Akka/Scala example source code file (AckedDelivery.scala)
The AckedDelivery.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.remote import scala.collection.immutable._ import akka.AkkaException object SeqNo { implicit val ord: Ordering[SeqNo] = new Ordering[SeqNo] { override def compare(x: SeqNo, y: SeqNo): Int = { val sgn = if (x.rawValue < y.rawValue) -1 else if (x.rawValue > y.rawValue) 1 else 0 if (((x.rawValue - y.rawValue) * sgn) < 0L) -sgn else sgn } } } /** * Implements a 64 bit sequence number with proper wrap-around ordering. */ final case class SeqNo(rawValue: Long) extends Ordered[SeqNo] { /** * Checks if this sequence number is an immediate successor of the provided one. * * @param that The second sequence number that has to be exactly one less * @return true if this sequence number is the successor of the provided one */ def isSuccessor(that: SeqNo): Boolean = (this.rawValue - that.rawValue) == 1 /** * Increments the sequence number. Wraps-around if 64 bit limit is reached. * @return the incremented sequence number */ def inc: SeqNo = new SeqNo(this.rawValue + 1L) override def compare(that: SeqNo) = SeqNo.ord.compare(this, that) override def toString = String.valueOf(rawValue) } object HasSequenceNumber { implicit def seqOrdering[T <: HasSequenceNumber]: Ordering[T] = new Ordering[T] { def compare(x: T, y: T) = x.seq.compare(y.seq) } } /** * Messages that are to be buffered in [[akka.remote.AckedSendBuffer]] or [[akka.remote.AckedReceiveBuffer]] has * to implement this interface to provide the sequence needed by the buffers. */ trait HasSequenceNumber { /** * Sequence number of the message */ def seq: SeqNo } /** * Class representing an acknowledgement with selective negative acknowledgements. * * @param cumulativeAck Represents the highest sequence number received. * @param nacks Set of sequence numbers between the last delivered one and cumulativeAck that has been not yet received. */ final case class Ack(cumulativeAck: SeqNo, nacks: Set[SeqNo] = Set.empty) { override def toString = s"ACK[$cumulativeAck, ${nacks.mkString("{", ", ", "}")}]" } class ResendBufferCapacityReachedException(c: Int) extends AkkaException(s"Resend buffer capacity of [$c] has been reached.") class ResendUnfulfillableException extends AkkaException("Unable to fulfill resend request since negatively acknowledged payload is no longer in buffer. " + "The resend states between two systems are compromised and cannot be recovered.") /** * Implements an immutable resend buffer that buffers messages until they have been acknowledged. Properly removes messages * when an ack is received. This buffer works together with [[akka.remote.AckedReceiveBuffer]] on the receiving end. * * @param capacity Maximum number of messages the buffer is willing to accept. If reached [[akka.remote.ResendBufferCapacityReachedException]] * is thrown. * @param nonAcked Sequence of messages that has not yet been acknowledged. * @param nacked Sequence of messages that has been explicitly negative acknowledged. * @param maxSeq The maximum sequence number that has been stored in this buffer. Messages having lower sequence number * will be not stored but rejected with [[java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]] */ final case class AckedSendBuffer[T <: HasSequenceNumber]( capacity: Int, nonAcked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T], nacked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T], maxSeq: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1)) { /** * Processes an incoming acknowledgement and returns a new buffer with only unacknowledged elements remaining. * @param ack The received acknowledgement * @return An updated buffer containing the remaining unacknowledged messages */ def acknowledge(ack: Ack): AckedSendBuffer[T] = { val newNacked = (nacked ++ nonAcked) filter { m ⇒ ack.nacks(m.seq) } if (newNacked.size < ack.nacks.size) throw new ResendUnfulfillableException else this.copy( nonAcked = nonAcked.filter { m ⇒ m.seq > ack.cumulativeAck }, nacked = newNacked) } /** * Puts a new message in the buffer. Throws [[java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]] if an out-of-sequence message * is attempted to be stored. * @param msg The message to be stored for possible future retransmission. * @return The updated buffer */ def buffer(msg: T): AckedSendBuffer[T] = { if (msg.seq <= maxSeq) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Sequence number must be monotonic. Received [${msg.seq}] " + s"which is smaller than [$maxSeq]") if (nonAcked.size == capacity) throw new ResendBufferCapacityReachedException(capacity) this.copy(nonAcked = this.nonAcked :+ msg, maxSeq = msg.seq) } override def toString = nonAcked.map(_.seq).mkString("[", ", ", "]") } /** * Implements an immutable receive buffer that buffers incoming messages until they can be safely delivered. This * buffer works together with a [[akka.remote.AckedSendBuffer]] on the sender() side. * * @param lastDelivered Sequence number of the last message that has been delivered. * @param cumulativeAck The highest sequence number received so far. * @param buf Buffer of messages that are waiting for delivery */ final case class AckedReceiveBuffer[T <: HasSequenceNumber]( lastDelivered: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1), cumulativeAck: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1), buf: SortedSet[T] = TreeSet.empty[T])(implicit val seqOrdering: Ordering[T]) { import SeqNo.ord.max /** * Puts a sequenced message in the receive buffer returning a new buffer. * @param arrivedMsg message to be put into the buffer. * @return The updated buffer containing the message. */ def receive(arrivedMsg: T): AckedReceiveBuffer[T] = { this.copy( cumulativeAck = max(arrivedMsg.seq, cumulativeAck), buf = if (arrivedMsg.seq > lastDelivered && !buf.contains(arrivedMsg)) buf + arrivedMsg else buf) } /** * Extract all messages that could be safely delivered, an updated ack to be sent to the sender(), and an updated * buffer that has the messages removed that can be delivered. * @return Triplet of the updated buffer, messages that can be delivered and the updated acknowledgement. */ def extractDeliverable: (AckedReceiveBuffer[T], Seq[T], Ack) = { var deliver = Vector.empty[T] var ack = Ack(cumulativeAck = cumulativeAck) var updatedLastDelivered = lastDelivered var prev = lastDelivered for (bufferedMsg ← buf) { if (bufferedMsg.seq.isSuccessor(updatedLastDelivered)) { deliver :+= bufferedMsg updatedLastDelivered = updatedLastDelivered.inc } else if (!bufferedMsg.seq.isSuccessor(prev)) { var diff = bufferedMsg.seq.rawValue - prev.rawValue - 1 var nacks = Set.empty[SeqNo] // Collect all missing sequence numbers (gaps) while (diff > 0) { nacks += SeqNo(prev.rawValue + diff) diff -= 1 } ack = ack.copy(nacks = ack.nacks ++ nacks) } prev = bufferedMsg.seq } (this.copy(buf = buf filterNot deliver.contains, lastDelivered = updatedLastDelivered), deliver, ack) } /** * Merges two receive buffers. Merging preserves sequencing of messages, and drops all messages that has been * safely acknowledged by any of the participating buffers. Also updates the expected sequence numbers. * @param that The receive buffer to merge with * @return The merged receive buffer. */ def mergeFrom(that: AckedReceiveBuffer[T]): AckedReceiveBuffer[T] = { val mergedLastDelivered = max(this.lastDelivered, that.lastDelivered) this.copy( lastDelivered = mergedLastDelivered, cumulativeAck = max(this.cumulativeAck, that.cumulativeAck), buf = (this.buf union that.buf).filter { _.seq > mergedLastDelivered }) } override def toString = buf.map { _.seq }.mkString("[", ", ", "]") } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka AckedDelivery.scala source code file: |
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