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Akka/Scala example source code file (Processor.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Processor.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, akka, any, boolean, dispatch, instead, long, persistence, processor, receive, some, string, throwable, unit

The Processor.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.persistence

import akka.AkkaException
import akka.dispatch._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

 * An actor that persists (journals) messages of type [[Persistent]]. Messages of other types are not persisted.
 * {{{
 * import akka.persistence.{ Persistent, Processor }
 * class MyProcessor extends Processor {
 *   def receive = {
 *     case Persistent(payload, sequenceNr) => // message has been written to journal
 *     case other                           => // message has not been written to journal
 *   }
 * }
 * val processor = actorOf(Props[MyProcessor], name = "myProcessor")
 * processor ! Persistent("foo")
 * processor ! "bar"
 * }}}
 * During start and restart, persistent messages are replayed to a processor so that it can recover internal
 * state from these messages. New messages sent to a processor during recovery do not interfere with replayed
 * messages, hence applications don't need to wait for a processor to complete its recovery.
 * Automated recovery can be turned off or customized by overriding the [[preStart]] and [[preRestart]] life
 * cycle hooks. If automated recovery is turned off, an application can explicitly recover a processor by
 * sending it a [[Recover]] message.
 * [[Persistent]] messages are assigned sequence numbers that are generated on a per-processor basis. A sequence
 * starts at `1L` and doesn't contain gaps unless a processor (logically) deletes a message
 * During recovery, a processor internally buffers new messages until recovery completes, so that new messages
 * do not interfere with replayed messages. This internal buffer (the ''processor stash'') is isolated from the
 * ''user stash'' inherited by ``. `Processor` implementation classes can therefore use the
 * ''user stash'' for stashing/unstashing both persistent and transient messages.
 * Processors can also store snapshots of internal state by calling [[saveSnapshot]]. During recovery, a saved
 * snapshot is offered to the processor with a [[SnapshotOffer]] message, followed by replayed messages, if any,
 * that are younger than the snapshot. Default is to offer the latest saved snapshot.
 * @see [[UntypedProcessor]]
 * @see [[Recover]]
 * @see [[PersistentBatch]]
@deprecated("Processor will be removed. Instead extend `akka.persistence.PersistentActor` and use it's `persistAsync(command)(callback)` method to get equivalent semantics.", since = "2.3.4")
trait Processor extends ProcessorImpl {
   * Persistence id. Defaults to this persistent-actors's path and can be overridden.
  override def persistenceId: String = processorId

private[akka] object ProcessorImpl {
  // ok to wrap around (2*Int.MaxValue restarts will not happen within a journal roundtrip)
  private val instanceIdCounter = new AtomicInteger

@deprecated("Processor will be removed. Instead extend `akka.persistence.PersistentActor` and use it's `persistAsync(command)(callback)` method to get equivalent semantics.", since = "2.3.4")
private[akka] trait ProcessorImpl extends Actor with Recovery {
  // TODO: remove Processor in favor of PersistentActor #15230

  import JournalProtocol._

  private[persistence] val instanceId: Int = ProcessorImpl.instanceIdCounter.incrementAndGet()

   * Processes the highest stored sequence number response from the journal and then switches
   * to `processing` state.
  private val initializing = new State {
    override def toString: String = "initializing"

    def aroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any) = message match {
      case ReadHighestSequenceNrSuccess(highest) ⇒
        _currentState = processing
        sequenceNr = highest
      case ReadHighestSequenceNrFailure(cause) ⇒
        onRecoveryFailure(receive, cause)
      case other ⇒

   * Journals and processes new messages, both persistent and transient.
  private val processing = new State {
    override def toString: String = "processing"

    private var batching = false

    def aroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any) = message match {
      case r: Recover                                ⇒ // ignore
      case ReplayedMessage(p)                        ⇒ processPersistent(receive, p) // can occur after unstash from user stash
      case WriteMessageSuccess(p: PersistentRepr, _) ⇒ processPersistent(receive, p)
      case WriteMessageSuccess(r: Resequenceable, _) ⇒ process(receive, r)
      case WriteMessageFailure(p, cause, _)          ⇒ process(receive, PersistenceFailure(p.payload, p.sequenceNr, cause))
      case LoopMessageSuccess(m, _)                  ⇒ process(receive, m)
      case WriteMessagesSuccessful | WriteMessagesFailed(_) ⇒
        if (processorBatch.isEmpty) batching = false else journalBatch()
      case p: PersistentRepr ⇒
        if (!batching || maxBatchSizeReached) journalBatch()
      case n: NonPersistentRepr ⇒
        if (!batching || maxBatchSizeReached) journalBatch()
      case pb: PersistentBatch ⇒
        // submit all batched messages before submitting this user batch (isolated)
        if (!processorBatch.isEmpty) journalBatch()
      case m ⇒
        // submit all batched messages before looping this message
        if (processorBatch.isEmpty) batching = false else journalBatch()
        journal forward LoopMessage(m, self, instanceId)

