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Akka/Scala example source code file (AkkaBuild.scala)

This example Akka source code file (AkkaBuild.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorsystem, akka, compile, file, multijvm, none, project, seq, string, test, utf-8

The AkkaBuild.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka

import{FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}
import java.util.Properties

import akka.Formatting.docFormatSettings
import akka.MultiNode.multiJvmSettings
import akka.TestExtras.{GraphiteBuildEvents, JUnitFileReporting, StatsDMetrics}
import akka.Unidoc.{scaladocSettings, unidocSettings}
import com.typesafe.sbt.S3Plugin.{S3, s3Settings}
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtMultiJvm.MultiJvmKeys.{MultiJvm, extraOptions}
import{binaryIssueFilters, previousArtifact, reportBinaryIssues}
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
import sbtunidoc.Plugin.UnidocKeys.unidoc

object AkkaBuild extends Build {
  System.setProperty("akka.mode", "test") // Is there better place for this?

  // Load system properties from a file to make configuration from Jenkins easier

  val enableMiMa = false

  lazy val buildSettings = Seq(
    organization := "com.typesafe.akka",
    version      := "2.4-SNAPSHOT",
    scalaVersion := Dependencies.Versions.scalaVersion,
    scalaBinaryVersion := System.getProperty("akka.scalaBinaryVersion", if (scalaVersion.value contains "-") scalaVersion.value else scalaBinaryVersion.value)

  lazy val root = Project(
    id = "akka",
    base = file("."),
    settings = parentSettings ++ Release.settings ++ unidocSettings ++ Publish.versionSettings ++
      SphinxDoc.akkaSettings ++ Dist.settings ++ s3Settings ++ mimaSettings ++ scaladocSettings ++
      GraphiteBuildEvents.settings ++ Protobuf.settings ++ Unidoc.settings(Seq(samples), Seq(remoteTests)) ++ Seq(
      parallelExecution in GlobalScope := System.getProperty("akka.parallelExecution", "false").toBoolean,
      Publish.defaultPublishTo in ThisBuild <<= crossTarget / "repository",
      Dist.distExclude := Seq(,,,, in S3.upload := "",
      S3.progress in S3.upload := true,
      mappings in S3.upload <<= (Release.releaseDirectory, version) map { (d, v) =>
        val downloads = d / "downloads"
        val archivesPathFinder = (downloads * ("*" + v + ".zip")) +++ (downloads * ("*" + v + ".tgz")) => (file -> ("akka/" + file.getName)))

      validatePullRequest <<= (unidoc in Compile, SphinxSupport.generate in Sphinx in docs) map { (_, _) => }
    aggregate = Seq(actor, testkit, actorTests, remote, remoteTests, camel, cluster, slf4j, agent,
      persistence, persistenceTck, zeroMQ, kernel, osgi, docs, contrib, samples, multiNodeTestkit)

  lazy val akkaScalaNightly = Project(
    id = "akka-scala-nightly",
    base = file("akka-scala-nightly"),
    // remove dependencies that we have to build ourselves (Scala STM, ZeroMQ Scala Bindings)
    // samples don't work with dbuild right now
    aggregate = Seq(actor, testkit, actorTests, remote, remoteTests, camel, cluster, slf4j,
      persistence, persistenceTck, kernel, osgi, contrib, multiNodeTestkit)

  lazy val actor = Project(
    id = "akka-actor",
    base = file("akka-actor")

  lazy val testkit = Project(
    id = "akka-testkit",
    base = file("akka-testkit"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor)

  lazy val actorTests = Project(
    id = "akka-actor-tests",
    base = file("akka-actor-tests"),
    dependencies = Seq(testkit % "compile;test->test")

  lazy val remote = Project(
    id = "akka-remote",
    base = file("akka-remote"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, actorTests % "test->test", testkit % "test->test")

  lazy val multiNodeTestkit = Project(
    id = "akka-multi-node-testkit",
    base = file("akka-multi-node-testkit"),
    dependencies = Seq(remote, testkit)

  lazy val remoteTests = Project(
    id = "akka-remote-tests",
    base = file("akka-remote-tests"),
    dependencies = Seq(actorTests % "test->test", multiNodeTestkit)
  ) configs (MultiJvm)

  lazy val cluster = Project(
    id = "akka-cluster",
    base = file("akka-cluster"),
    dependencies = Seq(remote, remoteTests % "test->test" , testkit % "test->test")
  ) configs (MultiJvm)

  lazy val slf4j = Project(
    id = "akka-slf4j",
    base = file("akka-slf4j"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, testkit % "test->test")

  lazy val agent = Project(
    id = "akka-agent",
    base = file("akka-agent"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, testkit % "test->test")

  lazy val persistence = Project(
    id = "akka-persistence-experimental",
    base = file("akka-persistence"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, remote % "test->test", testkit % "test->test")

