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Akka/Scala example source code file (Dependencies.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Dependencies.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, apachev2, bsd, cc0, dependencies, hdrhistogram, mit, new, seq, some, test

The Dependencies.scala Akka example source code

package akka

import sbt._

object Dependencies {

  object Versions {
    val scalaVersion = sys.props.get("akka.scalaVersion").getOrElse("2.10.4")
    val scalaStmVersion  = sys.props.get("").getOrElse("0.7")
    val scalaZeroMQVersion = sys.props.get("").getOrElse("0.0.7")
    val scalaTestVersion = sys.props.get("").getOrElse("2.1.3")
    val scalaCheckVersion = sys.props.get("").getOrElse("1.11.3")

  object Compile {
    import Versions._

    // Several dependencies are mirrored in the OSGi Dining Hackers maven project
    // They need to be changed in this file as well:
    //   akka-samples/akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers/pom.xml

    // Compile
    val camelCore     = "org.apache.camel"            % "camel-core"                   % "2.13.0" exclude("org.slf4j", "slf4j-api") // ApacheV2

    // when updating config version, update links ActorSystem ScalaDoc to link to the updated version
    val config        = "com.typesafe"                % "config"                       % "1.2.1"       // ApacheV2
    // mirrored in OSGi sample
    val netty         = "io.netty"                    % "netty"                        % "3.8.0.Final" // ApacheV2
    // mirrored in OSGi sample
    val protobuf      = ""         % "protobuf-java"                % "2.5.0"       // New BSD
    val scalaStm      = "org.scala-stm"              %% "scala-stm"                    % scalaStmVersion // Modified BSD (Scala)

    val slf4jApi      = "org.slf4j"                   % "slf4j-api"                    % "1.7.5"       // MIT
    val zeroMQClient  = "org.zeromq"                 %% "zeromq-scala-binding"         % scalaZeroMQVersion // ApacheV2
    // mirrored in OSGi sample
    val uncommonsMath = "org.uncommons.maths"         % "uncommons-maths"              % "1.2.2a" exclude("jfree", "jcommon") exclude("jfree", "jfreechart")      // ApacheV2
    // mirrored in OSGi sample
    val osgiCore      = "org.osgi"                    % "org.osgi.core"                % "4.3.1"       // ApacheV2
    val osgiCompendium= "org.osgi"                    % "org.osgi.compendium"          % "4.3.1"       // ApacheV2
    // mirrored in OSGi sample
    val levelDB       = "org.iq80.leveldb"            % "leveldb"                      % "0.7"         // ApacheV2
    // mirrored in OSGi sample
    val levelDBNative = "org.fusesource.leveldbjni"   % "leveldbjni-all"               % "1.7"         // New BSD

    // Camel Sample
    val camelJetty  = "org.apache.camel"              % "camel-jetty"                  % camelCore.revision // ApacheV2

    // Cluster Sample
    val sigar       = "org.fusesource"                   % "sigar"                        % "1.6.4"            // ApacheV2

    // Test

    object Test {
      val commonsMath  = "org.apache.commons"          % "commons-math"                 % "2.1"              % "test" // ApacheV2
      val commonsIo    = "commons-io"                  % "commons-io"                   % "2.4"              % "test" // ApacheV2
      val commonsCodec = "commons-codec"               % "commons-codec"                % "1.7"              % "test" // ApacheV2
      val junit        = "junit"                       % "junit"                        % "4.10"             % "test" // Common Public License 1.0
      val logback      = "ch.qos.logback"              % "logback-classic"              % "1.0.13"           % "test" // EPL 1.0 / LGPL 2.1
      val mockito      = "org.mockito"                 % "mockito-all"                  % "1.9.5"            % "test" // MIT
      // changing the scalatest dependency must be reflected in akka-docs/rst/dev/multi-jvm-testing.rst
      // mirrored in OSGi sample
      val scalatest    = "org.scalatest"              %% "scalatest"                    % scalaTestVersion   % "test" // ApacheV2
      val scalacheck   = "org.scalacheck"             %% "scalacheck"                   % scalaCheckVersion  % "test" // New BSD
      val pojosr       = "com.googlecode.pojosr"       % "de.kalpatec.pojosr.framework" % "0.2.1"            % "test" // ApacheV2
      val tinybundles  = "org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles"   % "tinybundles"                  % "1.0.0"            % "test" // ApacheV2
      val log4j        = "log4j"                       % "log4j"                        % "1.2.14"           % "test" // ApacheV2
      val junitIntf    = "com.novocode"                % "junit-interface"              % "0.8"              % "test" // MIT
      // dining hakkers integration test using pax-exam
      // mirrored in OSGi sample
      val karafExam    = "org.apache.karaf.tooling.exam" % "org.apache.karaf.tooling.exam.container" % "2.3.1" % "test" // ApacheV2
      // mirrored in OSGi sample
      val paxExam      = "org.ops4j.pax.exam"          % "pax-exam-junit4"              % "2.6.0"            % "test" // ApacheV2
      val scalaXml     = "org.scala-lang.modules"      %% "scala-xml"                   % "1.0.1"            % "test"