    def addToBatch(p: Resequenceable): Unit = p match {
      case p: PersistentRepr ⇒
        processorBatch = processorBatch :+ p.update(persistenceId = persistenceId, sequenceNr = nextSequenceNr(), sender = sender())
      case r ⇒
        processorBatch = processorBatch :+ r

    def addToBatch(pb: PersistentBatch): Unit =

    def maxBatchSizeReached: Boolean =
      processorBatch.length >= extension.settings.journal.maxMessageBatchSize

    def journalBatch(): Unit = {
      batching = true

   * Switches to `initializing` state and requests the highest stored sequence number from the journal.
  private[persistence] def onReplaySuccess(receive: Receive, awaitReplay: Boolean): Unit = {
    _currentState = initializing
    journal ! ReadHighestSequenceNr(lastSequenceNr, persistenceId, self)

  private[persistence] def onReplayFailure(receive: Receive, awaitReplay: Boolean, cause: Throwable): Unit =
    onRecoveryFailure(receive, cause)

   * Invokes this processor's behavior with a `RecoveryFailure` message.
  private def onRecoveryFailure(receive: Receive, cause: Throwable): Unit =
    receive.applyOrElse(RecoveryFailure(cause), unhandled)

   * Invokes this processor's behavior with a `RecoveryFinished` message.
  private def onRecoveryCompleted(receive: Receive): Unit =
    receive.applyOrElse(RecoveryCompleted, unhandled)

  private val _persistenceId = extension.persistenceId(self)

  private var processorBatch = Vector.empty[Resequenceable]
  private var sequenceNr: Long = 0L

   * Processor id. Defaults to this processor's path and can be overridden.
  @deprecated("Override `persistenceId: String` instead. Processor will be removed.", since = "2.3.4")
  override def processorId: String = _persistenceId // TODO: remove processorId

   * Returns `persistenceId`.
  def snapshotterId: String = persistenceId

   * Returns `true` if this processor is currently recovering.
  def recoveryRunning: Boolean =
    _currentState != processing

   * Returns `true` if this processor has successfully finished recovery.
  def recoveryFinished: Boolean =
    _currentState == processing

   * Marks a persistent message, identified by `sequenceNr`, as deleted. A message marked as deleted is
   * not replayed during recovery. This method is usually called inside `preRestartProcessor` when a
   * persistent message caused an exception. Processors that want to re-receive that persistent message
   * during recovery should not call this method.
   * @param sequenceNr sequence number of the persistent message to be deleted.
  @deprecated("deleteMessage(sequenceNr) will be removed. Instead, validate before persist, and use deleteMessages for pruning.", since = "2.3.4")
  def deleteMessage(sequenceNr: Long): Unit = {
    deleteMessage(sequenceNr, permanent = false)

   * Deletes a persistent message identified by `sequenceNr`. If `permanent` is set to `false`,
   * the persistent message is marked as deleted in the journal, otherwise it is permanently
   * deleted from the journal. A deleted message is not replayed during recovery. This method
   * is usually called inside `preRestartProcessor` when a persistent message caused an exception.
   * Processors that want to re-receive that persistent message during recovery should not call
   * this method.
   * @param sequenceNr sequence number of the persistent message to be deleted.
   * @param permanent if `false`, the message is marked as deleted, otherwise it is permanently deleted.
  @deprecated("deleteMessage(sequenceNr) will be removed. Instead, validate before persist, and use deleteMessages for pruning.", since = "2.3.4")
  def deleteMessage(sequenceNr: Long, permanent: Boolean): Unit = {
    journal ! DeleteMessages(List(PersistentIdImpl(persistenceId, sequenceNr)), permanent)

   * Permanently deletes all persistent messages with sequence numbers less than or equal `toSequenceNr`.
   * @param toSequenceNr upper sequence number bound of persistent messages to be deleted.
  def deleteMessages(toSequenceNr: Long): Unit = {
    deleteMessages(toSequenceNr, permanent = true)

