Akka/Scala example source code file (AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec.scala)
The AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.persistence import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace import com.typesafe.config._ import akka.actor._ import akka.testkit._ import akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery.AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot import akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery.UnconfirmedWarning import akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery.UnconfirmedWarning object AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec { case class Req(payload: String) case object ReqAck case object InvalidReq sealed trait Evt case class AcceptedReq(payload: String, destination: ActorPath) extends Evt case class ReqDone(id: Long) extends Evt case class Action(id: Long, payload: String) case class ActionAck(id: Long) case object Boom case object SaveSnap case class Snap(deliverySnapshot: AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot) // typically includes some user data as well def senderProps(testActor: ActorRef, name: String, redeliverInterval: FiniteDuration, warnAfterNumberOfUnconfirmedAttempts: Int, async: Boolean, destinations: Map[String, ActorPath]): Props = Props(new Sender(testActor, name, redeliverInterval, warnAfterNumberOfUnconfirmedAttempts, async, destinations)) class Sender(testActor: ActorRef, name: String, override val redeliverInterval: FiniteDuration, override val warnAfterNumberOfUnconfirmedAttempts: Int, async: Boolean, destinations: Map[String, ActorPath]) extends PersistentActor with AtLeastOnceDelivery with ActorLogging { override def persistenceId: String = name def updateState(evt: Evt): Unit = evt match { case AcceptedReq(payload, destination) ⇒ deliver(destination, deliveryId ⇒ Action(deliveryId, payload)) case ReqDone(id) ⇒ confirmDelivery(id) } val receiveCommand: Receive = { case Req(payload) ⇒ if (payload.isEmpty) sender() ! InvalidReq else { val destination = destinations(payload.take(1).toUpperCase) if (async) persistAsync(AcceptedReq(payload, destination)) { evt ⇒ updateState(evt) sender() ! ReqAck } else persist(AcceptedReq(payload, destination)) { evt ⇒ updateState(evt) sender() ! ReqAck } } case ActionAck(id) ⇒ log.debug("Sender got ack {}", id) if (confirmDelivery(id)) if (async) persistAsync(ReqDone(id)) { evt ⇒ updateState(evt) } else persist(ReqDone(id)) { evt ⇒ updateState(evt) } case Boom ⇒ throw new RuntimeException("boom") with NoStackTrace case SaveSnap ⇒ saveSnapshot(Snap(getDeliverySnapshot)) case w: UnconfirmedWarning ⇒ testActor ! w } def receiveRecover: Receive = { case evt: Evt ⇒ updateState(evt) case SnapshotOffer(_, Snap(deliverySnapshot)) ⇒ setDeliverySnapshot(deliverySnapshot) } } def destinationProps(testActor: ActorRef): Props = Props(new Destination(testActor)) class Destination(testActor: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { var allReceived = Set.empty[Long] def receive = { case a @ Action(id, payload) ⇒ // discard duplicates (naive impl) if (!allReceived.contains(id)) { log.debug("Destination got {}, all count {}", a, allReceived.size + 1) testActor ! a allReceived += id } sender() ! ActionAck(id) } } def unreliableProps(dropMod: Int, target: ActorRef): Props = Props(new Unreliable(dropMod, target)) class Unreliable(dropMod: Int, target: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { var count = 0 def receive = { case msg ⇒ count += 1 if (count % dropMod != 0) { log.debug("Pass msg {} count {}", msg, count) target forward msg } else { log.debug("Drop msg {} count {}", msg, count) } } } } abstract class AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec(config: Config) extends AkkaSpec(config) with PersistenceSpec with ImplicitSender { import AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec._ "AtLeastOnceDelivery" must { "deliver messages in order when nothing is lost" in { val probeA = TestProbe() val destinations = Map("A" -> system.actorOf(destinationProps(probeA.ref)).path) val snd = system.actorOf(senderProps(testActor, name, 500.millis, 5, async = false, destinations), name) snd ! Req("a") expectMsg(ReqAck) probeA.expectMsg(Action(1, "a")) probeA.expectNoMsg(1.second) } "re-deliver lost messages" in { val probeA = TestProbe() val dst = system.actorOf(destinationProps(probeA.ref)) val destinations = Map("A" -> system.actorOf(unreliableProps(3, dst)).path) val snd = system.actorOf(senderProps(testActor, name, 500.millis, 5, async = false, destinations), name) snd ! Req("a-1") expectMsg(ReqAck) probeA.expectMsg(Action(1, "a-1")) snd ! Req("a-2") expectMsg(ReqAck) probeA.expectMsg(Action(2, "a-2")) snd ! Req("a-3") snd ! Req("a-4") expectMsg(ReqAck) expectMsg(ReqAck) // a-3 was lost probeA.expectMsg(Action(4, "a-4")) // and then re-delivered probeA.expectMsg(Action(3, "a-3")) probeA.expectNoMsg(1.second) } "re-deliver lost messages after restart" in { val probeA = TestProbe() val dst = system.actorOf(destinationProps(probeA.ref)) val destinations = Map("A" -> system.actorOf(unreliableProps(3, dst)).path) val snd = system.actorOf(senderProps(testActor, name, 500.millis, 5, async = false, destinations), name) snd ! Req("a-1") expectMsg(ReqAck) probeA.expectMsg(Action(1, "a-1")) snd ! Req("a-2") expectMsg(ReqAck) probeA.expectMsg(Action(2, "a-2")) snd ! Req("a-3") snd ! Req("a-4") expectMsg(ReqAck) expectMsg(ReqAck) // a-3 was lost probeA.expectMsg(Action(4, "a-4")) // trigger restart snd ! Boom // and then re-delivered probeA.expectMsg(Action(3, "a-3")) snd ! Req("a-5") expectMsg(ReqAck) probeA.expectMsg(Action(5, "a-5")) probeA.expectNoMsg(1.second) } "restore state from snapshot" in { val probeA = TestProbe() val dst = system.actorOf(destinationProps(probeA.ref)) val destinations = Map("A" -> system.actorOf(unreliableProps(3, dst)).path) val snd = system.actorOf(senderProps(testActor, name, 500.millis, 5, async = false, destinations), name) snd ! Req("a-1") expectMsg(ReqAck) probeA.expectMsg(Action(1, "a-1")) snd ! Req("a-2") expectMsg(ReqAck) probeA.expectMsg(Action(2, "a-2")) snd ! Req("a-3") snd ! Req("a-4") snd ! SaveSnap expectMsg(ReqAck) expectMsg(ReqAck) // a-3 was lost probeA.expectMsg(Action(4, "a-4")) // trigger restart snd ! Boom // and then re-delivered probeA.expectMsg(Action(3, "a-3")) snd ! Req("a-5") expectMsg(ReqAck) probeA.expectMsg(Action(5, "a-5")) probeA.expectNoMsg(1.second) } "warn about unconfirmed messages" in { val probeA = TestProbe() val probeB = TestProbe() val destinations = Map("A" -> probeA.ref.path, "B" -> probeB.ref.path) val snd = system.actorOf(senderProps(testActor, name, 500.millis, 3, async = false, destinations), name) snd ! Req("a-1") snd ! Req("b-1") snd ! Req("b-2") expectMsg(ReqAck) expectMsg(ReqAck) expectMsg(ReqAck) val unconfirmed = receiveWhile(3.seconds) { case UnconfirmedWarning(unconfirmed) ⇒ unconfirmed }.flatten unconfirmed.map(_.destination).toSet should be(Set(probeA.ref.path, probeB.ref.path)) unconfirmed.map(_.message).toSet should be(Set(Action(1, "a-1"), Action(2, "b-1"), Action(3, "b-2"))) system.stop(snd) } "re-deliver many lost messages" in { val probeA = TestProbe() val probeB = TestProbe() val probeC = TestProbe() val dstA = system.actorOf(destinationProps(probeA.ref), "destination-a") val dstB = system.actorOf(destinationProps(probeB.ref), "destination-b") val dstC = system.actorOf(destinationProps(probeC.ref), "destination-c") val destinations = Map( "A" -> system.actorOf(unreliableProps(2, dstA), "unreliable-a").path, "B" -> system.actorOf(unreliableProps(5, dstB), "unreliable-b").path, "C" -> system.actorOf(unreliableProps(3, dstC), "unreliable-c").path) val snd = system.actorOf(senderProps(testActor, name, 1000.millis, 5, async = true, destinations), name) val N = 100 for (n ← 1 to N) { snd ! Req("a-" + n) } for (n ← 1 to N) { snd ! Req("b-" + n) } for (n ← 1 to N) { snd ! Req("c-" + n) } val deliverWithin = 20.seconds probeA.receiveN(N, deliverWithin).map { case a: Action ⇒ a.payload }.toSet should be((1 to N).map(n ⇒ "a-" + n).toSet) probeB.receiveN(N, deliverWithin).map { case a: Action ⇒ a.payload }.toSet should be((1 to N).map(n ⇒ "b-" + n).toSet) probeC.receiveN(N, deliverWithin).map { case a: Action ⇒ a.payload }.toSet should be((1 to N).map(n ⇒ "c-" + n).toSet) } } } class LeveldbAtLeastOnceDeliverySpec extends AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec(PersistenceSpec.config("leveldb", "AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec")) @org.junit.runner.RunWith(classOf[org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner]) class InmemAtLeastOnceDeliverySpec extends AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec(PersistenceSpec.config("inmem", "AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec")) Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka AtLeastOnceDeliverySpec.scala source code file: |
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