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Akka/Scala example source code file (PersistentChannelSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (PersistentChannelSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorref, akka, concurrent, confirmablepersistent, confirmablepersistentimpl, deliver, duration, inmempersistentchannelspec, list, persistent, persistentchannelsettings, seq, test, testing, testprobe, time

The PersistentChannelSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.persistence

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps

import com.typesafe.config._

import akka.testkit._

object PersistentChannelSpec {
  class SlowDestination(probe: ActorRef, maxReceived: Long) extends Actor {
    import context.dispatcher

    val delay = 100.millis
    var received = Vector.empty[ConfirmablePersistent]

    def receive = {
      case cp: ConfirmablePersistent ⇒
        if (received.isEmpty) context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(delay, self, "confirm")
        received :+= cp
      case "confirm" ⇒
        if (received.size > maxReceived) probe ! s"number of received messages to high: ${received.size}"
        else probe ! received.head.payload
        received = received.tail
        if (received.nonEmpty) context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(delay, self, "confirm")

abstract class PersistentChannelSpec(config: Config) extends ChannelSpec(config) {
  import PersistentChannelSpec._

  private def redeliverChannelSettings(listener: Option[ActorRef]): PersistentChannelSettings =
    PersistentChannelSettings(redeliverMax = 2, redeliverInterval = 100 milliseconds, redeliverFailureListener = listener, idleTimeout = 5.seconds)

  private def createDefaultTestChannel(name: String): ActorRef =
    system.actorOf(PersistentChannel.props(s"${name}-default", PersistentChannelSettings(idleTimeout = 5.seconds)))

  override def createDefaultTestChannel(): ActorRef =

  override def createRedeliverTestChannel(): ActorRef =
    system.actorOf(PersistentChannel.props(s"${name}-redeliver", redeliverChannelSettings(None)))

  override def createRedeliverTestChannel(listener: Option[ActorRef]): ActorRef =
    system.actorOf(PersistentChannel.props(s"${name}-redeliver-listener", redeliverChannelSettings(listener)))

  "A persistent channel" must {
    "support Persistent replies to Deliver senders" in {
      val destProbe = TestProbe()
      val replyProbe = TestProbe()

      val channel1 = system.actorOf(PersistentChannel.props(s"${name}-with-reply", PersistentChannelSettings(replyPersistent = true)))

      channel1 tell (Deliver(Persistent("a"), destProbe.ref.path), replyProbe.ref)
      destProbe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("a", _, _) ⇒ cp.confirm() }
      replyProbe.expectMsgPF() { case Persistent("a", _) ⇒ }

      channel1 tell (Deliver(PersistentRepr("b", sequenceNr = 13), destProbe.ref.path), replyProbe.ref)
      destProbe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("b", 13, _) ⇒ cp.confirm() }
      replyProbe.expectMsgPF() { case Persistent("b", 13) ⇒ }

    "not modify certain persistent message fields" in {
      val destProbe = TestProbe()

      val persistent1 = PersistentRepr(payload = "a", persistenceId = "p1", confirms = List("c1", "c2"), sender = defaultTestChannel, sequenceNr = 13)
      val persistent2 = PersistentRepr(payload = "b", persistenceId = "p1", confirms = List("c1", "c2"), sender = defaultTestChannel)

      defaultTestChannel ! Deliver(persistent1, destProbe.ref.path)
      defaultTestChannel ! Deliver(persistent2, destProbe.ref.path)

      destProbe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistentImpl("a", 13, "p1", _, _, Seq("c1", "c2"), _, _, channel) ⇒ cp.confirm() }
      destProbe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistentImpl("b", 2, "p1", _, _, Seq("c1", "c2"), _, _, channel) ⇒ cp.confirm() }
    "redeliver un-confirmed stored messages during recovery" in {
      val confirmProbe = TestProbe()
      val forwardProbe = TestProbe()


      val channel1 = createDefaultTestChannel("extra")
      channel1 tell (Deliver(Persistent("a1"), forwardProbe.ref.path), null)
      channel1 tell (Deliver(Persistent("a2"), forwardProbe.ref.path), null)

      forwardProbe.expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("a1", _, _) ⇒ /* no confirmation */ }
      forwardProbe.expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("a2", _, _) ⇒ m.confirm() }



      val channel2 = createDefaultTestChannel("extra")
      channel2 tell (Deliver(Persistent("a3"), forwardProbe.ref.path), null)

      forwardProbe.expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("a1", _, _) ⇒ m.confirm() }
      forwardProbe.expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("a3", _, _) ⇒ m.confirm() }


    "not flood destinations" in {
      val probe = TestProbe()
      val settings = PersistentChannelSettings(
        redeliverMax = 0,
        redeliverInterval = 1.minute,
        pendingConfirmationsMax = 4,
        pendingConfirmationsMin = 2)

      val channel = system.actorOf(PersistentChannel.props(s"${name}-watermark", settings))
      val destination = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[SlowDestination], probe.ref, settings.pendingConfirmationsMax))

      1 to 10 foreach { i ⇒ channel ! Deliver(Persistent(i), destination.path) }
      1 to 10 foreach { i ⇒ probe.expectMsg(i) }

    "redeliver on reset" in {
      val probe = TestProbe()
      val settings = PersistentChannelSettings(
        redeliverMax = 0,
        redeliverInterval = 1.minute,
        pendingConfirmationsMax = 4,
        pendingConfirmationsMin = 2)

      val channel = system.actorOf(PersistentChannel.props(s"${name}-reset", settings))

      1 to 3 foreach { i ⇒ channel ! Deliver(Persistent(i), probe.ref.path) }
      1 to 3 foreach { i ⇒ probe.expectMsgPF() { case ConfirmablePersistent(`i`, _, _) ⇒ } }

      channel ! Reset

      1 to 3 foreach { i ⇒ probe.expectMsgPF() { case ConfirmablePersistent(`i`, _, _) ⇒ } }


class LeveldbPersistentChannelSpec extends PersistentChannelSpec(PersistenceSpec.config("leveldb", "LeveldbPersistentChannelSpec"))
class InmemPersistentChannelSpec extends PersistentChannelSpec(PersistenceSpec.config("inmem", "InmemPersistentChannelSpec"))

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka PersistentChannelSpec.scala source code file:

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