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Akka/Scala example source code file (AkkaProtocolTransport.scala)

This example Akka source code file (AkkaProtocolTransport.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

address, akka, akkaprotocolexception, associatedwaithandler, associationhandle, collection, concurrent, disassociateinfo, event, handshakeinfo, option, promise, remote, string, time, transport

The AkkaProtocolTransport.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.remote.transport

import akka.ConfigurationException
import akka.pattern.pipe
import akka.remote._
import akka.remote.transport.ActorTransportAdapter._
import akka.remote.transport.AkkaPduCodec._
import akka.remote.transport.AkkaProtocolTransport._
import akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle._
import akka.remote.transport.ProtocolStateActor._
import akka.remote.transport.Transport._
import akka.util.ByteString
import akka.util.Helpers.Requiring
import akka.{ OnlyCauseStackTrace, AkkaException }
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }

class AkkaProtocolException(msg: String, cause: Throwable) extends AkkaException(msg, cause) with OnlyCauseStackTrace {
  def this(msg: String) = this(msg, null)

private[remote] class AkkaProtocolSettings(config: Config) {

  import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps
  import config._

  val TransportFailureDetectorConfig: Config = getConfig("akka.remote.transport-failure-detector")
  val TransportFailureDetectorImplementationClass: String = TransportFailureDetectorConfig.getString("implementation-class")
  val TransportHeartBeatInterval: FiniteDuration = {
  } requiring (_ > Duration.Zero, "transport-failure-detector.heartbeat-interval must be > 0")

  val RequireCookie: Boolean = getBoolean("akka.remote.require-cookie")

  val SecureCookie: Option[String] = if (RequireCookie) Some(getString("")) else None

private[remote] object AkkaProtocolTransport { //Couldn't these go into the Remoting Extension/ RemoteSettings instead?
  val AkkaScheme: String = "akka"
  val AkkaOverhead: Int = 0 //Don't know yet
  val UniqueId = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(0)

  final case class AssociateUnderlyingRefuseUid(
    remoteAddress: Address,
    statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle],
    refuseUid: Option[Int]) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

final case class HandshakeInfo(origin: Address, uid: Int, cookie: Option[String])

 * Implementation of the Akka protocol as a Transport that wraps an underlying Transport instance.
 * Features provided by this transport are:
 *  - Soft-state associations via the use of heartbeats and failure detectors
 *  - Secure-cookie handling
 *  - Transparent origin address handling
 *  - pluggable codecs to encode and decode Akka PDUs
 * It is not possible to load this transport dynamically using the configuration of remoting, because it does not
 * expose a constructor with [[com.typesafe.config.Config]] and [[]] parameters.
 * This transport is instead loaded automatically by [[akka.remote.Remoting]] to wrap all the dynamically loaded
 * transports.
 * @param wrappedTransport
 *   the underlying transport that will be used for communication
 * @param system
 *   the actor system
 * @param settings
 *   the configuration options of the Akka protocol
 * @param codec
 *   the codec that will be used to encode/decode Akka PDUs
private[remote] class AkkaProtocolTransport(
  wrappedTransport: Transport,
  private val system: ActorSystem,
  private val settings: AkkaProtocolSettings,
  private val codec: AkkaPduCodec) extends ActorTransportAdapter(wrappedTransport, system) {

  override val addedSchemeIdentifier: String = AkkaScheme

  override def managementCommand(cmd: Any): Future[Boolean] = wrappedTransport.managementCommand(cmd)

  def associate(remoteAddress: Address, refuseUid: Option[Int]): Future[AkkaProtocolHandle] = {
    // Prepare a future, and pass its promise to the manager
    val statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle] = Promise()

    manager ! AssociateUnderlyingRefuseUid(removeScheme(remoteAddress), statusPromise, refuseUid)


  override val maximumOverhead: Int = AkkaProtocolTransport.AkkaOverhead
  protected def managerName = s"akkaprotocolmanager.${wrappedTransport.schemeIdentifier}${UniqueId.getAndIncrement}"
  protected def managerProps = {
    val wt = wrappedTransport
    val s = settings
    Props(classOf[AkkaProtocolManager], wt, s).withDeploy(Deploy.local)

private[transport] class AkkaProtocolManager(
  private val wrappedTransport: Transport,
  private val settings: AkkaProtocolSettings)
  extends ActorTransportAdapterManager {

