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Akka/Scala example source code file (AccrualFailureDetectorSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (AccrualFailureDetectorSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, akkaspec, clock, collection, concurrent, double, finiteduration, heartbeathistory, list, phiaccrualfailuredetector, seq, statistics, test, testing, time, treemap

The AccrualFailureDetectorSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.remote

import akka.testkit.AkkaSpec
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.remote.FailureDetector.Clock

class AccrualFailureDetectorSpec extends AkkaSpec("akka.loglevel = INFO") {

  "An AccrualFailureDetector" must {

    def fakeTimeGenerator(timeIntervals: Seq[Long]): Clock = new Clock {
      @volatile var times = timeIntervals.tail.foldLeft(List[Long](timeIntervals.head))((acc, c) ⇒ acc ::: List[Long](acc.last + c))
      override def apply(): Long = {
        val currentTime = times.head
        times = times.tail

    def createFailureDetector(
      threshold: Double = 8.0,
      maxSampleSize: Int = 1000,
      minStdDeviation: FiniteDuration = 100.millis,
      acceptableLostDuration: FiniteDuration = Duration.Zero,
      firstHeartbeatEstimate: FiniteDuration = 1.second,
      clock: Clock = FailureDetector.defaultClock) =
      new PhiAccrualFailureDetector(
        firstHeartbeatEstimate = firstHeartbeatEstimate)(clock = clock)

    def cdf(phi: Double) = 1.0 - math.pow(10, -phi)

    "use good enough cumulative distribution function" in {
      val fd = createFailureDetector()
      cdf(fd.phi(0, 0, 10)) should be(0.5 +- (0.001))
      cdf(fd.phi(6L, 0, 10)) should be(0.7257 +- (0.001))
      cdf(fd.phi(15L, 0, 10)) should be(0.9332 +- (0.001))
      cdf(fd.phi(20L, 0, 10)) should be(0.97725 +- (0.001))
      cdf(fd.phi(25L, 0, 10)) should be(0.99379 +- (0.001))
      cdf(fd.phi(35L, 0, 10)) should be(0.99977 +- (0.001))
      cdf(fd.phi(40L, 0, 10)) should be(0.99997 +- (0.0001))

      for (x :: y :: Nil ← (0 to 40).toList.sliding(2)) {
        fd.phi(x, 0, 10) should be < (fd.phi(y, 0, 10))

      cdf(fd.phi(22, 20.0, 3)) should be(0.7475 +- (0.001))

    "handle outliers without losing precision or hitting exceptions" in {
      val fd = createFailureDetector()
      fd.phi(10L, 0, 1) should be(38.0 +- 1.0)
      fd.phi(-25L, 0, 1) should be(0.0)

    "return realistic phi values" in {
      val fd = createFailureDetector()
      val test = TreeMap(0 -> 0.0, 500 -> 0.1, 1000 -> 0.3, 1200 -> 1.6, 1400 -> 4.7, 1600 -> 10.8, 1700 -> 15.3)
      for ((timeDiff, expectedPhi) ← test) {
        fd.phi(timeDiff = timeDiff, mean = 1000.0, stdDeviation = 100.0) should be(expectedPhi +- (0.1))

      // larger stdDeviation results => lower phi
      fd.phi(timeDiff = 1100, mean = 1000.0, stdDeviation = 500.0) should be < (
        fd.phi(timeDiff = 1100, mean = 1000.0, stdDeviation = 100.0))

    "return phi value of 0.0 on startup for each address, when no heartbeats" in {
      val fd = createFailureDetector()
      fd.phi should be(0.0)
      fd.phi should be(0.0)

    "return phi based on guess when only one heartbeat" in {
      val timeInterval = List[Long](0, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000)
      val fd = createFailureDetector(firstHeartbeatEstimate = 1.seconds,
        clock = fakeTimeGenerator(timeInterval))

      fd.phi should be(0.3 +- 0.2)
      fd.phi should be(4.5 +- 0.3)
      fd.phi should be > (15.0)

    "return phi value using first interval after second heartbeat" in {
      val timeInterval = List[Long](0, 100, 100, 100)
      val fd = createFailureDetector(clock = fakeTimeGenerator(timeInterval))

      fd.phi should be > (0.0)
      fd.phi should be > (0.0)