   * Deletes all persistent messages with sequence numbers less than or equal `toSequenceNr`. If `permanent`
   * is set to `false`, the persistent messages are marked as deleted in the journal, otherwise
   * they permanently deleted from the journal.
   * @param toSequenceNr upper sequence number bound of persistent messages to be deleted.
   * @param permanent if `false`, the message is marked as deleted, otherwise it is permanently deleted.
  def deleteMessages(toSequenceNr: Long, permanent: Boolean): Unit = {
    journal ! DeleteMessagesTo(persistenceId, toSequenceNr, permanent)

  private[akka] def flushJournalBatch(): Unit = {
    journal ! WriteMessages(processorBatch, self, instanceId)
    processorBatch = Vector.empty

  override protected[akka] def aroundPreStart(): Unit = {
    try preStart() finally super.preStart()

  override protected[akka] def aroundPostStop(): Unit = {
    try unstashAll(unstashFilterPredicate) finally postStop()

  override protected[akka] def aroundPreRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
    try {
      receiverStash.prepend( ⇒ Envelope(p, p.sender, context.system)))
    } finally {
      message match {
        case Some(WriteMessageSuccess(m, _)) ⇒ preRestartDefault(reason, Some(m))
        case Some(LoopMessageSuccess(m, _))  ⇒ preRestartDefault(reason, Some(m))
        case Some(ReplayedMessage(m))        ⇒ preRestartDefault(reason, Some(m))
        case mo                              ⇒ preRestartDefault(reason, None)

   * User-overridable callback. Called when a processor is started. Default implementation sends
   * a `Recover()` to `self`.
  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    self ! Recover()

   * User-overridable callback. Called before a processor is restarted. Default implementation sends
   * a `Recover(lastSequenceNr)` message to `self` if `message` is defined, `Recover() otherwise`.
  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
    message match {
      case Some(_) ⇒ self ! Recover(toSequenceNr = lastSequenceNr)
      case None    ⇒ self ! Recover()

   * Calls [[preRestart]] and then `super.preRestart()`. If processor implementation classes want to
   * opt out from stopping child actors, they should override this method and call [[preRestart]] only.
  def preRestartDefault(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
    try preRestart(reason, message) finally super.preRestart(reason, message)

  override def unhandled(message: Any): Unit = {
    message match {
      case RecoveryCompleted ⇒ // mute
      case RecoveryFailure(cause) ⇒
        val errorMsg = s"Processor killed after recovery failure (persisten id = [${persistenceId}]). " +
          "To avoid killing processors on recovery failure, a processor must handle RecoveryFailure messages. " +
          "RecoveryFailure was caused by: " + cause
        throw new ActorKilledException(errorMsg)
      case PersistenceFailure(payload, sequenceNumber, cause) ⇒
        val errorMsg = "Processor killed after persistence failure " +
          s"(persistent id = [${persistenceId}], sequence nr = [${sequenceNumber}], payload class = [${payload.getClass.getName}]). " +
          "To avoid killing processors on persistence failure, a processor must handle PersistenceFailure messages. " +
          "PersistenceFailure was caused by: " + cause
        throw new ActorKilledException(errorMsg)
      case m ⇒ super.unhandled(m)

  private def nextSequenceNr(): Long = {
    sequenceNr += 1L

  private val unstashFilterPredicate: Any ⇒ Boolean = {
    case _: WriteMessageSuccess ⇒ false
    case _: ReplayedMessage     ⇒ false
    case _                      ⇒ true

 * Sent to a [[Processor]] if a journal fails to write a [[Persistent]] message. If
 * not handled, an `` is thrown by that processor.
 * @param payload payload of the persistent message.
 * @param sequenceNr sequence number of the persistent message.
 * @param cause failure cause.
case class PersistenceFailure(payload: Any, sequenceNr: Long, cause: Throwable)

 * Sent to a [[Processor]] if a journal fails to replay messages or fetch that processor's
 * highest sequence number. If not handled, the prossor will be stopped.
case class RecoveryFailure(cause: Throwable)

abstract class RecoveryCompleted
 * Sent to a [[Processor]] when the journal replay has been finished.
case object RecoveryCompleted extends RecoveryCompleted {
   * Java API: get the singleton instance
  def getInstance = this