  lazy val persistenceTck = Project(
    id = "akka-persistence-experimental-tck",
    base = file("akka-persistence-tck"),
    dependencies = Seq(persistence % "compile;test->test", testkit % "compile;test->test")

  lazy val zeroMQ = Project(
    id = "akka-zeromq",
    base = file("akka-zeromq"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, testkit % "test;test->test")

  lazy val kernel = Project(
    id = "akka-kernel",
    base = file("akka-kernel"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, testkit % "test->test")

  lazy val camel = Project(
    id = "akka-camel",
    base = file("akka-camel"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, slf4j, testkit % "test->test")

  lazy val osgi = Project(
    id = "akka-osgi",
    base = file("akka-osgi"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor)

  lazy val samples = Project(
    id = "akka-samples",
    base = file("akka-samples"),
    settings = parentSettings ++ ActivatorDist.settings,
    aggregate = Seq(camelSampleJava, camelSampleScala, mainSampleJava, mainSampleScala,
          remoteSampleJava, remoteSampleScala, clusterSampleJava, clusterSampleScala,
          fsmSampleScala, persistenceSampleJava, persistenceSampleScala,
          multiNodeSampleScala, helloKernelSample, osgiDiningHakkersSample)

  lazy val camelSampleJava = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-camel-java",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-camel-java"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, camel),
    settings = sampleSettings ++ Seq(libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.camelSample)

  lazy val camelSampleScala = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-camel-scala",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-camel-scala"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, camel),
    settings = sampleSettings ++ Seq(libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.camelSample)

  lazy val fsmSampleScala = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-fsm-scala",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-fsm-scala"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor),
    settings = sampleSettings

  lazy val mainSampleJava = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-main-java",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-main-java"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor),
    settings = sampleSettings

  lazy val mainSampleScala = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-main-scala",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-main-scala"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor),
    settings = sampleSettings

  lazy val helloKernelSample = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-hello-kernel",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-hello-kernel"),
    dependencies = Seq(kernel),
    settings = sampleSettings

  lazy val remoteSampleJava = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-remote-java",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-remote-java"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, remote),
    settings = sampleSettings

  lazy val remoteSampleScala = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-remote-scala",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-remote-scala"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, remote),
    settings = sampleSettings

  lazy val persistenceSampleJava = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-persistence-java",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-persistence-java"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, persistence),
    settings = sampleSettings

  lazy val persistenceSampleScala = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-persistence-scala",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-persistence-scala"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, persistence),
    settings = sampleSettings

  lazy val docs = Project(
    id = "akka-docs",
    base = file("akka-docs"),
    dependencies = Seq(actor, testkit % "test->test",
      remote % "compile;test->test", cluster, slf4j, agent, zeroMQ, camel, osgi,
      persistence % "compile;test->test", persistenceTck)

  lazy val contrib = Project(
    id = "akka-contrib",
    base = file("akka-contrib"),
    dependencies = Seq(remote, remoteTests % "test->test", cluster, persistence)
  ) configs (MultiJvm)

  lazy val clusterSampleJava = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-cluster-java",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-cluster-java"),
    dependencies = Seq(cluster, contrib, remoteTests % "test", testkit % "test"),
    settings = multiJvmSettings ++ sampleSettings ++ Seq(
      libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.clusterSample,
      javaOptions in run ++= Seq(
        "-Xms128m", "-Xmx1024m"),
      Keys.fork in run := true,
      // disable parallel tests
      parallelExecution in Test := false,
      extraOptions in MultiJvm <<= (sourceDirectory in MultiJvm) { src =>
        (name: String) => (src ** (name + ".conf"))"-Dakka.config=" + _.absolutePath).toSeq
  ) configs (MultiJvm)

  lazy val clusterSampleScala = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-cluster-scala",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-cluster-scala"),
    dependencies = Seq(cluster, contrib, remoteTests % "test", testkit % "test"),
    settings = multiJvmSettings ++ sampleSettings ++ Seq(
      libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.clusterSample,
      javaOptions in run ++= Seq(
        "-Xms128m", "-Xmx1024m"),
      Keys.fork in run := true,
      // disable parallel tests
      parallelExecution in Test := false,
      extraOptions in MultiJvm <<= (sourceDirectory in MultiJvm) { src =>
        (name: String) => (src ** (name + ".conf"))"-Dakka.config=" + _.absolutePath).toSeq
  ) configs (MultiJvm)

  lazy val multiNodeSampleScala = Project(
    id = "akka-sample-multi-node-scala",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-multi-node-scala"),
    dependencies = Seq(multiNodeTestkit % "test", testkit % "test"),
    settings = multiJvmSettings ++ sampleSettings ++ experimentalSettings ++ Seq(
      libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.multiNodeSample,
      // disable parallel tests
      parallelExecution in Test := false,
      extraOptions in MultiJvm <<= (sourceDirectory in MultiJvm) { src =>
        (name: String) => (src ** (name + ".conf"))"-Dakka.config=" + _.absolutePath).toSeq
  ) configs (MultiJvm)