    "mark node as monitored after a series of successful heartbeats" in {
      val timeInterval = List[Long](0, 1000, 100, 100)
      val fd = createFailureDetector(clock = fakeTimeGenerator(timeInterval))
      fd.isMonitoring should be(false)


      fd.isMonitoring should be(true)
      fd.isAvailable should be(true)

    "mark node as dead if heartbeat are missed" in {
      val timeInterval = List[Long](0, 1000, 100, 100, 7000)
      val fd = createFailureDetector(threshold = 3, clock = fakeTimeGenerator(timeInterval))

      fd.heartbeat() //0
      fd.heartbeat() //1000
      fd.heartbeat() //1100

      fd.isAvailable should be(true) //1200
      fd.isAvailable should be(false) //8200

    "mark node as available if it starts heartbeat again after being marked dead due to detection of failure" in {
      // 1000 regular intervals, 5 minute pause, and then a short pause again that should trigger unreachable again
      val regularIntervals = 0L +: Vector.fill(999)(1000L)
      val timeIntervals = regularIntervals :+ (5 * 60 * 1000L) :+ 100L :+ 900L :+ 100L :+ 7000L :+ 100L :+ 900L :+ 100L :+ 900L
      val fd = createFailureDetector(threshold = 8, acceptableLostDuration = 3.seconds, clock = fakeTimeGenerator(timeIntervals))

      for (_ ← 0 until 1000) fd.heartbeat()
      fd.isAvailable should be(false) // after the long pause
      fd.isAvailable should be(true)
      fd.isAvailable should be(false) // after the 7 seconds pause
      fd.isAvailable should be(true)
      fd.isAvailable should be(true)

    "accept some configured missing heartbeats" in {
      val timeInterval = List[Long](0, 1000, 1000, 1000, 4000, 1000, 1000)
      val fd = createFailureDetector(acceptableLostDuration = 3.seconds, clock = fakeTimeGenerator(timeInterval))

      fd.isAvailable should be(true)
      fd.isAvailable should be(true)

    "fail after configured acceptable missing heartbeats" in {
      val timeInterval = List[Long](0, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 500, 500, 5000)
      val fd = createFailureDetector(acceptableLostDuration = 3.seconds, clock = fakeTimeGenerator(timeInterval))

      fd.isAvailable should be(true)
      fd.isAvailable should be(false)

    "use maxSampleSize heartbeats" in {
      val timeInterval = List[Long](0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 600, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500)
      val fd = createFailureDetector(maxSampleSize = 3, clock = fakeTimeGenerator(timeInterval))

      // 100 ms interval
      fd.heartbeat() //0
      fd.heartbeat() //100
      fd.heartbeat() //200
      fd.heartbeat() //300
      val phi1 = fd.phi //400
      // 500 ms interval, should become same phi when 100 ms intervals have been dropped
      fd.heartbeat() //1000
      fd.heartbeat() //1500
      fd.heartbeat() //2000
      fd.heartbeat() //2500
      val phi2 = fd.phi //3000
      phi2 should be(phi1.plusOrMinus(0.001))


  "Statistics for heartbeats" must {

    "calculate correct mean and variance" in {
      val samples = Seq(100, 200, 125, 340, 130)
      val stats = (HeartbeatHistory(maxSampleSize = 20) /: samples) {
        (stats, value) ⇒ stats :+ value
      stats.mean should be(179.0 +- 0.00001)
      stats.variance should be(7584.0 +- 0.00001)

    "have 0.0 variance for one sample" in {
      (HeartbeatHistory(600) :+ 1000L).variance should be(0.0 +- 0.00001)

    "be capped by the specified maxSampleSize" in {
      val history3 = HeartbeatHistory(maxSampleSize = 3) :+ 100 :+ 110 :+ 90
      history3.mean should be(100.0 +- 0.00001)
      history3.variance should be(66.6666667 +- 0.00001)

      val history4 = history3 :+ 140
      history4.mean should be(113.333333 +- 0.00001)
      history4.variance should be(422.222222 +- 0.00001)

      val history5 = history4 :+ 80
      history5.mean should be(103.333333 +- 0.00001)
      history5.variance should be(688.88888889 +- 0.00001)


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka AccrualFailureDetectorSpec.scala source code file:

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