElse(TestConductor().Settings.BarrierTimeout.duration)


Other Akka source code examples

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