  lazy val osgiDiningHakkersSample = Project(id = "akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers"),
    settings = parentSettings ++ osgiSampleSettings
  ) aggregate(osgiDiningHakkersSampleApi, osgiDiningHakkersSampleCommand, osgiDiningHakkersSampleCore,
      osgiDiningHakkersSampleIntegrationTest, uncommons)

  lazy val osgiDiningHakkersSampleApi = Project(id = "akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers-api",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers/api"),
    settings = sampleSettings ++ osgiSampleSettings ++ OSGi.osgiDiningHakkersSampleApi

  lazy val osgiDiningHakkersSampleCommand = Project(id = "akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers-command",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers/command"),
    settings = sampleSettings ++ osgiSampleSettings ++ OSGi.osgiDiningHakkersSampleCommand ++ Seq(
      libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.osgiDiningHakkersSampleCommand
  ) dependsOn (osgiDiningHakkersSampleApi, actor)

  lazy val osgiDiningHakkersSampleCore = Project(id = "akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers-core",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers/core"),
    settings = sampleSettings ++ osgiSampleSettings ++ OSGi.osgiDiningHakkersSampleCore ++ Seq(
      libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.osgiDiningHakkersSampleCore
  ) dependsOn (osgiDiningHakkersSampleApi, actor, remote, cluster, persistence, osgi)

  lazy val osgiDiningHakkersSampleTest = Project(id = "akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers-test",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers/integration-test"),
    settings = sampleSettings ++ osgiSampleSettings ++ OSGi.osgiDiningHakkersSampleCore ++ Seq(
      libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.osgiDiningHakkersSampleTest
  ) dependsOn (osgiDiningHakkersSampleCommand, osgiDiningHakkersSampleCore, testkit )

  //TODO to remove it as soon as the uncommons gets OSGified, see ticket #2990
  lazy val uncommons = Project(id = "akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers-uncommons",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers/uncommons"),
    settings = sampleSettings ++ osgiSampleSettings ++ OSGi.osgiDiningHakkersSampleUncommons ++ Seq(
      libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.uncommons,
      // allow publishLocal/publishM2 to overwrite
      isSnapshot := true,
      version := "1.2.0"

  def executeMvnCommands(failureMessage: String, commands: String*) = {
    if ({List("sh", "-c", commands.mkString("cd akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers; mvn ", " ", "")) !} != 0)
      throw new Exception(failureMessage)

  lazy val osgiDiningHakkersSampleIntegrationTest = Project(id = "akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers-integration",
    base = file("akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers-integration"),
    settings = sampleSettings ++ osgiSampleSettings ++ (
      if (System.getProperty("akka.osgi.sample.test", "true").toBoolean) Seq(
        test in Test ~= { x => {
          executeMvnCommands("Osgi sample Dining hakkers test failed", "clean", "install")
        // force publication of artifacts to local maven repo
        compile in Compile <<=
          (publishM2 in actor, publishM2 in testkit, publishM2 in remote, publishM2 in cluster, publishM2 in osgi,
              publishM2 in slf4j, publishM2 in persistence, compile in Compile) map
            ((_, _, _, _, _, _, _, c) => c))
      else Seq.empty
  ) dependsOn(osgiDiningHakkersSampleApi, osgiDiningHakkersSampleCommand, osgiDiningHakkersSampleCore, uncommons)

  lazy val osgiSampleSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(target :=  baseDirectory.value / "target-sbt")

  // Settings

  override lazy val settings =
    super.settings ++
    buildSettings ++
      shellPrompt := { s => Project.extract(s) + " > " }
    ) ++

  lazy val baseSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Publish.settings

  lazy val parentSettings = baseSettings ++ Seq(
    publishArtifact := false,
    reportBinaryIssues := () // disable bin comp check

  lazy val sampleSettings = defaultSettings ++ docFormatSettings ++ Seq(
    publishArtifact in (Compile, packageBin) := false,
    reportBinaryIssues := () // disable bin comp check

  lazy val experimentalSettings = Seq(
    description := """|This module of Akka is marked as
                      |experimental, which means that it is in early
                      |access mode, which also means that it is not covered
                      |by commercial support. An experimental module doesn't
                      |have to obey the rule of staying binary compatible
                      |between minor releases. Breaking API changes may be
                      |introduced in minor releases without notice as we
                      |refine and simplify based on your feedback. An
                      |experimental module may be dropped in major releases
                      |without prior deprecation.