  // The AkkaProtocolTransport does not handle the recovery of associations, this task is implemented in the
  // remoting itself. Hence the strategy Stop.
  override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
    case NonFatal(_) ⇒ Stop

  private def actorNameFor(remoteAddress: Address): String =
    "akkaProtocol-" + AddressUrlEncoder(remoteAddress) + "-" + nextId()

  override def ready: Receive = {
    case InboundAssociation(handle) ⇒
      val stateActorLocalAddress = localAddress
      val stateActorAssociationHandler = associationListener
      val stateActorSettings = settings
      val failureDetector = createTransportFailureDetector()
        HandshakeInfo(stateActorLocalAddress, AddressUidExtension(context.system).addressUid, stateActorSettings.SecureCookie),
        failureDetector)), actorNameFor(handle.remoteAddress))

    case AssociateUnderlying(remoteAddress, statusPromise) ⇒
      createOutboundStateActor(remoteAddress, statusPromise, None)
    case AssociateUnderlyingRefuseUid(remoteAddress, statusPromise, refuseUid) ⇒
      createOutboundStateActor(remoteAddress, statusPromise, refuseUid)


  private def createOutboundStateActor(
    remoteAddress: Address,
    statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle],
    refuseUid: Option[Int]): Unit = {

    val stateActorLocalAddress = localAddress
    val stateActorSettings = settings
    val stateActorWrappedTransport = wrappedTransport
    val failureDetector = createTransportFailureDetector()
      HandshakeInfo(stateActorLocalAddress, AddressUidExtension(context.system).addressUid, stateActorSettings.SecureCookie),
      refuseUid)), actorNameFor(remoteAddress))

  private def createTransportFailureDetector(): FailureDetector =
    FailureDetectorLoader(settings.TransportFailureDetectorImplementationClass, settings.TransportFailureDetectorConfig)


private[remote] class AkkaProtocolHandle(
  _localAddress: Address,
  _remoteAddress: Address,
  val readHandlerPromise: Promise[HandleEventListener],
  _wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle,
  val handshakeInfo: HandshakeInfo,
  private val stateActor: ActorRef,
  private val codec: AkkaPduCodec)
  extends AbstractTransportAdapterHandle(_localAddress, _remoteAddress, _wrappedHandle, AkkaScheme) {

  override def write(payload: ByteString): Boolean = wrappedHandle.write(codec.constructPayload(payload))

  override def disassociate(): Unit = stateActor ! DisassociateUnderlying(Unknown)

  def disassociate(info: DisassociateInfo): Unit = stateActor ! DisassociateUnderlying(info)


private[transport] object ProtocolStateActor {
  sealed trait AssociationState

   * State when the underlying transport is not yet initialized
   * State data can be OutboundUnassociated
  case object Closed extends AssociationState

   * State when the underlying transport is initialized, there is an association present, and we are waiting
   * for the first message (has to be CONNECT if inbound).
   * State data can be OutboundUnderlyingAssociated (for outbound associations) or InboundUnassociated (for inbound
   * when upper layer is not notified yet)
  case object WaitHandshake extends AssociationState

   * State when the underlying transport is initialized and the handshake succeeded.
   * If the upper layer did not yet provided a handler for incoming messages, state data is AssociatedWaitHandler.
   * If everything is initialized, the state data is HandlerReady
  case object Open extends AssociationState

  case object HeartbeatTimer extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

  final case class Handle(handle: AssociationHandle) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

  final case class HandleListenerRegistered(listener: HandleEventListener) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

  sealed trait ProtocolStateData
  trait InitialProtocolStateData extends ProtocolStateData

  // Neither the underlying, nor the provided transport is associated
  final case class OutboundUnassociated(remoteAddress: Address, statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle], transport: Transport)
    extends InitialProtocolStateData

  // The underlying transport is associated, but the handshake of the akka protocol is not yet finished
  final case class OutboundUnderlyingAssociated(statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle], wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle)
    extends ProtocolStateData

  // The underlying transport is associated, but the handshake of the akka protocol is not yet finished
  final case class InboundUnassociated(associationListener: AssociationEventListener, wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle)
    extends InitialProtocolStateData

