Akka/Scala example source code file (RemotingSpec.scala)
The RemotingSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.remote import akka.actor._ import akka.pattern.ask import akka.remote.transport.AssociationRegistry import akka.testkit._ import akka.util.ByteString import com.typesafe.config._ import java.io.NotSerializableException import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom import akka.TestUtils.temporaryServerAddress object RemotingSpec { final case class ActorForReq(s: String) final case class ActorSelReq(s: String) class Echo1 extends Actor { var target: ActorRef = context.system.deadLetters def receive = { case (p: Props, n: String) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorOf(Props[Echo1], n) case ex: Exception ⇒ throw ex case ActorForReq(s) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorFor(s) case ActorSelReq(s) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorSelection(s) case x ⇒ target = sender(); sender() ! x } override def preStart() {} override def preRestart(cause: Throwable, msg: Option[Any]) { target ! "preRestart" } override def postRestart(cause: Throwable) {} override def postStop() { target ! "postStop" } } class Echo2 extends Actor { def receive = { case "ping" ⇒ sender() ! (("pong", sender())) case a: ActorRef ⇒ a ! (("ping", sender())) case ("ping", a: ActorRef) ⇒ sender() ! (("pong", a)) case ("pong", a: ActorRef) ⇒ a ! (("pong", sender().path.toSerializationFormat)) } } class Proxy(val one: ActorRef, val another: ActorRef) extends Actor { def receive = { case s if sender().path == one.path ⇒ another ! s case s if sender().path == another.path ⇒ one ! s } } val cfg: Config = ConfigFactory parseString (s""" common-ssl-settings { key-store = "${getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("keystore").getPath}" trust-store = "${getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("truststore").getPath}" key-store-password = "changeme" key-password = "changeme" trust-store-password = "changeme" protocol = "TLSv1" random-number-generator = "AES128CounterSecureRNG" enabled-algorithms = [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA] } common-netty-settings { port = 0 hostname = "localhost" } akka { actor.provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider" remote { transport = "akka.remote.Remoting" retry-gate-closed-for = 1 s log-remote-lifecycle-events = on enabled-transports = [ "akka.remote.test", "akka.remote.netty.tcp", "akka.remote.netty.udp", "akka.remote.netty.ssl" ] netty.tcp = $${common-netty-settings} netty.udp = $${common-netty-settings} netty.ssl = $${common-netty-settings} netty.ssl.security = $${common-ssl-settings} test { transport-class = "akka.remote.transport.TestTransport" applied-adapters = [] registry-key = aX33k0jWKg local-address = "test://RemotingSpec@localhost:12345" maximum-payload-bytes = 32000 bytes scheme-identifier = test } } actor.deployment { /blub.remote = "akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346" /looker1/child.remote = "akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346" /looker1/child/grandchild.remote = "akka.test://RemotingSpec@localhost:12345" /looker2/child.remote = "akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346" /looker2/child/grandchild.remote = "akka.test://RemotingSpec@localhost:12345" } } """) def muteSystem(system: ActorSystem) { system.eventStream.publish(TestEvent.Mute( EventFilter.error(start = "AssociationError"), EventFilter.warning(start = "AssociationError"), EventFilter.warning(pattern = "received dead letter.*"))) } } @org.junit.runner.RunWith(classOf[org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner]) class RemotingSpec extends AkkaSpec(RemotingSpec.cfg) with ImplicitSender with DefaultTimeout { import RemotingSpec._ val conf = ConfigFactory.parseString( """ akka.remote.test { local-address = "test://remote-sys@localhost:12346" maximum-payload-bytes = 48000 bytes } """).withFallback(system.settings.config).resolve() val remoteSystem = ActorSystem("remote-sys", conf) for ( (name, proto) ← Seq( "/gonk" -> "tcp", "/zagzag" -> "udp", "/roghtaar" -> "ssl.tcp") ) deploy(system, Deploy(name, scope = RemoteScope(addr(remoteSystem, proto)))) def addr(sys: ActorSystem, proto: String) = sys.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].provider.getExternalAddressFor(Address(s"akka.$proto", "", "", 0)).get def port(sys: ActorSystem, proto: String) = addr(sys, proto).port.get def deploy(sys: ActorSystem, d: Deploy) { sys.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].provider.asInstanceOf[RemoteActorRefProvider].deployer.deploy(d) } val remote = remoteSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo2], "echo") val here = system.actorFor("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/user/echo") private def verifySend(msg: Any)(afterSend: ⇒ Unit) { val bigBounceId = s"bigBounce-${ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextInt()}" val bigBounceOther = remoteSystem.