Akka/Scala example source code file (Dependencies.scala)
The Dependencies.scala Akka example source codepackage akka import sbt._ object Dependencies { object Versions { val scalaVersion = sys.props.get("akka.scalaVersion").getOrElse("2.10.4") val scalaStmVersion = sys.props.get("akka.build.scalaStmVersion").getOrElse("0.7") val scalaZeroMQVersion = sys.props.get("akka.build.scalaZeroMQVersion").getOrElse("0.0.7") val scalaTestVersion = sys.props.get("akka.build.scalaTestVersion").getOrElse("2.1.3") val scalaCheckVersion = sys.props.get("akka.build.scalaCheckVersion").getOrElse("1.11.3") } object Compile { import Versions._ // Several dependencies are mirrored in the OSGi Dining Hackers maven project // They need to be changed in this file as well: // akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers/pom.xml // Compile val camelCore = "org.apache.camel" % "camel-core" % "2.13.0" exclude("org.slf4j", "slf4j-api") // ApacheV2 // when updating config version, update links ActorSystem ScalaDoc to link to the updated version val config = "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.2.1" // ApacheV2 // mirrored in OSGi sample val netty = "io.netty" % "netty" % "3.8.0.Final" // ApacheV2 // mirrored in OSGi sample val protobuf = "com.google.protobuf" % "protobuf-java" % "2.5.0" // New BSD val scalaStm = "org.scala-stm" %% "scala-stm" % scalaStmVersion // Modified BSD (Scala) val slf4jApi = "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.7.5" // MIT val zeroMQClient = "org.zeromq" %% "zeromq-scala-binding" % scalaZeroMQVersion // ApacheV2 // mirrored in OSGi sample val uncommonsMath = "org.uncommons.maths" % "uncommons-maths" % "1.2.2a" exclude("jfree", "jcommon") exclude("jfree", "jfreechart") // ApacheV2 // mirrored in OSGi sample val osgiCore = "org.osgi" % "org.osgi.core" % "4.3.1" // ApacheV2 val osgiCompendium= "org.osgi" % "org.osgi.compendium" % "4.3.1" // ApacheV2 // mirrored in OSGi sample val levelDB = "org.iq80.leveldb" % "leveldb" % "0.7" // ApacheV2 // mirrored in OSGi sample val levelDBNative = "org.fusesource.leveldbjni" % "leveldbjni-all" % "1.7" // New BSD // Camel Sample val camelJetty = "org.apache.camel" % "camel-jetty" % camelCore.revision // ApacheV2 // Cluster Sample val sigar = "org.fusesource" % "sigar" % "1.6.4" // ApacheV2 // Test object Test { val commonsMath = "org.apache.commons" % "commons-math" % "2.1" % "test" // ApacheV2 val commonsIo = "commons-io" % "commons-io" % "2.4" % "test" // ApacheV2 val commonsCodec = "commons-codec" % "commons-codec" % "1.7" % "test" // ApacheV2 val junit = "junit" % "junit" % "4.10" % "test" // Common Public License 1.0 val logback = "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.0.13" % "test" // EPL 1.0 / LGPL 2.1 val mockito = "org.mockito" % "mockito-all" % "1.9.5" % "test" // MIT // changing the scalatest dependency must be reflected in akka-docs/rst/dev/multi-jvm-testing.rst // mirrored in OSGi sample val scalatest = "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalaTestVersion % "test" // ApacheV2 val scalacheck = "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % scalaCheckVersion % "test" // New BSD val pojosr = "com.googlecode.pojosr" % "de.kalpatec.pojosr.framework" % "0.2.1" % "test" // ApacheV2 val tinybundles = "org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles" % "tinybundles" % "1.0.0" % "test" // ApacheV2 val log4j = "log4j" % "log4j" % "1.2.14" % "test" // ApacheV2 val junitIntf = "com.novocode" % "junit-interface" % "0.8" % "test" // MIT // dining hakkers integration test using pax-exam // mirrored in OSGi sample val karafExam = "org.apache.karaf.tooling.exam" % "org.apache.karaf.tooling.exam.container" % "2.3.1" % "test" // ApacheV2 // mirrored in OSGi sample val paxExam = "org.ops4j.pax.exam" % "pax-exam-junit4" % "2.6.0" % "test" // ApacheV2 val scalaXml = "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "1.0.1" % "test" // metrics, measurements, perf testing val metrics = "com.codahale.metrics" % "metrics-core" % "3.0.1" % "test" // ApacheV2 val metricsJvm = "com.codahale.metrics" % "metrics-jvm" % "3.0.1" % "test" // ApacheV2 val latencyUtils = "org.latencyutils" % "LatencyUtils" % "1.0.3" % "test" // Free BSD val hdrHistogram = "org.hdrhistogram" % "HdrHistogram" % "1.1.4" % "test" // CC0 val metricsAll = Seq(metrics, metricsJvm, latencyUtils, hdrHistogram) } } import Compile._ val scalaXmlDepencency = (if (Versions.scalaVersion.startsWith("2.10")) Nil else Seq(Test.scalaXml)) val actor = Seq(config) val testkit = Seq(Test.junit, Test.scalatest) ++ Test.metricsAll val actorTests = Seq(Test.junit, Test.scalatest, Test.commonsCodec, Test.commonsMath, Test.mockito, Test.scalacheck, protobuf, Test.junitIntf) val remote = Seq(netty, protobuf, uncommonsMath, Test.junit, Test.scalatest) val remoteTests = Seq(Test.junit, Test.scalatest) ++ scalaXmlDepencency val cluster = Seq(Test.junit, Test.scalatest) val slf4j = Seq(slf4jApi, Test.logback) val agent = Seq(scalaStm, Test.scalatest, Test.junit) val persistence = Seq(levelDB, levelDBNative, protobuf, Test.scalatest, Test.junit, Test.commonsIo) ++ scalaXmlDepencency val persistenceTck = Seq(Test.scalatest.copy(configurations = Some("compile")), Test.junit.copy(configurations = Some("compile"))) val kernel = Seq(Test.scalatest, Test.junit) val camel = Seq(camelCore, Test.scalatest, Test.junit, Test.mockito, Test.logback, Test.commonsIo, Test.junitIntf) val camelSample = Seq(camelJetty) val osgi = Seq(osgiCore, osgiCompendium, Test.logback, Test.commonsIo, Test.pojosr, Test.tinybundles, Test.scalatest, Test.junit) val osgiDiningHakkersSampleCore = Seq(config, osgiCore, osgiCompendium) val osgiDiningHakkersSampleCommand = Seq(osgiCore, osgiCompendium) val osgiDiningHakkersSampleTest = Seq(osgiCore, osgiCompendium, Test.karafExam, Test.paxExam, Test.junit, Test.scalatest) val uncommons = Seq(uncommonsMath) val docs = Seq(Test.scalatest, Test.junit, Test.junitIntf) val zeroMQ = Seq(protobuf, zeroMQClient, Test.scalatest, Test.junit) val clusterSample = Seq(Test.scalatest, sigar) val contrib = Seq(Test.junitIntf, Test.commonsIo) val multiNodeSample = Seq(Test.scalatest) } 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