 * Java API: an actor that persists (journals) messages of type [[Persistent]]. Messages of other types
 * are not persisted.
 * {{{
 * import akka.persistence.Persistent;
 * import akka.persistence.Processor;
 * class MyProcessor extends UntypedProcessor {
 *     public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {
 *         if (message instanceof Persistent) {
 *             // message has been written to journal
 *             Persistent persistent = (Persistent)message;
 *             Object payload = persistent.payload();
 *             Long sequenceNr = persistent.sequenceNr();
 *             // ...
 *         } else {
 *             // message has not been written to journal
 *         }
 *     }
 * }
 * // ...
 * ActorRef processor = getContext().actorOf(Props.create(MyProcessor.class), "myProcessor");
 * processor.tell(Persistent.create("foo"), null);
 * processor.tell("bar", null);
 * }}}
 * During start and restart, persistent messages are replayed to a processor so that it can recover internal
 * state from these messages. New messages sent to a processor during recovery do not interfere with replayed
 * messages, hence applications don't need to wait for a processor to complete its recovery.
 * Automated recovery can be turned off or customized by overriding the [[preStart]] and [[preRestart]] life
 * cycle hooks. If automated recovery is turned off, an application can explicitly recover a processor by
 * sending it a [[Recover]] message.
 * [[Persistent]] messages are assigned sequence numbers that are generated on a per-processor basis. A sequence
 * starts at `1L` and doesn't contain gaps unless a processor (logically) deletes a message.
 * During recovery, a processor internally buffers new messages until recovery completes, so that new messages
 * do not interfere with replayed messages. This internal buffer (the ''processor stash'') is isolated from the
 * ''user stash'' inherited by ``. `Processor` implementation classes can therefore use the
 * ''user stash'' for stashing/unstashing both persistent and transient messages.
 * Processors can also store snapshots of internal state by calling [[saveSnapshot]]. During recovery, a saved
 * snapshot is offered to the processor with a [[SnapshotOffer]] message, followed by replayed messages, if any,
 * that are younger than the snapshot. Default is to offer the latest saved snapshot.
 * @see [[Processor]]
 * @see [[Recover]]
 * @see [[PersistentBatch]]
@deprecated("UntypedProcessor will be removed. Instead extend `akka.persistence.UntypedPersistentActor` and use it's `persistAsync(command)(callback)` method to get equivalent semantics.", since = "2.3.4")
abstract class UntypedProcessor extends UntypedActor with Processor

 * Java API: compatible with lambda expressions
 * An actor that persists (journals) messages of type [[Persistent]]. Messages of other types
 * are not persisted.
 * <p/>
 * Example:
 * <pre>
 * class MyProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
 *   public MyProcessor() {
 *     receive(ReceiveBuilder.
 *       match(Persistent.class, p -> {
 *         Object payload = p.payload();
 *         Long sequenceNr = p.sequenceNr();
 *                 // ...
 *       }).build()
 *     );
 *   }
 * }
 * // ...
 * ActorRef processor = context().actorOf(Props.create(MyProcessor.class), "myProcessor");
 * processor.tell(Persistent.create("foo"), null);
 * processor.tell("bar", null);
 * </pre>
 * During start and restart, persistent messages are replayed to a processor so that it can recover internal
 * state from these messages. New messages sent to a processor during recovery do not interfere with replayed
 * messages, hence applications don't need to wait for a processor to complete its recovery.
 * Automated recovery can be turned off or customized by overriding the [[preStart]] and [[preRestart]] life
 * cycle hooks. If automated recovery is turned off, an application can explicitly recover a processor by
 * sending it a [[Recover]] message.
 * [[Persistent]] messages are assigned sequence numbers that are generated on a per-processor basis. A sequence
 * starts at `1L` and doesn't contain gaps unless a processor (logically) deletes a message.
 * During recovery, a processor internally buffers new messages until recovery completes, so that new messages
 * do not interfere with replayed messages. This internal buffer (the ''processor stash'') is isolated from the
 * ''user stash'' inherited by ``. `Processor` implementation classes can therefore use the
 * ''user stash'' for stashing/unstashing both persistent and transient messages.
 * Processors can also store snapshots of internal state by calling [[saveSnapshot]]. During recovery, a saved
 * snapshot is offered to the processor with a [[SnapshotOffer]] message, followed by replayed messages, if any,
 * that are younger than the snapshot. Default is to offer the latest saved snapshot.
 * @see [[Processor]]
 * @see [[Recover]]
 * @see [[PersistentBatch]]
@deprecated("AbstractProcessor will be removed. Instead extend `akka.persistence.AbstractPersistentActor` and use it's `persistAsync(command)(callback)` method to get equivalent semantics.", since = "2.3.4")
abstract class AbstractProcessor extends AbstractActor with Processor

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka Processor.scala source code file:

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