      // metrics, measurements, perf testing
      val metrics         = "com.codahale.metrics"        % "metrics-core"                 % "3.0.1"            % "test" // ApacheV2
      val metricsJvm      = "com.codahale.metrics"        % "metrics-jvm"                  % "3.0.1"            % "test" // ApacheV2
      val latencyUtils    = "org.latencyutils"            % "LatencyUtils"                 % "1.0.3"            % "test" // Free BSD
      val hdrHistogram    = "org.hdrhistogram"            % "HdrHistogram"                 % "1.1.4"            % "test" // CC0
      val metricsAll      = Seq(metrics, metricsJvm, latencyUtils, hdrHistogram)

  import Compile._

  val scalaXmlDepencency = (if (Versions.scalaVersion.startsWith("2.10")) Nil else Seq(Test.scalaXml))

  val actor = Seq(config)

  val testkit = Seq(Test.junit, Test.scalatest) ++ Test.metricsAll

  val actorTests = Seq(Test.junit, Test.scalatest, Test.commonsCodec, Test.commonsMath, Test.mockito, Test.scalacheck, protobuf, Test.junitIntf)

  val remote = Seq(netty, protobuf, uncommonsMath, Test.junit, Test.scalatest)

  val remoteTests = Seq(Test.junit, Test.scalatest) ++ scalaXmlDepencency

  val cluster = Seq(Test.junit, Test.scalatest)

  val slf4j = Seq(slf4jApi, Test.logback)

  val agent = Seq(scalaStm, Test.scalatest, Test.junit)

  val persistence = Seq(levelDB, levelDBNative, protobuf, Test.scalatest, Test.junit, Test.commonsIo) ++

  val persistenceTck = Seq(Test.scalatest.copy(configurations = Some("compile")), Test.junit.copy(configurations = Some("compile")))

  val kernel = Seq(Test.scalatest, Test.junit)

  val camel = Seq(camelCore, Test.scalatest, Test.junit, Test.mockito, Test.logback, Test.commonsIo, Test.junitIntf)

  val camelSample = Seq(camelJetty)

  val osgi = Seq(osgiCore, osgiCompendium, Test.logback, Test.commonsIo, Test.pojosr, Test.tinybundles, Test.scalatest, Test.junit)

  val osgiDiningHakkersSampleCore = Seq(config, osgiCore, osgiCompendium)

  val osgiDiningHakkersSampleCommand = Seq(osgiCore, osgiCompendium)

  val osgiDiningHakkersSampleTest = Seq(osgiCore, osgiCompendium, Test.karafExam, Test.paxExam, Test.junit, Test.scalatest)

  val uncommons = Seq(uncommonsMath)

  val docs = Seq(Test.scalatest, Test.junit, Test.junitIntf)

  val zeroMQ = Seq(protobuf, zeroMQClient, Test.scalatest, Test.junit)

  val clusterSample = Seq(Test.scalatest, sigar)

  val contrib = Seq(Test.junitIntf, Test.commonsIo)

  val multiNodeSample = Seq(Test.scalatest)

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka Dependencies.scala source code file:

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