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Akka/Scala example source code file (AckedDelivery.scala)

This example Akka source code file (AckedDelivery.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

ack, ackedreceivebuffer, ackedsendbuffer, akka, akkaexception, collection, hassequencenumber, immutable, int, ordering, remote, resendbuffercapacityreachedexception, seqno, t

The AckedDelivery.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.remote

import scala.collection.immutable._
import akka.AkkaException

object SeqNo {

  implicit val ord: Ordering[SeqNo] = new Ordering[SeqNo] {
    override def compare(x: SeqNo, y: SeqNo): Int = {
      val sgn = if (x.rawValue < y.rawValue) -1 else if (x.rawValue > y.rawValue) 1 else 0
      if (((x.rawValue - y.rawValue) * sgn) < 0L) -sgn else sgn


 * Implements a 64 bit sequence number with proper wrap-around ordering.
final case class SeqNo(rawValue: Long) extends Ordered[SeqNo] {

   * Checks if this sequence number is an immediate successor of the provided one.
   * @param that The second sequence number that has to be exactly one less
   * @return true if this sequence number is the successor of the provided one
  def isSuccessor(that: SeqNo): Boolean = (this.rawValue - that.rawValue) == 1

   * Increments the sequence number. Wraps-around if 64 bit limit is reached.
   * @return the incremented sequence number
  def inc: SeqNo = new SeqNo(this.rawValue + 1L)

  override def compare(that: SeqNo) =, that)

  override def toString = String.valueOf(rawValue)

object HasSequenceNumber {
  implicit def seqOrdering[T <: HasSequenceNumber]: Ordering[T] = new Ordering[T] {
    def compare(x: T, y: T) =

 * Messages that are to be buffered in [[akka.remote.AckedSendBuffer]] or [[akka.remote.AckedReceiveBuffer]] has
 * to implement this interface to provide the sequence needed by the buffers.
trait HasSequenceNumber {

   * Sequence number of the message
  def seq: SeqNo

 * Class representing an acknowledgement with selective negative acknowledgements.
 * @param cumulativeAck Represents the highest sequence number received.
 * @param nacks Set of sequence numbers between the last delivered one and cumulativeAck that has been not yet received.
final case class Ack(cumulativeAck: SeqNo, nacks: Set[SeqNo] = Set.empty) {
  override def toString = s"ACK[$cumulativeAck, ${nacks.mkString("{", ", ", "}")}]"

class ResendBufferCapacityReachedException(c: Int)
  extends AkkaException(s"Resend buffer capacity of [$c] has been reached.")

class ResendUnfulfillableException
  extends AkkaException("Unable to fulfill resend request since negatively acknowledged payload is no longer in buffer. " +
    "The resend states between two systems are compromised and cannot be recovered.")

 * Implements an immutable resend buffer that buffers messages until they have been acknowledged. Properly removes messages
 * when an ack is received. This buffer works together with [[akka.remote.AckedReceiveBuffer]] on the receiving end.
 * @param capacity Maximum number of messages the buffer is willing to accept. If reached [[akka.remote.ResendBufferCapacityReachedException]]
 *                 is thrown.
 * @param nonAcked Sequence of messages that has not yet been acknowledged.
 * @param nacked   Sequence of messages that has been explicitly negative acknowledged.
 * @param maxSeq The maximum sequence number that has been stored in this buffer. Messages having lower sequence number
 *               will be not stored but rejected with [[java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]]
final case class AckedSendBuffer[T <: HasSequenceNumber](
  capacity: Int,
  nonAcked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T],
  nacked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T],
  maxSeq: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1)) {

   * Processes an incoming acknowledgement and returns a new buffer with only unacknowledged elements remaining.
   * @param ack The received acknowledgement
   * @return An updated buffer containing the remaining unacknowledged messages
  def acknowledge(ack: Ack): AckedSendBuffer[T] = {
    val newNacked = (nacked ++ nonAcked) filter { m ⇒ ack.nacks(m.seq) }
    if (newNacked.size < ack.nacks.size) throw new ResendUnfulfillableException
    else this.copy(
      nonAcked = nonAcked.filter { m ⇒ m.seq > ack.cumulativeAck },
      nacked = newNacked)