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case x: Int ⇒ sender() ! byteStringOfSize(x) case x ⇒ sender() ! x } }).withDeploy(Deploy.local), bigBounceId) val bigBounceHere = system.actorFor(s"akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/user/$bigBounceId") val eventForwarder = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case x ⇒ testActor ! x } }).withDeploy(Deploy.local)) system.eventStream.subscribe(eventForwarder, classOf[AssociationErrorEvent]) system.eventStream.subscribe(eventForwarder, classOf[DisassociatedEvent]) try { bigBounceHere ! msg afterSend expectNoMsg(500.millis.dilated) } finally { system.eventStream.unsubscribe(eventForwarder, classOf[AssociationErrorEvent]) system.eventStream.unsubscribe(eventForwarder, classOf[DisassociatedEvent]) eventForwarder ! PoisonPill bigBounceOther ! PoisonPill } } override def atStartup() = { muteSystem(system); remoteSystem.eventStream.publish(TestEvent.Mute( EventFilter[EndpointException](), EventFilter.error(start = "AssociationError"), EventFilter.warning(pattern = "received dead letter.*(InboundPayload|Disassociate|HandleListener)"))) } private def byteStringOfSize(size: Int) = ByteString.fromArray(Array.fill(size)(42: Byte)) val maxPayloadBytes = system.settings.config.getBytes("akka.remote.test.maximum-payload-bytes").toInt override def afterTermination() { shutdown(remoteSystem) AssociationRegistry.clear() } "Remoting" must { "support remote look-ups" in { here ! "ping" expectMsg(("pong", testActor)) } "send warning message for wrong address" in { filterEvents(EventFilter.warning(pattern = "Address is now gated for ", occurrences = 1)) { system.actorFor("akka.test://nonexistingsystem@localhost:12346/user/echo") ! "ping" } } "support ask" in { Await.result(here ? "ping", timeout.duration) match { case ("pong", s: akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef) ⇒ // good case m ⇒ fail(m + " was not (pong, AskActorRef)") } } "send dead letters on remote if actor does not exist" in { EventFilter.warning(pattern = "dead.*buh", occurrences = 1).intercept { system.actorFor("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/does/not/exist") ! "buh" }(remoteSystem) } "not be exhausted by sending to broken connections" in { val tcpOnlyConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString("""akka.remote.enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]"""). withFallback(remoteSystem.settings.config) val moreSystems = Vector.fill(5)(ActorSystem(remoteSystem.name, tcpOnlyConfig)) moreSystems foreach { sys ⇒ sys.eventStream.publish(TestEvent.Mute( EventFilter[EndpointDisassociatedException](), EventFilter.warning(pattern = "received dead letter.*"))) sys.actorOf(Props[Echo2], name = "echo") } val moreRefs = moreSystems map (sys ⇒ system.actorSelection(RootActorPath(addr(sys, "tcp")) / "user" / "echo")) val aliveEcho = system.actorSelection(RootActorPath(addr(remoteSystem, "tcp")) / "user" / "echo") val n = 100 // first everything is up and running 1 to n foreach { x ⇒ aliveEcho ! "ping" moreRefs(x % moreSystems.size) ! "ping" } within(5.seconds) { receiveN(n * 2) foreach { reply ⇒ reply should be(("pong", testActor)) } } // then we shutdown all but one system to simulate broken connections moreSystems foreach { sys ⇒ shutdown(sys) } 1 to n foreach { x ⇒ aliveEcho ! "ping" moreRefs(x % moreSystems.size) ! "ping" } // ping messages to aliveEcho should go through even though we use many different broken connections within(5.seconds) { receiveN(n) foreach { reply ⇒ reply should be(("pong", testActor)) } } } "create and supervise children on remote node" in { val r = system.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "blub") r.path.toString should be("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/remote/akka.test/RemotingSpec@localhost:12345/user/blub") r ! 42 expectMsg(42) EventFilter[Exception]("crash", occurrences = 1).intercept { r ! new Exception("crash") } expectMsg("preRestart") r ! 42 expectMsg(42) system.stop(r) expectMsg("postStop") } "not send to remote re-created actor with same name" in { val echo = remoteSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "otherEcho1") echo ! 71 expectMsg(71) echo ! PoisonPill expectMsg("postStop") echo ! 72 expectNoMsg(1.second) val echo2 = remoteSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "otherEcho1") echo2 ! 73 expectMsg(73) // msg to old ActorRef (different uid) should not get through echo2.path.uid should not be (echo.path.uid) echo ! 74 expectNoMsg(1.second) remoteSystem.actorFor("/user/otherEcho1") ! 75 expectMsg(75) system.actorFor("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/user/otherEcho1") ! 76 expectMsg(76) remoteSystem.actorSelection("/user/otherEcho1") ! 