  // Both transports are associated, but the handler for the handle has not yet been provided
  final case class AssociatedWaitHandler(handleListener: Future[HandleEventListener], wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle,
                                         queue: immutable.Queue[ByteString])
    extends ProtocolStateData

  final case class ListenerReady(listener: HandleEventListener, wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle)
    extends ProtocolStateData

  case class TimeoutReason(errorMessage: String)
  case object ForbiddenUidReason

  private[remote] def outboundProps(
    handshakeInfo: HandshakeInfo,
    remoteAddress: Address,
    statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle],
    transport: Transport,
    settings: AkkaProtocolSettings,
    codec: AkkaPduCodec,
    failureDetector: FailureDetector,
    refuseUid: Option[Int]): Props =
    Props(classOf[ProtocolStateActor], handshakeInfo, remoteAddress, statusPromise, transport, settings, codec,
      failureDetector, refuseUid).withDeploy(Deploy.local)

  private[remote] def inboundProps(
    handshakeInfo: HandshakeInfo,
    wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle,
    associationListener: AssociationEventListener,
    settings: AkkaProtocolSettings,
    codec: AkkaPduCodec,
    failureDetector: FailureDetector): Props =
    Props(classOf[ProtocolStateActor], handshakeInfo, wrappedHandle, associationListener, settings, codec,

private[transport] class ProtocolStateActor(initialData: InitialProtocolStateData,
                                            private val localHandshakeInfo: HandshakeInfo,
                                            private val refuseUid: Option[Int],
                                            private val settings: AkkaProtocolSettings,
                                            private val codec: AkkaPduCodec,
                                            private val failureDetector: FailureDetector)
  extends Actor with FSM[AssociationState, ProtocolStateData]
  with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {

  import ProtocolStateActor._
  import context.dispatcher

  // Outbound case
  def this(handshakeInfo: HandshakeInfo,
           remoteAddress: Address,
           statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle],
           transport: Transport,
           settings: AkkaProtocolSettings,
           codec: AkkaPduCodec,
           failureDetector: FailureDetector,
           refuseUid: Option[Int]) = {
    this(OutboundUnassociated(remoteAddress, statusPromise, transport), handshakeInfo, refuseUid, settings, codec, failureDetector)

  // Inbound case
  def this(handshakeInfo: HandshakeInfo,
           wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle,
           associationListener: AssociationEventListener,
           settings: AkkaProtocolSettings,
           codec: AkkaPduCodec,
           failureDetector: FailureDetector) = {
    this(InboundUnassociated(associationListener, wrappedHandle), handshakeInfo, refuseUid = None, settings, codec, failureDetector)

  val localAddress = localHandshakeInfo.origin

  initialData match {
    case d: OutboundUnassociated ⇒
      d.transport.associate(d.remoteAddress).map(Handle(_)) pipeTo self
      startWith(Closed, d)

    case d: InboundUnassociated ⇒
      startWith(WaitHandshake, d)

  when(Closed) {

    // Transport layer events for outbound associations
    case Event(Status.Failure(e), OutboundUnassociated(_, statusPromise, _)) ⇒

    case Event(Handle(wrappedHandle), OutboundUnassociated(_, statusPromise, _)) ⇒
      if (sendAssociate(wrappedHandle, localHandshakeInfo)) {
        goto(WaitHandshake) using OutboundUnderlyingAssociated(statusPromise, wrappedHandle)

      } else {
        // Underlying transport was busy -- Associate could not be sent
        setTimer("associate-retry", Handle(wrappedHandle), RARP(context.system).provider.remoteSettings.BackoffPeriod, repeat = false)

    case Event(DisassociateUnderlying(_), _) ⇒

    case _ ⇒ stay()


  // Timeout of this state is implicitly handled by the failure detector
  when(WaitHandshake) {
    case Event(Disassociated(info), _) ⇒

    case Event(InboundPayload(p), OutboundUnderlyingAssociated(statusPromise, wrappedHandle)) ⇒
      decodePdu(p) match {
        case Associate(handshakeInfo) if refuseUid.exists(_ == handshakeInfo.uid) ⇒
          sendDisassociate(wrappedHandle, Quarantined)

        case Associate(handshakeInfo) ⇒
          goto(Open) using AssociatedWaitHandler(
            notifyOutboundHandler(wrappedHandle, handshakeInfo, statusPromise),

        case Disassociate(info) ⇒
          // After receiving Disassociate we MUST NOT send back a Disassociate (loop)

        case _ ⇒
          // Expected handshake to be finished, dropping connection
          sendDisassociate(wrappedHandle, Unknown)


    case Event(HeartbeatTimer, OutboundUnderlyingAssociated(_, wrappedHandle)) ⇒ handleTimers(wrappedHandle)