   * Puts a new message in the buffer. Throws [[java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]] if an out-of-sequence message
   * is attempted to be stored.
   * @param msg The message to be stored for possible future retransmission.
   * @return The updated buffer
  def buffer(msg: T): AckedSendBuffer[T] = {
    if (msg.seq <= maxSeq) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Sequence number must be monotonic. Received [${msg.seq}] " +
      s"which is smaller than [$maxSeq]")

    if (nonAcked.size == capacity) throw new ResendBufferCapacityReachedException(capacity)

    this.copy(nonAcked = this.nonAcked :+ msg, maxSeq = msg.seq)

  override def toString ="[", ", ", "]")

 * Implements an immutable receive buffer that buffers incoming messages until they can be safely delivered. This
 * buffer works together with a [[akka.remote.AckedSendBuffer]] on the sender() side.
 * @param lastDelivered Sequence number of the last message that has been delivered.
 * @param cumulativeAck The highest sequence number received so far.
 * @param buf Buffer of messages that are waiting for delivery
final case class AckedReceiveBuffer[T <: HasSequenceNumber](
  lastDelivered: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1),
  cumulativeAck: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1),
  buf: SortedSet[T] = TreeSet.empty[T])(implicit val seqOrdering: Ordering[T]) {

  import SeqNo.ord.max

   * Puts a sequenced message in the receive buffer returning a new buffer.
   * @param arrivedMsg message to be put into the buffer.
   * @return The updated buffer containing the message.
  def receive(arrivedMsg: T): AckedReceiveBuffer[T] = {
      cumulativeAck = max(arrivedMsg.seq, cumulativeAck),
      buf = if (arrivedMsg.seq > lastDelivered && !buf.contains(arrivedMsg)) buf + arrivedMsg else buf)

   * Extract all messages that could be safely delivered, an updated ack to be sent to the sender(), and an updated
   * buffer that has the messages removed that can be delivered.
   * @return Triplet of the updated buffer, messages that can be delivered and the updated acknowledgement.
  def extractDeliverable: (AckedReceiveBuffer[T], Seq[T], Ack) = {
    var deliver = Vector.empty[T]
    var ack = Ack(cumulativeAck = cumulativeAck)
    var updatedLastDelivered = lastDelivered
    var prev = lastDelivered

    for (bufferedMsg ← buf) {
      if (bufferedMsg.seq.isSuccessor(updatedLastDelivered)) {
        deliver :+= bufferedMsg
        updatedLastDelivered =
      } else if (!bufferedMsg.seq.isSuccessor(prev)) {
        var diff = bufferedMsg.seq.rawValue - prev.rawValue - 1
        var nacks = Set.empty[SeqNo]

        // Collect all missing sequence numbers (gaps)
        while (diff > 0) {
          nacks += SeqNo(prev.rawValue + diff)
          diff -= 1
        ack = ack.copy(nacks = ack.nacks ++ nacks)
      prev = bufferedMsg.seq

    (this.copy(buf = buf filterNot deliver.contains, lastDelivered = updatedLastDelivered), deliver, ack)

   * Merges two receive buffers. Merging preserves sequencing of messages, and drops all messages that has been
   * safely acknowledged by any of the participating buffers. Also updates the expected sequence numbers.
   * @param that The receive buffer to merge with
   * @return The merged receive buffer.
  def mergeFrom(that: AckedReceiveBuffer[T]): AckedReceiveBuffer[T] = {
    val mergedLastDelivered = max(this.lastDelivered, that.lastDelivered)
      lastDelivered = mergedLastDelivered,
      cumulativeAck = max(this.cumulativeAck, that.cumulativeAck),
      buf = (this.buf union that.buf).filter { _.seq > mergedLastDelivered })

  override def toString = { _.seq }.mkString("[", ", ", "]")

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka AckedDelivery.scala source code file:

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