Akka/Scala example source code file (TestExtras.scala)
The TestExtras.scala Akka example source codepackage akka import sbt._ import Keys._ import com.timgroup.statsd.{StatsDClientErrorHandler, NonBlockingStatsDClient} import sbt.testing.{TestSelector, Status, Event} import scala.util.Try import java.io.{InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, DataOutputStream, OutputStreamWriter} import java.net.{InetAddress, URLEncoder, HttpURLConnection, Socket} import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit.GitKeys._ object TestExtras { object JUnitFileReporting { val settings = Seq( // we can enable junit-style reports everywhere with this testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "-v", "-a", "-u", (target.value / "test-reports").getAbsolutePath), testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-u", (target.value / "test-reports").getAbsolutePath) ) } object GraphiteBuildEvents { val graphite = config("graphite") val enabled = settingKey[Boolean]("Set to true when you want to send build events to graphite; Enable with `-Dakka.sbt.graphite=true`") val host = settingKey[String]("Host where graphite is located (ip, or hostname)") val port = settingKey[Int]("Port on which graphite is listening, defaults to 80") private val notifier = settingKey[Option[GraphiteBuildNotifier]]("Notifies graphite about this build") val settings = SbtGit.settings ++ SbtGit.projectSettings ++ Seq( enabled in graphite := sys.props("akka.sbt.graphite") == "true", host in graphite := sys.props.get("akka.sbt.graphite.host").getOrElse(""), port in graphite := sys.props.get("akka.sbt.graphite.port").flatMap(p => Try(p.toInt).toOption).getOrElse(80), notifier := (enabled.in(graphite).value match { case true => Some(new GraphiteBuildNotifier(gitCurrentBranch.value, gitHeadCommit.value, host.in(graphite).value, port.in(graphite).value)) case _ => None }), // this wraps the test task in order to send events before and after it test in Test := Def.settingDyn { val g = notifier.value g.foreach(_.start()) // todo support complete(failed / successful) val task = (test in Test).taskValue andFinally { g.foreach(_.complete()) } Def.setting(task) }.value ) /** * Notifies graphite by sending an *event*, when a build starts. * It will be tagged as "akka-build" and "branch:...", for filtering in UIs. * * Event includes branch and commit id of the build that is running. */ class GraphiteBuildNotifier(branch: String, commitId: Option[String], host: String, port: Int) { private val url = new URL(s"http://$host:$port/events/") private val hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName private val marker = branch + commitId.fold("")(id => s" @ $id") private def json(what: String, tag: String, data: String = "") = s"""{ "what": "$what", "tags": "akka-build,branch:${sanitize(branch)},$tag", "data": "$data"}""".stripMargin def start(): Unit = send(s"Build started: $marker", data = "host = " + hostname, tag = "started") def complete(): Unit = send(s"Build completed: $marker", data = "host = " + hostname, tag = "completed") def send(msg: String, data: String, tag: String) = try { // specifically not using Akka-IO (even though I'd love to), in order to not make the akka build depend on akka itself val con = url.openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection] try { val bytes = json(msg, data, tag).getBytes("UTF-8") con.setDoOutput(true) // triggers POST con.connect() val out = new DataOutputStream(con.getOutputStream) try { out.write(bytes) out.flush() // sigh, if left un-consumed graphite wouldn't take the write (*really*)! consume(con) } finally { out.close() } } finally { con.disconnect() } } private def sanitize(s: String): String = s.replaceAll("""[^\w]+""", "-") private def consume(con: HttpURLConnection) { val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream)) var inputLine = "" try { while (inputLine != null) { inputLine = in.readLine() } } finally { in.close() } } } } object StatsDMetrics { val statsd = config("statsd") val enabled = settingKey[Boolean]("Set to true when you want to send stats to statsd; Enable with `-Dakka.sbt.statsd=true`") val prefix = settingKey[String]("Prefix given to all metrics sent to statsd") val host = settingKey[String]("Host where statsd is located (ip, or hostname)") val port = settingKey[Int]("Port on which statsd is listening, defaults to 8125") val settings = Seq( // configuration enabled in statsd := sys.props("akka.sbt.statsd") == "true", prefix in statsd := Option(sys.props("akka.sbt.statsd.prefix")).getOrElse("akka_master"), host in statsd := Option(sys.props("akka.sbt.statsd.host")).getOrElse(""), port