    // Events for inbound associations
    case Event(InboundPayload(p), InboundUnassociated(associationHandler, wrappedHandle)) ⇒
      decodePdu(p) match {
        // After receiving Disassociate we MUST NOT send back a Disassociate (loop)
        case Disassociate(info) ⇒ stop(FSM.Failure(info))

        // Incoming association -- implicitly ACK by a heartbeat
        case Associate(info) ⇒
          if (!settings.RequireCookie || info.cookie == settings.SecureCookie) {
            sendAssociate(wrappedHandle, localHandshakeInfo)
            goto(Open) using AssociatedWaitHandler(
              notifyInboundHandler(wrappedHandle, info, associationHandler),
          } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled)
              log.warning(s"Association attempt with mismatching cookie from [{}]. Expected [{}] but received [{}].",
                info.origin, localHandshakeInfo.cookie.getOrElse(""), info.cookie.getOrElse(""))
              log.warning(s"Association attempt with mismatching cookie from [{}].", info.origin)

        // Got a stray message -- explicitly reset the association (force remote endpoint to reassociate)
        case _ ⇒
          sendDisassociate(wrappedHandle, Unknown)



  when(Open) {
    case Event(Disassociated(info), _) ⇒

    case Event(InboundPayload(p), _) ⇒
      decodePdu(p) match {
        case Disassociate(info) ⇒

        case Heartbeat ⇒

        case Payload(payload) ⇒
          // use incoming ordinary message as alive sign
          stateData match {
            case AssociatedWaitHandler(handlerFuture, wrappedHandle, queue) ⇒
              // Queue message until handler is registered
              stay() using AssociatedWaitHandler(handlerFuture, wrappedHandle, queue :+ payload)
            case ListenerReady(listener, _) ⇒
              listener notify InboundPayload(payload)
            case msg ⇒
              throw new AkkaProtocolException(s"unhandled message in state Open(InboundPayload) with type [${safeClassName(msg)}]")

        case _ ⇒ stay()

    case Event(HeartbeatTimer, AssociatedWaitHandler(_, wrappedHandle, _)) ⇒ handleTimers(wrappedHandle)
    case Event(HeartbeatTimer, ListenerReady(_, wrappedHandle))            ⇒ handleTimers(wrappedHandle)

    case Event(DisassociateUnderlying(info: DisassociateInfo), _) ⇒
      val handle = stateData match {
        case ListenerReady(_, wrappedHandle)            ⇒ wrappedHandle
        case AssociatedWaitHandler(_, wrappedHandle, _) ⇒ wrappedHandle
        case msg ⇒
          throw new AkkaProtocolException(s"unhandled message in state Open(DisassociateUnderlying) with type [${safeClassName(msg)}]")
      sendDisassociate(handle, info)

    case Event(HandleListenerRegistered(listener), AssociatedWaitHandler(_, wrappedHandle, queue)) ⇒
      queue.foreach { listener notify InboundPayload(_) }
      stay() using ListenerReady(listener, wrappedHandle)

  private def initTimers(): Unit = {
    setTimer("heartbeat-timer", HeartbeatTimer, settings.TransportHeartBeatInterval, repeat = true)

  private def handleTimers(wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle): State = {
    if (failureDetector.isAvailable) {
    } else {
      // send disassociate just to be sure
      sendDisassociate(wrappedHandle, Unknown)
      stop(FSM.Failure(TimeoutReason("No response from remote. Handshake timed out or transport failure detector triggered.")))