  val (mavenLocalResolver, mavenLocalResolverSettings) =
    System.getProperty("") match {
      case null => (Resolver.mavenLocal, Seq.empty)
      case path =>
        // Maven resolver settings
        val resolver = Resolver.file("user-publish-m2-local", new File(path))
        (resolver, Seq(
          otherResolvers := resolver:: publishTo.value.toList,
          publishM2Configuration := Classpaths.publishConfig(packagedArtifacts.value, None, resolverName =, checksums =, logging = ivyLoggingLevel.value)

  lazy val resolverSettings = {
    // should we be allowed to use artifacts published to the local maven repository
    if(System.getProperty("", "false").toBoolean)
      Seq(resolvers += mavenLocalResolver)
    else Seq.empty
  } ++ {
    // should we be allowed to use artifacts from sonatype snapshots
    if(System.getProperty("", "false").toBoolean)
      Seq(resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots"))
    else Seq.empty
  } ++ Seq(
    pomIncludeRepository := (_ => false) // do not leak internal repositories during staging

  lazy val defaultSettings = baseSettings ++ mimaSettings ++ resolverSettings ++ TestExtras.Filter.settings ++
    Protobuf.settings ++ Seq(
    // compile options
    scalacOptions in Compile ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-8", "-target:jvm-1.6", "-deprecation", "-feature", "-unchecked", "-Xlog-reflective-calls", "-Xlint"),
    javacOptions in compile ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-8", "-source", "1.6", "-target", "1.6", "-Xlint:unchecked", "-Xlint:deprecation"),
    javacOptions in doc ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-8", "-source", "1.6"),
    incOptions := incOptions.value.withNameHashing(true),

    crossVersion := CrossVersion.binary,

    ivyLoggingLevel in ThisBuild := UpdateLogging.Quiet,

    licenses := Seq(("Apache License, Version 2.0", url(""))),
    homepage := Some(url("")),

    initialCommands :=
      """|import language.postfixOps
         |import ActorDSL._
         |import scala.concurrent._
         |import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
         |import scala.concurrent.duration._
         |import akka.util.Timeout
         |var config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.stdout-loglevel=INFO,akka.loglevel=DEBUG,pinned{type=PinnedDispatcher,executor=thread-pool-executor,throughput=1000}")
         |var remoteConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.remote.netty{port=0,,execution-pool-size=0},").withFallback(config)
         |var system: ActorSystem = null
         |implicit def _system = system
         |def startSystem(remoting: Boolean = false) { system = ActorSystem("repl", if(remoting) remoteConfig else config); println("don’t forget to system.shutdown()!") }
         |implicit def ec = system.dispatcher
         |implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)

     * Test settings

    parallelExecution in Test := System.getProperty("akka.parallelExecution", "false").toBoolean,
    logBuffered in Test := System.getProperty("akka.logBufferedTests", "false").toBoolean,

    // show full stack traces and test case durations
    testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument("-oDF"),

    // don't save test output to a file
    testListeners in (Test, test) := Seq(TestLogger(streams.value.log, {_ => streams.value.log }, logBuffered.value)),

    // -v Log "test run started" / "test started" / "test run finished" events on log level "info" instead of "debug".
    // -a Show stack traces and exception class name for AssertionErrors.
    testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "-v", "-a"),

    validatePullRequest <<= validatePullRequest.dependsOn(test in Test),
    // add reportBinaryIssues to validatePullRequest on minor version maintenance branch
    validatePullRequest <<= validatePullRequest.dependsOn(reportBinaryIssues)
  ) ++
    mavenLocalResolverSettings ++
    JUnitFileReporting.settings ++ StatsDMetrics.settings

  val validatePullRequest = TaskKey[Unit]("validate-pull-request", "Additional tasks for pull request validation")
  // the tasks that to run for validation is defined in defaultSettings
  val validatePullRequestTask = validatePullRequest := ()

  lazy val mimaIgnoredProblems = {
      // add filters here, see release-2.2 branch

  lazy val mimaSettings = mimaDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
    // MiMa
    previousArtifact := None,
    binaryIssueFilters ++= mimaIgnoredProblems

  def akkaPreviousArtifact(id: String, organization: String = "com.typesafe.akka", version: String = "2.3.0",
      crossVersion: String = "2.10"): Option[sbt.ModuleID] =
    if (enableMiMa) {
      val fullId = if (crossVersion.isEmpty) id else id + "_" + crossVersion
      Some(organization % fullId % version) // the artifact to compare binary compatibility with
    else None

  def loadSystemProperties(fileName: String): Unit = {
    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
    val file = new File(fileName)
    if (file.exists()) {
      println("Loading system properties from file `" + fileName + "`")
      val in = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8")
      val props = new Properties
      sys.props ++ props.asScala


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka AkkaBuild.scala source code file:

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