77 expectMsg(77) system.actorSelection("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/user/otherEcho1") ! 78 expectMsg(78) } "look-up actors across node boundaries" in { val l = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case (p: Props, n: String) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorOf(p, n) case ActorForReq(s) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorFor(s) } }), "looker1") // child is configured to be deployed on remote-sys (remoteSystem) l ! ((Props[Echo1], "child")) val child = expectMsgType[ActorRef] // grandchild is configured to be deployed on RemotingSpec (system) child ! ((Props[Echo1], "grandchild")) val grandchild = expectMsgType[ActorRef] grandchild.asInstanceOf[ActorRefScope].isLocal should be(true) grandchild ! 43 expectMsg(43) val myref = system.actorFor(system / "looker1" / "child" / "grandchild") myref.isInstanceOf[RemoteActorRef] should be(true) myref ! 44 expectMsg(44) lastSender should be(grandchild) lastSender should be theSameInstanceAs grandchild child.asInstanceOf[RemoteActorRef].getParent should be(l) system.actorFor("/user/looker1/child") should be theSameInstanceAs child Await.result(l ? ActorForReq("child/.."), timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] should be theSameInstanceAs l Await.result(system.actorFor(system / "looker1" / "child") ? ActorForReq(".."), timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] should be theSameInstanceAs l watch(child) child ! PoisonPill expectMsg("postStop") expectTerminated(child) l ! ((Props[Echo1], "child")) val child2 = expectMsgType[ActorRef] child2 ! 45 expectMsg(45) // msg to old ActorRef (different uid) should not get through child2.path.uid should not be (child.path.uid) child ! 46 expectNoMsg(1.second) system.actorFor(system / "looker1" / "child") ! 47 expectMsg(47) } "select actors across node boundaries" in { val l = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case (p: Props, n: String) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorOf(p, n) case ActorSelReq(s) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorSelection(s) } }), "looker2") // child is configured to be deployed on remoteSystem l ! ((Props[Echo1], "child")) val child = expectMsgType[ActorRef] // grandchild is configured to be deployed on RemotingSpec (system) child ! ((Props[Echo1], "grandchild")) val grandchild = expectMsgType[ActorRef] grandchild.asInstanceOf[ActorRefScope].isLocal should be(true) grandchild ! 53 expectMsg(53) val mysel = system.actorSelection(system / "looker2" / "child" / "grandchild") mysel ! 54 expectMsg(54) lastSender should be(grandchild) lastSender should be theSameInstanceAs grandchild mysel ! Identify(mysel) val grandchild2 = expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref grandchild2 should be(Some(grandchild)) system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child") ! Identify(None) expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref should be(Some(child)) l ! ActorSelReq("child/..") expectMsgType[ActorSelection] ! Identify(None) expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref.get should be theSameInstanceAs l system.actorSelection(system / "looker2" / "child") ! ActorSelReq("..") expectMsgType[ActorSelection] ! Identify(None) expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref.get should be theSameInstanceAs l grandchild ! ((Props[Echo1], "grandgrandchild")) val grandgrandchild = expectMsgType[ActorRef] system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child") ! Identify("idReq1") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq1", Some(child))) system.actorSelection(child.path) ! Identify("idReq2") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq2", Some(child))) system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/*") ! Identify("idReq3") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq3", Some(child))) system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/grandchild") ! Identify("idReq4") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq4", Some(grandchild))) system.actorSelection(child.path / "grandchild") ! Identify("idReq5") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq5", Some(grandchild))) system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/*/grandchild") ! Identify("idReq6") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq6", Some(grandchild))) system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/*") ! Identify("idReq7") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq7", Some(grandchild))) system.actorSelection(child.path / "*") ! Identify("idReq8") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq8", Some(grandchild))) system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/grandchild/grandgrandchild") ! Identify("idReq9") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq9", Some(grandgrandchild))) system.actorSelection(child.path / "grandchild" / "grandgrandchild") ! Identify("idReq10") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq10", Some(grandgrandchild))) system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/*/grandgrandchild") ! Identify("idReq11") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq11", Some(grandgrandchild))) system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/*/*") ! Identify("idReq12") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq12", Some(grandgrandchild))) system.actorSelection(child.path / "*" / "grandgrandchild") ! Identify("idReq13") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq13", Some(grandgrandchild))) val sel1 = system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/grandchild/grandgrandchild") system.actorSelection(sel1.toSerializationFormat) ! Identify("idReq18") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq18", Some(grandgrandchild))) child ! Identify("idReq14") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq14", Some(child))) watch(child) child ! PoisonPill expectMsg("postStop") expectMsgType[Terminated].actor should be(child) l ! ((Props[Echo1], "child")) val child2 = expectMsgType[ActorRef] child2 ! Identify("idReq15") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq15", Some(child2))) system.actorSelection(child.path) ! Identify("idReq16") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq16", Some(child2))) child ! Identify("idReq17") expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq17", None)) child2 ! 55 expectMsg(55) // msg to old ActorRef (different uid) should not get through child2.path.uid should not be (child.path.uid) child ! 56 expectNoMsg(1.second) system.actorSelection(system / "looker2" / "child") ! 57 expectMsg(57) } "not fail ask across node boundaries" in within(5.seconds) { import system.dispatcher val f = for (_ ← 1 to 1000) yield here ? "ping" mapTo manifest[(String, ActorRef)] Await.result(Future.sequence(f), timeout.duration).map(_._1).toSet should be(Set("pong")) } "be able to use multiple transports and use the appropriate one (TCP)" in { val r = system.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "gonk") r.path.toString should be === s"akka.tcp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "tcp")}/remote/akka.tcp/RemotingSpec@localhost:${port(system, "tcp")}/user/gonk" r ! 42 expectMsg(42) EventFilter[Exception]("crash", occurrences = 1).intercept { r ! new Exception("crash") } expectMsg("preRestart") r ! 42 expectMsg(42) system.stop(r) expectMsg("postStop") } "be able to use multiple transports and use the appropriate one (UDP)" in { val r = system.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "zagzag") r.path.toString should be === s"akka.udp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "udp")}/remote/akka.udp/RemotingSpec@localhost:${port(system, "udp")}/user/zagzag" r ! 42 expectMsg(10.seconds, 42) EventFilter[Exception]("crash", occurrences = 1).intercept { r ! new Exception("crash") } expectMsg("preRestart") r ! 42 expectMsg(42) system.stop(r) expectMsg("postStop") } "be able to use multiple transports and use the appropriate one (SSL)" in { val r = system.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "roghtaar") r.path.toString should be === s"akka.ssl.tcp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "ssl.tcp")}/remote/akka.ssl.tcp/RemotingSpec@localhost:${port(system, "ssl.tcp")}/user/roghtaar" r ! 42 expectMsg(10.seconds, 42) EventFilter[Exception]("crash", occurrences = 1).intercept { r ! new Exception("crash") } expectMsg("preRestart") r ! 42 expectMsg(42) system.stop(r) expectMsg("postStop") } "drop unserializable messages" in { object Unserializable EventFilter[NotSerializableException](pattern = ".*No configured serialization.*", occurrences = 1).intercept { verifySend(Unserializable) { expectNoMsg(1.second) // No AssocitionErrorEvent should be published } } } "allow messages up to payload size" in { val maxProtocolOverhead = 500 // Make sure we're still under size after the message is serialized, etc val big = byteStringOfSize(maxPayloadBytes - maxProtocolOverhead) verifySend(big) { expectMsg(1.second, big) } } "drop sent messages over payload size" in { val oversized = byteStringOfSize(maxPayloadBytes + 1) EventFilter[OversizedPayloadException](pattern = ".*Discarding oversized payload sent.*", occurrences = 1).intercept { verifySend(oversized) { expectNoMsg(1.second) // No AssocitionErrorEvent should be published } } } "drop received messages over payload size" in { // Receiver should reply with a message of size maxPayload + 1, which will be dropped and an error logged EventFilter[OversizedPayloadException](pattern = ".*Discarding oversized payload received.