  private def safeClassName(obj: AnyRef): String = obj match {
    case null ⇒ "null"
    case _    ⇒ obj.getClass.getName

  override def postStop(): Unit = {
    super.postStop() // Pass to onTermination

  onTermination {
    case StopEvent(reason, _, OutboundUnassociated(remoteAddress, statusPromise, transport)) ⇒
      statusPromise.tryFailure(reason match {
        case FSM.Failure(info: DisassociateInfo) ⇒ disassociateException(info)
        case _                                   ⇒ new AkkaProtocolException("Transport disassociated before handshake finished")

    case StopEvent(reason, _, OutboundUnderlyingAssociated(statusPromise, wrappedHandle)) ⇒
      statusPromise.tryFailure(reason match {
        case FSM.Failure(TimeoutReason(errorMessage)) ⇒
          new AkkaProtocolException(errorMessage)
        case FSM.Failure(info: DisassociateInfo) ⇒
        case FSM.Failure(ForbiddenUidReason) ⇒
          InvalidAssociationException("The remote system has a UID that has been quarantined. Association aborted.")
        case _ ⇒
          new AkkaProtocolException("Transport disassociated before handshake finished")

    case StopEvent(reason, _, AssociatedWaitHandler(handlerFuture, wrappedHandle, queue)) ⇒
      // Invalidate exposed but still unfinished promise. The underlying association disappeared, so after
      // registration immediately signal a disassociate
      val disassociateNotification = reason match {
        case FSM.Failure(info: DisassociateInfo) ⇒ Disassociated(info)
        case _                                   ⇒ Disassociated(Unknown)
      handlerFuture foreach { _ notify disassociateNotification }

    case StopEvent(reason, _, ListenerReady(handler, wrappedHandle)) ⇒
      val disassociateNotification = reason match {
        case FSM.Failure(info: DisassociateInfo) ⇒ Disassociated(info)
        case _                                   ⇒ Disassociated(Unknown)
      handler notify disassociateNotification

    case StopEvent(_, _, InboundUnassociated(_, wrappedHandle)) ⇒


  private def disassociateException(info: DisassociateInfo): Exception = info match {
    case Unknown ⇒
      new AkkaProtocolException("The remote system explicitly disassociated (reason unknown).")
    case Shutdown ⇒
      InvalidAssociationException("The remote system refused the association because it is shutting down.")
    case Quarantined ⇒
      InvalidAssociationException("The remote system has quarantined this system. No further associations to the remote " +
        "system are possible until this system is restarted.")

  override protected def logTermination(reason: FSM.Reason): Unit = reason match {
    case FSM.Failure(_: DisassociateInfo) ⇒ // no logging
    case FSM.Failure(ForbiddenUidReason)  ⇒ // no logging
    case FSM.Failure(TimeoutReason(errorMessage)) ⇒
    case other ⇒ super.logTermination(reason)

  private def listenForListenerRegistration(readHandlerPromise: Promise[HandleEventListener]): Unit = { HandleListenerRegistered(_) } pipeTo self

  private def notifyOutboundHandler(wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle,
                                    handshakeInfo: HandshakeInfo,
                                    statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle]): Future[HandleEventListener] = {
    val readHandlerPromise = Promise[HandleEventListener]()

      new AkkaProtocolHandle(

  private def notifyInboundHandler(wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle,
                                   handshakeInfo: HandshakeInfo,
                                   associationListener: AssociationEventListener): Future[HandleEventListener] = {
    val readHandlerPromise = Promise[HandleEventListener]()

    associationListener notify InboundAssociation(
      new AkkaProtocolHandle(

  private def decodePdu(pdu: ByteString): AkkaPdu = try codec.decodePdu(pdu) catch {
    case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new AkkaProtocolException("Error while decoding incoming Akka PDU of length: " + pdu.length, e)

  // Neither heartbeats neither disassociate cares about backing off if write fails:
  //  - Missing heartbeats are not critical
  //  - Disassociate messages are not guaranteed anyway
  private def sendHeartbeat(wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle): Boolean = try wrappedHandle.write(codec.constructHeartbeat) catch {
    case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new AkkaProtocolException("Error writing HEARTBEAT to transport", e)

  private def sendDisassociate(wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle, info: DisassociateInfo): Unit =
    try wrappedHandle.write(codec.constructDisassociate(info)) catch {
      case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new AkkaProtocolException("Error writing DISASSOCIATE to transport", e)

  private def sendAssociate(wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle, info: HandshakeInfo): Boolean = try {
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new AkkaProtocolException("Error writing ASSOCIATE to transport", e)

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka AkkaProtocolTransport.scala source code file:

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