in statsd := Option(sys.props("akka.sbt.statsd.port")).flatMap(p => Try(p.toInt).toOption).getOrElse(8125), testListeners in(Test, test) ++= { // for `test` enabled.in(statsd).value match { case true => Seq(StatsDTestListener(streams.value.log, prefix.in(statsd).value, host.in(statsd).value, port.in(statsd).value)) case _ => Nil } }, testListeners ++= { // for `testOnly` enabled.in(statsd).value match { case true => Seq(StatsDTestListener(streams.value.log, prefix.in(statsd).value, host.in(statsd).value, port.in(statsd).value)) case _ => Nil } } ) case class StatsDTestListener(log: Logger, prefix: String, host: String, port: Int) extends TestsListener { var client: NonBlockingStatsDClient = _ override def doInit(): Unit = { log.info(s"Initialised StatsDTestsListener (sending stats to $host:$port)") client = new NonBlockingStatsDClient(prefix, host, port, new StatsDClientErrorHandler { override def handle(exception: Exception): Unit = log.error(exception.toString) }) } override def testEvent(event: TestEvent) { event.detail foreach { det => det.status match { case Status.Success => client.incrementCounter(testCounterKey(det, det.status)) client.recordExecutionTime(testTimerKey(det), det.duration.toInt) case status => client.incrementCounter(testCounterKey(det, status)) } } } override def endGroup(name: String, result: TestResult.Value) { // manual switch instead of toStringing class name all the time result match { case TestResult.Passed => client.incrementCounter(keySuccess(name)) case TestResult.Failed => client.incrementCounter(keyFail(name)) case TestResult.Error => client.incrementCounter(keyError(name)) } } override def endGroup(name: String, t: Throwable) { client.incrementCounter(keyError(name)) } override def startGroup(name: String) { // do nothing } override def doComplete(finalResult: TestResult.Value): Unit = { log.debug("Final test run result: " + finalResult) log.info("Shutting down StatsDTestsListener client...") if (client != null) client.stop() } private def testTimerKey(det: Event): String = s"${det.fullyQualifiedName}.${testSelectorToId(det.selector)}" private def testSelectorToId(sel: testing.Selector): String = sanitize(sel.asInstanceOf[TestSelector].testName()) private def testCounterKey(det: Event, status: Status): String = s"${sanitize(det.fullyQualifiedName)}.${status.toString.toLowerCase}" private def keySuccess(fullyQualifiedName: String): String = fullyQualifiedName + ".success" private def keyFail(fullyQualifiedName: String): String = fullyQualifiedName + ".fail" private def keyError(fullyQualifiedName: String): String = fullyQualifiedName + ".error" private def sanitize(s: String): String = s.replaceAll("""[^\w]""", "_") } } object Filter { object Keys { val excludeTestNames = settingKey[Set[String]]("Names of tests to be excluded. Not supported by MultiJVM tests. Example usage: -Dakka.test.names.exclude=TimingSpec") val excludeTestTags = settingKey[Set[String]]("Tags of tests to be excluded. It will not be used if you specify -Dakka.test.tags.only. Example usage: -Dakka.test.tags.exclude=long-running") val onlyTestTags = settingKey[Set[String]]("Tags of tests to be ran. Example usage: -Dakka.test.tags.only=long-running") } import Keys._ private[Filter] object Params { val testNamesExclude = systemPropertyAsSeq("akka.test.names.exclude").toSet val testTagsExlcude = systemPropertyAsSeq("akka.test.tags.exclude").toSet val testTagsOnly = systemPropertyAsSeq("akka.test.tags.only").toSet } def settings = { Seq( excludeTestNames := Params.testNamesExclude, excludeTestTags := { if (onlyTestTags.value.isEmpty) Params.testTagsExlcude else Set.empty }, onlyTestTags := Params.testTagsOnly, // add filters for tests excluded by name testOptions in Test <++= excludeTestNames map { _.toSeq.map(exclude => Tests.Filter(test => !test.contains(exclude))) }, // add arguments for tests excluded by tag testOptions in Test <++= excludeTestTags map { tags => if (tags.isEmpty) Seq.empty else Seq(Tests.Argument("-l", tags.mkString(" "))) }, // add arguments for running only tests by tag testOptions in Test <++= onlyTestTags map { tags => if (tags.isEmpty) Seq.empty else Seq(Tests.Argument("-n", tags.mkString(" "))) } ) } def containsOrNotExcludesTag(tag: String) = { Params.testTagsOnly.contains(tag) || !Params.testTagsExlcude(tag) } def systemPropertyAsSeq(name: String): Seq[String] = { val prop = sys.props.get(name).getOrElse("") if (prop.isEmpty) Seq.empty else prop.split(",").toSeq } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka TestExtras.scala source code file: |
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