*", occurrences = 1).intercept { verifySend(maxPayloadBytes + 1) { expectNoMsg(1.second) // No AssocitionErrorEvent should be published } } } "be able to serialize a local actor ref from another actor system" in { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(""" # Additional internal serialization verification need so be off, otherwise it triggers two error messages # instead of one: one for the internal check, and one for the actual remote send -- tripping off this test akka.actor.serialize-messages = off akka.remote.enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.test", "akka.remote.netty.tcp"] akka.remote.test.local-address = "test://other-system@localhost:12347" """).withFallback(remoteSystem.settings.config) val otherSystem = ActorSystem("other-system", config) try { val otherGuy = otherSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo2], "other-guy") // check that we use the specified transport address instead of the default val otherGuyRemoteTcp = otherGuy.path.toSerializationFormatWithAddress(addr(otherSystem, "tcp")) val remoteEchoHereTcp = system.actorFor(s"akka.tcp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "tcp")}/user/echo") val proxyTcp = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Proxy], remoteEchoHereTcp, testActor), "proxy-tcp") proxyTcp ! otherGuy expectMsg(3.seconds, ("pong", otherGuyRemoteTcp)) // now check that we fall back to default when we haven't got a corresponding transport val otherGuyRemoteTest = otherGuy.path.toSerializationFormatWithAddress(addr(otherSystem, "test")) val remoteEchoHereSsl = system.actorFor(s"akka.ssl.tcp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "ssl.tcp")}/user/echo") val proxySsl = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Proxy], remoteEchoHereSsl, testActor), "proxy-ssl") EventFilter[RemoteTransportException](start = "Error while resolving address", occurrences = 1).intercept { proxySsl ! otherGuy expectMsg(3.seconds, ("pong", otherGuyRemoteTest)) }(otherSystem) } finally { shutdown(otherSystem) } } "be able to connect to system even if it's not there at first" in { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s""" akka.remote.enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"] akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = 0 akka.remote.retry-gate-closed-for = 5s """).withFallback(remoteSystem.settings.config) val thisSystem = ActorSystem("this-system", config) try { muteSystem(thisSystem) val probe = new TestProbe(thisSystem) val probeSender = probe.ref val otherAddress = temporaryServerAddress() val otherConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(s""" akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = ${otherAddress.getPort} """).withFallback(config) val otherSelection = thisSystem.actorSelection(s"akka.tcp://other-system@localhost:${otherAddress.getPort}/user/echo") otherSelection.tell("ping", probeSender) probe.expectNoMsg(1 seconds) val otherSystem = ActorSystem("other-system", otherConfig) try { muteSystem(otherSystem) probe.expectNoMsg(2 seconds) otherSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo2], "echo") within(5 seconds) { awaitAssert { otherSelection.tell("ping", probeSender) assert(probe.expectMsgType[(String, ActorRef)](500 millis)._1 == "pong") } } } finally { shutdown(otherSystem) } } finally { shutdown(thisSystem) } } "allow other system to connect even if it's not there at first" in { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s""" akka.remote.enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"] akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = 0 akka.remote.retry-gate-closed-for = 5s """).withFallback(remoteSystem.settings.config) val thisSystem = ActorSystem("this-system", config) try { muteSystem(thisSystem) val thisProbe = new TestProbe(thisSystem) val thisSender = thisProbe.ref thisSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo2], "echo") val otherAddress = temporaryServerAddress() val otherConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(s""" akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = ${otherAddress.getPort} """).withFallback(config) val otherSelection = thisSystem.actorSelection(s"akka.tcp://other-system@localhost:${otherAddress.getPort}/user/echo") otherSelection.tell("ping", thisSender) thisProbe.expectNoMsg(1 seconds) val otherSystem = ActorSystem("other-system", otherConfig) try { muteSystem(otherSystem) thisProbe.expectNoMsg(2 seconds) val otherProbe = new TestProbe(otherSystem) val otherSender = otherProbe.ref val thisSelection = otherSystem.actorSelection(s"akka.tcp://this-system@localhost:${port(thisSystem, "tcp")}/user/echo") within(5 seconds) { awaitAssert { thisSelection.tell("ping", otherSender) assert(otherProbe.expectMsgType[(String, ActorRef)](500 millis)._1 == "pong") } } } finally { shutdown(otherSystem) } } finally { shutdown(thisSystem) } } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka RemotingSpec.scala source code file: |
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